Risen Church Nc

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 364:14:09
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JustCare Ministries offers encouraging, convicting, and inspiring messages from God's Word with the goal of leading you in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so you can live a life for the Glory of your Creator!


  • Fallen: Phenomena - Genesis 12

    17/11/2020 Duración: 47min

    The story of Abraham is perhaps the greatest proof of our God's amazing grace. The world was deeply lost in sin, and had no recollection of the one true God. As nations developed and empty religions were established, God decided to start with one man and create His own nation, through which He reveal Himself to the world. God knew that to chart a course for redemption it would require grace upon grace being shown to whomever He chose. The grace He shows Abraham is astounding, yet shouldn't be all that surprising. This is God's character after all. Where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. Where our failures cause a wildfire of consequences, His mercy brings a flood of second chances. Abraham's story is one of great contrast. We see how damaging sin is in the lives of those it rules. We also see how redeeming God's grace is within the hearts of those He reaches. God's goodness to Abraham should humble us all, but also remind us all, that none of us are too far gone. Nothing is too hard for God to r

  • The Church: For the World - Acts 1:6-11

    17/11/2020 Duración: 38min

    With regards to the vision and mission of the Church, there isn't a more important passage of Scripture than Acts 1:6-11. Jesus has informed His small following that they were on the cusp of a brand new movement that would change the world. They were the only people on earth who knew of the promise and power of His Resurrection. This had to change. Jesus issues this Great Commission over His fledgling church, calling them to take this Good News of redemption and restoration to every corner of the world. He commands that Evangelism be their daily priority. Anticipating His improbable command, they suggest that there's too much working against them to make this a reality. The authorities that ruled locally and nationally had presided over Jesus' death, so their own demise was likely. Wouldn't the better option be to fast-forward to the end, and establish God's Kingdom? Was there any hope for the world anyways? Jesus hears that notion and gives a clear and convicting command, that rings loud in *our* ears

  • The Church: Keys to Success - Acts 1:1-5

    10/11/2020 Duración: 39min

    Luke set out to document and preserve the story behind a brand new movement that had taken his world by storm. In his first volume, he writes about a Jewish carpenter who's life and message intersected with both the Jewish and Roman worlds. He tells us how every detail of Jesus' story points to something bigger and beyond anyone's expectations. Perhaps what's most remarkable, defying even the belief of Jesus' own followers, the story doesn't end with Jesus' death. Reports of His resurrection swept the town, country, and soon after, the world. Acts tells of this story - How the Jesus movement launched after many thought it was dead. In Acts we learn about the gathering of people which Jesus had galvanized and commissioned to be evangelists, and how they would go on to build a movement that thrives all of these years later. In this first installment of "The Church", we learn the basic keys to success that catapulted the Jesus movement into the pages of history. We also find that these same ideals remain e

  • Fallen: No Difference - Genesis 6

    10/11/2020 Duración: 48min

    We often feel detached or inferior to the heroes of the Bible. We think they had something that we could never have. In reality, they were no different than we are. God used ordinary men and women over and over again in Scriptures. The heroes of our faith may be remembered as good and godly people, but they were also fallen people, just like us. In this message, we take a look at one of the most familiar heroes of Scripture, whose story ends with a rather embarrassing episode. Yet in spite of his fallen nature, God's grace was enough to save and sustain him. The same goes for us as well. God's grace is always enough. We will never be good enough, but God was always God enough.

  • Don't Stop Living - Philippians 1:21

    10/11/2020 Duración: 40min

    This world has a way of stunting our growth and life in Christ. The highs distract us. The lows overwhelm us. Is there a way for us to avoid riding the waves this world sends our way? Is there a better way to live? Of course there is. The Apostle Paul gives us the secret in Philippians 1.

  • Jesus 2020: Kingdom Come - Luke 17:20-37

    03/11/2020 Duración: 48min

    Jesus spent years campaigning for the hearts of Israel. Yet at the end, His message signaled that He was not building a literal kingdom, but something different. He began talking about the end of Israel and a time of certain unrest to come. Yet within that chaos, He promises that His Kingdom would still be established - not in a time or place, but in spirit. As the ages would pass, empires would rise and fall, but one thing would be certain, Jesus and His Church would persist. His Gospel would impact and change lives for the better much more than anything else. If we listen to His promises, we understand that His Kingdom has already come and He is the King of Kings. Jesus will never be on a ballot and His rule is not at risk of ending or ceding to someone else. If only we would give Him our hearts, and receive the peace of His rule today.

  • Undeniable: Follow Me Forever - John 21:15-25

    03/11/2020 Duración: 34min

    In our last edition of our "Undeniable" study, we find Jesus seeking to make one final impression on His Disciples. Three years before, Peter and John had met Jesus, and now on the same sea shore, they realize that their faith journey was just beginning. Jesus issues a familiar command to two of His oldest friends, as He shows us all the way one more time.

  • Undeniable: Resurrection Reality - John 21

    31/10/2020 Duración: 36min

    The Disciples tried to go back to life as usual after Jesus rose from the grave. However, they find out that it would be impossible to do so. They had seen too much and a brand new reality was before them. And as we find out in John 21, why on earth would they want to?

  • Jesus 2020: Even When - Matthew 10

    30/10/2020 Duración: 49min

    Jesus' most oft repeated commandment reveals the one thing He desires for us above everything else. The single greatest promise of Christianity is found in His invitation to "Fear Not". What if there was a way around being afraid, even when there was plenty to be afraid of? What if Jesus can help us overcome, instead of being overcome?

  • Pride Fall - Jeremiah 13

    25/10/2020 Duración: 39min

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, which is the most deadly sin of them all, which gives birth to every other evil thought, word, and deed? Most likely, we all will agree, yet most assuredly we all struggle against this evil force on a daily basis.

  • Undeniable: New Creation - John 20

    20/10/2020 Duración: 40min

    The Resurrection changed everything. John 20 is ground zero for the Christian Faith, for the New Creation. When we come to know the meaning and impact of Jesus' Resurrection, we won't be able to go back to life as it was before. We will walk away brand new creatures, filled with the peace and power of God.

  • Jesus 2020: The Kingdom Dream - Luke 12:13-21

    20/10/2020 Duración: 48min

    Every candidate for office tries to win our votes by promising us the best of everything. They cast an especially tantalizing vision concerning how we might find economic prosperity and security under their theoretical rule. Jesus was no different and in His campaign to win our hearts, He shows us the true secret to financial peace and freedom. However, it's unlike any plan this world promotes. While we often vote for what will give us more money to control and more control over our money, Jesus suggests a better way: Surrendering control of it all. Yes, Jesus shows us how in God's Kingdom we are not owners, but stewards. To be rich towards God is a much more desirable state than to be rich in this world. This radical invitation may fly in the face of the American Dream, but it leads us into making a Kingdom difference. We can find true peace and freedom when we learn to live with open hands, leveraging what we have for God's Kingdom. True joy can be found when we learn that giving is better than receiv

  • Undeniable: In The Garden - John 19:38-42

    20/10/2020 Duración: 40min

    Jesus' body was not buried in a grave. It was planted in a garden. In this lesson, we learn how one verse paints a beautiful picture of our Resurrection hope.

  • Undeniable: At the Cross - John 19:28-42

    07/10/2020 Duración: 35min

    Undeniable: At the Cross - John 19:28-42 by Risen Church NC

  • It's Personal: 2020 Opportunity - Galatians 6:1-10

    07/10/2020 Duración: 48min

    Paul gives a personal, passionate call for all "Spiritual" people to place themselves under the burden of those who have fallen or been weighed down by life. We may not understand or we may be indifferent towards their burden, but as Christians what we should see is a person in need of relief and restoration. As we have been restored by God's grace, and as God has seen a redeeming value in us, we extend this same hand towards others. Will we allow God’s heart of compassion and mercy to change ours, and be greater than our indignation or selfish ambitions? It’s easy to complain about wrong, be passionate about right, and be indignant towards the world... it’s easy to forget that we don’t deserve the good standing we have. But do you suppose God is pleased one bit with that kind of posture? “What breaks your heart?” - That’s the question we must ask ourselves. God often allows our hearts to be broken to align them with His own, to shape and direct our response. May God give his people a compassionate concern

  • It's Personal: The Living God - Galatians 4:1-11

    28/09/2020 Duración: 45min

    This world has us wrapped around its finger and marching to its beat in so many ways. We fall in line, for the most part, because we believe there is some peace, comfort or satisfaction awaiting at the end of each day, season or year. Time and time again, we put our hope in religion, institutions and rituals, to only come up empty. If only we had a way to something real and truly fulfilling... if only we could trade hope for a Living Hope! Jesus is this Living Hope and a relationship with Him brings His Living Spirit to our hearts. When we’re known by Him, He makes our hearts His home. We don't have to continue to be entangled in bondage, because Christ has broken this world's chains. By faith, we don’t have to accept bondage over freedom. No matter how we feel or what we face, our hope is in our God. He has moved in and in Him we can’t be moved. Every day can count by faith and in God's love. The elements of this world may stand over us, but they don’t live within us. We can stand up to them, because

  • Undeniable: Caesar's Friend - John 19:7-27

    28/09/2020 Duración: 37min

    John’s Gospel is full of characters who unwittingly play a crucial role in God’s redemption plan. Not the least of these featured people is Pontius Pilate. We all know Pilate’s role in the story of Jesus, but have we ever considered his motives? John gives us a look inside the mind of Pilate, as he faces tremendous pressure during the trial of Jesus. More so than the weight on Jesus’ shoulders, was the weight on Pilate’s as he mulled over what to do with Jesus of Nazareth. At first he reveled in watching the Jews beg for his help, but one particular accusation shook Pilate to his core. This accusation, which confirmed assumptions Pilate was already having about Jesus, caused him to face the ultimate decision. Does he remain a friend of Caesar or become a friend of Jesus? If Jesus was indeed who He was accused of being, and who Pilate was almost certain He was, wouldn’t it be the better decision to take His side? Friend of Caesar or friend of God? Which hill would he die on? *Apologies about the firs

  • Undeniable: Kingdom Roar - John 18:28-19:11

    22/09/2020 Duración: 34min

    We often look to Jesus' miracles, signs and wonders to get a full glimpse at His divine power. We often turn to His sermons and parables to hear the clearest of words from God. However, there is perhaps no more powerful portrayal or clearer reflection of the God of Heaven than that of Jesus on trial before Pilate. As the conversation progresses it seems that Pilate is the one who is truly on trial, as he represents all the institutions of darkness and flesh, trying to cement their power as absolute and unstoppable. Though seemingly in a position of weakness and vulnerability, Jesus proves to be very much in charge, and testifies to God's true nature and plan. Jesus shows a fearlessness and signals a coming roar from Heaven, as He stares death in the eyes and doesn't blink. His trial, sentencing, and ensuing death may have appeared to spell doom on God's Kingdom ever coming to earth, but in reality this was just the beginning... The beginning of the end for death and hell, and the introduction of a brand

  • It's Personal: DTR - Galatians 3

    22/09/2020 Duración: 49min

    Paul shifts from defending his faith to defining the Christian faith in a broad, yet personal way. Paul shows us how we all can have a relationship with God, by highlighting the very first man to enter into an authentic and personal relationship with God: Abraham. Through Abraham's story, we learn that God has always connected with people by faith. When we trust in Him and His promises, we breathe in brand new life to our souls. Shame, bondage and separation can be replaced with forgiveness, freedom and family. There's no greater relationship we can forge. There's no greater favor that we can know.

  • Covenant: Don't Waste Your Worship - Jeremiah 7-8

    19/09/2020 Duración: 49min

    When God reveals to Jeremiah the sin of Judah, Jeremiah is surprised that the blame falls on the religious leaders. However, the picture becomes clear as Jeremiah sees through the gloss of their religious rituals. The Temple was renown as a place of dynamic worship, but there was a vast disconnect between how they worshiped and their ways. In one of the most convicting chapters of the Bible, we hear Jeremiah call into account the Spiritual leaders of Judah, and challenge their silence and even support of the sin of the land. What seemed to be political and social issues, are made clear to be Spiritual issues. We hear God call His people to defend the cause of the unborn, children, immigrants, the poor, and oppressed. This conversation may bring discomfort and challenge the status quo, but God's people cannot avoid it. As the New Testament reiterates, we are the body of Christ, His hands and feet. How are we showing this to our world? Government may off solutions to some of these issues, but any given

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