Bela Lugosi's Shed



Welcome to Bela Lugosi's Shed - A Podcast exploring Horror, in all its chilling forms. We'll be covering everything from classic horror novels and films through to modern computer games and music. You can say hello to us at @BelaLugosisShed.


  • Episode 70 - One, Two, Freddy's Coming For You

    17/05/2021 Duración: 01h03min

    It's been quite some time since we did our last franchise deep dive (Eight months if you're going by the calendar, but it might as well have been a different geological era relatively speaking) and we had so much fun with that one we had to do another. This time we've picked an even better known franchise which is very close to both our hearts. We also turned back time even further to look at a film in One From The Vaults that really lives up to the title as it was made over a century ago.   One From The Vaults: The Cabinet Of Doctor Caligari (1920), available to watch on Youtube.

  • Episode 69 - It's The Sex Number LOL

    26/04/2021 Duración: 59min

    We're way past February the 14th but we've waited until now to bring the Sexy to the Shed, because this episode is officially NICE. Because we're in the mood this episode we've got two horrors of a distinctly alluring bent, but to make sure that you don't get too hot under the collar we've got an Easily Available Horror for you that is quite literally frigid. We also have a selection of current affairs of the horrible variety, as always. Easily Available Horror: The Terror (2018), on BBC iPlayer.

  • Episode 68 - Doesn't Hold A Candle To The Original

    05/04/2021 Duración: 01h37s

    In what we think is a first for the podcast (But we might be wrong as neither of us has the best memory) we're looking at a film alongside its own remake in this episode, as we compare a work starring acting powerhouse Vincent Price to a work starring acting power... well, starring Paris Hilton. We also spend a bit of time on a lovely British werewolf movie that went under the radar and the usual horror news and views.   What Fresh Hell Is This?: Howl (2015), on Amazon Prime.

  • Episode 67 - Blue And Green And Read All Over

    22/03/2021 Duración: 59min

    We're always trying to mix things up a bit here in the Shed to avoid the slow grinding onset of Ennui, so in this episode we've espoused the usual 'watch three films and talk about them' that we've done the last few episodes and tried to focus our horror eye elsewhere. We've got a great new horror graphic novel in our What Fresh Hell? segment, and in our Double Feature we look at a famous vampire property in two of its available forms. We also give you some exciting horror news and HJ Doom recounts some mistakes of judgment.   What Fresh Hell Is This? : Blue In Green (2020) by Ram V, Anand RK and John Pearson, Image Comics.

  • Episode 66 - Virgin On The Ridiculous

    01/03/2021 Duración: 59min

    What's a shed without a good Hammer? Well we don't have to find out, because this episode contains two great Hammers as we take another delve into the world of Hammer Film Productions, the legendary studio responsible for so many great horror films during its impressive thirty year reign. We also cast an eye over a shiny new film starring that wonderfully erratic star Nicolas Cage and a selection of current news as per usual.   What Fresh Hell Is This? : Willy's Wonderland (2021) available on Amazon Prime, iTunes and Youtube.

  • Episode 65 - I Can't Believe It's Not Hammer

    15/02/2021 Duración: 56min

    In this episode we may appear at first glance to be dipping into the august library of the legendary Hammer Studios, but a further investigation will show that the serial numbers have been filed off and that our Double Feature this episode is two films by the young pretenders Tigon Productions. We have also listened to a brand new audio documentary by the BBC covering spooky happenings in the 1950s, and as always brought you all the horror new that's fit to print (or talk about).   What Fresh Hell Is This?: The Battersea Poltergeist, BBC Sounds.

  • Episode 64 - Unfathomable Torment

    01/02/2021 Duración: 01h04min

    We are back, dull eyed and bushy-eyebrowed after our holiday break, but even though we're still the haggard facsimiles of humanity that we were before we're regained just enough energy to get a new episode of the podcast out to you, where we look at two films exploring the world of underwater horror, albeit the shark-free type. There's also an Easily Available Horror with a grisly theme and an even grislier star (topical!) and the usual news and chat. Welcome back to The Shed!   Easily Available Horror: Wounds (2019), from Netflix.

  • Episode 63 - Fresh Guts Roasting On An Open Fire

    22/12/2020 Duración: 57min

    Ho, ho, ho, Dearest Listener, it's that most wonderful time of the year and as has become traditional we're emptying our sacks of the usual horror and allowing ourselves to experience some of the Xmas spirit by watching some classic seasonal films. We're not completely losing our edge though, we're still looking at an Easily Available Horror and talking latest horror news.   (Also make sure you listen to the end for our usual Xmas musical interlude!)   Easily Available Horror: Rare Exports, A Christmas Tale (2010) from Amazon Prime

  • Episode 62 - Girl, You'll be Abhuman Soon

    07/12/2020 Duración: 01h08min

    In this episode we find out that a way to a man's heart is straight through his ribcage, as we discuss a pair of films featuring women who turn into monsters after coming back from the dead. There's a 90s classic and some more modern fare, bot brimming with blood and guts in a particularly grisly episode. To balance out the visceral Double Feature we look at some more refined fare in an Easily Available Horror set in the Miami art scene.    Easily Available Horror: Velvet Buzzsaw (2019) A Netflix Original.

  • Episode 61 - Sequel Hook

    16/11/2020 Duración: 01h06min

    We love a good urban legend here in the Shed - but we don't get to hear many, because the thing about 'Friend of a Friend' stories is to hear them, you need to have a friend. So instead we're taking solace in one of the most interesting urban legends in all of horror, and the first sequel that it spawned. And we also look at a book by the much-missed author Richard Laymon, and manage to cram even more Clive Barker into an episode than you ever thought possible. So say our name five times into a mirror, or just use the RSS feed, that's probably easier.   One From The Vault: Savage (1993), Richard Laymon.

  • Episode 60 - Occultism For The Masses

    02/11/2020 Duración: 58min

    When there's something strange in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call? Because in this episode there's a trio of films with supernatural goings on in suburban settings, but not a jumpsuit or a proton pack in sight. Because it's Halloween, we're looking at two films in our Double Feature that are action-packed mass marketed Halloween Horrors, one from the 80s and one from a mere three years ago. And if you think that's up to date then you'll be amazed when you hear that our Fresh Hell was written, filmed and released since we all disappeared into lockdown like a load of mask-wearing Morlocks.   What Fresh Hell Is This? - Host (2020) from Shudder.

  • Episode 59 - Never Too Soon

    19/10/2020 Duración: 01h02min

    We're not normally ones for covering up to the moment current affairs on this podcast, we're more comfortable with a couple of films that were released before we were even born, but it's hard to be in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and not cast your eye over the myriad horror films based around diseases and outbreaks. So we've picked out two that we particularly enjoyed and talked about them, and how we could maybe have learned a few lessons from them. We've also got a dark horror fantasy for you in our Easily Available Horror section and the usual bit of news and chat. There's a secret co-host who joins us for the last ten minutes or so - one of our many cats decided to visit the Shed and complain loudly that we were starving it to death because it was past feeding time!   Easily Available Horror: Tigers Are Not Afraid (2017) from Shudder on Amazon Prime.

  • Episode 58 - Hammer To Fall

    05/10/2020 Duración: 01h05min

    If you're a horror fan, particularly on in the UK, you probably think of Hammer Studios very fondly, but even the most fervent fan would have to admit that by the Seventies Hammer was beginning to look dated. And as we love Hammer but also love iconoclasm we're looking at a Hammer film from their wane against a gory up-and-comer from the same year. We also shine a fond light on an adored classic horror film.   One From The Vaults: Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986) from Blockbuster, Skipton branch.

  • Episode 57 - Final Destination Deep Dive Part 2

    14/09/2020 Duración: 01h06min

    Like all horror media, Part 1 of our Final Destination Deep Dive has a sequel, where we round things off by taking a look at the third, fourth and fifth additions to the franchise and discuss what they did right, what they did wrong, and how the fourth one needs to be fired into the sun. (Spoilers!). This one was filmed earlier in the morning than usual (before lunch even!) and so Richard's stomach gurgles are the new co-host of the podcast, so that's something fun to listen out for, as is HJ Doom having a rare loss of composure as we address his horror film bête noire.   No Easily Available Horror this episode due to space constraints, but please join us for our Poor Quality Film Club on Monday nights at 8pm (the link is on our Twitter @BelaLugosisShed) where we watch a lovely selection of low-budget films available on Youtube.

  • Episode 56 - Final Destination Deep Dive Part 1

    01/09/2020 Duración: 01h01min

    It's only understandable at the moment that people are relying on the things that make them feel comfortable, and the Final Destination franchise is for us like pulling on an old sweater, and so we thought we'd watch all five of them and talk to you about why we enjoy them so much, so here we are with the first part of this franchise deep dive, and we also cast our (blindfolded) eyes over a not-so-fresh Netflix original horror that you probably watched over a year ago.   Easily Available Horror: Bird Box (2018), a Netflix Original.

  • Episode 55 - Do The Monster Smash

    17/08/2020 Duración: 01h01min

    There's nothing quite like a big monster for getting a city to work together, and they're excellent for urban renewal programs, so in this episode we look at two classic Big Monster horror films, one modern and one from over 50 years ago. We also look over another real oldie in our One From The Vaults, but you'll find nothing big in there, it's all about the little things.   One From The Vaults: The Devil-Doll (1936) from Youtube.

  • Episode 54b - Short Sharp Shocks 8

    10/08/2020 Duración: 11min

    Life has got in the way a bit of late and so our release schedule has gone a bit to pot, but to fill in the gap here's a short essay about the Zombie in film recorded by Richard deValmont, we hope that it's enjoyable and educational, and both of us will hopefully be back with you shortly with a new full episode.

  • Episode 54 - What A Pair Of Creeps

    28/07/2020 Duración: 56min

    This episode is a day late, but rest assured that makes it a day BETTER - it has had longer to mature and so is more full-bodied. And also actually finished, which it really wasn't yesterday. But it's here now, and we're very pleased to bring you a look at two very good but very different films which share the same title. We also have a cheeky little extra Double Feature because our One From The Vaults shares a lot in common with one of our creepy Creeps. So sit down, get comfortable, and enjoy!     One From The Vaults: Death Line (1972), available on Youtube or Amazon.

  • Episode 53 - Indie Horror Games And The Bundle Of Doom

    12/07/2020 Duración: 01h17min

    Over the last fifty-two episodes we've only ever covered two computer games, and we decided that we needed to remedy that, and never ones to go about things without wild overreactions we have done it by covering nothing but computer games, and SIXTEEN of them to boot! We went through the recent Black Lives Matter bundle and played as many of the horror games contained within as we could, and talked about them, for you to listen to. All of the games are still available on to buy or download for free, so get playing!

  • Episode 52 - Revenge Is Like Gazpacho (Better With Cucumbers)

    29/06/2020 Duración: 57min

    Has anyone ever done anything so terrible, so heinous, that you wish that you could unleash the literal forces of hell upon them? In our Double Feature this episode we look at two films where a wounded party has the ability to do exactly that, with predictably horrific results. And just to keep things nice and light at the top of the show we also use our Fresh Hell segment to shine a light on a bleak but highly recommended Spanish film about class systems, the prison-industrial complex, and the importance of good table manners.   What Fresh Hell Is This? - The Platform (2019) from Netflix.

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