Santa Maria Foursquare Church



Sunday messages from the Santa Maria Foursquare Church, on the beautiful central coast of California!


  • Multiply: The key to living in God's Blessing — Part 7 — Resist Joyfully

    27/05/2024 Duración: 46min

    Pastor Mike explains how the cycle of God’s blessing brings numerous benefits and emphasizes that our response to the enemy’s attempts to undermine these blessings should be one of joyful resistance. By embracing these practices, we uphold the cycle of blessings and counter the enemy’s efforts to diminish our joy.

  • Multiply: The key to living in God's Blessing — Part 6 — The Giving Room

    21/05/2024 Duración: 51min

    God’s Kingdom runs on the fuel of generosity. When we give, we ignite the potential for God's work to reach new places and people. And what if there was a space where we could measure and expand our generosity? Welcome to "The Giving Room." Here, we’re not comparing our giving to others, but aligning it with God’s calling to activate divine transformation in our city, nation, and world. Today, just as in the time of Jesus, we can fuel ministry through our giving. Let's unleash the power of generosity to advance God's Kingdom. #generosity #godsblessing #thegivingroom Click here to download the notes for this message:

  • Multiply: The key to living in God's Blessing — Part 5 — Generosity

    13/05/2024 Duración: 45min

    Imagine growing in the ways of Jesus in every facet of life — faith, prayer, relationships, and beyond. Now, consider: our journey with Christ also transforms how we perceive and handle money. Today, we dive deep into the Apostle Paul’s helpful teachings on generosity. Why is it crucial and how can we cultivate generosity in our own stories — no matter where our finances stand today? Join us as we explore these vital questions, finding keys to living a truly blessed life in alignment with our faith. Get ready to challenge your perspectives and grow your spiritual walk! Click here for a handout that goes with this message:

  • Multiply: The key to living in God's Blessing — Part 4 — Amplify Jesus

    07/05/2024 Duración: 46min

    Did you know that every act of giving is an opportunity to extend the reach of Jesus and deepen His impact in the world? When we choose to multiply in faith, we're not just giving—we're jumpstarting a cycle of divine blessing. But giving is more than just about money! In this video, we explore five dynamic ways to amplify Jesus without spending a single penny. Each method promises to extend His reach and deepen His impact in the world, aligning you with God's amazing abundance. Ready to see how simple acts can lead to extraordinary outcomes? Let’s amplify Jesus and discover why MORE blessing is released through giving than receiving! Click here to download a handout for this message:

  • Multiply: The key to living in God's Blessing — Part 3

    01/05/2024 Duración: 52min

    Imagine a world where "riches" are different than you think. We've all been taught to chase after wealth, to get as much as we can and enjoy it to the fullest — because we deserve it, right? But what if there's a deeper, more profound kind of wealth? Enter Jesus' revolutionary concept of "true riches," a treasure that transcends money and materialism. And here’s the twist: Jesus isn’t anti-money. Instead, he challenges us to master it in a way that could change everything we thought we knew about wealth. Ready to flip your financial worldview? Join us as we explore how to leverage our resources and live in God's blessing!

  • Multiply: The Key to Living in God's Blessing — Part 2

    23/04/2024 Duración: 48min

    Imagine living a life overflowing with God's blessings. We often hold tightly to what little we already have, thinking that's the full extent of God’s generosity. But what if that's just the beginning? What if what we see as the blessing is really a "starter kit" from God—a seed meant to be sown that will result in a full harvest. The challenge? Trusting Jesus fully. When we cling to these small blessings, we consume them without allowing for the growth that God will bring. We cling to the crumbs, and miss the feast! Trusting Jesus means sowing what's already in our hands, believing him to multiply it again and again. When that happens, not only are we blessed, but everyone around us as well. Click here to download a handout for this message:

  • Multiply: The Key to Living in God's Blessing — Part 1

    16/04/2024 Duración: 44min

    We all want a life that’s blessed by God, but too often we cling to the seeds He has given us, mistaking them for the blessing itself. They’re not! They’re simply the initial resource He’s entrusted to us. The true blessing of God isn’t activated until we sow these seeds. That’s when God does His work as the Divine Multiplier — exponentially increasing what we’ve sown. This not only benefits those who receive our gifts but enriches us as well. Remember, there is no reaping without sowing! It is as we courageously multiply what God has placed in our hands that we’ll truly experience the abundance of His blessing. What's the key to living in God's blessing? It's found in Genesis 1:28 — Be fruitful AND multiply! Both are essential. Follow this link to download a handout that goes with today's message:

  • Vida Sunday

    09/04/2024 Duración: 54min

    Vida means life! And today we celebrated the life of Jesus, our bilingual church family, and our pastor, Tim Mossholder, on his big 60th birthday. And it was incredible!

  • Never Alone

    01/04/2024 Duración: 43min

    Loneliness is a modern epidemic. The relationships we crave often elude us, leaving an aching void. But Easter interrupts our isolation. Jesus endured the loneliest moment ever on the cross, forsaken by his Father for our sake. Yet his resurrection conquered sin, death, and every destructive force — including loneliness itself. His promise echoes: 'Because I live, you will live also!' We are truly never alone when we put our trust in the risen one.

  • Entering into the Supernatural

    25/03/2024 Duración: 46min

    Have you ever experienced the frustration of pursuing a dream, only to feel like it'll never be accomplished? In this message, Christian Cruz shares how God's dreams for our lives may seem impossible by human standards, yet they are achievable through the power and resources provided by him. Learn how to overcome obstacles and resurrect our dreams, in order to fulfill God's purpose in our lives.

  • What are you waiting for?! The Urgency of Baptism

    22/03/2024 Duración: 46min

    Ever wondered why many heroes of the Bible got baptized immediately after finding faith in Jesus? Take Saul in Acts 9 as a prime example!

  • Dynamic Faith

    13/03/2024 Duración: 43min

    What creates a dynamic faith? From Hebrews 11:6, Tim Russell powerfully communicates how to have a faith that responds to God's truth, even when we need to press through life's challenges.

  • In the Name of Jesus

    05/03/2024 Duración: 40min

    Have you noticed some people get really bothered when followers of Jesus use his name in public? This isn't a new thing! It's exactly what Peter and John encounter in Acts 3-4. Today we're diving into this story and discovering the power that's found in the name of Jesus.

  • Godly Sorrow

    27/02/2024 Duración: 41min

    Have you ever been asked "How are you?" and you are feeling sorrow and in pain but answer with "I'm good, thank you." Well, today, Pastor Kaelyn helps us understand the difference between feeling godly sorrow and feeling worldly sorrow. We look at ways we can develop and be transformed when we have Godly Sorrow that helps lead us to true repentance.

  • Life Beyond Belief

    26/02/2024 Duración: 46min

    Today, in this message, Pastor Mike Foell shares how we can have faith and discover profound truths ingraining insight into what it truly means to live a life beyond belief.

  • Parenting in the Ways of Jesus

    13/02/2024 Duración: 48min

    What we believe about Jesus will directly impact how we live for Jesus. And how we live for Jesus will directly impact what others believe about Jesus. We are carrying others along who are watching our faith to see if it’s real and trustworthy. And this truth is most critical when it comes to our homes and how we're reflecting Jesus to our kids. Today's message inspires us to live in such a way that the next generation is better able to recognize and follow Jesus.

  • If Jesus... is Lord

    09/02/2024 Duración: 41min

    In this series we've been talking about three main attributes of Jesus: He is here, He is good, and today, He is Lord. But is one of these more important than the others? Yes! Everything else about Jesus flows from his Lordship. He has all authority over all things, and nothing is impossible for Him. So this begs the question: If he's all these things, why don't more people surrender to Jesus as their Lord? Because if there is any Lord other than ourselves, that Master will require things of us. And we tend to run from requirements as they can restrict how we want to live our lives. And what's the problem anyway? Can't we just love Jesus as our Savior without fully surrendering to him as Lord? Today we're diving into these issues. What does Jesus require of us, and what are the problems with rejecting his Lordship while still trying to connect with Jesus as the center of our faith? NOTE: For those who were with us on Sunday, February 4, you'll notice that this message contains an "alternate ending" to what yo

  • If Jesus... is Good

    02/02/2024 Duración: 52min

    When you hear that "Jesus is good," you're actually hearing a code phrase that means much more. It's a statement declaring that EVERYTHING about Jesus is good – his nature, his mission, and his message are completely good all the time. And in today's message we're looking at one story, just a few minutes from Jesus' life, that demonstrates the reality of his goodness in so many ways. We're going to discover: He sees us and knows us. He's compassionate toward us. He acts on our behalf – not based on religious protocols, but based on His love. | He works miracles to fix what's broken. He is working to bring restoration – restoring any parts of our story that have been damaged by hell. Jesus is good. He is for you, not against you. And because he's the same Jesus now that he was when he was on earth, he is completely reliable and worthy of our trust.

  • If Jesus... is Here

    22/01/2024 Duración: 51min

    God’s mission has always been to be present with us in continual, life-giving relationship. We see that throughout Scripture — from the start to the end. And Jesus' promise is that he would be with us ALWAYS. But though Jesus is here with us, we're not always aware of his presence. Today we look at ways we can develop our awareness, practices that help us experience his presence in powerful ways.

  • Thinking About Jesus

    08/01/2024 Duración: 46min

    We all have two columns in our minds: one for WINS and another for LOSSES. When you think about this past year you’d be able to put lots of things into one of those two categories: relationships, your health, your finances, emotional and mental health, etc. This kind of list is what we use to determine whether we’re ADVANCING or LOSING GROUND in different areas in our life.

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