Don't Push Pause



Dont Push Pause is a bi-weekly podcast bringing you discussions on movies from the 70s, 80s and 90s. DPP consists of a main discussion on a featured film, followed up by our Picks of the Week, and closing with our signature (Bill) Murray Moment.


  • Episode 116 : Showgirls

    07/05/2024 Duración: 02h00s

    Teaming up a sought-after writer & acclaimed director on a film should mean a box office smash. But the extravagant wildcard that is SHOWGIRLS was ridiculed the moment it hit theaters. However, reevaluation of the film’s heightened reality, intensity & stunning production quality have dispelled many early criticisms. Slap on some glitter, paint your nails & grab your switchblade because it’s time to discover the story behind this kitschy, controversial classic. 
///***Discussions include***\\\ Origin of & intentions behind the story, inspirations & production derailment; re-teaming of a celebrated & button-pushing writer/director duo, rewrites & funding; intentional visual style, overall hyperbolic nature & tonality; staging, choreography & physical demands; casting the lead, plus main cast & character breakdowns; struggle with NC-17 rating, advertising, reception & repercussions, plus the revival & longevity. Elizabeth Berkley, Gina Gershon & Kyle MacLach

  • Episode 115 : Donnie Darko

    10/04/2024 Duración: 02h19min

    Selling an atmospheric, science-fiction film about an extraordinary teenager discovering time travel & saving the world was a lofty pitch for a feature film debut. But writer/director Richard Kelly crafted a mind-bending, unconventional story, packed with powerful visuals & rich subtext, which has now turned it into a modern cult classic. It’s time to unravel the inner-workings of DONNIE DARKO. ///***Discussions include***\\\ Richard Kelly’s script influences, unwavering ambitiousness & vision for the film; finding a production house, churning up interest & lucky breaks; themes, mythology & interpretations; cast influences & character breakdowns; production, visual effects, cinematography & editing; usage of music & score; challenges with releasing, selling & marketing; memorable scenes, reception, Director’s Cut & legacy. Jake Gyllenhaal, Jena Malone, Mary McDonnell, Drew Barrymore & so many more star in DONNIE DARKO (2001) /// Directed by Richard Kelly. ///***Pi

  • Episode 114 : Party Girl

    12/03/2024 Duración: 01h41min

    Independent cinema & Parker Posey were once synonymous together. PARTY GIRL provides a nuanced & legitimate snapshot of mid-‘90s New York, complete with updated screwball comedy vibes, an inspiring dose of youth-to-adulthood transition & charm from beginning to end. Strap in for this love letter to indie film! 
///***Discussions include***\\\ Story conception, inspirations, writer/director collaboration & refining the script; themes, tonality, authenticity & capturing a niche, contemporary reality; type of film & culture-clashing; finding the cast, character discussion & Parker Posey background; heavy music & fashion/costuming influences; difficulties with releasing, premiere & longevity of the film. Parker Posey, Omar Townsend, Guillermo Diaz & Sasha von Scherler star in PARTY GIRL (1995) /// Directed by Daisy von Scherler Mayer.   ///***Picks of the Week***\\\ • Lindsay’s Pick: THE HOUSE OF YES (1997). Parker Posey, Freddie Prince Jr., Josh Hamilton, Tori Spelling ///

  • Episode 113 : The Before Trilogy

    13/02/2024 Duración: 01h51min

    Richard Linklater’s BEFORE SUNRISE, BEFORE SUNSET & BEFORE MIDNIGHT beautifully articulate how finding a rare connection with another person can affect one’s path in life. Without leaning on nostalgia or typical romantic tropes, THE BEFORE TRILOGY became an unintentional series, and spoke volumes about being in the present moment, being affected by the past & moving to the future. 

///***Discussions include***\\\ Brief history of Linklater’s career until BEFORE SUNRISE & between the series’ sequels; real-life inspiration behind the continuing story; Kim Krizan & lead actors’ involvement in methodical scriptwriting; importance in casting, chemistry & comfortability; selling the initial script, finding funding & garnering interest in sequels; overall themes, use of time & relatability; breakdowns of each film, growth of characters & relationship evolution throughout multiple years, plus the reception of each film. Julie Delpy & Ethan Hawke star in BEFORE SUNRISE (1995), BE

  • Episode 112 : The Exorcist

    05/12/2023 Duración: 02h29min

    On its 50th Anniversary, THE EXORCIST can still boast being as effective today as it was on its release date. With an intense production & determined minds, mix in some truth & multiple controversies, this film cemented a permanent place in pop culture history. Take a trip back to uncover the story behind the film which caused people to question their beliefs & faint in theaters. 

///***Discussions include***\\\ William Peter Blatty’s inspiration for & true story behind The Exorcist novel, plus fact vs. fiction comparisons; early readings & retaining the novel’s integrity; securing & fighting for William Friedkin to direct; screenplay adaptation, pacing & themes; production difficulties & studio interference; assembling the cast, complications, behind the scenes stories & character breakdowns; music, special effects, make-up & stunts; Friedkin’s unorthodox methods of direction & marketing, injuries & rumors; release, audience reactions & recognition; the 20

  • Episode 111 : After Hours

    07/11/2023 Duración: 01h50min

    For being an underseen Martin Scorsese film, AFTER HOURS is responsible for rescuing his career in 1985. This wild, insulated world weaves an intricate web of curiosity & chance rolled into an anxiety dream. Scorsese’s fast-paced, down & dirty style takes up residence within the dark corners of New York for this one-night-only adventure of survival.

//***Discussions include***\\ Actors Griffin Dunne & Amy Robinson tracking down the screenplay, finding a director & controversial story origin; what led Scorsese the project; recirculating themes, foreshadowing & key plot points; use of dark comedy, action & anxiety in the film; cast & extreme performances; lighting, cinematography, editing & score; reception, effect on Scorsese’s career & behind the scenes stories. Griffin Dunne, Rosanna Arquette, Teri Garr & Catherine O’Hara star in AFTER HOURS (1985) /// Directed by Martin Scorsese. //***Picks of the Week***\\ • Lindsay’s Pick: SOMETHING WILD (1986). Melanie Griffith,

  • Episode 110 : Evil Dead 2

    10/10/2023 Duración: 01h39min

    ‘Tis the season! Strap on the chainsaw, brush up on your ancient Latin & saddle up for a relentlessly manic ride back to the cabin. Bruce Campbell & the Evil Dead crew return for this inventive, rip-roaring adventure that won’t stop until you’re possessed by its spirit! //***Discussions include***\\ The original Evil Dead creators returning to their roots, finding a producer & redux of Stephen King involvement; location importance & corner cutting; assessing what a sequel looks like, plot points, mixing horror & comedy; massive array of practice special effects & favorite moments; cast discussion & on set hardships; skirting around the MPAA rating, release, sequels & longevity of the franchise.   Bruce Campbell, Sarah Berry, Kassie Wesley, Dan Hicks, Richard Domeier & Ted Raimi star in EVIL DEAD II (1987) /// Directed by Sam Raimi.   //***Picks of the Week***\\ Lindsay’s Pick: BRAIN DAMAGE (1988). Rick Hearst, Jennifer Lowry, Gordon MacDonald /// Directed by Frank Henenlot

  • Episode 109 : Teen Wolf

    12/09/2023 Duración: 02h02min

    The creative minds behind TEEN WOLF never dreamt it would turn into an iconic film of the ‘80s. With strategic timing & the film’s rising star, this independent werewolf movie would become the most unlikely smash hit. Grab your basketball, letterman’s jacket & get ready for some nostalgia — it’s time for a wall-to-wall Michael J. Fox episode!   

//***Discussions include***\\ The young writers behind the script & story inspirations; tonality & various themes; importance of casting Fox & his rise to TV popularity; finding a director, casting & supporting character impact on the film; costuming, stunts & basketball sequences; Family Ties influence & Back to the Future connections; music, behind the scenes nuggets; the calculated release of the film, how it holds up almost 40 years later, plus that 1987 sequel. Michael J. Fox, James Hampton, Susan Ursitti & Jerry Levine star in TEEN WOLF (1985) /// Directed by Rod Daniel. //***Picks of the Week***\\ • Lindsay’s Pick: THE SEC

  • Episode 108 : American Psycho

    15/08/2023 Duración: 01h44min

    This slyly executed, savage satire of a serial killer losing touch with reality was plagued with controversy from its original conception. Even now, the pathology of AMERICAN PSYCHO continues to spark dialogue with its entertaining critique of society & obsession, comic irony & why it remains relevant over 20 years later. Let’s peel back the mask & unveil truth behind this multifaceted, yet often misunderstood film.

 //***Discussions include***\\ Background on Bret Easton Ellis’ contentious novel; early script variations, selling the story & searching for a director; Mary Harron & Guinevere Turner adapting the novel into a sharp & clear-headed, contemplative screenplay; tonal shifts, interpreting dark comedy & satire, recurring themes & the film’s climax; reflecting 80s culture & music choices; main cast discussion & intense struggle over casting the lead, plus release & reception. Christian Bale, Willem Defoe, Cara Seymour & Chloë Sevigny star in AMERICAN PS

  • Episode 107 : Se7en

    18/07/2023 Duración: 01h43min

    David Fincher’s SE7EN (1995) creates an unforgettable story & blends it into an entertaining, visionary procedural thriller with brutal realities & tonal complexities. Decades later, this bleak world of SE7EN continues to invade psyches with its cleverness & cynical mentality. Serial Killer Summer begins now! //***Discussions include***\\ Backstory on David Fincher’s career pre-1995; inspirations behind SE7EN’s story & structure, evolving conventions, style, pacing, themes, setting; selling the film & studio interference; cast, character & story breakdowns; music, score, lighting, coloration & controversial ending; test screening, release & reception.   Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt & Gwyneth Paltrow star in SE7EN (1995) /// Directed by David Fincher.   //***Picks of the Week***\\ Lindsay’s Pick: KISS THE GIRLS (1997). Ashley Judd, Morgan Freeman, Cary Elwes, Tony Goldwyn /// Directed by Gary Fleder. Justin’s Pick: SUMMER OF SAM (1999). John Leguizamo, Adrien Brody, Mira Sorv

  • Episode 106 : National Lampoon’s Vacation (1983)

    20/06/2023 Duración: 01h50min

    For our Fifth Anniversary, returning to a nostalgic, lifelong favorite was a no-brainer. Forty years ago, NATIONAL LAMPOON’S VACATION set a standard for not only comedy & road trip films, but also introduced the edgy family film. Through humor, familiar experiences & relatable characters, the Griswold family spawned an unexpected franchise which continues to be passed down throughout the years. Hop in the ‘ol family truckster because we’re hitting the road! //***Discussions include***\\ John Hughes’ original story & major script changes, plus National Lampoon, Harold Ramis & Chevy Chase connections; selling the film, creating a uniquely mobile production & challenges therein; type of comedy wrapped in a daring family film; cast, improv moments, stunts & theme song; omitted scenes & original ending; release, sequels, behind-the-scenes stories & favorite moments. Chevy Chase, Beverly D’Angelo, Dana Barron & Anthony Michael Hall star in NATIONAL LAMPOON’S VACATION (1983) /// D

  • Episode 105 : School Of Rock

    23/05/2023 Duración: 01h42min

    Spirited hard work continues to pay off even 20 years after SCHOOL OF ROCK’s conception. The heart of rock ‘n roll beats strong with this success story spearheaded by a comedy thundercat, an enigmatic director, an ever-evolving writer & a band of incredibly talented kiddos all sharing the stage with equal importance. //***Discussions include***\\ Brief backgrounds on writer/co-star, Mike White, his friendship with Jack Black & director Richard Linklater’s involvement; using conventional fantasy, progressiveness, real-life elements & backstory, plus creating a kids movie palatable to adults; addressing the documentary, Rock School (2005); creating the film’s musical landscape & inspirations; in-depth cast discussion, strength of characters, favorite scenes & longevity of the film. Jack Black, Joan Cusack, Mike White, Sarah Silverman & a band of incredibly awesome kids star in SCHOOL OF ROCK (2003) /// Directed by Richard Linklater. //***Picks of the Week***\\     •    Lindsay’s Pick:

  • Episode 104 : Menace II Society

    25/04/2023 Duración: 01h43min

    First-time filmmakers rarely explode on the scene like brothers Albert & Allen Hughes. Amid the racial tensions & frustrations of early 1990's Los Angeles, MENACE II SOCIETY tapped into the gritty truth of the time. A powerful & empathetic look into a community misrepresented by mainstream media, this film was not only important in its heyday, but its unflinching realness hits even harder 30 years later. //***Discussions include***\\ A brief history of the Hughes Brothers before MENACE; writing development, research, channeling a perspective & selling the script; reality vs. media representation; tonality, themes, underlying messages & film influences; shooting on location, visual style, depiction of violence, emotional impact & heightened realism; toxic masculinity & female perspective; use of narration & humor; cast, audition stories & character dynamics; post-production, release, reception & retrospective observations. Tyrin Turner, Larenz Tate, Jada Pinkett, MC Ei

  • Episode 103 : The Fugitive

    28/03/2023 Duración: 01h45min

    A man wrongfully accused of viciously murdering his wife is a story that’s been around for ages. And in the 30 years since its release, THE FUGITIVE remains one of the most masterfully told thrillers in which action sequences are just as enthralling as the story itself. Time to dive behind the making of this expertly executed film wherein spontaneity, reliance on creativity & collaboration were key to composing this unforgettable classic. //***Discussions include***\\ Origin behind & evolution of THE FUGITIVE story; script development, writing scenes & dialogue on the fly; style & conditions of the production with behind the scenes stories; casting heavyweights, supporting cast & usage of Chicago; strategic special effects engineering, bold editing choices, sound & score; omitted storylines, release, reception & longevity of the film.    Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, Sela Ward & Joe Pantoliano star in THE FUGITIVE (1993) /// Directed by Andrew Davis. //***Picks of the Week

  • Episode 102 : The Obsession From Hell (90’s Special)

    28/02/2023 Duración: 01h40min

    Lies… Manipulation… Gaslighting… OBSESSED. Obsession-driven psychodramas are a special sect of early ‘90s cinema. It also happens to be one of our favorite thriller sub-genres. But what makes them so special? What sets them apart & what do they share in common? We’ve honed in & created our own rules for the genre — what we love, the most memorable moments & how do these movies hold up 30+ years later? Let the thrills & chills begin! 
//***Films Included***\\ The Crush (1993), Fear (1996), The Hand that Rocks the Cradle (1992), Pacific Heights (1990), Poison Ivy (1992), Single White Female (1992), The Temp (1993), Unlawful Entry (1992).   //***Picks of the Week***\\ Returning in Episode 103.   //***MurrayMoment***\\ Returning in Episode 103.   //***Final Thoughts on ***\\ Episode wrap-up & a few outlier films which narrowly missed inclusion in this episode. Next Episode:
 March 28: MENACE II SOCIETY (1993). Please rate, review & subscribe. Follow on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter &am

  • Episode 101 : Groundhog Day

    31/01/2023 Duración: 01h40min

    Though this is the 30th Anniversary of GROUNDHOG DAY, it continues to feel timeless & evolve in meaning as it ages. This high concept film is triple threat — a holiday film, a fantasy comedy & an unassuming emotional touchstone for many audiences. As profoundly involved as this story may be, this Bill Murray vehicle has no shortage of complexities behind the scenes as well. 
//***Discussions include***\\ Origin & inspiration, transforming story structure, writing process, continuous script changes & on the fly decisions; tonal shift struggles, darker philosophical elements mixing with comedy, existential dread, death, immortality & spirituality; omitted scenes, storylines & deliberate absence of a key plot point; skirting around studio demands; importance of location & weather difficulties impacting production; conflicts between Ramis & Murray; cast chemistry & breakdown; release, reception & longevity of the film. Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell, Chris Elliott & Step

  • Episode 100 : Die Hard

    20/12/2022 Duración: 01h24min

    Kicking off our 100th Episode with a Controversial Christmas Classic — DIE HARD (1988)! For a future-franchised film jam-packed with exciting explosions, it’s hard to believe this project was a gamble before it ever went into production. From its humble beginning to creating an iconic action hero, the formation of DIE HARD is nothing short of a surprise for everyone involved. 
//Discussions include***\\ State of late ‘80s action films; DIE HARD’s early novelization, lengthy writing process & tonality shift; studio demands, production challenges, director’s influence & balancing action with comedy; casting stories, main & supporting cast breakdown/interplay; cinematography, stunts, special effects & sound/music; release, reception, sequels & the Is this a Christmas movie debate. Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman, Bonnie Bedelia & Reginald VelJohnson star in DIE HARD (1988). Directed by John McTiernan.   //***Picks of the Week***\\ Lindsay’s Pick: PRESUMED INNOCENT (1990). Harrison Ford, Bonnie

  • Episode 99 : A Few Good Men

    22/11/2022 Duración: 01h38min

    Even 30 years after its release, A FEW GOOD MEN tops lists for the most riveting courtroom dramas. Using true events, a coveted director & soon-to-be celebrated writer, the film bleeds talent from all angles & integrity from end to end. All talents behind this film had a clear, unified vision — make a searing, ethically complex drama that would stand the test of time. 
//***Discussions include***\\ True events behind the film (pre & post release); writer Aaron Sorkin’s humble beginning, story evolution & adapting the stage play to screen; Rob Reiner’s influence & creating action within a narrative; in-depth character & cast discussion, behind the scenes stories, release & reception. Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Jack Nicholson, Kevin Pollack star in A FEW GOOD MEN (1992). Directed by Rob Reiner.   //***Picks of the Week***\\ Lindsay’s Pick: THE LAST DETAIL (1973). Jack Nicholson, Otis Young, Randy Quaid. /// Director: Hal Ashby. Justin’s Pick:THE LAST SAMURAI (2003). Tom Cruise, Ken Wat

  • Episode 98 : Poltergeist (1982)

    25/10/2022 Duración: 02h35s

    Combining unrelenting imagination with in-home paranormal activity & child abduction turned into a guaranteed masterpiece with POLTERGEIST (1982). Filmmakers Tobe Hooper & Steven Spielberg proved the horror genre could have emotional depth while remaining absolutely terrifying & creative. And on its 40th Anniversary year, POLTERGEIST still reigns supreme as one of the most memorable ghost stories ever told. 
//***Discussions include***\\ The lengthy development/writing process of the film & the state of horror in 1982; Hooper & Spielberg’s careers at the time, how they came to collaborate & controversy behind their partnership; vibe vs. theme, elevated/unusual aspects of the story & fundamental fears; cast & character dissections; the film’s score, framing style & special effects; memorable scenes, the double ending, sequels, recognition & longevity, plus our undying appreciation of JoBeth Williams. JoBeth Williams, Craig T. Nelson, Heather O’Rourke, Beatrice Straight

  • Episode 97 : The Ring

    04/10/2022 Duración: 01h38min

    We’re kicking off our fifth Halloween by celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Gore Verbinski’s THE RING. Going for more than jump scares, this American film ushered in the blockbuster trend of remaking a pre-existing film. Not only did it reignite the idea of urban legends & invigorate the careers of those involved, THE RING also proved a remake could still fresh, modern & an absolute terrifying delight. 
//***Discussions include***\\ The origin story, urban legend & folklore behind the film; multiple reinventions of the story, dawn of the remake boom & why the film stands out; preying upon instinctual fears of the audience, themes & atmosphere; cast highlights & uniqueness of characters; special effects, creep factor, visual & sound importance; the film’s climax, reception, longevity, sequels, plus Justin & Lindsay share some local folklore. Naomi Watts, Daveigh Chase, David Dorfman, Martin Henderson & Brian Cox star in THE RING (2002). Directed by Gore Verbinski. //***Pic

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