Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication With Ivonne Van Eeten

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  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Miscommunication: what goes WRONG in your brain …


    Our conversation today is all about miscommunication. Most of us aren’t very good at listening.  Most of us aren’t very good at saying what we mean – both verbally and non-verbally. It all starts in your brain. How are your communicating skills? Maybe they are not so good as you might think. Do you think […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Miscommunication: what goes WRONG in your brain … appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Personal Power: Bringing Out Your Inner Hero!


    We see heroes everywhere. We see them in the movies, video games, novels or comic books. But whether we realize it or not, there are heroes even in our every day life — just not dressed up in latex fighting crime all over the world. There are also heroes within each one of us, ready to be unleashed. Even small things like passion, determination, focus, enthusiasm, empathy, kindness, persuasiveness […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Personal Power: Bringing Out Your Inner Hero! appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Learning How to See from Someone who is Blind


    All of us fall into a black hole sometimes.  Maybe it is because of depression, the loss of a loved one, a job, or a divorce.  Hear this riveting story of a man named Peter Meuleman who is literally going blind, but has learned to see – and from him, learn how you, too, can […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Learning How to See from Someone who is Blind appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Surviving and Thriving Loneliness: Reflecting on the glimmers of hope in your life


    There is an assumption that everybody feels great during the holidays. It is supposed to be so happy; It is supposed to be so good. Yet sometimes, things don’t turn out that way. Many people feel especially lonely during the holidays. There is a lot of pressure – even on people with a lot of people in their lives – to feel happy. Sometimes […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Surviving and Thriving Loneliness: Reflecting on the glimmers of hope in your life appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Personal Power: Bringing Out Your Inner Hero!


    We see heroes everywhere. We see them in the movies, video games, novels or comic books. But whether we realize it or not, there are heroes even in our every day life — just not dressed up in latex fighting crime all over the world. There are also heroes within each one of us, ready to be unleashed. Even small things like passion, determination, focus, enthusiasm, empathy, kindness, persuasiveness […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Personal Power: Bringing Out Your Inner Hero! appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Miscommunication: what goes WRONG in your brain …


    Our conversation today is all about miscommunication. Most of us aren’t very good at listening.  Most of us aren’t very good at saying what we mean –both verbally and non-verbally. It all starts in your brain. How are your communicating skills? Maybe they are not so good as you might think. Do you think everyone […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Miscommunication: what goes WRONG in your brain … appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Being Kind to One Another – Why Playfulness Matters in Our Everyday Life


    Chances are you know someone who is troubled and has problems. Our conversation today is about acts of kindness that can make life a bit more easy and manageable. Today we are going to talk with Jeroen Jonk about the international child humanitarian organization Right To Play. Although Jeroen works specifically with this organization, the […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Being Kind to One Another – Why Playfulness Matters in Our Everyday Life appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – What Positive and Negative Impact does to Your Brain – and Why Water Matters


    We all know that both positive and negative input and behavior not only have emotional and psychological effects on our lives, but there is also evidence that they may affect us physically. It is easy to see, for instance, that constant negative input can cause depression, low self-esteem and make us more prone to disease. […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – What Positive and Negative Impact does to Your Brain – and Why Water Matters appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Finding Our Own Story. Making Sense of Storytelling in the Context of the Everyday Life.


    Our discussion today is all about storytelling and the way it relates to our day to day life. We are constantly telling the stories of our lives at work, with friends. We even tend to share stories with complete strangers on the bus or at network meetings. How do we show up in the world? […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Finding Our Own Story. Making Sense of Storytelling in the Context of the Everyday Life. appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Going Unplugged and getting Empowered through Introspection


    Every now and then we all feel a bit low in our energy. Somehow we feel trapped in our work, our relationship or our current situation.  We get anxious, cranky, stressed, or overwhelmed. Our mind gets cluttered and we are NOT showing our best possible behavior anymore. Our conversation today is about finding ways to clear […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Going Unplugged and getting Empowered through Introspection appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Seeing is Not always Believing


    We all live in a visual world. Every waking moment our eyes and brains are working overtime to make sense of the constant stream of information pouring in. This raises the question: How observant are we? What clues do we miss in our daily interactions? Today’s show is all about teaching you playful ways to look at […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Seeing is Not always Believing appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Learning How to See from Someone who is Blind


    All of us fall into a black hole sometimes.  Maybe it is because of depression, the loss of a loved one, a job, or a divorce.  Hear this riveting story of a man named Peter Meuleman who is literally going blind, but has learned to see – and from him, learn how you, too, can […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Learning How to See from Someone who is Blind appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – We Learn an Amazing way to Deal with Change in our Life


    Our conversation this week is about discovering for ourselves how to deal with change successfully. Often we are faced with unexpected change that throws us off completely. However, change is always in the air. Change is inevitable. Change may be just around the corner. In essence there is no need to get upset by change. For all […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – We Learn an Amazing way to Deal with Change in our Life appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Teaching Hockey Players to Communicate Better so they can Play Better


    Our discussion today is all about hockey. You might think that this is because I know a lot about hockey, but the opposite is true. I know nothing about professional hockey. But what I and my company, Ivonne Coaching & Codering, was hired for by the coach of this team was to improve the communication […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – Teaching Hockey Players to Communicate Better so they can Play Better appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – We Learn How to Make Positive Changes and Be True to Ourselves.


    The word “authentic” is often thrown around like popcorn at a children’s party, and sometimes it is not clear at all what people mean by this word. It is, nevertheless, fundamental to your happiness to be yourself all the time, not just what you think people want or would like. If you don’t like who you […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – We Learn How to Make Positive Changes and Be True to Ourselves. appeared first on

  • Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – We Learn to be Happy from Happy People.


    Our discussion today is all about finding your inner strength and making a positive impact on your life TODAY! You will learn specific tips and tools during our conversation with Daan Terhaag, a passionate trader at a stock clearance company operating in the Netherlands. Meet someone who has his act together! Daan is going to help us unravel WHY and HOW. You […] The post Cracking The Code Of Behavior And Communication – We Learn to be Happy from Happy People. appeared first on