Church Requel Audio Podcast, Mansfield, Ohio

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Listen every Monday to the encouraging conversation of Pastor Mark Pierce. Each week he talks about a different theme supporting the weekend sermon at Church Requel. He also talks about family, investments, tech gadgets and exercise. At the end of each podcast you'll also hear the uplifting talk from the day before at Church Requel.


  • More Than Clean


    Challenges in our lives demonstrate our need of a Savior and draw us to Christ. But what about when things are going well in our lives? What keeps us in need of Jesus? Today we learn the story of the grateful Samaritan and the surprising purpose of thanksgiving in the lives of authentic Christ-followers.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download the PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • The Work Of Faith


    When do faith and work belong in the same sentence? More often than you might suppose! Jesus gives His Nike talk in Luke 17: “Just do it!” What should I be doing? That is the topic of today’s talk - where Christian faith and Christian work cross paths.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download the PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • The Great Reversal


    We consider the haunting parable of the Rich Man and the Beggar. We learn about the great turnaround in fortunes for both men and what it might mean for us - both in this life and in the one to come. Open your Bible to Luke 16:19-31 and prepare yourself for the only journey we all equally will take some day.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download the PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • The View From 60


    Pastor Mark turned 60 years old and prepared a special talk, “The View From 60.”  He shares 6 lessons he has learned from 6 decades of living. Valuable insights combined with Bible truths and personal stories should make this sermon special!Follow along with the online sermon notes or download the PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • Follow The Money


    We consider the parable of the shrewd manager - one of Jesus’ stories with a real plot twist at the end! We’ll use this parable to follow our own money and how we handle it. Open your Bible and your heart to Luke 16:1-15.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download this PDF fill-in-the-blank sermon outline.

  • Outsiders & Insiders


    We finish our six-week study of Luke 15 by considering the prodigal son’s older brother. We reach the sobering conclusion that it is possible to be both faithful and obedient, while at the same time, have wrong expectations of God and misplaced affections for those God loves.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download the PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline

  • Radical Love


    The love God the Father has for us is radical! Today we discover just how much He really loves us by considering the parable of the prodigal son. Along the way we discover 7 action verbs that describe just how R.A.D.I.C.A.L. God’s love really is!Follow along with the online sermon notes or download the PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • Lost & Found


    Our Easter message this year focuses on the Prodigal Son. If we find ourselves LOST, a u-turn is usually a good idea. Have you ever heard the GPS say, “Please turn around?” Sometimes the Holy Spirit whispers that to us too. The Biblical word for this is repentance. We examine the six-step process of how to R.E.P.E.N.T.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download this PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • Wasted


    What should a Christ follower learn from the younger son in Jesus' Prodigal parable?  In "Wasted" we consider 5 versions of our commitment to Christ - questions we should ask ourselves every single day if we are really determined to become who God created us to be.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download the PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon notes.

  • Search Party


    We study the parable of the woman who lost one coin and searched diligently for it. God invites us to join His search party for even one lost loved one. We consider 10 motivating reasons we should join in the party.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download the PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • One In A Hundred


    Jesus said that God’s love for people is so great that he searches for the one who is lost from Him. What does this mean for our relationship with God? What does this mean for our relationship with other people? Today we consider Luke 15:1-7. Along the way we learn not only the basic principle underlying the whole chapter, but also a core value for Church Requel.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download the PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • One Priority


    Jesus’ appeal for us to accept His invitation to the Christian life is much different than the way we often think of it. We often consider emotional appeals to “accept Christ into our lives.” But Jesus taught that we should soberly “count the cost” ahead of time and be prepared to “carry our cross.” We consider six reasons why we should be rational, considered and enlightened when we decide to follow Jesus.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download the PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • The No-Excuses RSVP


    Good. Better. Best. When it comes to making life choices, God is not satisfied with good or even better choices. He wants what is best for me. Especially when it comes to my relationship with God. So when God grants an invitation to His banquet, my RSVP must be “yes” and “now.” What keeps you from saying “yes” and “now” to God’s invitation? We study Jesus’ parable in Luke 14:15-26 and along the way consider how to make certain our RSVP is always the right one.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download the PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • What Comes Naturally


    What comes naturally is often not a good idea for us if we are Christ followers. Jesus gives us a couple of natural examples in Luke 14:7-14. We talk about responding in God’s Spirit rather than reacting in our own nature.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download this PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • Shelter Under The Wings


    Jesus is the ultimate promise keeper! That isn’t just a statement about our future, but also about our present. We talk about how Jesus promises to become our protection in times of difficulty. We can choose to focus on our problems or on Jesus' promises to us. From Luke 13:31-35.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download this PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • Narrow Wide Door


    This sermon’s Scripture from Luke 13:22-30 is a sobering reminder to continuously examine our Christian walk to be certain of our salvation. Jesus tells us that not everyone who believes they are a Christ-follower really is one! How can we know for sure? And what about salvation… is it by God’s grace alone or must there be effort on our part? We will talk about the balance we need to know between God’s work on our behalf and what effort is needed from us.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download this PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • Small To Great


    What is the Kingdom of God like? It’s a question that Jesus’ disciples ask - both 2,000 years ago and today. Jesus answers that it’s like a mustard seed and yeast. What does that mean? How does it change how we live? We discover mind bending truths to the physics of God’s Kingdom.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download this PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • Limited Offer


    “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand!” This famous verse forms the center of Jesus’ preaching ministry. What does it mean to repent? Is this something that we do once and then forget it? Or is there something more involved? We consider Jesus’ teaching in Luke 13:1-9. We learn that there is a limited time to take advantage of God’s most amazing offer.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download this PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • Advice For Today's Christian


    This is front and center of today’s headlines: “We Live In Divided Times.” What makes this sermon so special is not that these divisions headlined this week’s news, but that this headline was announced 2,000 years ago by Jesus himself! What should we do about the divisions that we see all around us? We consider Luke 12:49-59 and receive advice for these divided days straight from our Lord Himself.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download the PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

  • Entrusted With Much


    How much have you been given? Are you entrusted with much? Compared to other Christians down through the ages, the answer might surprise you! We continue our study of Jesus’ promise to return again in Luke 12:41-48. Along the way we consider 3 applications of Jesus’ instructions.Follow along with the online sermon notes or download the PDF fill-in-the-blanks sermon outline.

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