See Me Hear Me Love Me



Life with kids is messy. We celebrate all the you know you are not alone! And you GOT this..


  • Episode #32 The "New" Dads - diaper changers & co-decision makers

    31/05/2016 Duración: 27min

    The "new" dads are the diaper changers and co-decision makers. They are defining for themselves how dads look, act, speak, and sometimes struggle with being a parent. New research confirms that "dads and moms now share the emotional and the financial burden of raising children, the physical protection and the social encouragement." And PEW Research reports dads' guilt levels can be higher than working moms. If dads begin to measure themselves against the impossible standards that moms feel, if the "new dad" is a be-it-all ideal of perfection and day-to-day reality is not-enough, everyone loses. Let's get this right while we still can support dads in this newly defined role! At the table with Bryan, Richard and Lynn

  • Episode #31 Kid-Sized Philanthropy - little hands doing big things

    24/05/2016 Duración: 28min

    Kid-sized philanthropy can start long before children understand the meaning of their actions - first birthday party projects, joining parents in community projects, immersion in a diverse world. Becoming helpers begins by noticing where there are needs and problems to solve. Start with what matters to your child or your family. Listen to 5 year old Lila in this episode who wants everyone to know that helping others to feel better, makes her happy too! at the table with Amy, Joanna and Lila

  • Episode #30 One and Done - In defense of the only child

    17/05/2016 Duración: 46min

    Hello parents of one and only one child. Do you have to defend not wanting another? Do you feel guilty at not giving your child a sibling? Do you worry about your child feeling lonely or, dare I ask, spoiled because they only have YOU? The myth of the spoiled child is only true if parents and child believe that's the only way. Parents have a choice, the choice to be aware and intentional. And, as you will hear in this episode, parents who communicate openly are there to support one another and help a child grow in all kinds of situations. At the table with Jana, Nicole and Marc

  • Episode #29 Body Image - it starts with babies

    10/05/2016 Duración: 45min

    Body image starts with social perceptions surrounding our babies and toddlers begin to internalize the social conventions around 18 months. From "I hate my thighs" baby onesies to "future football player" comments, kids see and hear grown-up messages regularly. Instead of becoming more inclusive about our girl body-standards, we as a culture have become more rigid about boy body-ideals. Let's bring back some sanity now! At the table with Carol, Carla and Dylan...

  • Episode #28 Mom Sanity - how much is enough?

    03/05/2016 Duración: 44min

    Welcome to a conversation about the never-ending quest for peace and balance. How much is enough sanity? How much is enough self-care? How much is too much tequila? How do moms find what they need? How hard is it to discover you don't have to be alone? And, finally, how can you trust yourself and your children in a world with all that Mom Shaming? At the table with Stephanie and Chelsea...

  • Episode #27 Gratitude, Empathy and Giving

    26/04/2016 Duración: 41min

    We teach children to be empathetic givers, not out of obligation or insistence, but rather by generosity and compassion. Listen in as we discuss the age-appropriate struggles of "me-mine" and giving children the opportunity to give "their way". Empathy for others is taught every day, even better when it's a personal connection to real lives. And my favorite take-away - you aren't spoiling your child by living a comfortable life as long as your child sees-hears-connects to a world where so many have so much less. At the table with Mariela, Kira and Summer

  • Episode #26 Tutu's Dirt and Broken Arms - girls will be girls

    19/04/2016 Duración: 40min

    We are breaking the stereotypes today, at least in Early Childhood. When we let kids be who they are and let girls experiment and discover the world around them without gender boundaries, we are raising leaders and thinkers with empathy and self understanding. At the table with Jody, Lauren and Stacy

  • Episode #25 Toddler Tech

    12/04/2016 Duración: 47min

    Technology is everywhere, even in the lives of toddlers and very young children. This episode has three thoughtful parents of children under 2 discussing how, where and when technology fits into the lives, habits and routines of toddlers and families with little ones. Big questions - no judgement. At the table with Stephanie, Jamie and Tylah

  • Episode #24 Graduating Preschool- From Babies to Big School

    05/04/2016 Duración: 40min

    We are wrapping another school year and that means our pre-k parents are counting the "lasts" - the last time their child will experience the preciousness of a magical place and time before graduating on to a whole new world of Kindergarten. Feel the pride, the excitement and that little touch of sadness with us as we look back and look ahead together. At the table with Lauren, Lisa and Martina

  • Episode #23 Vacations and Traveling with Kids

    29/03/2016 Duración: 36min

    Traveling with kids is fun when expectations are relaxed and realistic. Plan for contingencies, pack strategically, use lists and organize around children's ages and stages. Best advice: 1. packing is the hardest part 2. Lower your expectations 3. You got long as you don't lose a kid! At the table with Lindsey, Michelle and Ting

  • Episode #22 Reward Charts, Cooperation and Responsibility

    22/03/2016 Duración: 46min

    Teaching responsibility and encouraging cooperation can be exhausting when your child wants to do things their way! It takes time and practice for children to learn emotional resilience and self-management. The question in today's podcast is: do reward charts help support that learning? Are they positive behavior tools or are they a form of "negative" discipline, a form of punishment? How will you choose what works for you and your child? At the table with Marni, Lynn and Shirley

  • Episode #21 Raising Independent Kids- voice and choice

    15/03/2016 Duración: 42min

    How does a parent make the shift from baby to preschooler...respecting children's choices when they are first finding their own voice - what to wear, what to eat, bedtime and more? It's not always easy to raise children who are seen and heard in ways that honor each stage of development. And yes, good parents lose it too!

  • Episode #20 Twins - twice the love

    08/03/2016 Duración: 41min

    Parenting times 2 - twice the love, twice the drama, twice the exhaustion! Twice the admiration and awe for parents of twins who juggle different needs and temperaments, who must find practical strategies for everyday parenting, and who are masters at setting priorities. The parents in this session will inspire you to find your calm, to laugh a little more and to savor the love!!! At the table with Rita, Logan, David and Katie

  • Episode #19 Working Moms #2

    01/03/2016 Duración: 45min

    Working moms, or is it working-for-pay moms, are essential to the See Me Hear Me Love Me conversation. Here is the second Working Moms segment - choices and expectations, routines and promises, commitments to families, to work, to themselves. And yes, the moms at this table, do it just a little differently than the moms in Episode #13 - because every family has their own story!

  • Episode #18 Baby #2 or #3 - families grow and change

    23/02/2016 Duración: 42min

    You can try to prepare for a new baby but you can never really know until you get there. One thing is for sure - there is ALWAYS more love! 2nd pregnancies worries and guilt, multiples ages and stages, not knowing who to help first? Guess what? You got this! At the table with Kim, Amy and Jessica

  • Episode #17 Tech and Soul

    16/02/2016 Duración: 45min

    This is not the battle of kids and technology. It is a genuine discussion of the choices parents make, and revisit regularly, in a world where children and parents live with technology every day. Here's a perspective from parents of school-age children - optimism, pessimism, some fear, and "duck tape"! At the table with Adena, Meredith and Dan

  • Episode #16 What Lies Beneath - feelings and needs underneath behavior

    09/02/2016 Duración: 50min

    Child behavior is only the tip of the iceberg. What lies beneath is feelings, needs and huge developmental learning. Here's a fabulous conversation as parents reflect on their children's struggles to manage all the emotions and age-appropriate challenges that come with growing and learning. With a little time to pause and reflect, you know your child best of all. at the table with Lindsey, Ronit andMariela

  • Episode #15 Fun Dad

    02/02/2016 Duración: 38min

    Dads are hands-on and all-in, very much part of their children's lives. They bring the FUN and they bring a new respect and support for moms. Thanks Dads...for sharing your limitless love for your children and your families! At the table with Jessie, Todd and Emily

  • Episode #14 Potty Training

    26/01/2016 Duración: 40min

    Who knew potty training could be so much fun - great examples, great stories, great questions! Potty training is different for every child as you respect each child's timing and temperament. It's not so bad but there will be funny stories to tell! At the table with Jamey, Bella and Rob...

  • Episode #13 Working Moms

    19/01/2016 Duración: 34min

    All moms are working moms but juggling work schedules and career goals into a busy family life requires ingenuity and flexibility. How do these moms do it? What causes them stress? What helps them from feeling overwhelmed? Are all working moms this organized? Listen in to three moms not taking on the "guilt" of doing more! At the table with Erica, Lauren and Joanna...

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