Seeds For Inspiration



I did it!After working more than 20 years in the private and public sector, I finally gained my freedom. I am a full-time entrepreneur and loving every minute of it. Now I want to share with you the mind set necessary to pursue what God put you here to do.


  • How To Quit Your Job When You Are Married

    08/07/2017 Duración: 05min

    How To Quit Your Job When You Are Married This is a very sensitive topic, but I feel obligated to address this issue, not only because I am married and quit my job, but to advocate quitting a job can be very productive. Yes, I know it may sound counter intuitive, but hear me out.

  • To Get Help You Must First Get Positive Results

    22/05/2017 Duración: 04min

    Let’s face it, human beings are naturally selfish. It’s in our DNA. And to add insult to injury, successful people consider it a waste of time to respond to mundane questions and inquiries.

  • High Achievers Want To Be Successful

    15/05/2017 Duración: 03min

    How many times has someone told you what they were going to do? How many times has someone told you what they want to do? Well I am here to tell you that both statements are a LIE! You don’t want to or you are not going to do anything until you are doing it.

  • Thinking Must Be Done On Purpose

    08/05/2017 Duración: 03min

    Thinking Must Be Done On Purpose How can thinking be done on purpose, when thoughts must come before any action? Allow me to explain. First of all thinking is not your purpose. Thinking is the employment of your mind.

  • A Burning Desire Is All You Need

    04/05/2017 Duración: 03min

    A Burning Desire Is All You Need You may have heard the saying “An Idle mind is the devil’s playground”. This is very true. If your thoughts are not intended or projected on purpose, they are more than likely, fruitless thoughts. More importantly, they are thoughts that will set you back in a way that manifest negative actions or lack of fruitful action.

  • SFI-The Beginning and Now

    27/03/2016 Duración: 02min

    Be successful with SFI-Strong Future International