Storystash Books



StoryStash is a podcast where we read classic books aloud and you and your family get to enjoy books you've loved or are just discovering in a whole new way.


  • Chapter 17: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    26/03/2018 Duración: 23min

    This week, we again get to spend time with Mrs. Arbuthnot - funny to still call her by her formal name after all these months. Rose, we get to spend more time with Rose Arbuthnot. As a contemplative introvert, I love spending time with Rose. I know what it is like to hem and to haw, to reason it out and then take it all back again. I think that is why this is such an easy story to enjoy, the characters are so easy to relate to, likely exaggerated a bit, but they each have traits we see every day in the world around us, even though it was written all those years ago.   And now, back to Rose: she has reached an impasse. Her contemplation has run its course and now she must act. Will she or won't she ask her husband to join her? Her internal protection alarms are going off warning her to keep herself safe, her soul is pining, and yet still she has to make a decision. This chapter will take her, faster than she realizes, into the next step of her life.   You will also find an early example of "mansplaining" in th

  • Chapter 16 - The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    19/03/2018 Duración: 30min

    This chapter we check in with three of our ladies, but my favorite part is that we get to spend some time with Mrs. Arbuthnot. It's been a while since we've checked in with her, as Mr. Wilkins likes to say about her, she is the most retiring of the four ladies. The tenderness of her heart for her husband keeps her hidden away. But with the time and space away from the busy-ness of London: the meetings, the poor, the serving of others - always the serving of others - she finally has time to untangle. She has space to figure out what she wants, doesn't want and even what she believes; the essence of Mrs. Arbuthnot is starting to rise to the surface. What could be a sweeter way to spend an April?

  • Chapter 15 - The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    13/03/2018 Duración: 31min

    This week our chapter focuses of the character of Mr. Wilkins. It is true that last week we had a peek into the antics of Mr. Wilkins (through no fault of his own) but this week we get a chance to glimpse into the mind of the dear man. Like men of his kind, his ultimate goal is to build the clientele of his law practice. While this brings out the money-grubber in most, interestingly enough, this brings out the compassionate human in Mr. Wilkins and we see all his energy aimed at pleasing and building trust.   Mr. Wilkins is given an opportunity to leap to the forefront, to be the hero of the situation presenting itself - just like he has always desired. Even better, it is in service of Lady Caroline and Mrs. Fisher! Come join us for the next chapter with the charming, attentive and clever Mr. Wilkins.

  • Chapter 14 - The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    05/03/2018 Duración: 27min

    This week brings the entrance of Mr. Wilkins and he starts to change the dynamics of the castle simply with his male presence and perspective. I know there are "things" that I avoid because they are complicated or would be a bother to others; my husband, however, ignores the over-thinking part and just does those "things." Ah, the difference between men and women... Well, Mr. Wilkins is no different and has no idea of the consequences of his actions until it's too late! But really, what kind of story would it be if everyone avoided the tricky (and surprisingly volatile) parts??

  • Chapter 13: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    27/02/2018 Duración: 39min

    Chapter 13 brings with it the beauty of San Salvatore. I love this one - it’s a quiet chapter and the movement our ladies are experiencing is so deep-rooted and internal that it is difficult to see unless you can peek into their minds - lucky for us, this is a book and we can. Mrs. Wilkins, already thriving and awake, was just the tip of the iceberg. Scrap, Mrs. Arbuthnot and Mrs. Fisher, all have strange stirrings - but how to get to the other side of them? Each of them must first go through the awkwardness and uncomfortability before shedding their skin (so to speak) and moving on. Join me, and experience with me, what our lovely ladies are going through.

  • Chapter 12 - The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    26/02/2018 Duración: 34min

    Chapter 12 brings with it the end of the first day at San Salvatore and the bringing together - for the first time ever – of the four ladies who will share the next month together. On this evening, personalities begin to emerge and interactions set the tone for their upcoming evening meals. We know Mrs. Fisher has issues with Mrs. Wilkins - and that Mrs. Wilkins doesn’t even notice - but what about Scrap? It’s the first time, really, she’s interacted with anyone other than Mrs. Fisher and the range of personalities laid out before her is at once intriguing, horrifying and mystifying. And then of course there’s the announcement from Mrs. Wilkins - that only Rose any idea about - and that adds extra spice to everything else. Just a quiet night at the castle, that’s all....  Join me for Chapter 12 of The Enchanted April

  • Chapter 11 - The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    12/02/2018 Duración: 22min

    Mrs. Wilkins is definitely aware of how thankful she is to be in the new, breathtaking surroundings of San Salvatore. It helps quite a bit that she allowed herself to be transformed immediately - there were no protests, no struggles against change for her! But Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Arbuthnot are in very different places than our sweet Mrs. Wilkins. Not surprisingly, Mrs. Fisher is as much Mrs. Fisher than she ever was. She has had many, many more years to develop (in her opinion) the RIGHT way to do things and envelope herself in those traditions. On the other hand, Mrs. Arbuthnot has stayed busy to avoid dealing with the situations she found herself in (amazing that they did that too in the early 1900s) and now that she's surrounded by the quiet beauty of San Salvatore, she has quite a bit of catching up to do.    Last week we left our two originals, Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Arbuthnot, just caught by Mrs. Fisher in the room she had reserved for her own personal use. What will she ever do with these two hooligans

  • Chapter 10: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    05/02/2018 Duración: 25min

    Today's note is actually a thank you. Thank you to all my high school English teachers and the work you put into us, and really, for making us do vocabulary lessons. I even had a teacher that had us do an additional, college-level book of vocabulary so that as we moved through the world, we would have a better understanding of the words we encountered - and hopefully be able to pronounce them correctly too. Looking back, there was always a struggle to learn each week's new words and the attitude that vocab was just busy work. Now, however, I see how those lessons still help me today to read through and understand the pictures drawn for me by the words in every book.    I have experienced this pressing appreciation for words lately. Because of reading older books, I read more words I don't immediately know. This week the word I learned was "marchioness" and the definition, according to Merriam-Webster, is a woman holding the rank of marquess (ranking above an earl and below a duke) in her own right. Also, the 

  • Chapter 9 - The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    29/01/2018 Duración: 26min

    This week we get to spend some time with our girl Mrs. Fisher. Well, to be more accurate, the older, distinguished, somewhat uptight, opinionated, stuck in the past Mrs. Fisher. When I'm reading her internal thoughts I think it's easier to understand her refusal to accept anything new and to only value the old. If you happened to encounter Mrs. Fisher in real life (unless you were one of her approved, elderly friends) it is inevitable that you would hear comparison and disapproval. From within her mind though, yes, there is still comparison and judgement but the added appeal of charming memories, made only sweeter by the passage of time. Remember the games you played as a child, your favorite songs, the best ever television shows or that simple but special family trip you took? Well, take that and add in all the venerable authors and poets that defined the zeitgeist of the time. (I had a psychology professor who's favorite word was zeitgeist - I wouldn't know the word otherwise, but because of him, I will nev

  • Chapter 8 - The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    22/01/2018 Duración: 36min

    This chapter is a perfect example of why I love this book - its so much more than just a couple of women in an idyllic Italian setting. Mrs. Wilkins opens the chapter with this gem: "I can't see the least point in being in authority at the price of one's liberty." - I mean, REALLY. And it was shy, bumbling Mrs. Wilkins who said it! If we took this advice, how would it change our every day lives? In this instance, it releases Mrs. Arbuthnot to simply enjoy.

  • Chapter 7: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    15/01/2018 Duración: 20min

    In today's chapter, our ladies continue with their morning and continue with their discoveries of the beautiful (and the not so beautiful). Really, it's the uncomfortableness of traveling with new people. In reality, traveling, even with people you know very well (spouses included), is really difficult. My husband and I might take a quick overnight trip and even then we have a difference in opinion on what we do, how many activities to pack into one day and if we'll make time for any friends who might be in the area. All this - and we even like each other.   Enter Mrs. Fisher. Need I say more?? Okay, well just to satisfy you, Mrs. Fisher brings with her a quality and a standard all her own that may or may not grate on the nerves of those around her.    Join us to find out just how awesome traveling with Mrs. Fisher can be.

  • Chapter 6: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    11/01/2018 Duración: 31min

    Oh my goodness do I have a fantastic chapter in store for you. After weeks of tough chapters with the agony and tension of uncertainty Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Arbuthnot have finally arrived...  When I think back to the more stressful times in my life - beleaguered by expectations, the pressure of daily life, and the flurry of activity it takes just to get through one normal day - and then moving from that into vacation is like night and day. After the flurry of (extra) activity it takes to get ready for said vacation, once I get there the weight lifts of with surprising speed and I start seeing the world through different eyes. And that is exactly what you have in store for you in this next chapter of the Enchanted April. My friends, we’ve been through the dreary English days and now we have finally made it to the crystal clear blue Italian skies of San Salvatore where we get to finally discover the riches that lie in wait for Mrs. Arbuthnot, Mrs. Wilkins, Mrs. Fisher and Lady Caroline Dester.

  • Chapter 5: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    21/12/2017 Duración: 22min

    Last week we left Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Arbuthnot agonizing over the upcoming trip. It's that tension between putting others first (as is so much easier to do) and defiantly taking some time for yourself that we could almost reach out and touch. Finally, it was settled. They were off! This week, we encounter our heroines through to the commencement of their trip. I know we all think that once the flight, the train or the car ride is finished that the trip is over, but I always forget about that part of the trip that actually gets me from the airport or station to the doorstep.  I took a trip this last weekend and it was the best kind of trip: boring and predictable - that is until the Uber driver couldn't find the house! Thankfully it was easily remedied by a quick phone call and I found my destination. Traveling in the past has often brought more difficult challenges. Going back and forth between home, college and abroad I got myself into some nasty pickles. This included sprinting through airports, begging

  • Chapter 4: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    18/12/2017 Duración: 14min

    This week’s chapter is short but effective. You know how there is always a swirl of fear and anxiety right before you take off on a new adventure? Something about changing the pattern of your life that calls down the ravaging doubt storm? I have recently begun to realize that my doubt storms often mean I am actually on the exact right path. Something deep within me recognizes that if I take the very step I’m questioning, it will change me (hopefully for the better). What is it about having the boring, life-sucking processes of our lives threatened that causes us to take stock still and question if the dream we’ve been yearning to step into has any real value at all??? We're about to find out. To say that Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Arbuthnot have called down a doubt storm is putting it mildly. And yet, I don’t know any other way they could have stepped out of the deep monotonous trenches in which they had been ensconced. Necessary; difficult; and takes them one step closer - the last big step - toward their dream

  • Chapter 3: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    18/12/2017 Duración: 23min

    This week two important things happen in our next chapter. First of all, we find that a way is made where none seemed possible. Once a dream is first conceived, doesn't it seem like the vision of it is followed by the possibilities- as close as you can touch - followed by disappointments, followed by decisions to either give up on it or figure out a way through? Assuming you do take steps to move forward, inevitably it will again be followed by more ups and downs but each one takes you one step closer to the final destination of fulfilling that dream. That is what the dream of San Salvatore, the Italian medieval castle, is like for Mrs. Arbuthnot and Mrs. Wilkins.   The second important thing is that we are introduced to the indomitable Mrs. Fisher. The sheer force of her will is impressive, but if you happen to be the one interacting with her it can be less impressive and a bit more challenging. The strict structure and rules she holds dear and has purposefully chosen to live by have kept everything in preci

  • Chapter 2: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    18/12/2017 Duración: 17min

    Hello My Friends! I was reminded this week that I forgot to mention that this book was written in the early 1900s, it was first published in 1922, and you will notice (of course) the traditional gender roles assumed. Outside of this though, there are many similarities to people of today - one of the reasons I love these older books so much: people are people wherever they are and whomever they are with.    Today's chapter is a perfect example of this; we get insight into the tumultuous inner life of the outwardly calm, cool and collected Mrs. Arbuthnot. This world existed about a century ago and yet, people are people and she is not so different from you and I: making justifications, explaining and dealing with the consequences of the decisions that she and others have made. How many times in a day to each of us do this???   When we last left our ladies, Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Arbuthnot, Mrs. Wilkins had just accused both of them of being miserable. While Mrs. Wilkins is perfectly comfortable to admit this, Mr

  • Chapter 1: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim

    02/12/2017 Duración: 35min

    The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim, read aloud by EmilyGrace Jones.  This is one of my favorite books. Our four heroines (you'll meet two in this first chapter) could not be more different and yet they are all connected by the same thing: the drudge of everyday life has worn them down. Their true selves are so hidden by junk, fears and trivial annoyances that yell so loud that it's easy to take them too seriously. And so, in short, they are in a quandary - a perfect setting for miraculous transformation to take place. But before any of the miraculous can visit, it is time for a rude awakening, or really, not as much rude as a quiet, enticing Italian breeze. Who knew a simple breeze could have such an impact?!? - EmilyGrace

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