Risen Church Nc

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 364:14:09
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JustCare Ministries offers encouraging, convicting, and inspiring messages from God's Word with the goal of leading you in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so you can live a life for the Glory of your Creator!


  • The Church: We Must - Acts 5:12-32

    02/02/2021 Duración: 37min

    As Acts continues, the Disciples continue to prove how serious they took the Words of Jesus, and how crucial they believed their obedience was to the Church's expansion. They also trusted Jesus' assertion that true joy was locked behind total surrender to God's Kingdom. In Acts 5, we witness Peter and his companions risk everything to preach the Gospel and once again they are put on trial. The authorities were as amazed as they were insulted. How and why would anyone be so bold and brave, knowing their lives were at stake? Peter's testimony is even more astounding this time, as he gives perhaps his most famous response, "We must obey God rather than men." Here Peter underscores his drive as a Christian. More important than obeying his or anyone else's will, is surrendering to God's. We all have our "musts", things that take priority in our lives. Where does God and His Kingdom rank on that list? Only when we see our place in Christ as our most defining and most fulfilling, will we see our obedience as o

  • Covenant: The LORD Our Righteousness - Jeremiah 23

    29/01/2021 Duración: 42min

    We are all like sheep, in that in most areas of life we are at the mercy of a shepherd . We follow many shepherds, many that do not have our best interest in mind. Sometimes we're well aware of this, but can't break free. Other times, we don't realize we're being led astray. In Jeremiah 23, God identifies the many bad shepherds that lord over us in this life and promises to send us a better one. Jesus is the Good Shepherd who has come to save, lead and protect His people. Are you follow Him?

  • The Church: All or Nothing - Acts 4:32-5:11

    27/01/2021 Duración: 42min

    In Acts 4, we find the Disciples praying for boldness after displaying an extraordinary brand of bravery. However, as the story continues we find that they were just getting started… In fact, the boldness within their Church community may be the most humbling trait of early Christianity. Acts 4:32-37 details the selfless and sacrificial heart of the early Church. Perhaps what’s most striking is, that there was no mandate that required this level of generosity, yet every believer was moved by God to follow suit. The Disciples quickly find that giving up all to build God’s Church was far more fulfilling than possessing all the riches in the world. The more they made Jesus everything, the more they realized they didn’t need anything but Him. If this kind of joy and contentment is available for us, why aren’t we embracing this model? Why do we still yet cling to the ways of this world and hold fast to its views on wealth and fulfillment? God so desire that the early Church get all that He had for them, He w

  • God Who?: Yahweh Rapha - Exodus 15:22-27

    26/01/2021 Duración: 40min

    If there is a God, holy and almighty, filled with grace and mercy who is inviting us to follow Him and be filled with His presence - Is there anything more important that pursuing Him and knowing Him? Yahweh revealed Himself to the ancient Hebrews as the God who can be known deeply and personally. We have the earliest records of His revelation because He first invited Moses into a personal relationship. Moses left the luxuries and riches of Egypt to ascend the mountain of God. He found true salvation and purpose, and God used him to invite an entire generation to know Him. This same invitation hangs over us to this day. The same world continually lets us down, but the same God offers to heal and lift us up. Yahweh is the God we can know. We may not be able and we may fall short, but I AM is always able and I AM is always enough. He is the God who can heal all brokenness.

  • The Church: Be Bold - Acts 4:23-37

    19/01/2021 Duración: 37min

    We often talk a lot about restoring the Church to its early or original form. We dream of being filled with God's power and used for His glory in like or greater fashion. If we are really serious about this, we must take cues from Acts 4. After narrowly escaping death, the Disciples return to the Church and have one of the most consequential prayer meetings of all time. Their prayer requests and subsequent decisions come across so foreign to us, which may explain the difference between us and them. Rather than praying for God to minimize their risk before a threatening regime, they simply entrust the unknowns into God's hands. Their prayer is focused around maximizing their role in God's story. They worry little about preserving their stories, and desire only that they might fully participate in God's plan. They pray for boldness that they could keep the faith in the face of opposition and pray that God would have His will in their community. The results are nothing short of astounding. What does bold

  • God Who?: El Roi - Genesis 16

    11/01/2021 Duración: 47min

    The Bible is full of stories and accounts that paint a cohesive and complete picture of God. Genesis 16 should not be overlooked in our quest to know God and make Him known. It features Abraham and Sarah trying to come to terms with God's will, and shows how Hagar suffered as a result of their mishandling and manipulation. On both sides, we find people searching for affirmation and validation, and coming up empty. Most unfortunate is Hagar's story, as she was exiled for no fault of her own. Hagar is a stand-in for us all, shown at the end of her rope in disbelief and hurt. God chooses to shine His light on Hagar's heart, and sends a powerful message to every outcast, oppressed, and lost soul to come. Her encounter in the desert is one that we can all experience, because we serve the same God: The God who hears, sees, and loves us all.

  • The Church: Guilty - Acts 4:1-22

    11/01/2021 Duración: 34min

    Jesus often talked about the cost that would be associated with following Him. He prepped His followers for the trial that would be ahead of them, foreshadowing the events of Acts. In Acts 4, the Disciples faced trial before the very authorities that had sentenced Jesus to death. Like Jesus, they did so with an absolute fearlessness. Peter's remarkable defense reveals the power of their faith. They may have been condemned by law, ostracized by culture, and pitied by society, but they were saved by God. Peter and John were glad to be counted guilty by the world for their association with Jesus. They boldly proclaim that they would continue to serve Him no matter the cost. They would defy any law if necessary. However, perhaps their greatest testimony is that they were willing to defy their own wills in order to honor God's. They had counted the cost, and deemed the greater risk would be to miss out on God's work.

  • The Church: Be Present - Acts 3

    04/01/2021 Duración: 37min

    In Acts 3 we get a snapshot of what day to day life was like for the Disciples after the Church launched. Peter and John, filled with a burden and passion to show and share Jesus Christ, set an example for us all to follow. In this message we examine their patterns and consider what should translate to our own lives. We find a clear reminder that if the Church is going to be the Movement of God and Body of Christ as intended, it all hinges on our passion for our mission. Through presence, persistence, and preparation we can make an impact that rivals or even surpasses that of the First Century Church.

  • 2020 Won? - Genesis 50:20

    04/01/2021 Duración: 46min

    2020 turned many of our assumptions and expectations upside down. Perhaps this leaves us a bit timid at being optimistic at what might be in store in 2021. In this week's message, we study a single verse from God's Word that seeks to raise our spirits and anchor our hopes in God's Sovereign Plan. We may not completely relate to the story that leads to this verse, but we are absolutely left in awe of the confidence in God that is on display. God invites us to trust Him and possess this same sort of confidence in 2021.

  • The Church: The Incarnation - Acts 2:41-47

    30/12/2020 Duración: 37min

    The Church is called "The Body of Christ", which is often understood in a merely spiritual or symbolic way. However, this couldn't be further from the idea. In the Incarnation, God became a literal, flesh and blood man. Therefore, when the Church is called The Body of Christ, we should immediately think of a literal, flesh and blood gathering of God's people. In Acts, we see the Church living up to its true identity, and leaving a clear example for us to follow. In this message we consider this sacred definition of Church and consider what Church membership is all about. Recommended Readings to support and further flesh out this message and its themes: https://www.amazon.com/Incarnation-God-Foundation-Evangelical-Theology/dp/1433541874 https://www.pastortheologians.com/articles/2020/12/17/incarnation-and-the-church-the-body-of-christ http://cdn.theologicalstudies.net/71/71.4/10.1177.004056391007100402.pdf

  • What Are We Doing Here? - 1 Kings 19

    30/12/2020 Duración: 47min

    As 2020 comes to an end, it's right that we take time and reflect on the year that has been. If there's one word that sums up 2020 it's STRUGGLE. We have collectively faced hardships and challenges that have made the year difficult for us all. We look ahead to 2021 with hope and optimism, but in order to be ready for what's next, we must understand that what's behind us has not been a waste. The Bible teaches us that trials have a redemptive purpose in the lives of believers. God uses them to build our characters and increase our faith in Him. His will isn't always to make a way of escape, but rather show us how to endure. Elijah the Prophet learns this lesson and more in the midst of a years long crisis. In his story, we find incredible reminders of God's sovereign plans and sustaining grace.

  • Christmas For Us - Romans 8:28-39

    24/12/2020 Duración: 28min

    When we're young, Christmas captures our affection and anticipation with a sense of wonder and awe. The season builds and builds, and we look forward to all of the joy it promises to bring. We often are convinced that a single gift could change our world. It may be something so simple to adult eyes and minds, but to a child, it seems to make all things right. What if we could enter this Christmas with the same sense of childlike wonder of yore? What if we could really receive a single gift that could change our worlds? As adults, we're well aware of what's wrong in the world, and even more burdened by what's wrong in our world. What if Christmas could offer us a solution and bring peace to our chaos and uncertainty? As children we are primed to believe that Christmas can actually make the impossible a reality. Something in us wants to believe that this is true for every season and scenario in life. What if Christmas does indeed offer us this gift? The true message of Christmas is one of Good News of Great

  • The Church - Christmas Special: Wonderland - Acts 2:40-47

    24/12/2020 Duración: 38min

    The Gift of Christmas is that we can know God through Christ. This is truly the gift that keeps on giving, as every day we can unwrap a new blessing. Being wrapped in God's presence, we truly experience the most wonderful life. When observing the early Church, there's a clear embodiment of the joy available exclusively in Christ. In Acts 2, Luke draws a powerful parallel between the joy and atmosphere on the first Christmas to that of the first Church community. They were giving praise to God and they were enjoying the favor from God. As they had been given favor, they also shared it, because a gift that great was too much to keep to themselves.

  • The Church: Mega Movement - Acts 2

    16/12/2020 Duración: 43min

    When the Church began there were no traditions or styles, there wasn't even a finished Bible, and there were no professional worship bands. When it all started on that Pentecost Sunday around 30 AD, the Church in its original form was a movement. The Church was designated by Jesus Christ as The Movement of God that would change the whole world. It would be a movement of God through His people. As He moved, His people would move, and more people would be moved. Today the Church comes in all different sizes, shapes and sounds. However, regardless of those details, the only thing that matters is this one burning question: Are we still God's movement? Of course, God is still moving, but are we? Are we allowing Him to move through us? In this vital message about the Church's opening day, we consider these questions and more. May today's Church remember its beginning and stay true to its identity until Kingdom come.

  • War on Christmas - Revelation 12

    16/12/2020 Duración: 40min

    Every generation of believers wrestles with a similar fear: "Is this the end?" No, not the end of days, but the end of our faith. We feel encroached and oppressed by secular society. We wonder about the Church's longevity. We worry about Christianity and its influence being on the ropes. These rumors and whispers of Christianity's demise are completely unfounded. Satan loves to accuse God's people with lies and to see us walk back in fear. He loves to see us forfeit the joy, peace, confidence and security of our faith for pessimism and dread. He loves to see us fight battles against the people for which Christmas is meant to save. Since the very first Christmas, Satan has been trying to stop the Good News from being spread. However, all his minions have ever done is spur Jesus' movement all the more. God declared war on Satan 2000 years ago, when he attempted to kill the newborn Jesus. On the cross, Satan was defeated and the war came to an end. This Christmas, may God's people celebrate our victory wit

  • Covenant: Something Wicked - Jeremiah 17

    10/12/2020 Duración: 41min

    We make decisions every day, from minor to major. Behind every decision is a reason, but we make most of them without even considering why. Beneath the surface and influencing our minds is a nature that is so very good at getting what it wants, even if it doesn't have our best interest in mind. The prophet Jeremiah came to an astounding conclusion regarding human nature after observing Israel's best and brightest make one bad decision after another. His diagnosis of his generation continues to be proven true every single day. In exasperation, he wondered if there was hope and help for people. In this message, we get to the bottom of why our hearts take us in the wrong direction time after time, and we hear from God about the one and only remedy.

  • The Church: New World Order - Acts 1:12-26

    02/12/2020 Duración: 39min

    Ever since Pentecost, the world has been changed and constantly impacted by the Presence of God. What were things like before this? And just how different are things now because of the Holy Spirit's involvement and persistence within Creation? Take a journey through time with us as we study God's interactivity with His choice creation, and humanity's attempts throughout history to approach God.

  • Fallen: Not Far - Genesis 28

    02/12/2020 Duración: 49min

    Have you ever dropped something and wondered if you'd ever find it again? Have you ever made a mess of something that seemed beyond repair? We've all had situations where we wondered if things were too far gone. If the story of Jacob teaches us anything, it's that no one is ever too far away from God. Mercy is always pursuing us, no matter the mess we may have gotten ourselves into. Jacob's story sends a powerful reminder: God is wherever we surrender. When we feel too far gone, God is actually not far away at all.

  • Fallen: Cowardly Lion - Genesis 37

    30/11/2020 Duración: 49min

    In spite of humanity's constant drift away from God, He has always been working His ways towards us. As fallen as we are, we are not forgotten nor forsaken by God. In the story of Judah, we see just how committed God is to redeeming us all from sin. We see how far He is willing to go in order to bring us back to Him. As a result, we are left with confidence that we have access to approach God in peace and with hope.

  • More Than Enough - Daniel 1 (Thanksgiving 2020)

    26/11/2020 Duración: 45min

    We spend so much time and energy chasing after more, but maybe 2020's greatest message to us is to slow down, and appreciate what we already have. As Christians, we cling to God's Promises of blessings and opportunities, but what if there's something even greater to cling to. What if there's Someone greater we can cling to? May we learn to give thanks in all seasons and circumstances, because no matter where we are, God is with us. His presence is the greatest of His promises. Even if we lose it all, all we really need is Him. Even if everything is taken away, He is enough. This Thanksgiving, may we find our total satisfaction in Him, so that He might be fully glorified in and through our lives.

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