Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine



Gray Matters with Michael DeVine is a podcast that is dedicated to bringing people together instead of pulling us apart. We are stuck in a bad marriage with our politicians & who else but America's Counselor to guide us to where the answers are, the gray area of the in-between.. Feel like being part of the solution and bringing the country back together again? If so, grab a cold drink and join us in the gray


  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 70: Talking Toxic Masculinity In The Age Of #Metoo

    12/02/2020 Duración: 01h24min

    You can't denote the irony that in a political climate where gender, race, sexuality, and economic inequality are one sides biggest issues, many people who are not part of those groups feel like they can't talk about it. Because of narrow-minded and bigoted hate groups, professionals like myself find it difficult to discuss these issues out of fear of being labeled a sexist, racist, etc. I couldn't even make a comment about a female candidate on my Twitter without being told my implicit racial and gender bias disqualified me from making any opinion that mattered. While maybe not their intention, it makes you feel like your opinion doesn't matter.Now this podcast episode is not about complaining about gender but more to draw attention to a huge problem we are seeing with men in this country. It seems to be a popular punch line among feminist groups but why is nobody talking about the causes of why men are commiting the most mass shootings, murder suicides of spouses and their own children, suicide rates, addi

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 69: Making America Care Again With NC Congressional Candidate Christopher Schulte

    04/02/2020 Duración: 01h11min

    I must admit, President Trump's Make America Great Again motto is perhaps one of the greatest campaign mottoes of all time. But something about the motto has been bugging me lately. I keep asking myself, how can we Make America Great Again when one half of the country hates the other and wants them to leave? How do you reform healthcare when half the country doesn't care if someone doesn't have insurance? How do you reform education when half the country feels they have no responsibility to education poor people? Hell, how do you make the economy better when half of the country thinks if you are poor its your own damn fault? The easy answer is that you can't! As of right now even if one political party came up with the most perfect healthcare solution, the other party wouldn't vote for it just out of spite and not wanting to give them a victory. To truly Make America Great Again we have to Make America Care Again and we do that by electing candidates who realize that having a different opinion about the direc

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 68: Should We Be Worried About The Corona Virus Outbreak? With Special Guest Researcher Dan Evans

    28/01/2020 Duración: 01h21min

    What does a house party and a corona virus have in common? According to infectious disease researcher and University of Pittsburgh graduate student Dan Evans, once the party has started the only thing you can do is mitigate the damage. In case you haven't been paying attention, there has been an outbreak of a new virus in China that has spread rather quickly and has sparked concerns that it might turn into a global pandemic. We are all about a great virus/plague movie but when the plot line of a movie begins to mimic what is happening in reality it can get scary very quickly. So what exactly is this new corona virus? Should we be worried about it? Is there anything we can be doing to keep ourselves safe? Is the fly seemingly getting more severe and if so what role if any does climate change play in it?To help us answer these questions we are joined by our good friend Dan Evans who is a graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh studying infectious diseases. Instead of reading the hype lets go straight t

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 67: Who Is Lev Parnas & What Does He Know?

    21/01/2020 Duración: 01h14min

    When our interview with "Lev Parnas" went in a direction that none of us could predict, it was on America's Counselor & the Armchair QB to do the heavy lifting and find out who exactly Lev Parnas is and why he takes so many damn pictures with people who have no idea who he is.What exactly do we find out about Lev? Well he has been in America for a very long time, he has a knack for owning businesses that get investigated, and is either a shrewd international influencer or perhaps one of the greatest campaign crasher of all time. Where does the truth lie? Only time will tell but not even the Armchair QB who has carried more water for Trump on this show than anybody can dismiss everything Lev said on Rachel Maddow last week. Instead of being part of the problem and spreading fake news, tune in to the one place you know isn't fake....Gray Matters Radio! As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6O

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 66: Who is Qassem Soleimani & A Deep Dive Into The Iran Nuclear Deal

    15/01/2020 Duración: 01h19min

    What better time to continue testing out our new dedication to sticking to the facts then President Trump capping Iranian General Qassem Soleimani? For this episode of Gray Matters we bring in our foreign affairs correspondent Richard "The Professor" DeVine to help us understand who Qassem Soleimani is, how he came to power, and most importantly why The US wanted him dead. Of course we cannot have a discussion about whether killing him was justified without a deep dive into what the Iranian Nuclear deal was, what it was supposed to do, and whether it truly was a good or bad deal. What did we find out? Well we surely figure out that Soleimani was not a good dude in any way shape or form and in-fact was one of the most powerful influencers in the middle-east. But does that necessarily mean killing him was the right move? We also figure out that surprise surprise, most people who hate or love the Iran nuclear deal really have no clue what was actually in the deal.Instead of being part of the problem and spreadin

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 65: Stop Waiting & Let's Fix Healthcare Ourselves W/Special Guest Dr. Chris Mabry

    07/01/2020 Duración: 01h11min

    Its a new year but we can't seem to get away from the drama can we? Good thing our New Year's resolution was to not get distracted by the drama and instead focus on the real problems facing Americans. So keeping true to our resolution we didn't take the bait and talk about Iran but instead we focused on the biggest issue on American's Instead of waiting around for our government to figure it out we instead turn our attention to what we, healthcare professionals and patients can do to improve the quality of our healthcare. Joining us in the studio this week is chiropractic neurologist Dr. Chris Mabry with Ability Chiropractic to discuss the power that we have to improve our healthcare system. We discuss a wide range of solutions such as taking the ego our of medical care and have clinicians coordinate care better, shift to a focus on preventative medicine (yes we have to prioritize that in our lives), healing instead of masking symptoms, and most important...MOVE! As always I am joined by m

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 64: NYE Special PT 2 (Taking The Challenge)

    31/12/2019 Duración: 50min

    For part 2 of our New Years Eve special, we decided to take Donald Trump's advice and listen more to each other over the holidays. So what better way to take the Orange Mist's advice than to take the challenge! What is said challenge? Literally 5 minutes after Trump tweeted about listening and understanding each other more his son launched comprehensive guide on how to win arguments with your liberal snowflake relatives over the holidays. I am not even going to comment on the seemingly mutual exclusivity of the two initiatives. So how does it end...who wins? Well nobody because stuff like this makes all of us lose...but we sure as heck had fun doing it. Heck, we even got Mike to acknowledge all of the positives that Trump has accomplished!Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network family of podcasts. Find this as well as all our episodes on every major podcasting platform

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 64: NYE Special PT 1 (Did Trump Or Michael Scott Say It Game & 2019 Highs/Lows)

    31/12/2019 Duración: 40min

    Our New Years Eve special was so big we literally had to put the episode into two parts. Up first in our two part special we welcome Mike's much better and more attractive better half Jill into the studio to play "Who said it, Trump or Michael Scott" and to weigh in on the highs and lows of 2019.Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network family of podcasts. Find this as well as all our episodes on every major podcasting platform

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 63: Christmas Special "Will The Real Mike Bloomberg Please Stand-Up"

    24/12/2019 Duración: 01h27min

    Merry ChristmaHannahQwanza Everyone! Well everyone but the ArmchairQB who decided to abandon us for his "Real Family" for the holiday. But have no fears, our good friends at Cave Crew Radio loaned us out Big B for the night as guest co-host....thanks guys!So what do we have in store for our listeners this Christmas Eve? We have a delightful debate about whether A Christmas Story is overrated, debating the merits of Diehard being a Christmas movie & if so should Lethal Weapon & Trading Places be added to that list, and we also take advantage of having a New Yorker in the studio and dive into who the real Mike Bloomberg is and what he is really up to running for president. Here is a hint, Big B doesn't think he is really trying to run for president. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network family of podcasts. Find this as well as all our episodes on every major podcasting platform

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 62: Fixing Education One Classroom At A Time W/Special Guest Kevin Stoller

    17/12/2019 Duración: 57min

    Why in the hell does it seem like critical thinking is in such short supply these days? Maybe it has something to do with our schools reinforcing standardized tests & memorization rather than the process in which you came to the right answer.If only schools did the opposite then we maybe our country would not be as polarized as it currently is and perhaps we could sniff out BS easier. According to our guest Kevin Stoller, Founder and CEO of Kay Through Twelve educational consultants, schools are already changing how they teach and its happening faster than he ever believed. I know, funny having a guest for once that attempts to make Mike feel optimistic about the future but we can't be all doom and gloom right?So join us as we discuss how k-12 education is failing students by overemphasizing college as the destination and the key to saving America is to Make America Think Again.As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 61: Is The Country Ready For A Gay President?

    11/12/2019 Duración: 01h09min

    With Mayor Pete becoming a legitimate candidate for president, I find it interesting that we do not hear the candidate and the media discussing whether America is ready for a gay president in the same manner they spoke about the country being ready for a black president in 2008. Why do I think this is something that needs to be talked about? In 2008 shortly before the election, 76% of people polled said that the country was ready for a black president. Up a full 16% from the same poll conducted in 2006. So what do people think about America being ready for a gay president in 2019? Only 50% of people polled said that they felt the country was ready for a gay president. Does Mayor Pete have a problem here? If the country was barely ready in 2008 when 76% of the country said we were ready for a black president, how difficult will it be for Mayor Pete at 50% Will his numbers continue to rise as the country gets to know him or does he need to address the issue head on?Join us for the latest episode as we discuss t

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 60: ANTIFA, Anarchy & The Apocalypse

    03/12/2019 Duración: 01h07min

    So what happened when America's Counselor sat down with an ANTIFA member and tried to get them to find common ground? He realized that despite his best efforts, the far left and far right have no interest in compromise and are hell bent on a revolution that either never work or in the unlikely event does work, will lead to nothing but lawless anarchy. So if compromise is futile what do we do? Join the revolution of course! What should a revolution look like? Is it possible to have a revolution without destroying the very foundation of America that was worth fighting a revolution for? All these questions are answered and more on the latest episode of Gray Matters.As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network family of podcasts. Find this as well as all our episodes on every major podcasting platform

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 59: What The F&$k Happened To Thanksgiving?

    27/11/2019 Duración: 01h03min

    What better way to celebrate the holiday where we are supposed to be thankful for what we have by leaving our own families, making employees leave their own families, to buy shit that we just don't need? I know, I am beating up on Thanksgiving but in reality what happened to it? Its like we go right from one holiday that makes money (Halloween) and skip over Thanksgiving to celebrate the mother of all money making holidays....Christmas. Where is the faith and family values crowd on this one? Anyone....Bueller....Bueller? That's what I thought, they comically are absent when money gets in the way. So for this very special episode of Gray Matters Radio, we layout the road map to saving Thanksgiving and it begins with not shopping on Black Friday. Joining us in the studio is our amazing intern Holly and the Armchair QB himself Bill Reed. As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network fa

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 58: NFL Thursday Night Fights A Symptom Of A Greater Problem?

    19/11/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    Another week brings another blistering WTF segment from America's Counselor. What is chaffing Mike's ass this week? The Thursday night football game last week where we saw Myles Garrett get suspended for helping Mason Rudolph up by his helmet and helping him put it back on. I mean were you thinking?Michael believes that obviously something was said to Myles Garrett that enraged him...which is par for the course with all of the violence we are seeing across the globe. Whether it be a fight at Popeye's, kids getting bullied at school, and now even a military officer being threatened and moved to a secure base. Americans have become a culture of becoming habitual line steppers and this is what happens.To help dive into this topic, we invited our good friend Leon "The Inspector" Cradle to the show to help give insight into being a football player and whether what happened last week was that over the line. What do we discuss, you have to tune in to find out but one thing for sure...Michael a

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 57: A Veteran's Advice On How To Observe Veteran's Day

    11/11/2019 Duración: 01h14min

    What is the proper way to celebrate Veteran's Day? It is a question that I think many of us have never really asked ourselves. On the surface we will give the answer of telling a soldier that we thank them for their service but is that really enough to honor their service and sacrifice?That is why for this very special episode of Gray Matters we invited The Professor Richard DeVine back into the studio. Richard is a Vietnam veteran who lucky for us is not short on opinions and sharing them with the world. According to The Professor, Veteran's Day should be more than just saying thank you but rather acting in ways that show their sacrifice wasn't for nothing. With American's fighting each other over the dumbest of things such as a Popeye's chicken sandwich, many Veterans are asking themselves whether people really appreciate the sacrifices they made. Their logic being if they really did, they wouldn't be fighting over trivial things and surely our politicians wouldn't be running our government and country into

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 56: Okay Boomer? Okay Millennial? Okay Gen X?

    06/11/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    What do you get when you put a Baby Boomer, Gen Z, & Millennial in the same room discussing the existential meaning of "OK Boomer"? You get an epic and insightful episode of Gray Matters Radio. Kicking off our brand new segment "WTF Is?" we invited our intern Holly back into the gray as well as the oldest correspondent on our network, Richard "The Professor" DeVine. Join us as we dive into the "Ok Boomer" uproar from the unique perspective of a Baby Boomer, Millennial, and Generation X. What do we find out? For one we all have a lot more in common then we realize. Secondly and most importantly we discover that when we actually listen to each other we realize just how similar we really are and how we have to work together to fight the real enemy...The Man!Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network family of podcasts. Find this as well as all our episodes on every major podcasting platform

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 55: Behind The Political Curtain Of The 2020 Democratic Candidates

    29/10/2019 Duración: 01h12min

    We are under 100 days away from the first Democratic primary and we are starting to get a clear picture of who the legit candidates are going to be. So naturally we had to take a break from our weekly coverage of the Orange Mist to put the 2020 Democratic candidates on the couch.Joining us in the studio is our good friend Jacque Nowak from The Voice of The Radical Center Podcast. What did we see? For one Mayor Pete brought some fire to the debate and the polls numbers show contrary to popular belief, America likes emotion from a candidate. Elizabeth Warren has a giant target on her back and doesn't seem to like. Amy Klobuchar is like the honey badger and is fierce and doesn't give a f7$k. Is Tom Steyer a character from a Maryanne Williamson novel? Catch the podcast to get our take on the Democratic race thus far and what we think the front runners need to do to not only win the nomination...but also beat Trump in the general election.As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 54: The Kids Aren't Alright

    23/10/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    Just imagine if we lived in a world where each successive generation committed suicide at rates higher than the previous generation until it was the #2 cause of death. Thank God we don't...oh shit that is actually reality. The CDC this week released a report indicating that suicide is the #2 cause of death for Generation Z. You read that right...the 2nd leading cause of death is suicide for people 24 years-old and younger. One would think that would get some media attention but you can take a guess as to why no one in the media talked about it. Instead of making fun of Generation Z for being snowflakes and talking at them we did something different...we actually talked to them and allowed their voices to be heard. To accurately represent Generation Z we invited our very own Generation Z Ambassador...the new Gray Matters Intern Holly Frye into The Gray to give her unfiltered opinion on what is going on with Generation Z & more importantly help us understand what we need to do to reverse these troubling st

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 53: Is The Joker Movie A Prediction About Our Future?

    16/10/2019 Duración: 01h22min

    While watching The Joker this weekend, I couldn't help but notice the not so subtle message that director Todd Phillips was trying to send about the long term effects of runaway greed and wealth disparity in our country. Perhaps even more sobering is the recent economic data showing that the income gap between the wealthiest 1% and the poorest 50% has grown to its highest level ever. So we have to ask ourselves, with our country more divided than ever, more militant than ever, and more toxic than ever, how much more can society take before something happens? Our own economic correspondent Richard "The Professor" DeVine joins us in the studio to help us understand the economic picture of wealth/income disparity and explains how similar circumstances were the catalyst for the French Revolution as well as the rise of communist regimes in Russia and Germany. Should we be worried? Could a sociopath be the spark that starts a civil war between the wealthy and the poor? Who knows but it was enough to scare the crap

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 52: Putting Together The Conspiracy Against President Trump

    08/10/2019 Duración: 01h19min

    So with conspiracy theories now becoming part of the mainstream discussion and interpretation of what is going on in our country, who better than America's Counselor to put them together to figure out what is delusional versus what is plausible. For this weeks episode we dive into the popular conspiracy theories being floated by Trump supporters about the 2016 election and who might be trying to bring down his presidency. Deep State, CIA, FBI, Clinton's, Obama, Soros....we got it all!As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network family of podcasts. Find this as well as all our episodes on every major podcasting platform

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