Saturday Ev Sermons



Sermons from Saturday EV Church focusing on the life changing message of Jesus from the Bible.


  • Fear and Joy


    The writer of Hebrews draws the sermon to a close with strong, emotive descriptions of the fear and joy of coming to God. Andrew Heard helps us understand the warning and celebration of grace in this passage.

  • Enduring hardship as discipline


    Jez Reynolds shares that being a follower of Jesus can be both a blessing and a hardship. Preaching from Hebrews Chapter 12 he focuses on the purpose and design in enduring hardship, and how discipline leads to our growth. Be strengthen, don't loose heart.

  • Run the race


    The 'race' is a metaphor for the Christian life, a life-and-death race, it matters that you get to the end. Grahame Fuller encourages us from Hebrews 12, that God has given us what we need to keep going.

  • What faith does


    What is true faith? It's not the blind belief that the world thinks Christianity is. Dave Jensen takes us through the encouragement of Hebrews 11 and the tool that faith is in helping us live trusting in the eternal promises of God.

  • Confidence to draw near


    Is it really that simple that a person can draw near to the holy and living God, by the blood of Jesus? Andrew Heard explores the human tendency throughout history to add works to God's free offer of grace in Jesus.

  • Once for all forgiven


    How do we deal with the guilt that sits on our conscience, something needs to atone for our wrongs. Graham Fuller shares from Hebrews 10 the sacrifice that actually works, getting the job done once for all-time.

  • The new and better sacrifice


    What is the most attractive thing about Jesus? It's not what the world thinks, but what is most significant to us, salvation. Jez Reynolds brings the old testament together with the new testament, in the good news about Jesus.

  • The New and Better Covenant


    Every religion on the planet requires a "do" (works-based) system, except one... Andrew Heard explains from Hebrews the new covenant of Jesus, the only true way to approach God.

  • The Bible's truth is for everyone


    Telling the truth about what the Bible says about ALL people... Dave Jensen explains from Ephesians 2, the diagnosis the Bible makes about all people and yet the amazing grace we can all have in Jesus.

  • Men & Women


    Our culture is in the middle of a massive social experiment in reshaping the relationship between men and women. But is this really leading to freedom? Andrew Heard digs into the reasons for this movement and highlights the truly beautiful and freeing picture held out in the Bible.

  • Jonah's Unjust Anger


    Have you ever been angry with God? Disappointed with God? Andrew Heard challenges us to be raw with our feelings towards God as we see in Jonah 4 who He is that forgives and saves.

  • Jonah at Nineveh


    Just like the Ninevites, we too are the most unlikely to respond to God. Jez Reynolds speaks on Jonah chapter 3, and the merciful and miraculous work of God.

  • Jonah at Sea


    We need a hero! Grahame Fuller introduces the book of Jonah and the loving God who goes looking for bad people to save them, including Jonah and us.

  • Wisdom


    Where is wisdom? Where is understanding? Using Job 28, Andrew Heard shows us how to read the Bible and seek out the wisdom of God.

  • God's Kindness


    How do we know the whole book of Job is not about how to get God's blessing? Andrew Heard speaks on the epilogue, where God blesses Job, and helps us understand this in context.

  • Out of the storm


    Like Job, we can think that God is running the universe wrong. When God finally speaks "out of the storm" to answer Job, it's not the answer he is expecting. Andrew Heard helps us understand the God of love and what he says here.

  • Is God Unjust?


    Why do we suffer? Is it evidence of punishment, is it evidence that God is not good, or is there something else going on in the universe? Dave Jensen shares from the book of Job.

  • Why do we suffer?


    Why do we suffer, and some more than others? Is it karma, random chance, do we deserve it? Grahame Fuller looks at the book of Job, what his friends have to say about his suffering, and what Jesus says.

  • Righteous Sorrow


    Our gospel reflex is quick to hope in God in the face of suffering. But what do we do with our emotions? Jez Reynolds unfolds Job 3 and the fullness of relationship to be had with God including our lament.

  • Righteous Suffering


    The book of Job is a most important help in living a life with suffering. Andrew Heard begins our series in Job, where we see the sovereignty and glory of God, both a comfort and a challenge.

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