Redstone Diaries's Podcast



Jim Slater is a stealthy jack who crafts illusions and bears the flame of Dalvag, and recently met a new group of adventurers who seem to be actually helpful. Join us and let's see if these ninnies blow up the ninth world.


  • A Moment With Tim

    26/10/2017 Duración: 05min

    Just another dulcet rambling to show you folks the curtain is still up.  Use the CONTACT page at to chat with us.  E-mail, voicemail, and text message, we'll take it all.  And let's have a moment of silence for Fats Domino.  Another music legend lost to the ages.

  • Another Evening In

    21/10/2017 Duración: 01h17min

    This is Dustin and me talking for awhile.  The audio is still a little wonky in this one.  Watch how you set your volume.  We're working on a Halloween special but it's looking like it may not be ready in time for Halloween.  So, a spooky ooky late fall special perhaps.  We'll see.  Enjoy and sit tight, we'll get back to our games soon. 801-900-3154

  • An Evening In

    12/10/2017 Duración: 57min

    This time it's just Dustin and me.  Chatting for a little while.  I listened to a little bit here and I'm not a hundred percent sure how I feel about the sound.  Let me know what you think of the audio quality and any advice is appreciated.  Keep an eye out on our social media outlets and and feel free to to contact us at the #ShedHotline 801-900-3154.  This may happen more often than planned.

  • A Time to Fill

    29/09/2017 Duración: 07min

    Not much in this one.  Just checking in.  We're still here.  Still playing games.  More episodes to come.  Go to for news, upcoming events, and feel free to; write, call, and voicemail us.


    17/08/2017 Duración: 01h08min

    Tim finally worked out how to do this shit himself so, here we are.  Tim and Casey watch Pulp Fiction and talk through it.  I'm experimenting with some ideas for 'bonus' content.  determine for yourself whether it's a bonus.  Stay tuned. Enjoy it and then tell us so on our Facebook page, twitter, or leave a voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154. You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki Gaius Adronis: Domingo Madrigal @domingomadrigal   Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or and @theJsarge on twitter. Num

  • A Sincere-ish Apology

    31/07/2017 Duración: 05min

    Just a minute or two of Tim talking and then you get to enjoy the sum of our theme song.  Thanks again to our friend J Sarge for his work! Enjoy it and then tell us so on our Facebook page, twitter, or leave a voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154. Cast of Players                                                                                          Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.)                                                                                                       Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff                                                   Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1                                    Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch                                                 Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki Gaius Adronis: Domingo Madrigal @domingomadrigal You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure

  • Chapter 17: S-ing her P

    15/07/2017 Duración: 56min

    This was a pretty exciting episode. We battle some weird predator-like creature, ropes get ruined, and the new guy hasn't quite warmed up to us yet. Stay tuned for more of our shoot first, ask no questions later excitement.   Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki Gaius Adronis: Domingo Madrigal @domingomadrigal You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Shed hotline 801-900-3154 Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or and @theJsarge on twitter. Numenera and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. A

  • Chapter 16: It's like a lumpy mirror

    07/07/2017 Duración: 01h17min

    Things get a bit more weird (big surprise there). We all get infected, and two of us get into a bit of a heated argument... Damn new guys.     Enjoy it and then tell us so on our Facebook page, twitter, or leave a voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154. Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki Gaius Adronis: Domingo Madrigal @domingomadrigal You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or and @theJsarge on twitter. Numenera and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countr

  • Chapter 15: Things are back to normal

    30/06/2017 Duración: 01h22min

    We finally got the most of our group together again.  A slight scheduling snafu kept Jonny from joining us but we tarried forth.  We did meet Gaius Adronis and we work through an uneasy introduction.  Join us once again as we travel the ninth world in this exciting new chapter of our adventures in Numenera. Enjoy it and then tell us so on our Facebook page, twitter, or leave a voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154. Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki Gaius Adronis: Domingo Madrigal @domingomadrigal You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at jsargemusic.b


    15/06/2017 Duración: 01h28min

    We're doing things a little different this time.  I had an idea for a new podcast, and this is what that was.  My friend Casey and I watched Good Morning, Vietnam and talked about some things.  We'll have a few more such episodes popping up here.  Tell us what you think. You can contact us at, on Facebook and Twitter @RedstoneDiaries. Or you can leave a text message or voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154. Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or and @theJsarge on twitter. Numenera and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cooke Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC.

  • Issue #5

    01/06/2017 Duración: 01h21min

    Our "heroes" go about their day, as it were.  Things get more awkward and gross.  It was fun for our players, I'm sure someone else may have enjoyed it.  Although, not 'Schitt', that poor son of a..., anywho, the adventure sallies forth.... Enjoy it and then tell us so on our Facebook page, twitter, or leave a voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154. Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki Gaius Adronis: Domingo Madrigal @domingomadrigal You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or and @theJsarge on twi

  • Issue #4

    25/05/2017 Duración: 01h12min

    We're back to our super hero story for a bit.  Jonny had work and Dave is recouping from a long week of work and left early.  The team picks up in the hallway outside 'Schitt's' apartment.  It may not be interesting but it is awkwardly funny and perhaps a little gross.  We had fun. Enjoy it and then tell us so on our Facebook page, twitter, or leave a voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154. Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki Gaius Adronis: Domingo Madrigal @domingomadrigal You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or remedialm-

  • Scruffy and the Kid #4

    18/05/2017 Duración: 48min

    Our game is still on hiatus.  The Kid and I hang out and chat for bit.  We can't wait for September!!!  Also, we talk about turtles. Enjoy it and then tell us so on our Facebook page, twitter, or leave a voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154. Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki Gaius Adronis: Domingo Madrigal @domingomadrigal You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or and @theJsarge on twitter. Numenera and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All

  • Issue #3

    11/05/2017 Duración: 01h46min

    You may have noticed that our game last week didn't seem to end.  That's because it didn't.  This episode is part two of our playing the game Penny Arcade the Game.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who says f*ck it to Mother's Day so, we should be able to get back to Numenera next time.  Only time will tell.  But it shouldn't be too much longer. Enjoy it and then tell us so on our Facebook page, twitter, or leave a voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154. Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki Gaius Adronis: Domingo Madrigal @domingomadrigal You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found a

  • Issue #2

    04/05/2017 Duración: 01h08min

    Here we are again. Most of us anyway. We're missing Jonny and Dustin but we do have special guest, Tasia. So Dave brought up the game Penny Arcade The Game. It's super fun to play. We'll see if it's also super fun to listen to. Don't forget that this Saturday is the first Saturday in May!!! Free Comic Book Day!!! Find a local comic book store and support them. Or else.... Enjoy it and then tell us so on our Facebook page, twitter, or leave a voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154.   Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki Gaius Adronis: Domingo Madrigal @domingomadrigal You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure   Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfie

  • Another Installment of Scruffy and The Kid

    27/04/2017 Duración: 47min

    Scruffy and The Kid are back again for the 3rd episode. We just talk about nothing for 45 minutes but it's still fun so listen! We will hopfully be back with Numenera next week.  Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or and @theJsarge on twitter. Numenera and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cooke Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC.

  • Issue #1

    13/04/2017 Duración: 01h35min

    We were missing a couple of players this time but we introduce our new player, Domingo. And we played a little TSR's Marvel Super Heroes instead of our regular game. We still had fun. Enjoy it and then tell us so on our Facebook page, twitter, or leave a voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154. Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki Gaius Adronis: Domingo Madrigal @domingomadrigal You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or and @theJsarge on twitter. Numenera and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cooke Games, LLC in the U.S

  • Chapter 14: But they're instagram boobs.

    06/04/2017 Duración: 01h14min

    We beat the pants off those clones and then Jonny takes off his in victory. While the obelisk falls gradually to the ground, Glethran gets a stern talking to by me, Jim Slater. In turn he offers us a way out of out predicament, though, we're all a little leery of it. After realizing how much we've screwed with him and in turn his potential to retaliate. Enjoy it and then tell us so on our Facebook page, twitter, or leave a voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154. Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or remedialm

  • Chapter 13: Is anyone else upset by the lack of lasers in this world?

    30/03/2017 Duración: 01h30min

    We touch on the highlights from our lost episode and then move on. We start fighting with Glethron's clones. Then we kill Glethron's clones. The alien egg finally gets used and you'll be surprised by how! And we're all surprised to learn that Glethron has trouble keeping it up. This is a pretty thrilling episode. Enjoy it and then tell us so on our Facebook page, twitter, or leave a voicemail at the Shed hotline 801-900-3154. Until next time. Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or and

  • Scruffy and The Kid: FanX Fun

    23/03/2017 Duración: 01h07min

    Just listen, we explain what happened Stay tuned for the second installment of Scruffy and the Kid. We had some more technical problems so, Kelton and I chat for a little while about what happened to this week's episode, our experience at Salt Lake Comic Con's FanX, and other events his last week and upcoming. Prepare for your regularly scheduled programming next week. Same bat-time, same bat-channel. Cast of Players Game Master: Dave Hrynyshyn (Go ahead, try to find him online.) Jim Slater: Tim Flood, Host @The_Scrufffff Edward Broden: Kelton Clark, Producer @2drunk4this1 Freebird Batman: Dustin Hagen @batmanfacepunch Wil Juk: Jonny Brandin @jelowatanuki You can also contact and follow the show @RedstoneDiaries On Facebook at Redstone Diaries: A Numenera Adventure Theme music provided by Remedial M-Theory. Remedial M-Theory is the work of J Sargent operating out of Richfield Utah. And can be found at or and @theJsarge on twitter. Numenera and it

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