See Me Hear Me Love Me



Life with kids is messy. We celebrate all the you know you are not alone! And you GOT this..


  • Episode #70 Trusting Your Pediatrician

    28/02/2017 Duración: 46min

    In a world of overwhelming and contradictory medical and child development information, it might seem harder and harder for parents to find a pediatrician they can trust. Today's guests are proof that a relationship of trust and mutual respect is possible. Listen to how they built that relationship and discover the secrets to creating more trust in the world - for the professionals who make up your family village, for yourselves as parents, and to be discerning in a world of Google. At the table with Debra, Robert, Ashley and Dr. Chad Rudnick from Boca VIPediatrics.

  • Episode #69 The Stress of Choosing a Kindergarten

    21/02/2017 Duración: 44min

    Choosing Kindergarten and an elementary school can feel overwhelming, like it might define your child and all their future opportunities. Sometimes schools and media present the choice as all-or-nothing or right-and-wrong. Here's a conversation about the stress of too many good choices. How do you choose when every choice works and no choice has it all? Diversity or like-minded community? Academics and sports? Doesn't every child deserve unique, awesome, the best of the best? What if your family doesn't have unlimited funds? Is good-enough okay? At the Square Table with Jamey and Lauren

  • Episode #68 Raising Resilient Kids Quick Tip

    14/02/2017 Duración: 17min

    It takes a balance of freedom and support to raise capable, resourceful, resilient children who know the help and the guidance when they need it.The perfect balance is individual and personal, unique to every parent and child, that continually adapts and changes to new situations, new skill building, and greater emotional understanding. You got this. And...I got you. at the table with Karen

  • Episode #67 Pacifiers and The Pacifier Tree

    07/02/2017 Duración: 21min

    Comfort objects are very personal to young children. The attachments are deep and powerful and it's not always easy to know how and when to help your child transition to other forms of comfort and security. But that emotional journey is very much part of growing - here are a few suggestions and an introduction to The Pacifier Tree. at the table with Karen

  • Episode #66 Nannies

    31/01/2017 Duración: 43min

    Families want their children to be safe and loved. They want someone who understands their needs and priorities. The parent-nanny relationship is certainly more than a typical job because it has such deep family connections. But it also comes with layers of expectations and emotions, and sometimes...guilt. Today we talk about the successes and a few of the frustrations with finding the right nanny for your family, your child ad your lifestyle. At the table with Stacey and Melissa

  • Episode #65 Inner Resources - Finding Everything You Need Within

    24/01/2017 Duración: 45min

    This podcast is full of hope and optimism with three extraordinary women whose daily practices help them find strength, courage, patience, calm and unconditional love to manage day-to-day life with kids. They speak from experience and as writers and teachers bringing mind, body and spirit together. At the table with Louise Goldberg, author of Classroom Yoga Breaks and Yoga Therapy for Children with Autism and Special Needs; Meryl Davids Landau, author of Enlightened Parenting and Downward Fog; and Natalie Kline Sager, "modern hippie momma".

  • Episode #64 - Helicopter Grandparents

    17/01/2017 Duración: 50min

    Helicopteryness is so much more interesting when we suspend judgment and explore the what, how and why behind it. What is a helicopter grandparent? Is it hovering, speaking up, wanting to give advice from decades of experience? Listen to these three grandfathers who are creating an on-going, loving relationship with their grown children and their grandchildren. We all benefit from heartfelt communication and heaftful listening. At the table with Roberto, Bruce, Fred and Laura

  • Episode #63 Mind of My Own Toddlers

    10/01/2017 Duración: 46min

    Toddlers are the Xkids - Xtreme emotions, Xtreme growth, Xtreme challenges. Growth is exponential, their power is raw and relentless, and yet, they need us in an all-out resistance kinda way! Listen to these parents of toddlers find ways to support their very independent toddlers by celebrating that independence, making space and time for their powerful toddlers to learn and grow. At the table with Alexis, Anessa and Courtney

  • Episode #62 Happy 2017 - repeat after me...Gratitude, Empathy & Giving Back

    03/01/2017 Duración: 41min

    This podcast is a repeat of an earlier podcast but one with a message for teaching children kindness and generosity from the earliest ages and stages. Young children may struggle with impulse control and delayed gratification but they are also thoughtful and generous when given the opportunity. Gratitude and generosity are habits we set early. Look around and see all the wonderful ways to help others and get engaged in the world beyond your own doors.

  • Episode #61 Happy Holidays - repeat after me...Moms are People!

    27/12/2016 Duración: 32min

    Here's a favorite for New Year's - hope everyone feels the contagion of discovering what fills your heart, in addition to kids and family. Because when moms follow their passion and take a leap for themselves, everyone benefits. Happy Holidays and Happy 2017!

  • Episode #60 Helicopteryness - Overworrying or Too Laid Back?

    20/12/2016 Duración: 42min

    No one wants to be a helicopter parent but everyone has some degree of helicopteryness (thank you Jenn for the perfect word). Finding the right balance between over-worrying and being too laid back is an on-going process that changes with each child and stage of development. Listen to how these parents navigate being all-in, loving, teaching, supportive parents and give their children the space and time to learn, make mistakes, discover and grow. At the table with Jenn, Ben and Samantha

  • Episode #59 Risky Play and Playborhoods

    13/12/2016 Duración: 43min

    Most parents want a childhood for their children where they are free to roam, to take risks and to have unsupervised, unstructured play. Some parents build giant playgrounds in their backyards. Some create communities of like-minded parents to celebrate unplugged values. Others grow a little more comfortable day-by-day with open-ended play and risk-taking in very natural ways. Here are two parents who figured out how to live with the bumps and bruises as their children learn and grow and explore. At the table with Kim and Jessica

  • Episode #58 Toys - what do you look for?

    06/12/2016 Duración: 36min

    When we talk about toys shopping, we are talking about very individual children and deep, genuine play. Here are three experienced parents talking about what matters most to them about toys and what they learned - after those first social pressures of more-more-more. Toys - what do you need, what do you want, what do you look for, how do you individualize for your child and your family, how do you resist the BIG SELL and the BIG GUILT? at the table with Anupa, Phyllis and Jessica

  • Episode #57 No No No and Tantrums

    29/11/2016 Duración: 37min

    Welcome to the world of toddlers and 2's - a world of "no", of "I am powerful", BIG emotions and emotional meltdowns. It isn't easy to hear-see-love the moment of opposition and resistance but it is part of every child's emotional growth. Listen to these moms describe the emotional world of their two-and-a-half year olds and they balance emotional support for their children and their own sanity. at the table with Stacey, Brooke and Amy

  • Episode #56 Sleep - the never-ending challenge

    22/11/2016 Duración: 50min

    Getting children to sleep and sleep through the night is a never-ending challenges. The best plans and routines are disrupted by a new developmental stage, by teething and illness, by bed hopping, fears and the biggest ones of all - parent guilt and doubt. Here are three very different stories from three different families. We believe the road to peaceful, easy sleep-filled nights is: clarity, consistency and lots of love. When and how you manage all the various sleep issues is, however, individual and personal. Just remember, you are alone in the struggle - night times are hard for everyone at one time or another. at the table with Tylah, Bea and Stephanie

  • Episode #55 Single Mom Challenges and Joy

    15/11/2016 Duración: 49min

    Life with kids is messy and divorce makes things even messier. Whether you are a single parent sharing custody and trying to instill consistent values or a single parent 24/7, self-care and finding that village of support is essential. Maybe the hardest part, though, is the guilt and doubt. At the table with Missy and Shanna.

  • Episode #54 Mom Pressure - Mommy & Me Anxiety

    08/11/2016 Duración: 39min

    We know first days of school cause stress for children, well so do the first days of Mommy & Me and Mom & Baby classes. it's a judgy, pressure world out there so let's be there to create nurturing, supportive, accepting, kind places for moms and babies...every day...everywhere! We are all in this together and everyone is trying to be an awesome mom. Let's let them know they already are! At the table with Allysa, Mel and Stephanie

  • Episode #53 Podcast-Aversary - change and trust

    01/11/2016 Duración: 40min

    It's the one year anniversary of See Me Hear Me Love Me and we talk about change and trust, the familiar places that make us feel safe in our parenting. We need those places and especially those people who "see us, hear us, and love us". But, it's only when we leave the "bubble" that we discover all that our children are capable of. Where do we find the courage and confidence? In trusting our children - giving them the space and the opportunity to sometimes fail. at the table with Lynn, Shirley and Marni....

  • Episode #52 Open Conversation - Hardest Part of Being a Mom

    25/10/2016 Duración: 25min

    Welcome to an open discussion about the hardest part of being a mom for you. In between all the love and the joy of raising kids, are all the others moments - guilt, searching for balance, trying to be fair, questioning all the things you do to get by in a day. These are as much a part of being a parent as all the love-filled, happy and fun times. Let's keep it real and support one another through the frustrating and exhausting challenges that are part of everyday parenting. At the table with Ronit, Shelly and Mariam

  • Episode #51 Dress Up, Pretend Play, & Halloween

    11/10/2016 Duración: 07min

    Pretend play is one of the most essential experiences for learning and growing in early childhood. It is the "dress rehearsal" for life, for the day-to-day challenges in childhood and in shaping grown-ups-to-be. Halloween makes all that play a shared adventure in schools and neighborhoods. Let's use the time before and after Halloween to celebrate imagination, big fantastic stories and the power of play!

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