Girls Chase Podcast



Get girls chasing you!


  • 12: Chase Amante | What Makes Monogamous Relationships Work

    11/06/2016 Duración: 01h37min

    In Part 2 of a two-part series on relationships, Chase Amante talks monogamy (and all the wrinkles that go along with it) with host Varoon Rajah. Selected topics of conversation… * Is monogamy the natural setting for a relationship? (1:20) * Whether society programs us for monogamy or it is an intrinsic drive (3:47) * How media supports or invalidates feelings about monogamy (5:07) * Have the sex roles become less clear in modern society? (6:42) * The value of clearly delineated roles within a relationship (7:20) * Some of the differences of monogamy in other cultures (8:00) * Why it’s important for a man to know what he wants in a partner (9:55) * How power subtly shifts inside relationships (11:14) * How to resist a girl’s efforts to escalate a relationship (12:31) * How can you determine what a girl wants with you early on? (14:26) * Do women actually know what they want with you? (16:41) * Why to look for what makes her UN-happy around you (17:46) * I

  • 11: Chase Amante | How to Set Up a Relationship with Her

    18/04/2016 Duración: 01h06min

    Chase Amante discusses relationship set up with host Varoon Raja. Namely, how to convert a girl from recent sexual conquest to recurring romantic partner, what kind of expectations to set, and how to prevent yourself from being too needy or acting too aloof. Selected topics of conversation… • What women are looking for in their lives and relationships (1:25) • The importance of repeated gratification in long-term relationships (3:15) • Does a woman know what relationship she wants prior to sex? (5:56) • Are women open to any relationship if the courtship is good enough? (7:40) • The different kinds of men girls look for in different cycles/phases (8:47) • Why knowing what you want is so important to relationships (11:59) • What happens when you fall into a relationship (13:24) • How to know what kind of a relationship you want (13:58) • The key differences between the lover and provider frames (15:20) • What qualities to highlight from the very first impression (17:14) • The problem with being the hardcore

  • 10: Alek Rolstad | Sex Talk and Sexual Prizing

    19/03/2016 Duración: 01h07min

    Girls Chase author Alek Rolstad talks sex talk, sexual prizing, and sexual framing (and reframing) with host Varoon Raja. How do you make women you’ve just met start fantasizing right away about sex with you on the back of conversation alone? Alek shares his potent techniques. Selected topics of conversation… • The key lessons for Alek early into learning seduction (12:03) • What Alek learned from a Danish girl about social value (17:15) • How social value makes it easier for women to accept sexual moves (18:29) • Alek’s first time using sexual prizing with a girl (20:08) • A brief definition of sexual prizing (21:14) • What the proper way to talk about sex looks like (24:14) • Talking about sex without outright saying “I will do this to you” (27:18) • How to show her you might be into her, yet give her mixed signals (28:55) • How to show interest and be attainable as you talk sex (29:54) • Ways to disqualify women who disapprove of sex talk (31:13) • Calibrating sex talk to the woman y

  • 9: William Gupta | Interracial Dating

    20/02/2016 Duración: 44min

    Girls Chase author William Gupta talks race and dating with Varoon Raja. Namely, how big a role does race play, what are the stumbling blocks different racial minorities run into, and how can men of minority backgrounds succeed with all types of women? Selected topics of conversation… • Interracial dating in places where this is common vs. place where it’s not (3:56) • William’s thoughts on ‘race as a sticking point’ (5:12) • William’s own journey improving with women (8:07) • Did the media or experiences in different cities impact William? (9:21) • Why online dating is difficult for interracial dating (11:14) • Men who idealize/fantasize about certain kinds of girls only (12:26) • Why men use excuses interacting with girls of other races (14:21) • How does victim mentality show up and what are the ramifications (15:12) • Race-related self-fulfilling prophecies (16:20) • Why Indian men so often suck with women (16:50) • How brown men often put advanced game before fundamentals (18:16) • Getting caught in hy

  • 8: Nick Glover | Using Sexual Tension

    17/01/2016 Duración: 34min

    Nick Glover goes into detail on how to build and use sexual tension with the opposite sex, and why most guys get it wrong. Plus: Nick’s technique for getting girls to kiss you first. With host Varoon Raja. Selected topics of conversation… • What sticking points Nick went through to get to where he is (4:21) • What bad sexual tension looks like and why happens (5:58) • Does the typical man fail to build enough sexual comfort? (7:11) • How laughter factors into sexual tension (9:28) • How she will show you when she’s totally comfortable with you (10:45) • How to you use playfulness to get with the girl (12:17) • The different kinds of playfulness you can use (13:08) • What responses show the difference between good and bad tension (13:39) • Do men try to overuse sexuality or connection? (16:32) • The two ways to deliver a sexual frame: intensive vs. offhand (17:36) • When not to use sexual frames (20:52) • What happens when she doesn’t get the joke? (22:22) • How to calibrate your delivery so she enjoys it (2

  • 7: Hector Castillo | College Social Circle Game

    18/12/2015 Duración: 41min

    Hector Castillo discusses social circle game, meeting women at university, and what it's like to work in nightlife with host Varoon Raja. Selected topics of conversation... • How social circle functions as an exchange of value (1:48) • Why reputation matters when she choose whom to sleep with (4:55) • The ‘tabula rasa effect’: how being new will often get you laid (5:51) • Reputation as a ‘tandem bike’ - both parties reap rewards and punishments (6:22) • Once you’re on top, can you stay the king of the hill? (8:55) • Where the ‘player’ fits into social circle and what his rules are (9:22) • ‘Players’ hooking up lots versus ‘alphas’ taking hot girlfriends (9:57) • Why there are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ reputations in social circle (11:40) • What kinds of value you can provide in social circle (13:13) • How to use the attention you receive from others (15:03) • Why reputation serves as precedent (17:44) • Why most popular guys are so ‘chill’ and how to be it (18:36) • Questions girls can have when they see men with

  • 6: Blackdragon | Open Relationships

    18/10/2015 Duración: 01h28min

    Open relationships can be great fun and very freeing – but sometimes they’re dicey to run. In this interview Caleb Jones (Blackdragon) discusses how these work, and the rules you have to follow. Selected topics of conversation… • The characteristics of different types of men and how women feel about them • The characteristics of different types of women and how men should handle them • The 3 levels of monogamous relationships • The 4 levels of polyamorous relationships • The 4 phases of development of an open or polyamorous relationship • The 7 open/poly relationship rules, including: * Only see her once a week * Always make her cum * No boyfriend behaviors * Adhere to the relationship type * No ‘relationship talks’ * Minimal initiation of contact * Soft nexting if drama arises Listen online: LEARN SOMETHING GOOD? SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW! If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe in iTunes and leave a revi

  • 5: Darius Belejevas | Sexy Men’s Fashion

    17/09/2015 Duración: 29min

    Fashion’s an integral part of how good you look and the kind of impression you make on women (plus how strong that impression is). Get it right, and you can easily become the guy women hope walks up to introduce himself to them. “If you know what you’re doing, you can completely transform your image in one shopping trip.” Quote from Darius Belejevas, Girls Chase Podcast V. Selected topics of conversation… • How women react to the style you present (14:02) • What “nice guy” fashion looks like (14:55) • What effect does excellent dress have on women? (16:45) • How to dress to meet professional women (17:19) • How to dress to meet college girls (18:20) • What “classy” women look for (19:44) • The importance of really good shoes (21:52) • Fashion differences for light-skinned men vs. dark-skinned (22:36) • How fashion fits into the overall dating picture (23:39) • Overcoming body image issues and physical insecurities (25:32) Listen online:

  • 4: Joseph W. South | Female Psychology

    08/08/2015 Duración: 39min

    Joseph W. South discusses how he got his start, plus why any power over a woman is fleeting, what “sensitive man” really means, and plenty more. Selected topics of conversation… • Madonna/whore and how “Good girls don’t do that stuff” • How Joseph stopped treating women platonically • The female internal battle between lover vs. provider • Why do women manipulate men… and how do they do it? • Why the power a man has over a woman is never permanent • What women mean when they say they want a sensitive man • How inexperienced vs. experienced men act with women • Women’s craving to be “seen” by men (or A man) • Men’s need to be penetrative vs. women’s need to be receptive Listen online: LEARN SOMETHING GOOD? SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW! If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe in iTunes and leave a review. This helps us reach more ears, and casts your vote for “Yes! Make more episodes!”

  • 3: Drexel Scott | Direct Sexual Game

    21/05/2015 Duración: 41min

    Drexel Scott talks sex, comfort, and closing at your place with Varoon Raja. Selected topics of conversation… • How women usually make the first move • Transitioning from social to sexual • Ways to display sexual interest and dominance • Why sex isn’t a big deal to most women (and why they pretend it is) • Getting comfortable discussing sex with women openly • How to get women to come back to your place • Using a comfort building activity to get women relaxed at your place • How to seal the deal with a girl at your place • What Drexel covers in his new eBook, Straight to Sex • Why women require men to lead them so much • What women really want Listen online: LEARN SOMETHING GOOD? SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW! If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe in iTunes and leave a review. This helps us reach more ears, and casts your vote for “Yes! Make more episodes!”

  • 2: Franco Lombardi | Persisting Properly with Girls

    03/12/2014 Duración: 38min

    Franco Lombardi discusses how women think, why late bloomers struggle, how to persist, and more. Selected topics of conversation… • Differences in how men think and women do • What women’s social skills learning curve looks like • Issues that late bloomers run into when first meeting women • What messages women read between the lines from your texts • The difference between chasing after women and persisting with women • Why it’s so vital to get women in person (rather than just text / social media) • Why women sit by and wait for you to lead rather than lead themselves • How to smoothly and properly persist with a girl • How to get women thinking about you and get ‘mental investment’ Listen online: LEARN SOMETHING GOOD? SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW! If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe in iTunes and leave a review. This helps us reach more ears, and casts your vote for “Yes! Make more episodes!”

  • 1: Chase Amante | Moving Faster with Women

    17/09/2014 Duración: 31min

    Chase Amante talks monogamy, moving faster, what women want, and much more. Selected topics of conversation… • What do women want with men? • What is “moving faster”, and what if you don’t? • How do you become a great conversationalist? • How important are fundamentals, and what are they? • Guys often don’t want to cold approach. Why is this important? • Monogamy and relationships: when to stay single vs. when not Listen online: LEARN SOMETHING GOOD? SUBSCRIBE AND REVIEW! If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe in iTunes and leave a review. This helps us reach more ears, and casts your vote for “Yes! Make more episodes!”

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