Camera Dads



Camera Dads is a conversation between men about photography and fatherhood. We are two fathers who enjoy photography talk about the excitement, opportunities, and challenges that come from raising children while maintaining an interest in taking photos. Each episode will begin with a discussion of what we have been photographing, new things we have been trying, or techniques we have been experimenting with since the last episode. After that we will explore a photography topic in greater detail by explaining it, offering our opinions, and examining it from various angles. Camera Dads is not a news or technology show, and neither is it a primary source for current events or cutting-edge journalism. It would be better to think of it as a monthly meeting of the minds at a local coffee shop for dads to discuss their photographic hobbies.


  • Episode 16: What to do about Videos

    15/05/2019 Duración: 46min

    Phil and Simon tackle the sometimes-tricky subject of what to do regarding videos of kids. From DSLRs to mobile phones, 4K to digital frames, this is a lively discussion that any parent with kids and a camera is sure to appreciate. We’d love your thoughts on the issue as well, so please feel free to […]

  • Episode 15: Sigma 40mm f/1.4 Lens Review

    22/04/2019 Duración: 32min

    Sigma’s new 40mm f/1.4 Art lens is an amazing piece of glass, and is capable of creating some astounding images. But is it a good choice for busy parents? Listen to, or watch, Simon’s review to find out.

  • Episode 14: Grab Your Gear

    22/10/2018 Duración: 54min

    Phil and Simon discuss everything they use to carry their camera gear, from simple straps and backpacks to full-on luggage systems such as the Peak Design Travel Backpack.

  • Episode 13: Go Big or Go Phone?

    06/07/2018 Duración: 47min

    Phil and Simon share their thoughts on how to know when to bring the Big Camera And All Your Lenses vs. just packing a mobile phone or pocket camera. While we don’t necessarily arrive at an answer, we do have a lot of fun along the way…

  • Episode 12: Fuji X100F Camera Review

    28/03/2018 Duración: 01h16min

    Is the Fuji X100F the ideal camera for busy parents? Despite its high price tag, it offers a massive number of features that could very well appeal to parents looking to upgrade from a pocket camera or their mobile phone.

  • Episode 11: Formal Family Photos

    19/01/2018 Duración: 57min

    Phil and Simon talk discuss everything you have ever wanted to know about family portrait sessions. Phil shares his experiences with getting regular formal photos taken at a local shop called Portrait Innovations in his hometown, and Simon shares his thoughts as the person who is usually on the other side of the camera taking […]

  • Episode 10: Printing Your Photos

    06/11/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    With a smartphone in every pocket and one-click uploads to Facebook and Flickr, does it still make sense to print pictures anymore? After all, when you share a picture online thousands of people can see it and leave comments, whereas a printed picture will only be viewed by a handful of people and might fade […]

  • Episode 9: Macro Photography

    02/10/2017 Duración: 49min

    Examine things around you at very close range and no matter what you look at you will see a whole new world of color and creativity. Phil and Simon have had an interest in this type of close-up photography for years, and it’s a fantastic way to explore the art of picture-taking while getting to […]

  • Episode 8: The Solar Eclipse

    04/09/2017 Duración: 37min

    We decided kind of at the last minute to forego our planned topic for Episode 8 and instead have an off-the-cuff discussion about our experience photographing last week’s Solar Eclipse. We saw it together with our families and some friends in Beatrice, Nebraska, and even though things didn’t exactly work out as planned we still […]

  • Episode 7: The Early Days

    07/08/2017 Duración: 56min

    Having children served as a catalyst for both of us and sparked a renewed interest in photography because we wanted to get better pictures of our newborn infants. We both realized that mobile phones and pocket cameras weren’t quite cutting it, and we wanted something more that would really capture those precious early days in […]

  • Episode 6: Prime and Zoom Lenses

    07/07/2017 Duración: 48min

    What good is a camera that can’t zoom in and out? A lot, as it turns out. We’ll discuss our experiences with lenses that zoom and lenses that don’t (called Primes) and why both are good in different situations. Each of us has experience with both kinds of lenses and we will explore how we […]

  • Episode 5: Photographing Your Vacation

    06/06/2017 Duración: 53min

    Taking pictures at home or around the neighborhood is one thing, but what about when we pack up for vacation? Do we bring our cameras, lenses, tripods, and macro filters or leave all of that at home and just go with a pocket camera or mobile phone? Is there a middle ground that can meet […]

  • Episode 4: The Social Media Dilemma

    01/05/2017 Duración: 47min

    Almost all parents in today’s tech-centered society will deal with the question of whether to share photos of their kids and family members online. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram, or a host of other social media platforms there are often questions that arise and issues that go well beyond just sharing a smiling picture […]

  • Episode 3: Kids and Sports

    03/04/2017 Duración: 51min

    Many parents have kids who participate in traditional sports such as baseball, football, soccer, basketball, etc. In this episode, we talk about the kinds of sports our kids have played and the challenges we’ve faced in trying to get good photographs. Different sports require different techniques. With this in mind, we’ll be discussing both the […]

  • Episode 2: Ten Thousand Images

    06/03/2017 Duración: 41min

    Photos, photos everywhere! We’ve got photos on our phones, photos on our computers, photos in the cloud, and a few even printed and hung on the walls. Especially after a celebration such as Christmas or a kid’s birthday, your collection of digital photos has no doubt increased by a few hundred, or maybe even a […]

  • Episode 1: Photographing During the Holidays

    30/01/2017 Duración: 40min

    With presents to open, treats to eat, and people to see it can be a big enough hassle just to survive the Christmas holiday season much less actually take photos of everything. And if you do want to document the drama do you use a DSLR, mobile phone, pocket camera, or just let Uncle Bob […]