Gray Matters Radio With Michael Devine



Gray Matters with Michael DeVine is a podcast that is dedicated to bringing people together instead of pulling us apart. We are stuck in a bad marriage with our politicians & who else but America's Counselor to guide us to where the answers are, the gray area of the in-between.. Feel like being part of the solution and bringing the country back together again? If so, grab a cold drink and join us in the gray


  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 51: Have Democrats Considered The Fallout For Impeaching Trump?

    01/10/2019 Duración: 01h07min

    Lost in the debate about whether or not Trump committed impeachable offenses is the question of what the fallout will be if Trump is successfully or unsuccessfully tried for impeachment. Will there be a civil war? Will impeachment be the new political tool of the minority party? Will we continue to have the "it's okay if our candidate did it but illegal if your candidate did it". The answer is all of the above and we should all ask ourselves whether this whole impeachment inquiry worth the negative consequences?To help us answer this question we welcome back our Trump correspondent Stelzer to give us the unfiltered opinion of Trump supporters everywhere about this whole Ukraine Trump mess and some of his answers may surprise you. As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network family of podcasts. Find this as well as all our episodes on every major podcasting platform

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 50: Can Ukraine Bring Down Biden & Trump At The Same Time?

    24/09/2019 Duración: 59min

    We made it to 50 episodes somehow! So what does America's counselor have in store for this special episode? We start out with an epic rant from Michael after getting accused of being a sexist on Facebook, holding no punches about what he feels about the accusation and gender in America. Then of course Trump, Biden, and Ukraine get the special 50th episode treatment where Michael and Bill look at the evidence available and try to understand what Trump did, was it illegal, and how contrary to popular belief, Biden and Trump can both be guilty at the same time. As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network family of podcasts. Find this as well as all our episodes on every major podcasting platform

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 49: Is Iran Being Framed For The Saudi Arabia Oil Refinery Drone Attack?

    17/09/2019 Duración: 57min

    Is it just me or does this Saudi Arabia oil refinery drone attack seem like a plot line from a Tom Clancy novel? On the surface it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense for Iran to do this but if they didn't then who would benefit from making it look like Iran is behind it? I will give you one guess and it rhymes with Prussia. To help us understand this puzzle we invite our very own foreign policy correspondent Richard "The Professor" DeVine to weigh in and help us understand the history of this region, who might benefit from framing Iran, and what Trump should look at to make sure we don't get fooled into a regional war that most likely would be WW3.As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network family of podcasts. Find this as well as all our episodes on every major podcasting platform.

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 48: Terrasana Leading The Medical Cannabis Revolution In Ohio W/Special Guest Emilie Ramach

    10/09/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    When was the last time you went to CVS and thought twice about the quality of medicine you were getting? You don't and that is exactly how it should be! In the new era of medical cannabis, dispensaries across the country are working hard to educate the public about medical cannabis and building the public's trust in their products. Nowhere do we see these efforts paying off more than in our very own backyard with Columbus's own Terrasana Medical Cannabis Dispensary. To be in this business you have to really care about helping people and be passionate & educated about medical cannabis. So to see a local company literally having all of those factors in their DNA is exciting and always some of my favorite interviews. Joining us is Terrasana's Director of Outreach Emilie Ramach who stops by The Gray to talk about Terrasana, their mission statement, what the public needs to know about medical cannabis, and what they are doing to address the both positive and negative feedback that they are hearing from patient

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 47: MAGA With A Little Help From My Friends

    05/09/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    What is the cure for curing the cancer that is tearing our country apart? How about as parents we start by making our kids put away the electronics, make real in-person friends, and get the hell outside.Part of the problem in this country is the complete lack of empathy that people have for each other. Not even a hurricane can prevent people from posting the most ugly and dehumanized comments one could imagine. That is what happens when you raise a generation of children in front of a phone and their view of the world inherently becomes dehumanized. For this episode of Gray Matters Radio we welcome our good friend John Dalton into the studio to stroll down memory lane of our childhood.. What did we learn? We realized how not even 1000 miles of distance and 10 years since our last conversation can dampen the emotions and connections that we will forever have. On the converse we are saddened by the virtual friendships that most kids have today and fully understand why this generation feels so alone, purposeles

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 46: "I Am Surrounded By As#hole$"

    28/08/2019 Duración: 01h08min

    Is it just me or are people really treating people like shit nowadays? It seems like every time I go out to the store now I see some customer berating a hapless employee or seeing two customers arguing over trivial things like parking spaces and where their cart is. Either I am just looking for these things or people really are more angry then they have before. Like Mayer Pete said a few weeks ago, he said our polarized and corrupted government is causing people to displace their anger and helplessness on each other and it must stop.So for tonight's episode we put America's anger towards each other on the couch and try to figure out why the media, politicians, and wealthy donor class is treating the American economy and electorate like a rental car they beat up and turn in at the end of the day. As always I am joined by my co-host, the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep me in line and firmly in the Gray. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6One4 Radio Network family of podcasts. Find this as well as

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 45: "Don't You Dare Hope For A Recession To Spite Trump" The Gray Matters Trump Reporter Is Tired Of This $h#t

    20/08/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    For this week's episode we put Donald Trump's loyal supporters on the couch and let them vent and boy did we get more than we bargained for. But even with the most epic rant by our own Trump correspondent about Democrats such as Bill Mauer hoping for a recession to spite Trump, we are still able to reel it all back in a have a great conversation about what it means to be a Trump supporter & what Democrats just do not get about them and why Trump won in 2016.I am joined as always by my co-host the Armchair QB himself Bill Reed and also joined by our Angry Trump Correspondent Stelzer. Gray Matters Radio is a proud member of the 6ONE4 Radio Network family of podcasts. Catch this and every episode of Gray Matters Radio at and every major podcasting platform

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 44: The Epstein "Suicide" & The Clinton Body Count. Is A Serial Killer Among Us?

    13/08/2019 Duración: 01h08min

    We dive into the Epstein "Suicide" and legitimately ask the question of WTF is going on and whether the Clinton Body is a real. Do we have a serial killer among us or are rich politicians and the donor class getting us to chase our tail again to distract us from looking at all of them?We also explore Mayor Pete's theory that mass shootings and polarization in general is the cause of displaced anger from Americans knowing our government is bought off by rich donors and corporations to only serve them at the expense of the country. What kind of people could knowingly do this? Is it narcissism, sociopathy, or just social psychology and group mentality at work? Joining us is our good friend Big B from Cave Crew Radio who just happens to study sociopathy and serial killers as a hobby. We are recording tonight so look for Episode 44 tomorrow morning for your commute to work! As always...when someone asks if you are a Democrat or a Republican say Fuck that Noise ...My Ass Is Gray! Join us and all the 614 Radio podca

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 43: Putting Mass Shootings & Our Hyperpolarized Culture On The Couch

    05/08/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    So here we are, another week and we have not 1, not 2, but 3...3 more mass shootings in this country. I cannot begin to express my frustration about this topic considering we literally just covered this topic a few episodes ago! But we refuse to just let these shootings deter us from trying to engage our listeners and the country in a way that breaks the cycle of outrage, polarization, and back into inaction again. So why do we keep falling into this cycle? Because instead of talking about what is really the cause of mass shootings we get caught up in arguing on Facebook or the media about gun control, conspiracy theories like false flag events, racism, Donald Trump being the anti-christ, etc. All this does is cue the same cycle of arguing and inaction which is exactly why we are in this mess and it must stop. For this very important and emotional episode, Michael and Bill discuss the role of political rhetoric as the main culprit in mass shootings and how it is pushing mentally unstable and marginalized peop

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 42: Weeding Out The Real Medicinal Marijuana W/ Dr Bridget Williams of Green Harvest Health

    30/07/2019 Duración: 56min

    With medical marijuana laws being passed across the country, we have seen a major public shift in the views of medicinal marijuana and cbd based medicines. But with that shift has also come a lot of false information, completely unsubstantiated claims, and doctors offices popping up everywhere to prescribe marijuana.What is the truth and what is the bs? How exactly does this stuff work and what does does it legitimately treat? And most importantly, how do you know you are seeing a legit doctor versus a clinic that just hands you a card? All of these questions are too important to not answer so our cannabis correspondent and sponsor Don Buccilla with Cannagroup hooked us up with Green Harvest Health's owner and clinician Dr Bridget Williams to straighten out the truth with medical marijuana and everything you need to know as a current or potential patient. As always I am joined in the studio by the Armchair QB himself Bill Reed. Catch this.and every episode of Gray Matters Radio at and all

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 41: The Area 51 Raid Is The Road Map To Taking Our Government Back From Special Interests

    23/07/2019 Duración: 01h11min

    Nike is a billion dollar per company but one man and his 2 million plus Twitter followers were able to make a billion dollar company reverse course in a matters of days when they decided to release a limited edition Betsy Ross sneaker. In another example, we see one man start a Raid Area 51 Facebook page and within 30 days had over 1 million people willing to sacrifice their lives and freedom to raid the infamous Area 51 military base. In just one month we have seen the power of social media when they are able to get people to organize & focus on a hot button topic and use that power to make a huge company and possible our own government respond. But the question I ask is whether this very tactic could be used to take power away from the lobbyist? The very people who have used their money to buy our democracy and remade it to serve themselves rather than the citizens. Imagine if instead of putting all of this energy into a shoe company, what if we unleashed that on every special interest group and company

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 40: Why Justin Amash Leaving The GOP Has Nothing To Do With The GOP W/ Special Guest Dr. Eric Larson

    15/07/2019 Duración: 01h03min

    When Justin Amash decided to leave the GOP last week, my first thought was how big of mistake this was going to be for his career. But like any good reporter, I decided to do a deeper dive into the life and career of Justin Amash and I must say how wrong I was about him and his intentions behind his stunning decision. This is a guy who has won very difficult elections since 2010 and winning them by making his campaign about taking the dirt out of elections and even trying to make governing about what is best for the people rather then what is best for the party. So when he wrote his OpEd in the Times declaring his independence from the GOP, it was true to form for this congressman. In declaring his independence, he made a decision that he could no longer serve his district and be part of a political party and on his way out the door he put both parties on notice that he was not alone and more was possibly to come. I had to know more about this man and what he has planned and luckily for us our good friend Dr.

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 39: Catching Up On The Democratic Debates, California Earthquakes, & Jeffrey Epstein

    09/07/2019 Duración: 01h11min

    I know what you are thinking...we took another week off? What can I say, we needed a vacation but we promise no more breaks for awhile. We had a ton to catch up on this episode including what we all thought of the democratic debates, the earthquakes in California, and what the Jeffrey Epstein arrest means. So join us as we get back on track this week for the latest episode. Gray Matters Radio With Michael DeVine is a proud member of The Reporters family of podcasts. Join us every Monday on every major podcasting platform.

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 38: Bring Down College Tuition By Starting With Admin & Athletic Dept Salaries

    25/06/2019 Duración: 59min

    Everybody knows college tuition is expensive right? But are the loan companies and the government to blame? Instead of complaining about the loan companies and whether the government should cancel out loans maybe we should start with schools like our own Ohio State University who paid out $58 Million in bonuses to 98 employees. Maybe we should look at the $200 million the athletic department brought in last year in addition to their $200 million in expenses. It is easy to point the finger at everybody but why is nobody talking about why on earth 98 employees for a state school should get $58 million in bonuses when that money could go to lowering tuition for all of the students. To put it into perspective, the $58 million in bonuses would pay for over 2000 OSU student's $26,000 tuition plus room & board for 2018.The $200 million in revenue for the OSU athletic department could go a long way to help lower tuition as well couldn't it? I am not naive, I love OSU football. But every one of us needs to ask the

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 37: Millennials in America: Pains In The A$*, Future of America, Or Both?

    10/06/2019 Duración: 52min

    I know I am guilty of it but in case you haven't been paying attention, Millennials are everyone's favorite punching bag. By simply asking people what their opinions of Millennials are and you will get many negative answers ranging from entitled, impatient, emotional, sensitive, unrealistic, etc. But what is interesting is that while people acknowledge the negatives first, they will also end that they really are that smart and their grasp of technology is second to none.The truth is that Millennials are a pain in the ass but they are also really intelligent and the future of this country. Just like they have no choice but to adapt to the real world, we have to adapt to them and try to figure out how to develop them and bring out all of their strengths. Who cares who is to blame for them being the way that they are, all I care about is when its time to turn the country over to them....they are ready.Joining me in the studio as always is the Armchair QB Bill Reed to help keep my ego in check and keep me firmly

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 36: Corporate America Doesn't Care About Us But We Can Make Them Care

    03/06/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    Let's be honest here, most of Corporate America really doesn't care about consumers or their workers more than they really have to. We wonder why customer service is so bad and why so many workers don't really seem to care about their jobs but all you have to look at is the leadership of that company. Mysteriously the companies in America that make great products, have great customer service, and the people actually like their jobs are companies that treat their people like they matter and understand they have to treat the customer with respect. Shocking concept I know but with the likes of companies like Boeing, Monsanto, and Ford being in the news for killing their customers you have to wonder if corporate america will ever change. They will never change....that is unless we make them change. The American worker and consumer has all the power in the world to make leadership change...we just have to actually do it. So for tonight's episode, join America's counselor and his co-host the Armchair QB Bill Reed d

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 35: Boeing 737-Max A Biopsy Of The American Corporate Conscience

    21/05/2019 Duración: 54min

    One thing that I always teach my clients is that if we are to solve a problem we must first truly understand what is causing the problem. Because without that understanding we really have no idea where to focus our efforts and what solutions we should apply. No where is that more important than when an airplane crashes and in the case of the Boeing 737-Max, when 2 airplanes have crashed. If you listen to the news, every reporter has become an aeronautical engineer overnight and has chosen to scapegoat the billion dollar behemoth Boeing Corp. Now I know its easy to scapegoat them considering the infamous 737-Max's history of small seats, awful legroom, non-existent bathrooms, and now plane crashes. But as a pilot myself, it would be reckless to just look at Boeing because while surely sharing part of the blame for these crashes, there are other factors that we must look at. These crashes were less about plane crashes but more a systematic problem within corporate America and the calculated risk of gambling wi

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 34: What's The Truth Behind School Shootings In America?

    13/05/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    It seems like every time there is a school shooting, the country turns on itself and begins arguing about gun control, crisis actors, statistics about whether they really are getting worse, etc. As a counselor but more importantly as a parent, these shootings scare the crap out of me. But I think what scares me equally as much is the fact that we can't talk about this as a country without it becoming a fight and in the process we dehumanize the victims and never get anywhere near a solution. I mean, how can we find a solution if we can't even agree if the shooting happened to begin with? Its crazy but that is where we are at and I for one am not going to sit back and not try to do something to change the discussion about school shootings. So for the latest installment of Gray Matters, we attempt to change the discussion and focus on what it feels like as a parent right now with all of these incidents and attempt to understand whether shootings are perhaps the symptoms of a greater problem with society itself.

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 33: How Do We Bring Anti-Vaxxers & Researchers Together To Fight Autism?

    07/05/2019 Duración: 01h12min

    I am not going to lie but this was an episode that I have been wanting to do for a long time but was scared to do because of the acrimony on the topic of autism between researchers and anti-vaxxers. But I also realize that as a counselor who works extensively with clients and families of people on the Autism Spectrum that this disorder is not going away and in fact is getting worse and we need all hands on deck to solve this thing. If trying to understand a disorder that only now are we beginning to truly understand is difficult in and of itself, we are not doing ourselves any favors when the very people who are affected by it and trying to cure it are at a war with each other. When I say that we need all hands on deck...I mean that we need all hands on deck for this. We cannot be splitting our energy, resources, and focus on fighting with each other because all that does is make it more difficult to figure this disorder out. When I say that we are putting ourselves years behind by fighting...I literally mean

  • Gray Matters Radio Episode 32: If You Are For Farmers Then You Are For The Cannabis Industry With Special Guest 710 Labs

    29/04/2019 Duración: 54min

    We couldn't leave Colorado without one last stop before we went home. So we were lucky enough to be invited to stop by @710labs to take a tour and to talk with Garret Groce and Derek Arrington about 710's products and how the current state of federal marijuana laws affects them. What did we learn? You will have to listen Monday to find out but we will say that it's far time that we start treating OG's in this country like OG's. If you are for farmers...if you are for electricians...if you are for small businesses then you are for 710 labs and the marijuana industry. Gray Matters Radio With Michael DeVine is a proud member of The Reporters Network family of podcasts. Catch this episode as well as all of episodes every Monday.

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