Dr Amer Siddiq On Mental Health

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 17:18:13
  • Mas informaciones



Sharing my insights on general psychiatry and mental health issues. Occasional random thoughts on other things which might not matter.Content might be a mix of English and Malay.Hosted byDr Amer Siddiq.


  • Radio Interview: Salam Bros - Zayan FM

    20/08/2020 Duración: 09min

    My interview on radio with Salam Bros on Zayan FM

  • Depression Management

    29/02/2020 Duración: 14min

    Key concepts in depression management:Outcomes of treatment of people with depressionThinking cognition affecting workWeightSexual disfunction3-words:Function recoveryAbsenteeismPresenteeism (buat-buat busy)Function Recoverysituation where individual is not in recovery but would be back in his pre-stateDepression has 3 components:EmotionalPhysicalCognitionDSST ScaleWeight managementtry to use methods that restricts weight management or at least inform the patient of potential changesSexual Dysfunction

  • Don’t Avoid Medication

    15/01/2020 Duración: 18min

    Reflecting on Lady Gaga’s comments on Oprah recently.Difference between psychiatrists and psychologists.Bio psycho-social lifestyle spiritual innovationTypes of medication:Schizophrenia — anti-psychoticBipolar — mood stabilisersAnxiety — anti-anxiety agentPsychopharmacologist - specialist in medicationIf you don’t want medication, options could include:psycho-therapydieting, exercise, personal fitness

  • Alcohol PSA

    12/05/2019 Duración: 08min

    Recorded at Casa Titik, CheratingWe don’t know our numbers - we don;t know how miuch we are drinking15 standard units per week.  If you have more then you might have a problem with drinking. Not to consume in one sitting. Take it with food. General rule:1 can (330ml) 4.5% alc = 1.5 standard units1 glass wine (100ml) = 1 standard units30ml liquor = 1 standard units Lowered risk of developing drinking problems. It’s not safe to quit cold turkey! Please don’t drink and drive!

  • Kerja Lebih Masa, Undang Padah

    14/04/2019 Duración: 27min

    Temubual saya di TV3 pada 10 April 2019 bersama dengan Tuan Hj. Adnan Mat, Setiausaha Agong Cuepacs Pengurusan masa Masalah bermula apabila kerja lebih 55 - 60 jam sehari. Masalah fizikalMasalah mental Puncanya… STRESS! distress —> burn out —> masalah emosi Isu fisiologikal - badan sedia bertindah (adrenalin, glucose).sakit jantungsakit angin ahmar Sintom burn out:hilang minat untuk kerjapenat selalutidak ada motivasiabsenteeism - tidak datang kerjapresenteeism - datang kerja tapi tak buat kerja Selfcare:masa bersenammasa dengan keluargaambil cutibajet teratur

  • Substance Use Among Youths

    31/03/2019 Duración: 21min

    My talk recently at the 5th ASEAN Region Primary Care Conference.Topic for today:Challenges of dealing with youths/key concepts of addictionsSubstance affect on the brainGateway TheoryCannabis UseChallenges / Solutions for treating youthsDealing with 2 problems:the adolescences themselvesthey are at risk of developing substance abuseThey are looking for a sense of identity, individuality.Substance are related to suicide.Anything that can be made into liquid can be vaped.Social Media and the Internet are easy access for youths to access substances.Reduce stigma to let youths to approach family members and doctors (not peer age group)Legal and Family issues.Treatment needs to be tailored to the individual.

  • Team Pagi Suria x Prof Amer

    21/03/2019 Duración: 04min

    Interview saya dengan Team Pagi Suria tentang kemurungan dalam budak-budak (depression in children). Apa tanggungjawab netizen? Jangan jadi yang suka mengecam.

  • Lemah Semangat & Kesihatan Mental

    10/03/2019 Duración: 10min

    Ini adalah mitos!Kenapa?Kemurungan - berterusan lebihi 2 mingguAnhedonia (mati rasa)Masalah konsentrasiRasa tak bergunaPenat, kurang tidurTidak waras

  • Psychotherapy

    10/02/2019 Duración: 12min

    Together with Dr. Aida Syarinas.It is a psychological method to manage stress (talking therapy)Types of therapies:Cognitive behaviour therapy - working forwardsPsychodynamics therapy - working backwardsInterpersonal PsychotherapyMindfulness - breathing exercisesMotivational InterviewingSupportive psychotherapy - assist patients to get where they need to goAcceptance and Commitment therapy - for people stuck in certain life events or choric painMarital therapyEclectic therapyDurationDepends on individual issues:CBT - 12 sessionsPsychodynamics - 20-40 sessionsPatients must be committed.  Once a week is common.Requirements of a psychotherapist:Either:Clinical psychologist with psychotherapy trainingPsychiatristWorkshop with motivational interviewer

  • Teenage Pregnancies

    03/02/2019 Duración: 07min

    Together with Dr. Aida Syarinas talking about her interview with her sister Dr. Aizura Syafinaz in O&G.Attachment theory - Importance of bonding between the infant and the primary care giver.Anxious ambivalent attachment - strong need for closeness and affection. makes them vulnerable to sexual advances without the info of unprotected sexCan be as young as 12.Prevention starts from home: have a healthy relationship with your children.spend quality time with childrentalk to them about sex

  • Porn Addiction

    31/01/2019 Duración: 12min

    A form of behavioural addiction (most well known is gambling)Hypersexual disorderIf you are viewing more than 4 hours a day and starting to feel guilt or shameIf you are having orgasm more than 7 times a week as results to viewing pornMen have a higher risk of this addiction.You might have an addiction if:tried to stop but unable to do so (dyscontrol)lot of time spent viewing (asocial)compulsive viewing (even when you are not enjoying it)withdrawal symptoms if not able to watchviewing more specialty material Struggling with porn addiction:going out lesstaking risk to watchwatching in public space Affects:spoilt relationshipsunable to get an erection Biology:a link with dopaminechanges in part of braindevelopment in less active part of brainSometimes linked with depression and anxiety We are now on Spotify!

  • Cara Mencari Pertolongan Kesihatan Mental

    20/01/2019 Duración: 16min

    Perlu surat sokongan (referral letter) dari klinik kesihatan atau klinik swasta.Kalau kecemasan, boleh ke bahagian kecemasan untuk pertolongan yang cepat.Isu kecemasan:isu keganasan - membahayai orang lainingin membunuh diri Kalau ingin menjumpai doktor (bukan pakar)di LPPKN bahagian kerja sosial (social work)di klinik kesihatanMENTARI - Pusat Mental dan Psikiatri Komuniti Hotline yang boleh dihubungi:Befrienders (03-7956 8145 - https://www.befrienders.org.my)Persatuan MIASA (013-878 1322 - https://miasa.org.my)AWAM - All Women Action Malaysia (03-7877 0224 - https://www.awam.org.my)

  • Smoking Ban in Eateries

    13/01/2019 Duración: 10min

    1st January implementation by government of Malaysia.Supplement to the BFM segment (http://www.bfm.my/smoking-is-an-addiction.html)About the banprotect family from 2nd hand smokeassist in stopping smoking Assistance to stop smokingJom Quit! - http://jomquit.moh.gov.myQuit smoking aidsCouncellingQuit-line service Ministry of Health complaints hotline - 03-8892-4530

  • 2018 Recap

    06/01/2019 Duración: 12min

    Thank you to all my listeners for tuning in and support to keep this podcast going.Hot topics for 2018Generalised anxiety disorderPersonality disordersSuicide preventionFor 2019Moving forward with the podcastMore animated videos with psyberMore VLOGsmentalhealth.my improvementsDo follow us and spread the word!FB, Twitter, IG - @dramersiddiqpsyFB, Twitter, IG - @mazranz (technical)

  • Oral health and mental health

    16/12/2018 Duración: 08min

    The more teeth that you have at your end of life determines how good a life you had.Halitosis or smelly breath can lead to low self esteemPhysical oral health (deformation) can result to bullying, and depression issuesAccess to oral health - anxiety to visit the dentistConsequences of medicine for mental healthCan result in halitosis (histaminergic effect of schizophrenia drugs)Problem with gumsTooth loss

  • Mental health advocacy without diagnosis?

    02/12/2018 Duración: 12min

    Imperative to get diagnosis if they want to advocate mental health!Don’t create negative views if you personally have not been seen and diagnose.Depress mood does not mean bipolar mood disorder#kamikisah

  • Role of Imaging in Psychiatry

    25/11/2018 Duración: 16min

    EEG, MRI, CT BrainNecessary to allow to further investigate the brain.Who should do it:If in age above 50 and suddenly develop symptoms to see mental health specialist.  Do a CT brain firstIf young, symptom of psychosis or mood.  Best to do to find possibility of reversing symptoms.diagnosed and treated with symptom, but not much improvement in recovery or a change in symptom.Follow me on:FB, IG - dramersiddiqpsy

  • Thyroid Function Test

    18/11/2018 Duración: 12min

    Looks at:thyroid stimlating hormone (TSH)thyroxin T4triiodothyronine T3Used to diagnose:depression (hypothyroidism)mania (hyperthyroidism)anxietyIf it is a mood disorder because of a medical condition, will refer to an endocrinologist to prescribe required drugs to balance hormones.

  • Professor John Kane

    13/11/2018 Duración: 15min

    Professor John Kane Kane’s criteria for treatment resistance schizophrenia (TRS):Person taking medicine and having:adequate doseadequate durationbut no response after taking medication, can sign up for TRSClozapine clinicIn 2018, it is possible that 1 of the 2 drugs is long-acting, injectable drug.70%-80% of schizophrenia patients don’t take their medicineFollow me on:FB, IG - dramersiddiqpsy

  • World Mental Health Day — updates

    21/10/2018 Duración: 18min

    Befrienders panel discussionPositive story:  patient with Schizophrenia3% relapse with treatment, 80% relapse if without treatmentif you are having these symptoms or side effects from the medication, please speak to your doctor!New treatment was more effective. We are 1 year old!!

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