Time And Space: A Doctor Who Podcast



Time and Space celebrates Doctor Who, one the worlds most enduring television sci-fi series. Co-hosts (and recently married couple) Jessica Nunn and Phillip Gilfus take an in-depth look at the current episodes of the Doctor and her companions, exploring how the new adventures of the Thirteenth Doctor break new ground and reach back into the canon. Jessica, a newer Whovian and an 11-year resident of the United Kingdom, and Phillip, a lifelong resident of the USA and fan of classic & nuWho, join together to discuss characters, stories, technology, Big Finish audio adventures, novels, and comics. They journey into the TARDIS archives each episode to look at how classic Doctor adventures helped pave the way to contemporary stories. Join Time and Space as Jessica and Phillip explore their love of Doctor Who, and, occasionally, for each other.


  • If You Had to Choose?

    30/10/2019 Duración: 39min

    Ranking the Tenth Doctor EraAs they close their month-long celebration of the Tennant era of "Doctor Who," Jessica and Phillip take turns ranking their favorite companions, stories, and specials. Are they a Rose, Martha, or Donna? Which episode was the best to close a series? How do the specials line up with the more episodic series? Join us and let us know your favorite from the time of the Tenth Doctor.For their look into the TARDIS library, the couple re-visit the Whovian special episode of "The Weakest Link," starring several actors from series two. Who ends up winning?

  • Love & Tennant

    17/10/2019 Duración: 01h11min

    First Time Doctor-ing - Series 2New Doctor Who fan, Charlynn Schmiedt, joins the show again to share her reactions to watching the series for the first time. This time she has completed series 2, the Tenth Doctor's first full season, and she has questions! Why did Rose leave? Why don't people love "Love & Monsters"? When will Rose return? Char is ready to bring on series 3, as well as try out some of the spinoff series.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple examine "Blackpool," the 2004 series starring the Davids - Morrissey and Tennant. How crazy is a pop song lip synch crime drama?

  • Danger Snog Reflex

    09/10/2019 Duración: 51min

    Tenth Doctor RomancesThe Doctor's love life has always been somewhat controversial - does the Doctor actually want romance? Should there be romance with the Doctor? Fans will continue to debate. But the Tenth Doctor certainly had his share of love interests - whether it was reciprocated or not. Do you have a favorite Tenth Doctor romance? Or should there be no snogging in Doctor Who?In their look into the TARDIS library, Jessica and Phillip discusses the Doctor Who Confidential episodes covering the Tenth Doctor's regeneration in "The End of Time."

  • Ducktales Audition Reel

    03/10/2019 Duración: 34min

    Tenth Doctor Animated AdventuresThe Richard E. Grant Ninth Doctor entered the world of the animation with "Scream of the Shalka." The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) continued that tradition with two animated stories - "The Infinite Quest" and "Dreamland." These two entries in the "Doctor Who" franchise look different from each other, but still provide an interesting look into an alternate approach in making new Doctor stories. Jessica and Phillip watch these two episodes for the first time in celebration of David Tennant month.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple review Russell T. Davies series "Casanova," starring a pre-Doctor Who David Tennant. This is the show that seems to have led to the casting of Tennant as the Doctor - and there are quite a few familiar things about it for Whovians.

  • Episode 83 - The Holy Grail of Avalon

    25/09/2019 Duración: 44min

    Writing a Ninth Doctor Christmas SpecialThe Eccleston Era of Doctor Who gave us many things - but not a Christmas special. Jessica and Phillip write on the spot what a Ninth Doctor Christmas special would look like, featuring Rose, Captain Jack, and some new special friends on an Arthurian adventure. The trio land in Avalon, but Rose finds herself spending the Winter Solstice with Morgan le Fey whilst the Doctor and Jack enter Camelot. Both Arthur and Morgan find themselves chasing a mysterious treasure that has foretold - whoever gets there first may have the power to change the world! Will Doctor as Merlin tip the balance of power in King Authur's direction? Or will Rose lead Morgan's acolytes into finding the treasure first? With Captain Jack working his way around the Knights of the Round Table, the treasure may turn out to be something that unites the two factions ... as only a Christmas present can. Let us know what you think of this unique Doctor Who story. Lastly, in their look into the TARDIS library

  • Episode 82 - Are You My Motivation?

    11/09/2019 Duración: 50min

    Notable Ninth Doctor EpisodesJessica and Phillip each pick an episode of the Christopher Eccleston era for a special discussion - "The Empty Child" and "Boom Town," respectively. What are these two episodes considered stand out by the co-hosts? What do they show about the Ninth Doctor's character and his companions? And how does Eccleston shine in these roles?In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple examine the 1998 movie "Elizabeth," co-starring Christopher Eccleston as the antagonistic Duke of Norfolk.

  • Episode 81 - TV Killed the Internet Star

    04/09/2019 Duración: 53min

    Richard E. Grant's Ninth Doctor and "Scream of the Shalka"We all know the Ninth Doctor first appeared in 2005, with Christopher Eccleston bringing back "Doctor Who" in his leather jacket, waving around his sonic screwdriver. But he was not the first Ninth Doctor. An enterprising group of Whovians inside BBC were desperate to find a way to celebrate the 40th anniversary of "Doctor Who" in 2003. With no news of anything happening, they decided to bring back the program in the form of an animated webcast, with a new Doctor, new companions, and a ... robot Master? Phillip and Jessica look at the BBCi production of "Scream of the Shalka," with Richard E. Grant as the Ninth Doctor. Some other once and future "Who" stars make their first appearance in this six-episode story, including a certain Scottish Whovian who would eventually star in the TV series. Would you be interested in more stories featuring Grant's Doctor? Or is this series of webisodes better left as alternate "Who" history? In their look into the TARD

  • Episode 80 - Beyond Just a Television Show

    14/08/2019 Duración: 01h37min

    Eighth Doctor August (and the Wilderness Years)Each incarnation of the Doctor is unique - but the McGann era of "Doctor Who" is something of its own temporal paradox. The Eighth Doctor appears solely on television with the Doctor Who TV Movie (and, of course, his death and regeneration in "Night of the Doctor"). Yet his story lasts the longest in books, audio adventures, and comics. Richard Carrier joins Jessica and Phillip to talk about the era of when "Doctor Who" was off of television, what the Eighth Doctor means to him, and how new fans can tackle the "non-TV" adventures of the Doctor. Watch Richard's latest video on the Wilderness Years here.In their look into the TARDIS library, Jessica and Phillip look at the Tenth Doctor's final adventure in "The End of Time." How does David Tennant (and showrunner Russell T Davies) close this chapter of Who?

  • Episode 79 - The Perfect Spinoff

    07/08/2019 Duración: 26min

    The Paternoster GangThe characters of Madame Vastra, Jenny, and Strax were first introduced in the Eleventh Doctor episode "A Good Man Goes to War," but that was just the beginning for this memorable trio. Jessica and Phillip talk about their favorite Victorian era gang, from what makes each character special to how they performed in their first Big Finish box set "Heritage 1." What's your favorite Paternoster moment?In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple review the Eighth Doctor Big Finish episode "The Chimes of Midnight." What more did they learn about the paradox of Charley?

  • Episode 78 - You Can't Blame Him

    31/07/2019 Duración: 32min

    Seventh Doctor JulyWith the end of the seventh month, it's time to focus on the Sylvester McCoy era of Doctor Who! Jessica and Phillip review Richard Carrier's YouTube documentary on the closing of the classic era and this Doctor's end in the 1990s television movie. They look at Mel vs. Ace, which Hogwarts house this Doctor belongs to, and what makes him Jessica's favorite classic Doctor. What's your favorite Seventh Doctor story?In their look into the TARDIS library, Phillip reviews the Doctor Who book "A History of Human kind: The Doctor's OFFICIAL Guide."

  • Episode 77 - Starting Again for the First Time

    24/07/2019 Duración: 56min

    First Time Doctoring - Series 1/Ninth DoctorJessica and Phillip are proud to convert people to becoming Whovians. One of those "convertees" is Char who just finished watching Christopher Eccelston's series of "Doctor Who." What does she think of the Ninth Doctor? What does Captain Jack do for her? What are her favorite episodes? What was it like meeting a Dalek for the first time? And how was it going thru her first regeneration? Join us for a new fan's reactions and let us know your favorite Ninth Doctor moment.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple visit the Third Doctor serial "The Daemons." As they continue their first time watch of Jon Pertwee's turn as the Doctor, they talk about The Master being in ALL THE episodes, their enjoyment of Jo Grant, and how effective UNIT seems (or doesn't seem).

  • Episode 76 - ...And a Bit of Punky Brewster

    10/07/2019 Duración: 35min

    Companion Spin-offsThere are a variety of Doctor Who spin-off series, featuring characters from both classic and nuWho. Jessica and Phillip pitch their own ideas for new companion series featuring ... the Doctor's companions! Whether it is Ace in a prequel or sequel series or Rory and Amy solving mysteries in New York City, there are lots of opportunities for new Doctor-less adventures in time and space.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple visit the Sixth Doctor's final outing in "The Ultimate Foe" aka episodes 13 and 14 of "The Trial of a Time Lord." Did Colin Baker get the unknown sendoff he deserved? Did the series wrap up in a satisfying way? Which fate for Peri is preferred? Let us know your season 23 thoughts!

  • Episode 75 - Shorter Serials & Subtle Arcs

    03/07/2019 Duración: 01h20s

    Contrasting Classic and nuWhoFans often debate which is better - the classic era of Doctor Who or "new" Who? Jessica and Phillip leave any arguments aside and just look at what exactly defines these two era of Who. What makes a classic serial? What sets nuWho apart? What strengths and weaknesses are on both sides? Join us for this in-depth look at Doctor Who era.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple look at the pilot episode from the K9 series, "Regeneration." What happens when K9 turns into a flying CGI version that helps virtual reality kids and a professor playing with time and space? Let us know if you've seen this entire series.

  • Episode 74 - Between Twins and Trials

    19/06/2019 Duración: 41min

    Sixth Doctor JuneEach month in 2019, the co-hosts look at an episode from Richard Carrier's YouTube Doctor Who research and analysis series. This sixth part focuses on the Colin Baker era of classic Who, and its trials (of the time lord) and tribulations. You can check out the video here. The also focus on the first half of Season 23, also known as Peri's final serials.In their look into the TARDIS library, Phillip reviews the Fifth Doctor novel "Sand of Time" by Justin Richards. This story sees the Doctor, Tegan, and Nyssa go on an Egyptian adventure, featuring some familiar mummies and villains.

  • Episode 73 - The TARDIS Goes "Boop!"

    05/06/2019 Duración: 35min

    Doctor Who Grab Bag - An Eighth and Third Doctor AdventuresThe couple spend this episode talking about two random serials in the Doctor Who franchise - the Big Finish Eighth Doctor adventure "Invaders from Mars" and the Third Doctor episode "Colony in Space." What do you think of these two quite different episodes? In their look into the TARDIS library, Phillip reviews the First Doctor biography, "Who's There? The Life and Career of William Hartnell," penned by Hartnell's granddaughter.

  • Episode 72 - The Royal Family of Who

    22/05/2019 Duración: 34min

    Fifth Doctor MayThe co-hosts continue their monthly Doctor-focused episodes, following Richard Carrier's YouTube analysis (Fifth Doctor era clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_W6x64rxHc). Peter Davison and his TARDIS crew under the supervision of John Nathan-Turner ushered in a new era of "Doctor Who" for the 1980s. Was this the beginning of something new or the beginning of the end for the classic era?In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple re-visit the Tenth Doctor adventure "The Doctor's Daughter," with guest star Georgia Moffett, a.k.a. Peter Davison's daughter (and David Tennant's future wife!)

  • Episode 71 - Please, Don't Say 'Crabs'

    08/05/2019 Duración: 32min

    The Animated Macra TerrorThe lost episodes of "Doctor Who" continue to frustrate fans. This year, an animated release attempted to "fill in" the canon with the restoration of the Second Doctor serial "The Macra Terror." How does the animation look? What is the story like? And why can't any of the characters properly describe the monsters? We look at that and more.In our look into the TARDIS library, we review the second appearance of the Macra in the Tenth Doctor episode "Gridlock." This episode definitely made us have kittens.What do you think of animating lost episodes?

  • Episode 70 - Who Amongst Avengers

    01/05/2019 Duración: 42min

    Doctor Who Actors in the Marvel Cinematic Universe"Avengers: Endgame" landed in cinemas across the world - and just as this epic movies celebrates the entire MCU franchise, it also celebrates the "Doctor Who" franchise. Jessica and Phillip talk about the actors who have appeared in both series - from Toby Jones, Karen Gillam, David Bradley, and David Tennant. In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple look at the Harry Potter movie franchise for what "Who" actors have appeared there - specifically examining the fourth film, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire."

  • Episode 69 - Love Is Just a Story Trope

    24/04/2019 Duración: 45min

    Companion RomancesLove is in the air as this podcast's co-hosts celebrate their second anniversary - so why not talk about romance in the TARDIS? Jessica and Phillip look at Rose/Mickey, Rose/Ninth Doctor, Amy/Rory, and Clara/Danny -- did these pairing work? How did they evolve? And ... do we really think the Doctor has "sexy times"?In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple revisit two Eighth Doctor Big Finish productions - "The Stone of Venice" and "Minuet in Hell."

  • Episode 68 - Living in His Own Universe

    17/04/2019 Duración: 44min

    Fourth Doctor AprilJessica and Phillip look at Tom Baker and the Fourth Doctor era of Doctor Who (1974 to 1981) using two sources: Richard Carrier's YouTube analysis and a 2010 Tom Baker interview. Both of these videos reveal the unique origins and happenings of this so-called "Golden Age of Who."In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple look at the comedy series "Dead Ringers" and their Doctor Who parodies, especially impressionist Jon Culshaw.

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