Behold The Man With Joe Mcclane



Behold the Man is a new Catholic Radio show that airs on 8 stations; 2 in the USA and 6 throughout Mexico, Central America and, South America. You can listen live on Mondays at 1 pm eastern at Download the show at


  • Behold The Man No 66 Baptism and The People Crusher!


    This week on “Behold The Man” we look at how Nicodemus, the People Crusher, comes at night to encounter the NEW Joshua, who HAS to CROSS through the water in order to enter into the promised land! Is Baptism a Sacrament? Yes… its the only way we can enter the Kingdom! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 65 Transitive Property and Salvation outside the Catholic Church!


    Today on “Behold The Man”: Transitive Property and Salvation outside the Catholic Church! If A=B, and B=C, Then A=C! If A: Salvation is equal to B: Jesus Christ, and B: Jesus Christ being equal to C: the Catholic Church, then A: Salvation MUST be equal to C: The Catholic Church! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 64 Out of Egypt I called my Son!


    This week on “Behold The Man” we dive deep into St. Matthew chapter 2 and see how Jesus is the new, and greater Moses, Herod is the Anti-Christ, who apes God, how Our Lady is the Queen Mother, and the Wise Men from the East are worshiping God born in flesh, and in the town of the “house of bread”. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 63 The King, the Queen, and their Son!


    Today, on “Behold The Man” we dive deep on the readings of the 4th Sunday in the season of Advent... looking at the promised "Mother and her Child", the anointed son of David who will sit on the throne forever! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold the Man No. 62 Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!


    Today, on “Behold The Man” we dive deep on Daniel 2 and 7 to see how our Lord is the fulfillment of the “Son of Man” and how his Nativity brough about the “Kingdom of God”. This is what Mary KNEW when she was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 61 Christmas Lent


    Today, on Behold The Man we prepare the way of our Lord by looking at the first Confession… the fall of man, the reconciliation, and the restoration of us all! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold the Man No. 60 The real Thanksgiving!


    Today on “Behold The Man”, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me”… words of our Lord from the cross that has always bothered me. Was he in utter despair? Or was he at his strongest? It was Todah… Eucharist! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold the Man No. 59 The Cleansing FIRE of Purgatory!


    Today, on “Behold the Man” we look at the doctrine of purgatory; where is that in scripture? Where do we find praying for the dead? We dive deep and see how this doctrine is not only scriptural but, very beautiful! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold the Man No. 58 Voting Catholic!


    Today, on “Behold the Man” we look at how to vote Catholic… using the 5 non-negotiable issues. As Catholic’s we must have a well formed conscience, and then use that conscience for the good of society, especially in elections. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold the Man No. 57 Another First-Born falls... again!


    Today, on “Behold the Man” we look at how Jacob earns his name by wrestling with an Angel, escapes death at the hand of Esau and the fall of the 3 eldest son’s of Jacob! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold the Man No. 56 I opposed him to his face


    Today, on “Behold the Man” we are looking at Galatians 2:11 – what did St. Peter do wrong? Was he really acting like a hypocrite? Or… was it St. Paul who learned a valuable lesson here? Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 55 The 12 Son’s of Israel


    Today, on “Behold The Man” we see how Jacob fathered his 12 sons… not quite the “text-book” approach you would hope for in a patriarch of the people of God. Stocked full of wives, children, and live stock… Jacob makes off with his riches for the land of his father; will Laban let him go? Let’s find out! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold the Man No. 54 Jacob Meets His Match!


    Today, on “Behold the Man” we continue in our study of “A Father who keeps His promies”, chapter 6, looking at how Jacob meets Rachel his wife. We see the comparisons to the Woman at the Well in John 4 and the Marriage feast opf the Lamb in Revelation 21 and 22. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 53 Yom Kippur in the New Testament


    Today, on “Behold The Man” we take a look at how the Old becomes the New, how the feast of Yom Kippur is perfected in the cross of Christ! We also pray for the Jewish people; may their High Holiday be filled with G-d’s grace! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold the Man No. 52 The 30 Day Challenge for Marriage


    Today, on “Behold the Man” we talk about the 30 day challenge for marriage. We also look at what marriage is, and what it is NOT. We take a quick trip through salvation history to see how it began and how it ended up… then how, our Lord raised it to a new level. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • "Behold The Man No 51 Will Power"


    Today, we look at how Jesus used his WILL POWER to be perfectly obedient to the Father which redeems us all and unties the knot of disobedience of Adam. We too can use will power to over come our own situation, look past our emotions, and face the mountina along with our Lord. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold the Man No. 50 "Mary's Assumption"


    Today, on “Behold the Man” we dive into the scriptural, and traditional, roots of Mary’s assumption into heaven by God. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold the Man No. 49 "God’s Gonna Trouble the Water!"


    Today, on “Behold the Man” we look at a very tough question; how can I proclaim the Catholic Church when there are so many problems with it? The answer is simple… the Church itself is a gift from God. We take a quick journey through salvation history to see how Jesus perfects the Church and gives us the Bishops, Priests, Deacons, and sacraments as life and light for a dark world. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 48 "Jacob’s Ladder"


    Today, on “Behold the Man” we look at Genesis 28 and the mysterious encounter Jacob had with a ladder reaching up to heaven. It’s fulfillment is found in Christ, the Temple and the Priesthood. Jacob receives the blessing of Abraham from God himself and yet still try’s to keep his options open. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 47 "All Things New"


    Today on “Behold The Man”, we ask the question; did Jesus come to do something completely new? Or, was His plan constant from the beginning? I argue that his plan for Salvation has been the same from the beginning and he has perfected the old in the new… thereby making all things new. We will look at the structure, worship, and fulfillment of the old into the new. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

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