Podcast Talent Coach



The Podcast Talent Coach


  • Building Your Virtual Events With Janelle Anderson – PTC 492

    11/05/2024 Duración: 45min

    To make your impact on the world, you need attention, authority and influence. A great way to create that rapport is through virtual events. PROMOTE THE EVENTS You can promote your virtual events with your podcast. At the virtual event, you can get closer to your audience, build stronger relationships, and demonstrate your expertise. To be an influencer, increase your visibility. Virtual events are any online gathering that allows you to present to a crowd and move a room. Some of the most common virtual events include webinars and summits. You can also create workshops, VIP days, masterclasses, networking events, 3-day events, meet-ups, online conferences, and a variety of other gatherings. On your podcast, you can discuss the transformation people will experience at your event. Then, make the invite. At the event, deliver value, help people get results, and make an offer to them. BEST EVENTS STRUCTURE There are three things your participants should receive at your events. First, they need to receive your tr

  • How to Book Big Guests and Other Answers – PTC 491

    04/05/2024 Duración: 35min

    INTERVIEW GUESTS AND MORE Podcasters have been hitting me up with great questions looking for answers. Today we talk about booking big name guests and demonstrating your expertise during interviews without talking the spotlight from your guests. We will also answer questions about bringing energy to your podcast, podcasting 2.0, and the pros and cons of joining a podcast network. If you have a question you'd like me to answer, email me at coach@podcasttalentcoach.com.   PASSION AND ENERGY I remember you always said to be authentic. And I’m doing just that. However, I feel that I lack energy. I certainly don’t feel like I’m boring. And the stats are showing it. Something inside of me keeps telling me that I shouldn't decide how exciting I sound, it’s my audience that will decide that. How do I overcome the need to feel that I need to bring the energy like John Lee Dumas but I’m afraid I will sound like a rodeo cowboy? I just want to be me. -Edwin Soler – Closing the 18 Inch Gap   TWO DIFFERENT THINGS Passion a

  • Jill Lublin on Guerrilla Publicity – PTC 490

    27/04/2024 Duración: 39min

    USING PUBLICITY TO GROW YOUR AUDIENCE To grow your audience, you need to consistently attract new listeners. Marketing your podcast requires publicity and public relations. YOUR PUBLICITY Publicity is defined as notice or attention given to someone or something by the media. Getting on other podcasts could be considered publicity. You're leveraging media to draw attention to you and your show. The average podcast listeners consumes around 8 different podcasts each week. To draw attention to your show, get on other podcasts. But you can also use other media as well. My client Greg Payne hosts the Cool Grandpa podcast where he helps grandfathers connect to their grandchildren in more powerful ways. Greg was featured in an article in the New York Times. His monthly downloads doubled overnight. That New York Times article led to another article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper. Get outside of your insulated circle and find other media who can highlight you. THE ART OF PUBLIC RELATIONS Public relation

  • Is Content Really King? – PTC 489

    20/04/2024 Duración: 34min

    CONTENT ISN'T KING It is often said that content is King. That isn't necessarily true. Content by itself won't gain you an audience. Content isn't King. Great content is King. Anybody can copy information. Your content needs to be infused with story and personality to really connect with listeners. To help you create more powerful interviews, grab my list of "17 of the most Powerful Podcast Interview Questions Ever". It is a free download you can get at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/interview. BE UNIQUE It really hit me one time when I was interviewing a musician on the air. I won't mention his name, because he called me out right there in the middle of the interview. Before our conversation, I went online and read his bio. I went through the news release they sent me about the new album and the tour. Once the interview began, I felt pretty good. We were rolling along with the standard questions and he was giving the standard answers. In what city will the tour start? When does the album come out.? What can we e

  • Connecting With Your Personality – PTC 488

    13/04/2024 Duración: 32min

    PEOPLE STAY FOR YOUR PERSONALITY People come for your content. They stay because of your personality. We have heard it so often. People do business with those they know, like and trust. It's all about building rapport. People like you and fall in love with you because of your personality and story. On this episode, I want to share with you a session I did recently during my Audience Explosion Blueprint Workshop. This was a powerful 3-day workshop where I helped a group of podcasters build their strategy to grow their audience. This particular session will help you develop your personality and begin building powerful relationships with your audience. YOUR UNIQUE STYLE And what I want to help you do in this session is really get clear on your personality. Your personality is your unique style. A lot of people think personality means I need to be funny or I need to be over the top, I need to be this big, boisterous, iconic personality. Personality just means you're uniquely you. It it's what makes you different

  • Marc Mawhinney – The JV Partnership – PTC 487

    06/04/2024 Duración: 50min

    When it comes to growing your podcast and building your business, a joint venture partnership is a powerful way to find success. Many people view a JV partnership in a very simplistic way. The most common JV partnership is an agreement to promote a product or service in exchange for an affiliate commission. But, there are many other ways to leverage a JV partnership. Why would people want to promote you? This is a common question, especially if you have a small audience or small email list. There are various reasons, and money is only one of them. PARTNERSHIP FOR MONEY Money is surely one motivation for promotion. This is what most people think of when they hear JV partnership. In this agreement, you would provide your promotional partner an affiliate link through your system like ThriveCart. You can see the power of ThriveCart at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/ThriveCart. Your partner promotes your offer using their affiliate link. When their audience makes a purchase through your link, your partner earns a comm

  • The Business Is Marketing – PTC 486

    30/03/2024 Duración: 27min

    Your great content will only get you so far. You need to master marketing in order to succeed. It's not just marketing your business. You also need to grow your podcast with powerful marketing. It all works as a system. I recently spoke with a few podcasters on the verge of throwing in the towel and ending their podcast. However, I've had a few conversations with other podcasters who are doubling down and going all in. The difference between the two groups is marketing. To build a successful podcast, lean into your marketing. THE ROI The first podcaster, let's call her Anne to protect her identity. She is frustrated by the perceived lack of return on investment. Ann told me, "Although I love podcasting, I am not sure I can justify the investment of time and money for the ROI that I am receiving right now in leads and revenue. I am just not seeing that things will shift soon enough and I know it's a long game. I haven't decided yet if I am pausing the show or going to do seasons or how I am moving forward but

  • Dave Jackson – Profit From Your Podcast – PTC 485

    23/03/2024 Duración: 54min

    CREATING PODCAST MONEY Many podcasters want to create a profit from their podcast. However, most lack a strategy to generate revenue and grow their business. NO PROFIT FROM MY COURSE When I created my first product for Podcast Talent Coach, it was a complete flop. Nobody wanted it. I started a mastermind in 2013 with 8 of my entrepreneurial friends. We all had aspirations to create successful businesses. Podcast Talent Coach was just getting off the ground. I had also purchased Brendon Burchard's Total Product Blueprint. As I went through the program, I created my plan. The mastermind helped me refine it. My first product was a course. It was the Podcast Talent Coach system. This program was designed to help podcasters transform their information into entertainment and turn their podcast into powerful, profitable relationships. The course was a 7-disc set that covered everything you need to know to create a successful podcast. It had everything I learned over my decades of radio experience being on the air, c

  • How Can I Increase My Downloads – PTC 484

    16/03/2024 Duración: 32min

    Have you had little success finding new listeners and growing your podcast downloads? You aren't alone. THE CHALLENGE WITH DOWNLOADS I recently sent an email to my tribe asking about the biggest challenge most podcasters face. Podcasters like you mentioned things like these as their biggest challenges...   Finding more subscribers interested in my content I need perfect people listening to my podcast I'm trying all things to increase downloads Learning to build an interactive community What else can I do to grow my downloads I have no email list I need a strategy   Have you had similar struggles? You've tried many things. Empty promises is all you get from the webinars you've attended. It is time you get a growth strategy that works. That's why I've turned my Audience Explosion Blueprint program into a powerful 3-day workshop. I shot a video all about it. You can see it at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/audience. During the Audience Explosion Blueprint workshop, you'll develop a REAL strategy to c

  • What is Your Biggest Challenge? – PTC 483

    10/03/2024 Duración: 37min

    OVERCOMING YOUR CHALLENGE What is your biggest challenge? I asked that recently to podcasters on my email list. On this episode, I'll help you through a few of them. DO THE WORK Whatever your challenge, do the little work daily to build your foundation. Country artist Chris Young is a great example. The first time Chris Young came to town was around 2009. He played in the radio station conference room to about 20 people. This was shortly after he was the winner of the 4th season of the TV show "Nashville Star" in 2006. The next time here in town, he played to a small club with a few other artists for a few hundred people. Over the next few years, Chris returned to town as the opening act for a variety of other artists. Each time he played to a few more people than the last. Finally in 2019, Chris came to town to headline his own show for about 5,000 people. He has done that a few other times since then. Here is a guy that got great exposure on a television singing competition with a big audience. He has put i

  • Ensure Your Message Is Felt With Janelle Anderson – PTC 482

    02/03/2024 Duración: 47min

    CREATING A POWERFUL PODCAST MESSAGE Your message can be powerful when you clearly understand whom you're targeting. A message designed for everyone reaches no one. MIXED MESSAGE I was on a podcast strategy call with two nurses the other day. They help healthcare practitioners decrease anxiety and stress, calm down their inner voice and enjoy life. Their goal is to bring resilience to humanity. Part of their curriculum is continuing education for healthcare providers. As we talked, we realized most of their clients are nurses. Though doctors and other healthcare providers can benefit from their content, nurses make up the majority of the revenue. We often get scared of losing a client. People tell me, "Yeah, but I can help them, too." I understand you can help everyone. However, you don't have enough time to help everyone. You also don't have enough time and money to market to everyone. The biggest problem with trying to help everyone is the clarity of your message. CLEAR RESULT If these two try to create cont

  • Why You Can't Grow Your Podcast – PTC 481

    24/02/2024 Duración: 35min

    WHY DO YOU WANT TO GROW YOUR PODCAST? If you're like most podcasters, one of your biggest challenges you want to overcome is how to grow your podcast. I hear it often. Today, I want to help you dive deep into audience growth. IMPORTANT LINKS Here are links to those resources mentioned in this episode:   Libsyn – Audio host for podcasters – https://libsyn.com The Feed – the official podcast of Libsyn – https://thefeed.libsyn.com Alex Hormozi – https://www.acquisition.com/bio-alex Dan Kennedy – Magnetic Marketing – https://magneticmarketing.com Taylor Swift – https://www.taylorswift.com Big Machine Records – https://www.bigmachinelabelgroup.com Podcast Strategy Call – https://podcasttalentcoach.com/podcast-review-questionaire/ Send me an email at coach@podcasttalentcoach.com.   MAKE THEM CARE In this episode, we dive deep into the challenges faced by many podcasters when it comes to growing their listenership. You receive invaluable insights into why some podcasts stagnate and what you can do to overcome these

  • Podcast Promotion Questions – PTC 480

    17/02/2024 Duración: 30min

    HOW DO I GROW MY PODCAST? When it comes to growing our podcast, I get many questions about podcast promotion. How do we get in front of new listeners and invite them into our show? On this episode, we'll answer a variety of questions about podcast promotion.   PODCAST GROWTH EQUATION There are two sides to the podcast growth equation. A larger audience involves keeping your current listeners coming back week after week while you are attracting new listeners to your show. If you are only promoting your show on social media and to your email list, you are only speaking to people who already know you. This does very little to grow your audience. However, podcast promotion on social media and to your list is important to keep your current listeners coming back every episode. So, keep it up. To grow, you also need to get in front of new listeners who are unaware of you. Invite those people into your world, so you can increase the number of listeners. As we go through these questions around podcast promotion, we'll

  • Cindy J. and Making Money – PTC 479

    10/02/2024 Duración: 46min

    When coaches come to me for assistance, one of the most common challenges is making money with their podcast. Most are using their show incorrectly and spending time in the wrong places with the wrong activities. There is a misconception about podcasting. You make money WITH your podcast, not FROM your podcast. By that I mean your podcast doesn't generate money. You're not making money from the show. When it comes to making money, use your podcast to promote your revenue engine. As a coach, your revenue engine would be your coaching. If you sell affiliate products, you make money from affiliate commissions, not from producing the podcast. THREE CHALLENGES There are three major challenges podcasters face when trying to generate revenue with their podcast. The first is selling ads and sponsorships. They are spending time on the wrong activities. Next is spending too much time on their guest during an interview. It's a delicate balance to demonstrate your authority while making your guest look great. Finally, co

  • Relationships Equal Know, Like & Trust – PTC 478

    04/02/2024 Duración: 30min

    LOVE THY NEIGHBOR WITH BETTER RELATIONSHIPS I have a vision to help us love thy neighbor. We need more relationships in our lives. And our podcasts can help us do exactly that. PERSPECTIVE It is funny how our attitude changes when we realize we know somebody. Our default attitude is confrontational and offended. Someone cuts you off in traffic and we get upset. Did they cut your off? Or maybe they didn't realize their lane ended. It's perspective. Someone takes two plates through the buffet line instead of one, thereby taking more than their fair share. Or maybe they were getting a plate for their handicap spouse who can't stand in a buffet line. Someone left their trash all over the fast food table. Or maybe they got a frantic call that their child was rushed to the hospital. Again, perspective. Remember, we only know what we know. And when we have strong relationships, our default tends to be forgiveness rather than confrontation. IT'S WHO YOU KNOW One winter we got around 12 inches of snow three weeks in a

  • Turn Your Podcast Into A Book – PTC 477

    27/01/2024 Duración: 37min

    HOW TO WRITE A BOOK Are you ready to turn your podcast into a book? 6 REASONS TO WRITE A BOOK Each week you work hard to spread your message and share your vision. If you produce an episode a week, you'll have 50 episodes in just under a year. With four pages of show notes (or 1,200 words), you could turn your podcast into a book. But, why would you want to go through all the work to write a book? There are six big reasons. INCREASED VISIBILITY Writing a book will help you achieve increased visibility. You will a reason to be interviewed on other podcasts and in other media. It is possible that people will begin talking about your book and create a buzz. Your book will the the launching point of your visibility. BUILDS CREDIBILITY Writing a book will also help you build credibility. Just being a published author gives you credibility. Authors know what they are talking about. The time and energy you put into a book communicates that you're serious about your topic and an expert in your industry. INSPIRE OTHER

  • Jay Fairbrother Creating Your Mastermind – PTC 476

    21/01/2024 Duración: 50min

    MONETIZE WITH A MASTERMIND Creating a mastermind is a great way to monetize your podcast. It is easy to wonder why people would pay to be in a mastermind. When you can bring a group of people together to stir the power of a mastermind, it is well worth then investment. MASTERMIND LINKS: Mastermind Ready Scorecard: http://www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/jay Jay Fairbrother: http://jayfairbrother.com Six Figure Masterminds: https://sixfiguremasterminds.com NAPOLEON HILL MASTERMIND In his book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill defines the Master Mind principle as, "Two or more people who work in perfect harmony for the attainment of a definite purpose. When working with a positive mental attitude, this group will constitute an unbeatable force." Hill goes on to say, "No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind." There are five big benefits of being in a mastermind. When you curate the power of the group, you save your members ti

  • Jeanette Shore on Building Community – PTC 475

    13/01/2024 Duración: 32min

    THE POWER OF PODCASTING IS BUILDING COMMUNITY When it comes to building community, there is nothing more powerful than your podcast. We often talk that people do business with those they know, like and trust. It's all about building community and rapport. (See my next workshop at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/workshop.) BUILDING COMMUNITY I was on the radio one afternoon and suddenly developed a case of the hiccups. It happened while the mic was open and I was on the air. There was not much I could do about it at that point. I said, "If this keeps up, this is going to be a very long show." Two days later I was a hockey practice with my son. Two moms came up to me and said, "When you got the hiccups the other day on the radio... that was the funniest thing we ever heard." Being human and sharing our authentic self on the podcast is how we build friendships. When your audience listens to you episode after episode, they get to know you and really building community. WHY PODCASTING Podcasts and audio in general are

  • Tech is Killing Your Business – PTC 474

    06/01/2024 Duración: 41min

    Tech makes so many things easier in our lives. Unfortunately, it is killing your business. Tech may make it easier for customers to buy. But, it's making it more difficult for you to sell. THE SERVICE STATION Jim Pendergast lived 6 houses up the street from us on the corner when I was growing up. He owned the neighborhood service station. When mom had issues with the car, we'd go see Jim. It was a full service Phillips 66. Jim would pump your gas, clean your windshield and even check the oil if you needed it. We knew Jim, and Jim knew us. Today, you can fill your tank at the gas station and never even talk to anyone let alone know them. When it comes time to have your car serviced, who do you trust? For the last 20 years, I've taken my car to a Midas shop owned by Rick and Brad. When the dealer would tell me I needed work done, I'd take the car to Rick and Brad. One time the dealer said I needed brakes all the way around. I told the dealer I have a brake guy and took the car to Midas. Brad took a look at it a

  • Is Your Podcast Legal with Gordon Firemark – PTC 473

    30/12/2023 Duración: 48min

    AFFILIATE PROMOTION THE LEGAL WAY We often talk about growing our audience, monetizing our show, and creating better content. But as podcasters and coaches, we don't often think about ensuring we are doing it all in a legal way. Talking about the legal aspects of your podcast is a lot like talking about taxes. It's not something most of us enjoy, but it is important. If you are earning affiliate commissions on products you promote, or if people are compensating you in any way to be on your show or in your email, you must fully disclose that in order to be legal. Otherwise, you could face serious fines. LINKS Here are the important links from this episode. Gordon Firemark's website. https://www.gordonfiremark.com Free Podcast Guest Release - http://podcastrelease.com Podcast Prenup Agreement – http://podcastprenup.com Podcast Law Book – http://podcastlawbook.com Federal Trade Commission – www.FTC.gov.   LEGAL INFLUENCER On November 15, 2023, FTC issued a statement regarding a violation of their guidelines. The

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