Behold The Man With Joe Mcclane



Behold the Man is a new Catholic Radio show that airs on 8 stations; 2 in the USA and 6 throughout Mexico, Central America and, South America. You can listen live on Mondays at 1 pm eastern at Download the show at


  • Behold The Man No. 46 “A Mothers Intercession!”


    Today on “Behold the Man”, we look at Genesis 26, 27, and part of 28 in our study of “A Father Who keeps His promises” by Dr. Scott Hahn. Rebecca, knowing the Isaac was about to bestow the blessing of the first born to Easu, intercedes, and sends Jacob in to Jacob Easu and Isaac. The plan is hatched,,, carried out,,, and the blessing goes forth! The parallels to the passover, and Easter/Eucharist are amazing. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 45 “The Elder shall serve the Younger!”


    Today on “Behold The Man”, we take up where we left off in chapter 6 of “A Father who keeps His promises” by Dr. Scott Hahn. Jacob, the younger will supplant Esau, the elder, which is contrary to the structure of ancient families, and yet, a major theme through out Salvation History. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 43 “Here Comes the Bride”


    Today, on “Today, on “Behold The Man” We dive into chapter 6 of Scott Hahn’s “A Father Who Keeps His Promises” which introduces us to Rebecka, the wife of Isaac. It seemed rather interesting to me that Scott move rather quickly through the narrative on how Isaac met Rebecka so I thought we would spend a show talking about it (Genesis 24). There are some very cool typological themes here that I want to bring out. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 44 “Mary, the Temple, and the Spirit”


    Today, on “Today on “Behold the Man” , we interrupt our regularly scheduled program to look at the typology found in St. Luke’s annunciation narrative in chapter 1. Like the Tabernacle in the wilderness, and the Temple of Salomon, Mary too was overshadowed by the Spirit, and filled with God’s presence. But… there’s another prototype that most miss… Gen. 1:2 and the Spirit that hovered over the waters of creation. It’s the bonus round. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 42 “Your Only Begotten: Abraham’s ACT of faith!


    Today, on “Behold The Man” we finish up chapter 5 of “A Father who keeps his promises” by Dr. Scott Hahn, by looking at Genesis 22 and Abraham’s ACT of faith. It’s a powerful peak into the future and how God will send HIS only son, Jesus, placing the wood on His back, making Him climb that mountain, and offering Him up there. Abraham trusted in God to redeem Issac, to resurrect him on the 3rd day… just as Jesus will do on that same spot! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 41 The Priest King Melchiz’edek


    Today, on “Behold The Man” we look at the mysterious figure of Melchiz’edek whom Abraham gave a tithe and whom it is said, in Hebrews 7:17 “For it is witnessed of him, ‘Thou art a priest for ever, after the order of Melchiz’edek.’ “ Who is this man? Where does he come from? What does this mean that Christ is a Priest after HIM? Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 40 Father Abraham


    Today, on “Behold The Man” we dive back into our bible study using “A Father Who Keeps His Promises” as our tour guide. We pick up were we left off in episode 26 in Chapter 5 with Abraham. On the last show we looked at the 3 covenants God made with Abraham and the 3 promises… today we look at the entire journey of Abraham. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 39 Heaven and Earth Collide


    Today, on “Behold The Man” we take a deep look at Acts 2 in and uncover many of its rich Old Testament parallels and prototypes. Just as “devout men” from “every nation under heaven” are praying for the return of the shekina glory cloud to return to and fill the temple… they hear a sound… and gather to see it has but, this time not on the rock the temple was built on rather, upon the NEW rock… St. Peter and the 11 Apostles. The Church of the Lamb of God has been born! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 38 The Ascension


    Today, on “Behold the Man” we discuss the Ascension of Jesus… taken up to heaven by a cloud, and sits down at God’s right hand. This significance, of the cloud, the right hand, the place, and the who… all make this a great topic of a quick discussion on Scripture. There is a lot going on in this episode and we do our best to dive deep, dig hard, and cram it all in… in only a half hour show. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 37 Bride of the Lamb


    Today on “Behold The Man” we take a look at Revelation 21 and the Bride of the Lamb who is measured at her wedding! As we pursue this mystery we uncover a very profound truth… we, the Bride of the Lamb, are ONE with him and we make up the most intimate, and personal part of God… his inner sanctuary… the Holy of Hollies! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 36 Feed My Sheep


    Today, on Behold The Man, we look at the Gospel reading from the 3rd Sunday of Easter… St. John chapter 21. Here we see our Lord ask St. Peter 3 times if he loves then commanding him and to feed his sheep. This chapter is packed so full of symbolism, and fulfillment of other NT verses that I could not help myself but discuss it today. Between, the fishing expedition, the charcoal fire, the fishes and loaves, and the 3 fold “do you love me’s” it becomes clear what is going on… Christ the “Good Shepherd” is making St. Peter the pastoral shepherd over HIS flock in the Kingdom of God. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 35 The Kingdom


    Today, on Behold The Man we talk about the Kingdom of God and the readings from the 2nd Sunday of Easter. It’s a fascinating topic, the Kingdom of God, especially when you look at it in light of the Old Testament. We dive deep into the book of Daniel, 1 Kings, Acts, John, Luke, Revelation, and elsewhere to get a glimpse into the nature and reality of the Kingdom of God. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 34 The Tomb is Empty


    Today, on “Behold The Man” we praise God for making it through the desert of Lent, the pain of Good Friday, and reaching the empty tomb and resurrection glory! The new Adam accomplished what the first Adam refused to do… stand in the gap! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 33 Free At Last


    Today, on Behold The Man, I share my talk at the San Antonio Men’s conference. I know many have already listened to this talk however, for the benefit of those who only listen to this show on the radio I was granted permission to post a 45 min special. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 32 The Mercy of the Father


    Today on Behold The Man, we dive a little deeper into St. Luke 15:11-32 and St. John 4 as we see how much Our Father has great love for his children. We also see how the “Prodigal Son” and the “Woman at the Well” were also direct encounters with God in bringing back together his family, the Jews and the Israelite’s, the chosen people of God. Its a beautiful scene of the vastness of God’s mercy for us all! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 31 The Prodigal Son


    Today on “Behold The Man”, we talk about the Gospel reading from the 4th week of Lent… Luke 15:11-32, the “Prodigal Son”. This is on of the most beautiful passages of Scripture as it depicts the endless mercy of the Father for His children. Aren’t we all in need of rescuing… of mercy… of forgiveness? Our Lord knows this, and in the “Prodigal Son” parable he communicates this to us in abundance. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 30 Shame Part 3


    Today on “Behold The Man”, we finish up part 3 of our series on Shame and Continence, from John Paul The Great’s Love and Responsibility, with continence, or self-control; John Paul takes it to the next level! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 28 Shame Part 1


    Today, on “Behold the Man” I give an overview of a talk I will be giving on the subject of Shame from John Paul The Great’s book “Love and Responsibility”. For decades in my pursuit for satisfaction, through pornography addiction, and sexual license, I found only shame. Shame is what reminds us of our sin, and at the same time, can help us find true freedom. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 29 Shame Part 2


    Today, on “Behold The Man” we continue our discussion on John Paul II’s “Love and responsibility: Shame and Continence”. Shame is properly absorbed by Love.. what does that mean, how does it work? Well that’s what we talk about it. Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

  • Behold The Man No. 27 Praying Boldly


    Today on "Behold The Man" I talk about a recent article I wrote about Praying Boldly and asking God for a sign to shore up my faith. God has given us his only Son, His Church, His Sacraments, His Mother, our brothers and sisters (the Saints), but, he wants to give us something more.... an experiences of Him as "My Father" not just "Our Father". Yes, it's better to not have seen and believe however, God is ready to give you what he gave St. Thomas... a little something extra! Send me an email at Please be sure to leave a review for us on iTunes.

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