Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 55:59:14
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Being the first to pave the way for others is a unique calling for many of us striving to live a life of purpose and integrating that purpose into our business. I started Fresh Tracks because I don't believe in building cookie-cutter businesses. As individual as each of us are, I believe you are most successful when you listen to your intuition, honor your unique gifts, and create your business your way. And that often means not doing things the way everyone else does. This podcast was created to share ideas, best practices, and bring thought leaders together to help you create fresh tracks in your life and business.


  • Ask. The Questions to Empower your Life

    09/03/2016 Duración: 37min

    Fresh Tracker Michael Jenet, author of Ask: The Questions to Empower Your Life, speaks with us about the role asking questions plays in our success. We start with discovering what questions we ARE asking ourselves and then branch into how asking intentional questions can bring us closer to what we want to create in our lives.  Michael shares that learning to retrain our brain to seek out positive outcome oriented-questions is a key to living a happy and successful life. In this week’s show we discover that our brains are like computers, and it’s our job to give our logical brain an out – especially when our life is not where we want it. There IS a ‘best’ kind of question you can ask! Learning to take control of our questions and to raise our IQ (Intentional Questioning) is the secret behind those who live happier fulfilling lives and those who merely survive it. Michael provides tips we can all use to retrain our brains, get unstuck in business, and have a deeper understanding of the powerful word “if” and th

  • Start with WHY

    01/02/2016 Duración: 38min

    Fresh Tracker Stephen Shedletzky of Simon Sinek's Start with WHY discusses the importance of knowing your ‘WHY’ in business and how keeping that top of mind will drastically affect your results. It’s often easy to explain what you do, even how you are different, but knowing why you do what you do and communicating that in your marketing inspires people to work with you. Knowing your personal WHY can change the course of your life and an interesting fact Stephen shares is that our why is fully formed by the time we are 20! Stephen shares how knowing yourself and your WHY absolutely changes your ability to achieve success. In the show Stephen shares success is defined by the individual and because of that, knowing your why is what allows you to achieve your success. Don’t know your why? Stephen walks us step-by-step through a discovery process you can do at home as well as ideas for how to keep your who top of mind throughout the day. Show Notes:1:30 – Why WHY? Why do we start with WHY and why is it so importan

  • Eat the Elephant: Overcoming Overwhelm

    12/01/2016 Duración: 32min

    Fresh Tracker Karolyn Blume, author of Eat the Elephant; Overcoming Overwhelm, speaks with us about the topic of overwhelm. What is it? How can you recognize when you are in overwhelm and what can you do to escape its lethal grip? Karolyn shares how getting to know ourselves on a deep level and developing an awareness of what we do that triggers overwhelm can help us actually prevent it before it starts. Entrepreneurs share several common triggers that trip us into overwhelm and, with awareness and practice, we can avoid them. Karolyn also shares strategies for working your way out of overwhelm if you do find yourself there. She wraps up the show with some excellent advice on actually retraining our brains to avoid overwhelm in the first place.Show Notes2:00 – Why eat the elephant?4:00 – How to recognize when you are in overwhelm 7:00 – Tips for avoiding overwhelm10:05 – Recognizing overwhelm as it’s coming – catch it before you are in knee-deep12:00 – How busyness can be an excuse to not do the task at hand1

  • Why the World Needs You to Be a Little Bit of Pirate Right Now

    09/12/2015 Duración: 36min

    Fresh Tracker Geno Church of Brains on Fire shares his insights into word of mouth marketing (WOMM) and its role in growing a small business. As a recent inductee into the WOMM Hall of Fame, Geno shares that successful WOMM is not about the technology (read it’s not about the tweets!) and provides simple tips for entrepreneurs to stand out and make a difference. Geno speaks on the importance of community and why community is so important in business today. Community, at its best, is a collective act that we share and enrich by all of us contributing, says Geno. Comparing our lives to pirates and the importance of doing good, Geno shares best practices for taking your idea of doing good and turning it into a business. Believe it or not – it starts with your knowledge of yourself and what you believe. Geno shares some exercises you can do at home to discover what that is for you. Show Notes:2:20 – WOMM. Why it’s not about the technology. Not about the doing. 6:20 – How we’ve gotten lazy in our marketing8:50 – A

  • 3 Steps to Manifesting Anything You Want

    18/11/2015 Duración: 27min

    Kelly Robbins, founder of the Fresh Tracks podcast, shares with us the three keys to manifesting anything you want. Sounds simple right? Whether it’s more money, a different job or feeling differently (such as happy vs mad all the time), we ALL have the innate ability to manifest. The simple truth is no one teaches us how to manifest what we want with intention and so we struggle. Actually, what no one tells us is that we are ALWAYS manifesting – even when it’s what we don’t want. Which is crazy! All the things in your life that you have and you don’t want you are actually manifesting. You are just unconsciously manifesting it rather than manifesting with intention. In this week’s show Kelly also shares four of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to manifesting and in embracing personal development in general. Breaking through the ‘self-help shelf’ syndrome where many of us get stuck as well as how to recognize if you are stuck and breaking through it. Finally Kelly shares how asking the question ‘

  • Integrating Your Many Parts Is Where Creating Fresh Tracks Start

    10/11/2015 Duración: 22min

    Danielle Watson, founder of The Purse Process talks with us about the power of taking our many, oftentimes varied selves and integrating them into one that serves the world. How can we own that space in our own unique way? Danielle is a perfect example of this – she has taken her degree in archaeology and anthropology, a successful mobile yoga business owner, and the willingness to break the mold into becoming a successful coach. Danielle shares that reintegrating our many parts into one allows us to use our skills and knowledge in an unconventional way, which we call creating Fresh Tracks. Danielle took her purse process across the country and helps people take a deep, no-nonsense view of how their actions are affecting their results and how their beliefs are guiding their actions. And yes, she does all this by going through your purse! In this week’s show Danielle also shares her adventures doing her first Ted Talk and talks about her belief that every single person has the skills and knowledge that can be

  • It Takes a Little Crazy to Make a Difference

    02/11/2015 Duración: 35min

    Dafna Michaelson Jenet speaks with us about the importance of community, the value of being yourself in this world, and the relevance of focusing on solutions vs. problems. Dafna shares what she learned in her journey to visit 50 states in 52 weeks and how she, as a single mom, battled her own inner critic and the aggression of strangers and the loss of close friends while pursuing her dreams.   Dafna interviewed over 500 people across the US and discovered first hand why it really does take a little crazy to make a difference! Making decisions, looking at problems, and creating community requires us to do something outside of the norm – often in spite of what others say. Ready to step into your own business or take yours to the next level? Learn how to grow by understanding ‘What’s in it for me’ and taking it to ‘What’s in it for we’. Finally, Dafna shares the important role Jerry Springer (yes, you read that right) played in her life from a young age. Show Notes:1:30 – It takes a little crazy to make a diff

  • Power up for Profits

    26/10/2015 Duración: 26min

    Episode 30 – In this week’s show Kathleen Gage shares her insights on business building, and attracting high-level clients. Kathleen also reveals her secrets to creating a variety of income channels and information products that helped put her business on the map. Recognizing when to let go and what skills to use to make decisions are important factors to success Kathleen shares in this week’s show. What’s the difference between letting your ego make important decisions vs learning from the tough experiences we have in business? The answer might be tough for some to swallow! This inspirational powerhouse has not only been in business for over 20 years, but ran her first marathon for her 61st birthday! She shares the many dangers to running your business in a vacuum – a mistake many new entrepreneurs make. Also the time and place to make a stand for what you believe in and why it’s uber important you get comfortable with your beliefs. Kathleen shares with us her opinion of the most spiritual thing you can do –

  • The Conscious Millionaire

    20/10/2015 Duración: 45min

    Episode 29 – Is consciousness and millionaire status compatible? J V Crum III shares what it means to be a conscious millionaire and why so many people struggle to achieve this goal. Do we dare include the terms passion and purpose when discussing conscious millionaires? Not clear on what your purpose even is? J V shares some excellent exercises to help you uncover your true north – which is the pivotal direction for conscious millionaires to be headed. J V answers the question, “Do we all have the ability to become a millionaire”? You might be surprised by his answer! What is the best way for you to step into creating your own Fresh Tracks? It just might be the millionaire inner zone J V shares on the show! We also discuss the secrets of conscious millionaires and the role ‘perfect timing’ plays in creating your dreams – it is NOT a passive role! J V also shares his personal journey and powerful insights into the role choices and decisions make in creating the life and business of your dreams. Show Notes: 1:

  • How 'Doing the Right Thing' is Undermining Your Success

    13/10/2015 Duración: 27min

    Episode 28-- Kelly helps us see why and how doing things ‘the right way’ rather than ‘the right way for us’ is undermining our success. When we apply this pattern to business we end up with marketing that is technically correct but doesn’t work! In this week’s show Kelly reveals the five steps we all must be willing to take to break the bondages of years of training and conforming to ‘do the right thing’ and discover how to do what’s right for you.Do you have a corporate background? Your odds of doing the right thing have just increased tenfold! Years of approval by committee and legal departments have quickly sucked the creativity and uniqueness from your soul! Great news! You’ll also unlearn how to create from this space is all covered in this week’s show. Break this unwitnessed sabotaging pattern and begin to consistently attract the right clients to your door!Show notes:1:20 – Doing what’s right because we’re supposed to vs doing what’s right to you4:00 – Your instinct vs Your intellect8:34 – The number o

  • Can the Introvert be Influencial?

    09/09/2015 Duración: 37min

    Episode 27 – Influential communicator Kelly Sheets talks about the power of influence and shares insights into how and when we are actually being influential. How can we embrace the influence we already present in a more powerful and intentional way? Kelly shares that most of us go through each day wasting tons of energy because we are not centered. Kelly shares easy and insightful tips on how to get and stay centered and be influential throughout the day as well as how to approach business situations where you come from your own powerful influence. Who here would love to gain FOUR HOURS a day, besides me? That and more is possible when you learn about the energetics of influence and how to own your influence, says Kelly. We also examine the relationship between influence and leadership and how the two work together. The big question gets answered…..Are introverts influential? Listen in on this week’s Fresh Tracks to find out! Kelly shares tips for using your influence with intention and we also talked about

  • How Your Relationships Unconsciously Affect Your Business

    01/09/2015 Duración: 28min

    Episode 26 – What type of relationships should you allow in your life and do you need to create in order to cut Fresh Tracks? In this week’s show Kelly discusses both personal and professional relationships and how to become aware of both healthy and toxic relationships. Living consciously of how the relationships in your life affect you is a key component of living a life on purpose. It’s completely normal and healthy for relationships to come and go – some people are meant to be in your life for a period of time, not forever. Awareness of the different roles people have in our lives, the teachings they bring us, and when we need to make tough choices and consciously let go of some people is fundamental piece of this week’s show. Consciousness of the reality that when we change the people closest to us are forced to change as well permits us to give them the space and grace to adjust with love and kindness affects both of us. Kelly provides tips on how to handle situations where you have changed but the peo

  • The Path of Least Resistance

    05/08/2015 Duración: 32min

    Episode 25 – International best-selling author Robert Fritz joins us and discusses creating and the creative process itself. Robert delves into best practices for using the creative process in your life and business. What’s more important? To focus the mind or free the mind (which is more popular in psychology today). Robert also gives us tips on how to get started creating as adults and why it’s important for you as the creator to stay separate from your creation. Even when your creation is a business! A common mistake many people make is letting their creation become a part of their identity. The degree to which you make your business personal is the degree to which you can’t make mistakes. It’s harder for you to have critical judgement when you are taking your results personally. It’s not about you it’s about the thing you want to create. Finally, Robert shares the two common patterns when creating change which one leads to success. Show Notes 2:10 – The difference between problem solving and creating5:10

  • Living the Dream in Life and Business

    04/08/2015 Duración: 38min

    Episode 24 – Priscilla Stephan discusses creating what you desire in your life. What if you don’t know your desires? Priscilla has tips for helping you figure that out as well as how to live your personal and professional life holistically. Priscilla share the reality that we are either moving in the direction of our dreams or moving away from them. It’s important we consciously build evidence on why you can create your dreams (rather than why you can’t) and that takes practice and making a commitment every day to do that. Priscilla believes one of the hardest things we get to choose is giving ourselves permission to follow our own path and to stop apologizing for our desires. Listen in on today’s show and discover how to get clear on what constitutes a rich life for you. For example, what if you imagined your career as a lifestyle? Are you being externally driven by society and what everyone is telling you to do or are you allowing yourself to follow your own inner guidance? Priscilla discusses the importanc

  • Beyond the Edge: Making Money and Catapulting Your Business to the Next Level

    28/07/2015 Duración: 44min

    Episode 23: In this episode of Fresh Tracks I speak about Getting Beyond the Edge and how to catapult yourself to the next level. It’s where the true growth happens and it’s often the place we freeze before the money we seek arrives. I share insights into the journey many take when pursuing their purpose and where most people stop – the edge. You may have heard the saying that most people stop right when they are about to succeed. It’s true! If they had taken one more step or worked just one more day they would have made it. In today’s show I help you recognize if you might be at your edge, the only way to get past it, and steps you can take to set yourself up for success. Creating a business you love, designing your life your way, and living with passion and purpose are not the norms for the majority in today’s society. Discover your responsibilities if you choose to live your life this way, where most entrepreneurs drop the ball and how to build your business and make money, one solid step at a time. Show

  • Leadership of Self

    06/07/2015 Duración: 33min

    Episode 22 –Alexis Logan talks about what it means to be a leader as an entrepreneur and recognizing the importance of the impact we have on changing the lives of others. Leadership of self is an important place of consciousness and as a leader of self you are truly the embodiment of what you stand for. By walking your talk you are being a leader of what you believe and you doing so allows others to do the same. Understanding ourselves, pushing ourselves, and living the life we choose to is what makes us leaders. Alexis shares that starting a business is an evolution, and if you are not sure about who you are and what you stand for the best thing you can do is start taking action and be in relationship with others. It’s the best way to learn about yourself and what you stand for. Go out and create different experiences and engage in conversations is a great way to develop into the leader you are born to be. Alexis also shares how confidence presents in our physical body. Women pull their confidence from their

  • How to Stand out by Putting More of Your Personality In Your Business and Marketing

    30/06/2015 Duración: 37min

    Episode 21- Therese shares her stories and insights into owning your own value, being confident and comfortable talking about what you do, and sharing your personality in your marketing. Therese’s humor shines in today’s show as she shares many of her own stories on how she has mastered love, business and making money. If you want to be successful in business, particularly if selling to women, you must allow your personality to shine. Yet, many of us are afraid to be vulnerable and share our true selves with our community.Therese shares five tips on how to be conscious of how you react to situations in order to become aware of how you are being in your relationship with money. Being a grown-up and becoming conscious of your thoughts, actions and reactions about receiving in life is important to making and keeping your profits. Therese also shares how to get in resonance with money and why overcoming your money blocks are key to making the money you desire. Show Notes3:30 – Owning your value, talking about wha

  • Using Astrology as a Roadmap for Personal and Business Empowerment

    22/06/2015 Duración: 33min

    Episode 20 -- Rebekkah Hanson shares her insights into astrology and how we can use the knowledge of the universal energies to make better business decisions. Working with the flow of the universal energies rather than against them allows us to work with more ease because we are working within our natural talents rather than against them. Rebekkah also shares with us simple things we can look at to help guide our business decisions. When creating new products, businesses or even scheduling workshops or book launches it can be easier and more successful when you know your charts. By following the phases of the moon you can also know the best way to connect with prospects during a sales conversation – for example there are certain times when appealing to someone’s emotional needs is more effective than others. Finally, Rebekkah shares her insights on how to make the most of the dreaded mercury retrograde and how using the strengths of retrograde rather than fighting it is the best road to success. Show Notes:1:

  • Creativity and Creating a Joyful Business

    16/06/2015 Duración: 28min

    In Episode 19 of Fresh Tracks we speak with Laura West, founder of The Center for Joyful Business. Laura shares why it’s important to build your business from the inside – out, starting with yourself and why being happy and feeling fulfilled in your business makes you more likely to be creative, confident and innovative. Ultimately in a better place to serve your clients powerfully. Laura also provides techniques for settling yourself down and grounding you as well as get the inspiration flowing at the same time. Laura gives us tips on how to be more creative in business as well as what kind of results you can expect when you have fun while working. When you remember to have fun and bring passion and excitement to your work, you get dramatically different results than if you just check something off a list! Whether you consider yourself creative or not, knowing how to focus on moving forward in your business and still remembering to have fun will add more money and ultimately more fulfillment to your life. Sh

  • The Intersection of Talent and Genius

    09/06/2015 Duración: 21min

    Episode 18 – in this episode of Fresh Tracks we speak with Nancy Marmolejo on the subject of talent and genius. Nancy shares why knowing both your talent and genius are important to the very survival of your business. Your talent and genius not only serve as a beacon to your ideal clients, but allows you to make your work more fulfilling. With 8 out of 10 businesses failing in the first 18 months, Nancy believes failing to communicate your unique value is why so many great businesses are unsuccessful. Nancy believes everyone has a unique combination of life experience and natural strengths, which we’ve had since we were kids, which make us who we are today. In today’s world people are craving authenticity. As you find your genius you are really finding your true self and leading with it. Nancy’s background growing up in an entrepreneurial family and working as an inner city teacher really shaped how she is today and how her unique gifts allows her to see other people’s talent and genius. Not living from your

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