Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 55:59:14
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Being the first to pave the way for others is a unique calling for many of us striving to live a life of purpose and integrating that purpose into our business. I started Fresh Tracks because I don't believe in building cookie-cutter businesses. As individual as each of us are, I believe you are most successful when you listen to your intuition, honor your unique gifts, and create your business your way. And that often means not doing things the way everyone else does. This podcast was created to share ideas, best practices, and bring thought leaders together to help you create fresh tracks in your life and business.


  • Trusting Yourself and Why it's Essential to Your Success

    02/06/2015 Duración: 30min

    Episode 17 – In this episode of Fresh Tracks we take an in-depth look at trust. Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you have – it’s the foundation of every other relationship you have. The fact is there is no blueprint from starting and running a successful business and carving Fresh Tracks in this world. If there was everyone would be doing it. Life is one course correction after another. Trusting yourself is a must for you to have the confidence to cut fresh tracks. What effect does not trusting yourself have on your life? How does it affect your business results? To trust yourself you have to know yourself, really know yourself and be conscious of what might trigger you to not trust yourself and give yourself time and space to get grounded and make the right decision. Kelly shares insights into how to tell if you don’t trust yourself – you might not even know you don’t! We then look at what a healthy level of self-trust actually looks like and then have several insights into

  • How your Presence and Energy Levels Affect Business Success

    26/05/2015 Duración: 35min

    In Episode 16 of Fresh Tracks, Jennifer Faimon shares with us how to deal with the stress of starting and growing a business and not lose yourself while cutting fresh tracks in your life. Jennifer talks about how to be ‘body aware’ so you can continue to be creative and success. Also how to create a presence, not based on your weight, but based on the way you know who you are. It shows in your aura and your way of being. Jennifer shares the roles mindset, alignment and teaching play in creating a healthy lifestyle. How to set yourself up for being aware of how you are being – the only way to do that is through creating new rituals, new habits. We also delve into how Jennifer herself has cut Fresh Tracks in the personal training industry and taken her passion of helping people with their health and broke through industry norms and looked at how she could build her life and business her way.  2:20 – Making time to take care of yourself when life is so busy 5:40 – Why mindset plays such an important role in your

  • Selling More in Today's Economy

    19/05/2015 Duración: 30min

    Episode 15 – Fresh Tracker Bob Burg, co-author of the international bestseller, The Go-Giver, talks about shifting your focus from “getting to giving”. He tells us the results are far from just nice…it’s also very financially profitable! When you can take your focus off yourself and shift it onto how you can be an asset of value to other people, you’ll plant seeds of goodwill — of great will — that will come back to you many, many times over. And, not because of some magical, mystical type of thinking, but because it makes absolutely practical sense.Are you wondering if this isn’t more feel-goody, new-agey stuff that doesn’t work in the real-world?” Or, even, “Sure, maybe when the economy is good, but now we have to fight for everything we get.” In other words, isn’t what he’s saying simply naive? Actually, not only is it not naive, it’s quite practical. And, again…for very concrete reasons that you’ll learn, benefit from, and most likely utilize for the rest of your life. Bob has built his business, and show

  • How to Create a Super Engaged Online Community

    12/05/2015 Duración: 28min

    In episode 14 of Fresh Tracks, Jordana Jaffe shares her secrets to starting and growing a thriving and engaged Facebook group. Jordana explains how Facebook groups can be an awesome way to create a private and safe community for your tribe to share with each other and participate in a vulnerable way. Jordana compares Facebook groups to creating a virtual home where people are invited in (versus a traditional Facebook page everyone can see and join), and provides tips to create a space for support and collaboration among members. Jordana’s active Facebook group, Gena + Jordana & Your Magical Business, has grown to over 2600 people in less than six months! Engagement, direction and setting boundaries are the big takeaways. Her frustration with the limits of Facebook pages and the coziness of creating a closed group are what inspired her passion to create her own Facebook community. Learn about Jordana’s go-first principle and it’s effectiveness in creating dialogue, openness and vulnerability in her group i

  • Bridging the Gap from Purpose to Profits

    05/05/2015 Duración: 36min

    Episode 013 - In this episode of Fresh Tracks, Angella Johnson talks about money, trust and the significance of discovering what’s important to you when building your business. Angella shares her story of how building a six-figure business doesn’t necessarily mean more money! She also explains how important it is to heal your money stories and learn to be with money in a productive way before you make it. Many of us are taught to follow formulas and step-by-step processes to grow our businesses. Yet, we never take the time to be sure the steps we take are authentic and right for us. Angella teaches not to blindly follow what others say without checking in with ourselves. Learning to trust ourselves and using our intuition is imperative to creating the lifestyle and business we desire. 1:10 – How Angella’s first trip to Africa was her first money mindset shift 4:40 – Why it’s important you learn how to be with money in a productive way6:42 – Building a business isn’t about following a formula. It’s really abou

  • Rituals to Riches

    28/04/2015 Duración: 33min

    Episode 12 - In this episode of Fresh Tracks Karen Fagen shares with us her three Rituals to Riches and how, as a single mom, Karen used the three rituals she teaches to build a multiple six figure business by focusing on feeling good from within and exploring what faith means to her. Karen shares how to create happiness every day and balancing living the life you want while running and building a business. In this Fresh Tracks episode you’ll discover how to stop hitting that snooze button and jump out of bed feeling alive and excited about the day! Karen discusses how filling yourself up with clarity, intention and focus allows you to create more money & freedom. Uncovering the secrets to focusing on what's most important in your business and life allows you to implement your priorities consistently – which leads to a consistent monthly income. 1:20 – Karen’s two secrets to building a multi-six figure business as a single mom4:01 – The first ritual to riches 8:36 – What it really means when you struggle

  • Your Word as Law and the Power of Manifesting

    21/04/2015 Duración: 37min

    Episode 011 – In this episode of Fresh Tracks, Kelly Robbins, MA takes an in-depth look at the power of our words. How would your life change if you realized every thought, every word you say, every thought you think becomes reality? Words are not simply symbols or sounds, they are a force. The power of your word is stated in the bible – In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God. In this episode of Fresh Tracks Kelly discusses how this statement applies to you and your business. As a marketer, creator, business writer, your life and career is about using your words in a certain way. With intention. Your ability to create anything – money, love, happiness – starts with you. Kelly discusses how to use the power of your word to manifest what you want, and if you are struggling to manifest your desires some tips to look out for. The power of your word extends to your ability to make money in your marketing materials and has a direct correlation to your integrity with your word

  • Your Business as the Divine Self-Expression of Your Soul’s Purpose

    14/04/2015 Duración: 42min

    Episode 10 - In this episode of Fresh Tracks Dr. Vanessa Moon shares her wisdom on how our soul's purpose is often expressed through our business. Dr. Vanessa believes your business is the divine self-expression of your soul’s purpose. While there are certain fundamental rules about running a profitable business, the ways in which to do that are as varied as the souls involved. In the end, the only right way is the one that works for you. How can you discover the right way for you? Dr. Vanessa reviews what each of the eight divine energy centers are and examines how each of them have unique strengths and purposes on the planet. Making even subtle shifts in how we serve others, based on our energy centers, can make dramatic differences in our results. 1:24 – What IS a psychic business coach and what are the benefits of using one?5:47 – How to know if you are not working in alignment with your Soul’s purpose9:34 – Why every experience you have is for a reason, even the challenges14:42 – The eight divine energy

  • Recognizing and Valuing Your Unique Gifts

    07/04/2015 Duración: 31min

    Episode 09 – Why is it so important to know how special you are and what role does that play in business? How does this knowledge affect your ability to make money? I believe that each of us is unique, is on this planet for a specific reason. How is your behavior different when you KNOW you are a unique way God is seeking to express itself? The truth is this knowledge affects your sales. Your self-confidence. Your ability to succeed. The key to individual success is in knowing that you have a contribution to make to the world that no one can make but you. In this episode of Fresh Tracks we’ll look at how to recognize what our own unique gifts are and how to use them in business. What you know to be true about yourself is what you bring to reality – a look at your reality right now is a great check-in for where you are at. We also spend some time examining resistance. What might that look like and what should you do if you find yourself in resistance.  5:08 – The concept of spiritual self- esteem and what that

  • Why Boutique Practices Lead to Better Clients, More Income

    31/03/2015 Duración: 37min

    Episode 08 – How can turning your business into a boutique practice lead to better clients and more income? Listen to this week’s Fresh Tracker Melissa Galt, founder of Prosper by Design, as she shares how creating a boutique business made a significant difference in both her happiness and her income! Melissa shares why she is an advocate for designing a joyful business and some best practices for making more money and loving your life at the same time. Melissa goes in-depth on the difference between an everyday business and a boutique business and how a few strategic decisions can lead to your business being one vs. the other. She includes some advice on the powerful impact saying NO to certain people can make. Melissa wraps up the interview sharing best practices for staying out of social media overwhelm. Show Notes: 5:19 – Is it possible to create a joyful business?6:32 – Wrapping your business around your life rather than your life around your business7:34 – The fastest route to creating a successful bus

  • The Power of Alignment

    24/03/2015 Duración: 44min

    Episode 007 - Discover the Power of Alignment in Business. In this Fresh Tracks interview with Darla LeDoux, founder of Aligned Entrepreneurs, Darla shares with us what it means to be in alignment in life and business. Darla shares her exciting journey from Chemical Engineer to Entrepreneur and how she has built a multi 6-figure business by being in alignment herself. Darla shares how dramatically being out of alignment can affects results in our business, common ways we get out of alignment, and how us being out of alignment unconsciously affects the people we are in conversation with. Darla shares some great examples of how being out of alignment has impacted others in their businesses and provides tips to recognize when we are out of alignment and how to flip the switch! 2:00 Darla’s journey from Chemical Engineer to Entrepreneur7:10 What it means to be an Aligned Entrepreneur and how your subconscious programming might sabotage that9:18 Why external motivation doesn’t cut it for the aligned entrepreneur12

  • How to Finally Leap from Employee to Entrepreneur

    17/03/2015 Duración: 55min

    Episode 006 -- In this episode of Fresh Tracks we are speaking with Entrepreneur Launcher Debbie Delgado. Debbie shares with us what it really takes to start your own business, how to know what type of business is right for you, and brings awareness to sabotaging behaviors no one talks about that kill any chances of success. Debbie's journey from corporate employee to successful entrepreneur was filled with unexpected surprises (and some shocks!) that paints a picture of support and creativity. Debbie shares how claiming your own unique gifts and discovering your purpose are imperative to aligning every choice you make with who you are. Debbie offers excellent insight and advice for those considering making the leap from employee to entrepreneur! 2:30: Discovering what you really want to be doing and realizing what you need to change in order to get that. 4:53 Debbie’s waking up -- her journey from employee to entrepreneur 8:00 When you KNOW what you are doing for work is not right 11:00 What starting your bu

  • Episode 05 - Staying Grounded and Using Your Intuition When Writing

    09/03/2015 Duración: 50min

    Episode 005 - In this episode of Fresh Tracks we're speaking with Trish Kapinos, founder of Joy Rising. Trish shares with us the importance of grounding and using our intuition.Trish first goes in-depth on what it means to grounded and how to ground ourselves and stay grounded. She then guides us in creating our individual writing space and what it means to create a 'writing vibration'. Finally we spend time talking about our intuition - what are the 4 different ways people receive intuition and how to know which one is your primary method. We wrap up the interview learning how to break through writer's block AND get more done in less time by listening to our bodies natural rhythms.Show Notes:2:24  What does it mean to be grounded? Physically, electrically and its’ connection with the earth6:05  Health benefits of grounding. Getting out of our heads and into our bodies, how this applies to writing9:33  How to know if you are grounded or not grounded12:20 Things we can do to help us ground17:12 Best practice

  • Episode 04 - How and Why to Share Your Story in Business

    26/02/2015 Duración: 41min

    Episode 04 - In this episode of Fresh Tracks we're talking with Madeleine Eno, copywriter and founder of She explains why it's so important to share your unique story in your business and your marketing. It's what makes you different and it's the why and how you are cutting your own Fresh Tracks in this world. Madeleine shares best practices, common mistakes to avoid, and how to know when and where to use your stories to connect with your ideal client. 2:06 - Why we are hardwired for stories 5:57 - Where to use your story in marketing your business 8:29 - Why seeing own own story is often hard 13:41 - Mistakes people make when telling their story 15:22 - Why staying vague in storytelling is killer 17:44 - How to know when to tell certain parts of your story and when not to 21:35 - Looking professional vs. creating an invitation 22:45 - How we are designed to do what we do in this world 29:06 - Formulaic copywriting vs. using softer skills in copywriting 34:28 - Tips for folks that wan

  • Episode 3 - Marketing Funnel Step 3

    28/01/2015 Duración: 30min

    Episode 03 of Fresh Tracks with Kelly Robbins we take a deep look at why how you are 'being' when you create your marketing funnel effects your results. This third pillar of creating an effective marketing funnel, marketing vitality, is vital to the success of your business. 1:35 - What is marketing vitality and why does it matter? 4:36 - Building your spiritual self-esteem 8:28 - Recognizing unsupportive values and beliefs 15:32 - Entrepreneurs and how they generate energy 16:30 - 5 ways low self-esteem and lack of confidence show up in sales 19:13 - Why you have a responsiblity to present all the options to your clients 22:56 - Assuming prospects don't have enough money is a mistake 26:07 - Why it's imperative to ask for the sale on the spot Visit and download your free report on Marketing with SOUL.  

  • Episode 02 - Marketing Funnel Step 2

    25/01/2015 Duración: 25min

    Episode 02 of Fresh Tracks with Kelly Robbins we take a deep look at why you can create a marketing funnel that doesn't work. What's it lacking? We call it SOUL. What is SOUL in your marketing and why does it matter? 1:35 - What is SOUL in marketing? 4:35 - The role of your personal journey in marketing your business. 5:27 - How to know what your next step is. 7:14 - Is your marketing generic or does it have SOUL? 10:34 - Creating from a place of faith and purpose. 17:27 - Having a point of view in your marketing. 20:20 - How to know if your marketing funnel is working or not. Visit and get your Tracks to Cash video series.

  • Epidsode 01 - Your Marketing Funnel

    16/01/2015 Duración: 24min

    Epidsode 01 of Fresh Tracks with Kelly Robbins covers the first of three marketing essentials when creating your Marketing Funnel. Your Marketing Technique. 3:00 - What a marketing funnel is 6:40 - Important role the top of the marketing funnel plays in generating qualified leads 10:35 - Bringing your prospects through the funnel 11:59 - Most common mistakes marketers make 14:25 - Strategy and Systems 17:51 - Frequency of contact with prospects Visit and download your free report on Marketing with SOUL.  

  • Episode 00: About Fresh Tracks with Kelly Robbins

    14/01/2015 Duración: 09min

    There is nothing quite like being the first one to cut tracks in the powder on a bluebird day skiing. The connection to nature as you glide down, knowing you are the first to experience the run for the day and that no one else will see what you are seeing right in that moment is priceless.  Words can't express the feelings involved. The same feelings of connection, calmness and peace can be experienced when you are living life on purpose and bringing your vision to reality through your work. For many of us this involves speaking and living our truth and creating a business from that place. Being the first one to pave the way for the others that will be following is often our calling in business. You are probably here today because you have something important to say. Something others need to hear and.... It's personal. It's spiritual. It's unique to you. I can say with complete confidence that you wouldn't be here if you didn't have gifts to share with others. The interviews and information we'll share on our

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