Saturday Ev Sermons



Sermons from Saturday EV Church focusing on the life changing message of Jesus from the Bible.


  • Easter Sunday - This is Love


    We rejoice on Easter Sunday that Jesus is risen, the resurrection moment changed all of human history! Andrew Heard reminds us that our confidence is in Jesus' work on the cross to pay for our sins, this applies for all time - our sin has been paid for. This is Love!

  • Good Friday - This is Love


    This is love - not that we loved God, but that God loved us, and his love for us looks like death for Jesus. Jez Reynolds shares with us the confronting love displayed in Jesus' death and brings us intimacy with God.

  • The Vine and the Branches


    John Chapter 15 stresses the importance of a Christian "producing fruit". Andrew Heard shows us that Jesus is the one who gives us power to create a fruitful Christian life.

  • The Coming of the Spirit


    Christianity is a spirit experience, brings us deeply in touch with the one who is spirit. Andrew Heard helps us understand from Jesus words, the role of the spirit in our lives today.

  • The Way to the Father


    Grahame Fuller takes us through the core Christian truths we see in this passage. That Jesus is the only way to the Father, our lives should be centred on Him, and we are to love one another.

  • What can Wash Away My Sin?


    The unbelievable humiliation of the creator of the universe stooping to do a servant's job. Jez Reynolds looks at Jesus washing the Disciples feet, more than a cleaning exercise, it's a picture of his greater servant role at the cross.

  • The Ministry of Jesus is Rejected


    In this section of John's gospel we see the confronting reasons why the Jewish people rejected Jesus. Jez Reynolds shares what our response says about our willingness to trust God... are we hardened or softened towards the sovereign God of the universe?

  • The Hour of Glory Has Arrived


    What is Jesus' moment of glory -his splendour and majesty? Grahame Fuller shares from chapter 20 as Jesus connects his death and glorification, and what this means for us.

  • The Anointing and Arrival of the King


    The Book of John brings us face to face with Jesus, so we might see and respond to him. In Chapter 12, as we see Jesus anointed and celebrated arriving in Jerusalem, Andrew Heard asks where Jesus fits in your life and what is your response to him?

  • The Plot Against The Saviour


    Was Jesus "dying for our sin" really necessary? Andrew Heard shares from John 11 -as the Jewish leaders plot his murder, we see how Jesus' death shows the seriousness of sin, and can save a whole nation.

  • John 1-11 Overview


    We're back in the book of John for a second series, with the amazing miracle of Lazarus' death and raising to life. Jez Reynolds shares how Jesus' actions here demonstrate his love for us and the entire purpose of his ministry to us.

  • Has Jesus caused oppression or freedom?


    We live in a society that defines freedom as personal liberty - free to be me! Dave Jensen speaks on the true freedom Jesus brings, not 'no-rules' but free from the oppression of sin.

  • Has Jesus caused the beginning or end of religion?


    Today people are throwing off formal religion, yet are still searching for something spiritual, something more... Andrew Heard takes us to the Bible to show that Jesus offers something very different to institutional religion, himself -the only way to approach God.

  • Has Jesus caused unity or division?


    As a society we value unity and hate division! Grahame Fuller speaks on the profound unity Jesus brings, the end to division, and yet Jesus also reveals the massive disunity between us and God.

  • Has Jesus caused peace or war?


    It's often said that "religion causes all the wars". Jez Reynolds myth-busts this idea to show us from the Bible how Jesus brings peace and not war.

  • Philippians 1:1-11


    Why don't our resolutions last, how do we find lasting change, and what should our lives look like? Dave Jensen speaks from Philippians 1, on the transformation only God brings and encourages us to partner in sharing the gospel with Him and His people.

  • Christmas Day - God with us


    Christmas is a great time to be considering the purpose of life. Through the star, the prophecy, and the dream in the Christmas story Andrew Heard speaks on ultimate purpose - Jesus born to us, to bring life and meaning. Who would have dreamed!

  • Christmas Eve - God with us


    The origin of Christmas was foretold long before Jesus arrived as a baby... "The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"(which means "God with us"). Jez Reynolds shares the good news of the promise, the person, and the purpose of Jesus.

  • Our pleasing sacrifices


    Living life with and for Jesus matters. Dave Jensen speaks from Hebrews 13, bringing together the wonderful thread of salvation, leadership, and sacrifice of Jesus, and our lives designed to live in response to Him.

  • Holy Love


    Is being a Christian all about oppressive rules and restrictions? Andrew Heard speaks on Hebrews 13 and the challenging yet good commands to us, particularly that marriage should be honoured by all, for our good and the good of wider society.

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