Jody England

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 186:04:29
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Jody England is the visionary behind the creation of Untamed You, Understanding your Soul Medicine Path, and Host of the Wild Soul Medicine Radio Show.


  • Wild Soul Sunday Medicine

    13/03/2016 Duración: 31min

    A Wild Soul Sunday - Special EditionTouching down in the midst of the Collective Undoing. Navigating our way through the wave of Divine Feminine emergence. Loving our Selves and each other as we go Inward and put an ear down to our own Soul.

  • I'm Coming Undone

    24/02/2016 Duración: 01h01min

    The anticipation is building, our Tribe has been gathering, the Universal Pulse pauses on the in breath as our Collective Stands Together mid-wifing the Essential Wave of Liberation that will crash upon the shores of Becoming today.Your Presence is requested.Over 10,000 of Us have already been Called to this time and space. Each woman following the yearning of Her Soul to reclaim Her sovereignty and make a New Way.As we come closer to the center of the Temple, we find ourselves jostling against one another. The merging of personalities and Essence, the meeting of Sisters from every walk of life - seasoned Wisdom Holders, Awakened Ones, Novices, Initiates, Seekers, Space Holders, the Activators and Activated.Some of Us have walked boldly to the center to claim our Undoing with public pronouncements, heartfelt reckoning with our inner illusions, and poetic proclamations of our Unraveling.Others of Us have stood along the edges. Witnessing, discerning, feeling, knowing. Waiting for a current of Truth to move thr

  • Undone in Beauty with Jess Magic

    17/02/2016 Duración: 01h01min

    Greetings, Sister,If you have recently joined us as part of the Woman, Come Undone Experience... Welcome.Our Sisters are gathering, as we oil the machinery of reclaiming our Sovereignty.We stand together Remembering our willingness and ability to see and know the places we are imprisoned by our stories, our illusions, and beliefs.The conversation is already depth-filled and enlivening. So much courage and daring as our Souls step forward with yearning to be Free.If you have not yet joined us in the Tribe, I invite you to become part of the conversation there. Whether as Sacred Witness or Engaged Participant, there is much medicine to be shared in that space.And to support your Undoing, a dose of Wild Soul Medicine Radio. (For those just joining us, we are deeply in this conversation of Coming Undone every single week - Wednesdays at 9:00 am/Noon ET.)On this week’s show I interviewed one of Our Muses of this sacred work, Jess Magic (aka Jess Johnson). She is truly a Soul Sister of my heart and is a champion of

  • Part and Parcel

    10/02/2016 Duración: 59min

    I am a trembling, quaking mess of "what the f@$&?!" right now. I sat down a couple of hours ago to write a very simple e-mail to invite you to the Wild Soul Medicine Radio show today where I planned to talk about the energetics of Inviting women to join us for Woman, Come Undone. I’m still going to talk about that in some form or other, but… As I tuned in to look at the places that weren’t feeling in alignment with my concept of inviting and asking you all to participate in it, I followed one precarious stepping stone to another until I found myself neck deep in a disconcerting Soul contract of biblical proportions. Christ consciousness, communion, age old lives of manipulation and power, Kali fire, medicine of dying to live and living to die. Holy Wholly. I am still Deeply In it. And… I have to Invite you to something. And… I don’t have any answers in this moment. And… I’d rather run the other way or go back up a floor and talk about something easier that I actually KNOW about. And… I KNOW that THIS is w

  • All Together Undone

    03/02/2016 Duración: 55min

    I refuse to participate in my own enslavement so I’m Coming Undone.The Time of our Re-wilding has come.Our Souls cry out for liberation.Our bodies yearn to dance in the freedomof the Divine Feminine.The Tide is Rising.We are called to light a matchto old paradigm patriarchal structuresthat no longer serve,in order to make wayfor the New and the True. A movement is afoot and your Presence is required. It is time to BE Real. To stop talking about the return of the Feminine and instead to Embody Her.It is only through Experience that we can begin to know ourselves at the deepest levels. Through engaged participation we align our energies behind that which we are truly a stand for. The congruence of the outer and inner worlds is our bridge to freedom. Humble and stripped down, we lay our egos down and invite our Soul forward in our Experience. Hearts pounding and spirits rising, we eye the edge of the abyss knowing that we are already leaping. On Wild Soul Medicine Radio today we reopen the doors to the Woman, Co

  • Wild Soul Conversation with Amber Hartnell

    26/01/2016 Duración: 01h13min

    Essence Abounds.I am heading to the mountains of Arizona today for some deeply healing, off the grid time for my Soul. I’ll be in ceremony for several days playing with pachamama and connecting with Life in sacredness and reverence. So how can I be hosting a radio show while also enrolling two high impact courses of my most Soulful work, while also taking 6 days off to commune with the medicine of nature? Essence, my love.The Magik ingredient of ease and grace. The more in Essence I Become, the more sustainable my spirit is, the more productive my expressions in the world, and the more Alive I feel.It just keeps getting better and better.On this week’s Wild Soul Medicine Radio show I invited the most Essence-filled Being I’ve ever met to join us for a conversation about all things Essence, Ease, and Pleasure. Amber Hartnell is truly the most exotically enticing Being I’ve ever met. She is a force of nature and a gift of evolution.Words can’t really describe how taken I am with this woman. You truly have to ex

  • You Deserve What You Get

    20/01/2016 Duración: 01h31s

    As the snow gently falls outside my window, I’m cocooned in my beautiful home with my favorite warm comforts and all the luxuries I desire.I love my life and am grateful for what I’ve created here.I’ve earned every bit of it.The years of education, struggle, and sacrifice. The decades of working 50 - 80 hours per week, the striving, the failures, taking every bit of medicine that was put in my path.I did it. I deserve this. I really, truly do. No one can say I don’t.I have made sure of that. It is a wound I’ve carried since my childhood. A fantastical, mystical, mid-western, mardi gras of family drama, fortunes won and lost, bitterness, betrayal, and redemption (kind of).It shaped who I am, and the way I was determined to be in the world.As a student of energetic exchange, I am fascinated by the insidious ways our egos wind in and through our money story. And beyond money, into all the forms of having, accumulating, and interacting with stuff. And beyond stuff, into the ways we relate to others, the choices

  • Wild Soul State of the Union

    13/01/2016 Duración: 01h01min

    As we stand at the precipice of a brand new set of days, perched on the outlook of What Is To Come, the bird’s eye point of reference allows us stunning views of the panorama that we currently inhabit and the array of possibilities that lay before us.Optimism floods our system with the knowing that we have rounded some unseen corner, our systems sigh with relief at the torque that has eased since the turn of the wheel, our spirits swell with hope of our Return.And, also… we are still fully human. Our old patterns have found their way into the new year, our wounded selves still reside inside of us.We are Called to hold a level of seeming dissonance in our ever expanding systems.To hold the vision of Who We Are Becoming while also Being Who We Already Are.It is a new gear for us. Our egos would prefer to have a finish line. To stick a landing of some sort.It is a tempting game to engage in, but one that sets us up for such disappointment. When we try to incessantly gauge where we are and whether we are “there”

  • A Fist Full of Water

    06/01/2016 Duración: 54min

    Happy New Year. What a compelling and welcome start we are off to. The moment the new energetic rolled in with 2016, I felt the most uplifting swell of ease, momentum, grace, and optimism.I’ve been flowing with ideas and creativity, inspired with aligned action, and alive with possibility.THIS is what we’ve been waiting for, Dear One.And… there is big change afoot. With any swift and vast transformation there are things that must fall away.The more swift and vast the transformation, the more that must be cast off.This month is one of Resetting the energetics of our lives. Both internally and externally, our systems are rebooting to open and install the new codes that have been downloaded.In some ways that is a beautiful experience, and in others it can be a little disconcerting as we come up against our attachments.Like, if for instance… your computer completely dies and you lose all the documents you’ve created over the last 12 years of business. (As happened to me this week!)On the one hand, I felt like I w

  • What a Long Strange Trip It's Been

    30/12/2015 Duración: 58min

    As we arrive in the last days of this expansive, exhilarating, turbulent, breathtaking, history-making behemoth of a year, there is much to reflect upon.Transition is still the name of the game. No sure gear forward has yet found purchase and the ghosts of energies past surround and enfold us as they pull our attention away from the uncertainty of the future and into something we can actually sink our teeth into.When we are faced with yet another set of days of unprecedented growth, All In for heretofore never experienced highs and lows, growth and evolution… our system reaches for something to latch onto.It may be an old habit you thought (or hoped) you’d outgrown. It may be circulating an old story of a relationship gone wrong, or cycling back through internal accounting of ways you’ve been wronged or problems that need tended.Our egos long for certainty. As a species, we are just learning to navigate these giant evolutionary leaps that have us dangling over the abyss with no idea of how or when we will rea

  • Do You Hear What I Hear?

    23/12/2015 Duración: 30min

    I have been feeling you all so deeply these last days. Your warm hearts, your fierce spirits, your intense desire to care for your loved ones and meet the demands of the holiday season while walking a spiritual path. I am struck by the irony of the conflict of walking a spiritual path AND celebrating the holidays. I found myself railing against the seemingly disparate pulls of my own desire to experience sacred holiness, open hearted joy, and peaceful connection juxtaposed against the external barrage of materialism, falseness, emptiness, and rush of nearly everyone and everything around me.How am I creating this? How do I keep getting sucked into it or feel like I have to completely withdraw to avoid it? It can feel like swimming upstream to hold the center of our Beingness while engaging with so many competing energies. I wondered if it served us to come together this week for Wild Soul Medicine Radio. Is it just one more thing to add to Our to do list, will it contribute to the bustle, does it serve more t

  • Expanding Our Range

    16/12/2015 Duración: 01h41s

    I’ve missed you… and I haven’t. I’m excited to be back with you today… and I’d rather do a million other things. I’m interested in what has been transpiring for you… and I don’t have an ounce of bandwidth for it. For months I have been straddling the both/and in a really uncomfortable way. It’s like I’m fully Here AND fully There. SO. MUCH. GOOD is happening. Mysteries, downloads, sacred re-memberings, magical experiences, miracles a minute. AND epic betrayals, senseless violence, deep disappointments, and grueling interactions with obsolete structures... The volatility between the channels is so swift and resounding it feels like being in a riptide churned round and round while being bashed against the sharpest rocks. The New Earth is here. The codes have been activated, the up level has begun. AND The Old Structures are still in place. The 3D density of the World Past still stands in our midst. It truly is a time of straddling a range unlike any we have ever been called to span before. The highest highs an

  • Angerrrrr.....

    02/12/2015 Duración: 01h02min

    These last weeks have been an intense experience of purification for me. In the wake of a deep betrayal by one of my closest inner circle, I have been thrust into the fires of grief, despair, depression, and rage. I have felt the burn of eons and eons of cellular memory incinerating the most sacred altars of sacrifice and self responsibility in my system. I’ve mourned, retraced my steps, processed, listened, triaged, missed many nights of sleep, comforted others, comforted myself, processed some more, received counsel, wrung my hands, gnashed my teeth, and surrendered over and over again. And this week I find myself circling, cycling, swirling in the Anger.I’m pissed. Really pissed. At her, at the world, at pretty much everything. My dragon wants to rain fire down on the whole fucking thing.I’ve received a lot of advice from very wise people that I should keep this to myself. I should tone it down, talk only to my inner circle about it and to those most directly affected by it. I’ve carefully tended my trigge

  • Togetherness

    18/11/2015 Duración: 42min

    The turbulence of our world has taken center stage in recent days. The divisions among us have become stark and sharp. Fear, anger, and uncertainty are sweeping currents of unease throughout our communities, our countries, and our hearts. When I received news of the events in Paris, I was in the middle of an exquisite cocoon of sisterhood and love. We were half way into a weekend of ceremony exploring the mysteries of the Universe, excavating our own wounded places, and bringing ourselves into harmony - inside and out. It was a poignant reminder of just how vital our Soul Work is. The urgency for creating Wholeness and Integration in our world presses fervently at our doorstep. Pushing, pulling, beseeching us to Come Together. In these days, we are not just called to come together to hold a candle and say some prayers. Standing for peace, posting our solidarity, and railing against the perpetrators are not enough. We are being called into Radical Individual Togetherness. The way to DO something about the vio

  • Union

    11/11/2015 Duración: 01h02min

    In January of this year, I was blessed to begin a deep personal walk with a beloved Soul who desired support in exploring Divine Union. Each week for 9 months we convened for the deepest Soul work. We excavated the layers of disconnect, compassionately tended the wounded places, and adventured into the mystery of Becoming. In the process, she navigated a conscious divorce, left her home of 13 years, activated her sacred gifts of seeing and healing on cosmic levels, and had the exquisite experience of really meeting Her Self as the light of a Soul she is. As with all Divine Unions, we set out with a loose vision and continued to follow where the path led. We sat with the discomfort, embraced the hardness, and held hands at the edge of the abyss. And somewhere along the way, we fell in love. With ourselves, with each other, and with the Divine In Us and As Us. As it turns out, we are meant for each other. On Wild Soul Medicine this week, I introduced you to this magikal, playful, light-filled Being who is some

  • I've got nothing for you

    04/11/2015 Duración: 49min

    Greetings, Sister,On the heels of our very potent and darkness-embracing portal of Dying last week, I’ve been deeply in it.So have you.I’ve witnessed your courageous shares of deep letting go, the angst-ridden inquiries of what/where/how to free yourself next, your wise awareness of the pieces and patterns that no longer serve.I am honored to stand with you in the Becoming.And…I thought all this dying would feel better somehow. I wanted to be past it, to cross a finish line with it. To come THIS week and talk about something happier, more, um… ALIVE.But the medicine continued to bring its wisdom. I can do nothing but pull up a chair and be its student.It is curious, this “in between” feeling. In my experience it is expressing as a sort of general malaise.An uncomfortable feeling of “not ok-ness” with an unclear origin or cause.In the midst of it, my impulse is to duck and cover.  I don’t feel like I have anything to offer anyone. I want to be alone. Yes, I see how this is "just-like-the-plants-and-the-turn-of

  • Dying

    28/10/2015 Duración: 51min

    I missed Being with you in our usual way last week. It was a big adventure for me to travel to LA, stretch all my comfort zones and give my first live and in person talk in about 5 years.If you haven’t watched it yet, you can do so here. all accounts, it “turned out.” Actually, in my opinion, it was a full on home run.I was happy with it. REALLY happy. I worked my shit, showed up real, and did my thing.I celebrated, basked in miracles, ate some amazing food, communed with friends then traveled home ready for my next Big Creation.That’s when life happened. Or Death.As I re-entered the atmosphere of my regular life I was met with the distinct change of seasons that literally occurred while I was gone. Suddenly it was rainy and dark. The winds of late autumn had begun to blow.My friend who stayed with our kids while we were away had to leave early because both of her children had gotten ill, our furnace had stopped working, there was a strange undefined smell of deca

  • Straight Talk

    14/10/2015 Duración: 01h01min

    What a dramatic several weeks it has been! I wasn’t sure I was ever going to return to a “normal” state of operating (you know the kind where you can form complete sentences and communicate with actual language instead of just vibrations…)I have loved every minute of it. The wild expansion, the heart pounding intensity, and the vast undoing of, well, Everything.Thank you for Being with me through it. While delightful and so welcome… it certainly hasn’t been easy.It was beautiful medicine for my Soul to be able to share the immensity of my Self with you as a Portal into your own these last several episodes.I am in deep gratitude for our meeting There.And this week I was called to meet you where you are.Mercury has gone direct and so have I.On Wild Soul Medicine yesterday, I came with some straight talk for you.Good old fashioned plain English (or as close as my Essence comes to that) about:•Receiving guidance•Needs v. desires•The ego and the Soul•Money and…•Some fiery love just for good measure(8:29) How to kn

  • Clarity in the Mist

    07/10/2015 Duración: 54min

    This week I find myself feeling deeply grounded, boundlessly expansive and so, so clear.My mid-wifing culminated Monday with the single most important Soul reclamation of my journey so far. Since the show last week I have been reveling in the mystery, wrestling with missing pieces, sleuthing emerging threads, and Returning myself Home.I hadn't even really had words for the shift since then. Just silence and Arrival.The seed of my Soul... finally, finally Here.At peace. In love. As love.This, Sisters. This.I woke early yesterday to a magical fog blanketing my sacred land. It beckoned me to come be held in its wisdom.As I rested there, I found the perfect balance between simultaneously experiencing the vastness AND the focalization of All That I Am.I want this for you. I want it for Us.For each one of us to Become a beacon of light in the darkness. To find our Selves and know our Selves at the deepest levels.To shaman our own Souls.On Wild Soul Medicine this week, I showed up for one of the deepest Soul Convers

  • Translation

    30/09/2015 Duración: 38min

    The Dawn of the New Earth is upon us. Our dance with evolution has been infused with grace.Words are too slow and inconsequential for All we stand in the midst of.Light abounds.Some of us still linger at the edge of the threshold wondering what to make of all of it.Our old ways beckon, our ego stamps its feet demanding to KNOW what this change is about.Our Soul presses Her face against the door of our heart, yearning to embody the magic embryos of transmission fizzing and floating through our system.An Energetic Translation is being called forth.It is beyond words. It is an experience... an activation. An opening of the most exquisite gift of Becoming.Cross the bridge between There and Here on Wild Soul Medicine Radio today.All that is required is for you to make space to meet me there in your sovereignty. The language of this sacred translation is best received in reverence and spaciousness with no distraction.I await you with Openness.And So. Much. Love.

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