Created For Good



We are not an accident. We were created for a purpose to reach and impact this world for Christ and to build His Kingdom by impacting the poor, broken, lost, lonely, and marginalized. Join us on this journey as we interview people living lives that are making a difference in areas like orphan care, human trafficking, poverty, and more. If want to learn how to begin making a difference in the lives of orphans in Ukraine by donating, purchasing cause products, going on a trip with us to Ukraine, or Hosting an orphan in your home head to


  • You are Created for Good _ Episode #3

    21/04/2018 Duración: 36min

    We believe so strongly that you are created for good! You are not an accident of some random chance. You were created by God for a significant purpose. In this episode you will be moved to action by Francois and Justin to step into the action part of love!

  • True Love Means Sacrificial Action - w/ Luke Wright Episode #2

    26/03/2018 Duración: 42min

    Luke Wright is the founder of MUD Love a really cool company that turns mud into love. They hire artisans to craft really neat products like bracelets, mugs, necklaces, etc out of Mud. And every product sold provides one week of clean drinking water in Africa! Luke challenges us to SHOW love through sacrifice and not to let the comforts we have hinder us from pursuing love in our everyday lives. We hope you enjoy the episode! Read the episode show notes at

  • Showing Love Through Adoption a podcast with the Stockmars

    23/03/2018 Duración: 36min

    This is the first podcast from the Created For Good Podcast with Justin and Francois from Legacy Refuge. In this episode, we interview Jessica and Jason Stockmar about their journey hosting and beginning the adoption process of a young boy from Ukraine. You can read the show notes at