Cornerstone Presbyterian Church Of Katy, Tx



Sermons from Cornerstone EPC, Katy, TX


  • The Church of Dim Orthodoxy


    Revelation 2:1-7 Back in 2007/2008 I had a few friends in college who were marines that had recently returned from a tour in Iraq and, naturally, they had many stories to tell. I remember one story where my friend and his squad were set up around a city that they were preparing to invade at

  • The Lord’s Supper


    Mark 14:22-72 I know this is a long passage and we’re not going to explore each verse but rather make some observations of the overarching story. It begins with the institution of the Lord’s Supper, something we celebrate each week. It is the reason that Jesus endured this fateful night. I think it is grossly

  • Devotion and Betrayal


    Mark 14:1-21 With chapter 14 the plot to kill Jesus takes an ominous step forward and his final hours are described in great detail. It’s as if Mark has been rushing us to this moment with his familiar phrase, “and immediately…” until this moment that all of redemptive history has been preparing for, when Jesus

  • Olivette Discourse: The Day and the Hour


    Mark 13:28-37 This morning we wrap up our look at the Olivette discourse in Mark 13. As Jesus left Jerusalem the week of his death he teaches on the destruction of the temple that his disciples so admired. While it should be a text that further establishes Jesus as sent from God for giving such

  • Olivette Discourse: Coming of the Son of Man


    Mark 13:24-27 This morning we are in week 3 of our look at the Olivette discourse, which was a conversation that took place between Jesus and some of his disciples on the Mount of Olive just a few days before his death on the cross. It was prompted the Jesus’ statement about the temple: that

  • Olivette Discourse: Signs of the Times


    Mark 13:3-23 “Signs of the Times” is a phrase that has weaved its way into our culture. Every time we hear of some new disturbing thing taking place in the world someone asks, “is this the end? We must be seeing the signs of the times. What else could it be?” Why has this penetrated

  • Olivette Discourse: Introduction


    Mark 13 This morning we come to the Olivette discourse. It’s called that because it takes place on the Mount of Olives between Jesus and four of his disciples. We’re going to spend 4 weeks looking at this passage for a couple of reasons. One, it is an important topic, filled with important exhortations for

  • Road to Humility


    John 14:8  

  • Defining Your Relationship with Christ


    Mark 12:13-44 God calls us to enjoy a relationship with Him, and that relationship is ultimately defined by trust. As we learn to trust God, that trust manifests itself in the form of obedience. This section of Mark gives us a lesson on authority, trust, and obedience as it walks us through different stages of

  • The Authority of Jesus


    Mark 11:27-12:12 Not long after I moved to Katy I got a shocking call from my mother. My dad was in the hospital being prepped for open heart surgery. I remembered poking fun at him during our last visit as he was struggling to mow the yard. After mowing a couple of rows, he was

  • Cursing the Fig Tree


    Mark 11:12-25 There is a scene in CS Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader where an unpleasant boy with a nasty and self-centered demeanor, must pass through a terribly painful ordeal in order to be saved from himself. In this scene we see something like that happening, only with the

  • The Resurrection


    Mark 16:1-8 Easter comes around every year and reminds us of the importance of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. It is something we confess in the Apostle’s Creed each week as one of the most fundamental pieces of the Christian faith. It is also one of the most contested claims of the Christian

  • Coming in the Name of the Lord


    Mark 11:1-11 There are moments in life that shape your future: leaving home; saying your wedding vows; having your first child. And there are moments that shape history: Caesar crossing the Rubicon; our founding fathers signing the Declaration of Independence; 9/11. And then there are moments that shape eternity. This morning we get to look

  • Walking the Road to Glory


    Mark 10:31-52 Track is a brutal sport. If you want to succeed then you have to push your body to its physical limits; to the point your lungs are screaming and everything but your will to win is telling you to stop. Sometimes runners push too hard and collapse before the end of the race.

  • What Must I do to Inherit Eternal Life?


    Mark 10:17-31 There is an ancient proverb that says: There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. (Proverbs 16:25) In the seventh grade school work came easy and I prided myself on competing for the top grade in every class. One day in English we

  • Family Matters


    Mark 9:42-10:16 The family and church have long been the number one target of the enemy because they are the first and most fundamental institutions of God for his purposes. And that’s what we these verses bring us to understand. The immediate family and covenant family is of utmost importance in the plans and purposes

  • The High Cost of Discipleship


    Mark 8:27-38 Mark invites us to follow along with Jesus and a group of men that he had uniquely prepared and commissioned to go into the world and make disciples of all nations. But what is a disciple? What were they to be making? Discipleship was familiar to people living in the first century, particularly

  • Eyes to See


    Mark 8:1-30 One of the ongoing themes in the book of Mark is captured in a single verse in this reading. And he said to them, “Do you not yet understand?” (Mark 8:21) Several things were hard for the disciples to understand. One, who is Jesus, exactly? There was great interest and great mystery surrounding