See Me Hear Me Love Me



Life with kids is messy. We celebrate all the you know you are not alone! And you GOT this..


  • Episode #50 Rosh Hashanah Reflections for Parents - a good year

    02/10/2016 Duración: 39min

    Today we are talking about how the Jewish New Year is different from the January 1st New Year. Rosh Hashanah gives us that much needed "pause" to look back over the last year - at ourselves and at our relationship with our children - what we knew, what we learned, how we grew and what are our hopes and commitments for the new year. You will be inspired to savor the holidays ahead and find true goodness in the new year...goodness for yourself and for your families, and for the world. at the table with Allison, Jessica, and Rabbi David Englander

  • Episode #49 Discipline Part 1 - Manage the Moment

    27/09/2016 Duración: 29min

    It's not easy when children don't cooperate, don't listen, or test the limits of a situation. Here is Part 1 of a two-parter on discipline called Manage the Moment. Yes, you got this! Mean what you say and say what you mean. Say things once never more than twice. Manage the situation without over-managing your child, especially without coercion and power plays that escalate the struggles. It all starts with the shift to being on the same side as your child - as teacher, as guide, as skill-builder, as role model. Part 2 will then help with big picture Rules-Routines-Rituals because discipline isn't just what you do in the moment. It's everything from the time your child wakes up to the time he goes to bed, as well as getting a good night's sleep and refueling your patience too! Solo conversation with Karen...

  • Episode #48 Calm Teaches Calm when your child drives you crazy

    20/09/2016 Duración: 13min

    Episode #48 Calm Teaches Calm when your child drives you crazy by Karen Deerwester

  • Episode #48 Calm Teaches Calm when your child drives you crazy

    20/09/2016 Duración: 13min

    Fear, panic, shouting, scolding escalates a stressful scene into a worse one - like gasoline on fire. The mantra of the wise and reasonable parent is: I can handle anything. I can handle tantruming toddlers, whining shoppers, game-playing night-stalkers - the rude, the defiant and the dramatic! Calm teaches calm. Check your feelings first before trying to help or teach your child. One-on-one with Karen this episode...

  • Episode #47 Moms are People - Creative, Risk-Taking Moms

    13/09/2016 Duración: 32min

    Moms spend an enormous amount of time, heart and energy taking care of others - and we are grateful they do. But every so often, moms need to make an un-mom choice to do something for herself. They try something new. They start something new despite guilt, doubt and obstacles. Listen to these three bold moms taking a creative leap - for themselves, to inspire others, to be creative, to grow! At the table with Hilary, Allison and Sarah

  • Episode #46 Starting School Jitters - Support for the Tears and Fears

    06/09/2016 Duración: 45min

    Now matter how ready you and your child are for back-to-school or for starting school, there are big emotions and challenges. Even when first days go well, week 2 or 3 brings big surprises - tears, fears, doubts, guilt and more. Here is a great conversation about supporting your child with understanding and emotional skill-building and creating the foundation for trust and supportive relationships. at the table with Beth, Sarah, Erica and Logan

  • Episode #45 Infertility and the Silent Stories that Come Before Baby

    30/08/2016 Duración: 42min

    We sit in baby and toddler classes all across the country beaming with joy as if everyone who ever wanted to start a family got their wish without heartache, sadness and unimaginable loss. Those stories don't erased when the baby comes. Today, we honor the painful journey that many parents take to get here, here to family. And we remind everyone with a silent story that they are not alone....especially when sitting in Mommy & Me class, at storytimes or on playgrounds. at the table with Alex, Laurie and Alexis

  • Episode #44 The Child Who is Different - raising the out-of-the-box child

    23/08/2016 Duración: 39min

    Let me introduce you to three uniquely bold and original parents raising each of their children as the individuals they were born to be. It isn't easy to be different, to stand out when others do not understand or when you question if you've been the parent your child needs. Raising an out-of-the-box child is a challenge but you are not alone and you definitely GOT this! at the table with Layne, Alexis and Janet

  • Episode #43 10 Tips for Back to School Anxiety

    16/08/2016 Duración: 09min

    Here are Karen's 10 tips for back-to-school stress and anxiety. Change, even positive change change - new beginnings, new teachers, new classrooms, or a new school, are giant opportunities for social-emotional skill building. They are also opportunities for children to learn they are supported and comforted through challenging emotions - fear, anxiety, uncertainty, confusion. Accept all those emotions, yours and your child's. You got this!

  • Episode #42 Spirituality Mindfulness and God

    08/08/2016 Duración: 38min

    Listen as these parents define and redefine choices about God and spirituality for their families and for their young children in very personal ways. Children and parents are changed by the being present to the moment and to each other, through mindfulness and connections to community. Listen as Rabbi David Steinhardt reminds us of the holiness of everyday routines. Finding that peace might just be the antidote to all the stress and busyness of a commercial world that creates far too much guilt, doubt and not-enoughness. At the table with Rachel, Emily, Sandy and Rabbi David Steinhardt

  • Episode #41 Smart and Sensitive Kids

    02/08/2016 Duración: 44min

    Smart and sensitive kids are the ones who think deeply and feel deeply. They knock you off your game and create lots of doubts and questions in the thoughtful parents who are trying to support and teach them. Celebrate their intelligence while grabbing opportunities to be an "emotion coach" for them. You are their safety net as they try to manage all the complexity of their thoughts, questions and feelings. Watch out though - chances are they have a smart and deep feeling parent too! At the table with Jolie and Ricky, Erin and Peter....

  • Episode #40 Potty Training with Karen

    26/07/2016 Duración: 18min

    Potty training is always individual and customized to your child's developmental needs and to your parenting style. Here are my Do's & Don'ts that can help avoid the struggles and some of the frustrations. Start with readiness. Understand the missing pieces of the potty-puzzle so you can support your child's learning. And then give your child the respect and freedom to do this her way, his way. You Got This! it's a Karen solo podcast but listen to Episode #14 for great stories with easy-to-potty and resistant-to-potty kids

  • Episode #40 Potty Training with Karen

    26/07/2016 Duración: 18min

    Episode #40 Potty Training with Karen by Karen Deerwester

  • Episode #39 STEM for Toddlers and Preschoolers

    21/07/2016 Duración: 43min

    STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) gives educators and parents a new way of teaching young learners, as does it's newer cousin STEAM which adds Art to the learning model). Raising children in a rapidly changing world means finding new ways to prepare children for a future different from today, and different from the one in which we grew up. Raising children to be successful, resourceful, resilient and happy in the year 2040 means raising deep critical thinkers who are collaborators and innovators. Listen to this podcast for a refreshing and exciting conversation with parent/educators who celebrate the essential tools and process underlying STEM curriculum, STEM activities, STEM toys and devices. Plugged and unplugged, the best early childhood learning is STEAM! at the table with Lori, Alexis and Linda

  • Episode #38 Summer Family Vacations - Get Organized!

    12/07/2016 Duración: 40min

    Here are three experienced and enthusiastic vacation-planning parents. They capture the true reality of family vacations from "am I crazy?" to "let's make this road trip longer". Listen to the some of the challenges and to the great organizing tips that will help you get to your final destination with most of your sanity intact. At the table with Dalia, Cat and Lane

  • Episode #37 Kindergarten Redshirting and Summer Birthday Boys

    05/07/2016 Duración: 42min

    Should children be held back an extra year before starting Kindergarten? In a world where Kindergarten is the new 2nd Grade, will the "gift of time" help children to grow physically, emotionally and cognitively to meet increased demands and stress? Listen in on a conversation with parents of Summer-birthday boys and teachers who have a perspective on both sides of this issue. At the table with Lindsey, Janie and Martina

  • Episode #36 Body Image Part 2

    28/06/2016 Duración: 38min

    Body Image Part 1, Episode #29, spoke mostly about boys and body image. This episode is a conversation with three moms of girls talking about the unspoken messages and the sometimes less-than-thoughtful comments about bodies, physical ideals, health, self-esteem and individuality. The goal is to raise children who will be resilient in the face of cultural judgments and misguided ideals. At the table with Nicole, Jody and Bea.

  • Episode #35 Grandparents: Unconditional Love and Respect

    21/06/2016 Duración: 37min

    Grandparenting is an entirely new relationship. In some ways, you are different people than you were as parents - different expectations, different commitments, different perspectives. And, in some ways, you are still very much the same person - finding all the best ways to be supportive without being intrusive, respectful without overstepping boundaries, wanting the best for your grown children. These grandparents redefine agelessness. They are as wise as ever and yet younger than ever. Listen as they share "what life is all about"! At the table with Maddie, Nancy and Fred

  • Episode #34 A few minutes wth Karen - You Got This

    14/06/2016 Duración: 10min

    Here's a short few minutes just with Karen as Karen reflects on how to be a See Me Hear Me Love Me parent. Three suggestions to hit the pause button and see-hear-feel your child's reality in the moment. And, create the space to honor and create what works specifically for you and for your child. Be on the same side with your child. Connect the dots - teaching and waiting for learning to catch up. Believe that what you know is enough for today. You GOT this and you are not alone!

  • Episode #33 A Glimpse into the World of Early Childhood Teachers

    07/06/2016 Duración: 43min

    Early Childhood Teachers are magical people! They create a new world in their classrooms - a place of joy and wonder, shared living, friendships and trust, deep feelings, growing together and individually throughout a year filled with thousands of experiences and meaningful moments. All parents will feel enormous gratitude and respect to know...the hearts of teachers! At the table with Layne, Jami and Randi

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