Podcast Talent Coach



The Podcast Talent Coach


  • 3 Ways to Monetize Podcast Interviews – PTC 470

    10/12/2023 Duración: 28min

    PROMOTE YOU VS PROMOTE YOUR GUEST When interviewing others on your podcast, it can become difficult to tell your story and promote your business. On this episode, we discuss 3 ways to monetize your podcast interviews. CHALLENGE WITH INTERVIEWS Using interviews is a great way to create content on your podcast, because when you create an interview, you don't have to do a lot of the heavy lifting. When you create an interview, you simply need to ask some great questions of your guest and then be a great listener. Allow your guests to tell great stories. It's a super convenient and easy way to create great podcast episodes. The challenge with podcast interviews is finding a way to highlight your expertise and demonstrate your authority on the podcast episode while making your guests look great. Dave Jackson over at the School of Podcasting says, "If you want to grow your influence and authority, do a solo episode. If you want to grow your network, do an interview episode." I prefer to combine the two and do both

  • Speaking to Sell – PTC 469

    03/12/2023 Duración: 44min

    SPEAKING TO ATTRACT YOUR IDEAL CLIENTS If you want to get in front of new listeners, speaking is a powerful way to spread your message. MY SPEAKING FIRST It was a thrill the first time I was in front of a big crowd, because I wasn't on stage by myself and I didn't speak. It was 1994. The radio station team was on stage welcoming the crowd to our 16th birthday bash featuring REO Speedwagon, Starship and Cheap Trick. 8,500 people were in the crowd cheering for us. That's when I realized the crowd wanted to see us. More importantly, they wanted to see us succeed. When you are on stage, the audience typically wants you to be successful. But when you do trip up, it shows you are human just like them. MY BIG SPEAKING DISASTER One year I was emceeing the annual banquet for our high school hockey league. There was roughly 150 high school hockey players along with their parents in the audience. I was reading from a script I didn't write. It was prepared for me by the committee. The script said, "The season got off to

  • Why You Don't Have Bigger Downloads – PTC 468

    25/11/2023 Duración: 30min

    ARE BIGGER DOWNLOADS THE RIGHT QUESTION? There was a post in a podcasting Facebook group the other day wondering why they don't have bigger downloads. The download challenge hits all of us. So, let's overcome that struggle. The post said, "We have recently launched our 6th episode and have been running for 6 weeks now. My downloads have not even hit 500 yet. I feel like there is something else I should be doing." As you can imagine, the Facebook crowd was quick to offer their opinion along with their exaggerated download numbers. First, let's look at the issues with the question. Then, we can talk about the solutions. THE 7 ISSUES There are seven big issues when asking about your downloads. Not all downloads are equal. Be careful when you are comparing your internal numbers with the public numbers of others. You typically are not comparing apples to apples. The niche and target are different. Your content and personality are different. The longevity and experience are different. So, let's look at why you shou

  • Save Time In Your Week – PTC 467

    18/11/2023 Duración: 51min

    When it comes to producing your podcast and running your coaching business, there are many ways to save time in your week. But there is nothing better than grouping tasks that allow you to work in your zone of genius. 3 WAYS TO SAVE TIME There are three ways to save time in your week. Batch your work by doing multiple episodes at the same time. Group your work, so you're doing similar work at the same time. Use the same part of the brain. Find the time in the day when you do your best work for each specific type of work. SAVE TIME BY BATCHING First, you can save time by batching your work. This means doing multiple at the same time. If you are recording a podcast, record two or three. When you are writing your show notes, complete two or three. As I write my daily email each week, I write 7 days at the same time. This allows your mind to get in the flow. It will also save you time by getting prepared only once. To record a podcast, it takes time to set up the equipment, get the audio software loaded, turn off

  • Dan Miller and Multiple Streams of Income – PTC 466

    12/11/2023 Duración: 48min

    Your podcast gives you great opportunities to create multiple streams of income. The show is like the gateway for your clients to enter your world. After they enter, help them solve their problems with a specific stream of income. Dan Miller of 48 Days to the Work You Love joins us on this episode today to discuss how his podcast sits at the center of his revenue universe. ONE STREAM OF INCOME Before you can create multiple streams of income, you need to get your first stream producing income. Focus on one before you launch others. There is power in focus. There is a saying that is contributed to Confucius. Then again, many sayings are. The saying is, "The man who chases two rabbits catches neither." When your focus is divided, you accomplish very little. Get your first stream of income working before you launch the next. You will find much more success. I suggest you start with the easiest stream of income. The easiest is the one that is easiest for you. We each have our own super power. Leverage your streng

  • Make More Sales – PTC 465

    05/11/2023 Duración: 48min

    To make more sales with your podcast, you need to identify the correct prospect. Rather than attracting everyone to your podcast, attract your ideal clients. Your ideal clients need to have four characteristics. PAIN First, they need to have a pain they know they have. Trying to convince someone they have a problem is a challenge. You don't want to try to convince someone they have a grub problem in their lawn when their lawn looks perfect. Your ideal client must also be actively trying to solve the problem. Many people want to lose weight. But, how many are actively seeking a solution for which they will pay money? This can't be any pain. It must be a problem causing great pain that the prospect will do anything to solve. WILLING AND ABLE TO BUY Next, they need to have the ability to buy your stuff. As much as broke people might need your solution, it does you no good if they can't afford to spend the money. On the other hand, don't assume they can't afford it. Your situations or beliefs around money is not

  • 9 Things Your Podcast Makes Possible – PTC 464

    29/10/2023 Duración: 19min

    Your podcast and content provide amazing opportunities for you and your business. Just think of the things you've been able to do, because you have a podcast. Today, I want to share 9 amazing things your podcast makes possible. SUMMIT I have a powerful way to deep dive each of these ideas. As an entrepreneur, you know better than anyone what it takes to run your business, much less produce a successful podcast every week. With more podcasts to choose from now more than ever, imagine if you could get all your questions answered in one place. How great would it be getting the step-by-step help you need to position your podcast to stand out and rise above the rest? Imagine what that could mean for the future of your podcast and your business. I'm bringing together 24 amazing experts to help you make that a reality. We will have conversations around all the questions you've been asking. Register for the Podcast Profits Summit for free to get these questions and more answered. Get registered at http://www.PodcastT

  • How Long Does It Take To Make Money With A Podcast? – PTC 463

    21/10/2023 Duración: 27min

    IT TAKE A STRATEGY TO MAKE MONEY Don't feel alone. Many coaches struggle to make money with their podcast. They simply don't have a strategy. I know it can be frustrating. You work so hard to create your episode each week. It is a lot of time and energy devoted to your podcast with very little to show for it. The lack of success has less to do with you and more to do with your process. WHERE TO MAKE MONEY There is one thing I want you to understand before we start down this path. Your podcast isn't your revenue engine. It is part of your marketing plan to have more sales conversations. Your podcast doesn't generate revenue. It promotes and markets the thing you sell. Podcasting is a long-term game. This isn't a "get rich quick" opportunity. If you use podcasting correctly, the momentum of the fly wheel will continue to help you generate revenue in your business for years to come. Unfortunately, many coaches give up before the fly wheel gets spinning fast enough. FADE AWAY Many podcasts fade away before the 10

  • Power of the Interview – PTC 462

    15/10/2023 Duración: 31min

    THE BENEFITS OF A PODCAST INTERVIEW An interview on your podcast can be a powerful way to grow your audience, increase your reputation, and generate revenue. However, it can't be any interview. Be strategic with your interviews. Many clients come to me struggling to gain clients from their podcast. When we first met, my most recent client told me she loves doing her podcast, but it has hit a plateau. The audience wasn't growing and she it wasn't producing any new clients. It is a struggle I hear quite often. Finding room during the podcast to attract clients is difficult when you are trying to make your guest look great. When you interview a guest, they are likely on your show to promote their product or service. It is a challenge to find an opportunity to promote your business at the same time. So, how can you leverage a podcast interview to grow your business. It start with your selection of guests. There are four types of guests you can interview on your podcast. INTERVIEW CURRENT CLIENTS First, you can in

  • Confidence, Clients & More – PTC 461

    07/10/2023 Duración: 34min

    What is your biggest challenge? I get many questions about all facets of podcasting. Today we are going to overcome a variety of listener challenges. Cathy wants to know how long her podcast should be. Behiye is stuggling with echo in the audio. Dave just wants to get started. And Kate's challenge is getting clients. If you have a challenge with your podcast journey, you can always email me at Coach@PodcastTalentCoach.com. I would love to help you overcome that challenge right here on the show.   HOW LONG Cathy's challenge: How long should my podcast be?   There is not such thing as too long, only too boring. My radio coaches have told me that for decades. It is true in every area of life. Have you ever been in a conversation wondering if it will ever end? You're wondering if there is a point to the story they are telling. That's what I'm talking about. When I was getting my architecture degree, we had to take Architectural History. Not just one, but three levels of history. If you love architecture, you love

  • Grow Your Visibility – PTC 460

    30/09/2023 Duración: 23min

    I've been receiving a lot of questions lately from listeners like you at coach at podcast talent coach dot com. So this week we are going to answer questions about dedicating time, who pays your fee, and how to increase your visibility. We are currently in the middle of nowhere at a cabin in Vermont. Luckily the cabin has wi-fi, because there is no cell service up here. A client joined me for a coaching call on Zoom yesterday. She is struggling to get clients into her group coaching program. There are currently 6 episodes of her podcast published. And she has a small email list. However, she has a list of about 24 people who have had a free introduction call with her over the last few months. She also has another list of 25 or 30 who had an introduction call earlier this year. She wants to send an email to the entire group and let them know she is starting another round of her group coaching program. Then she would invite them to a group intro call. It won't work. I told her nobody wants to come to a sales pi

  • Christine Bennet-Clark and Podcasting with ChatGPT – PTC 459

    24/09/2023 Duración: 38min

    SHOULD YOU BE PODCASTING WITH CHATGPT? In episode 430, we discussed why ChatGPT means you matter even more today. WHAT IS CHATGPT? As a recap, Your podcast cannot simply be information. ChatGPT has nearly all the information anyone could ever need. An oversimplified explanation of Chat GPT is that it uses artificial intelligence like Siri on your iPhone or your Alexa smart speaker. It is just much more powerful. GPT is short for Generative Pretrained Transformer. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI. They are a startup based in San Francisco. The company was co-founded in 2015 by Elon Musk and Sam Altman. In regular language, the tool is like Alexa on steroids. It is capable of taking inputs from users and producing human-like responses. The thing that makes it different is the ability of ChatGPT to learn and adjust according to the conversation. This new artificial intelligence tool can serve up the exact same information you are delivering. Only ChatGPT does it in less time. Let

  • Overcoming Your Big Challenge – PTC 458

    16/09/2023 Duración: 29min

    FOCUS ON THE CHALLENGE What is your biggest challenge right now? When coaches come to me for help, they aren't looking for coaching. They are looking for solutions to their biggest challenge. If you want to succeed, don't try to solve all of your problems. Focus on your next most important challenge. Stay focused until you reach success. Distraction is the enemy of our success. How many courses and books have your started but never finished? At that time, you had a challenge you were trying to overcome. Did the challenge just go away? Or, did you get distracted by the next big thing. LOSING CLIENTS A year ago, my business hit a plateau. I wasn't gaining clients as fast as I wanted. Things really slowed. My business expenses hadn't slowed down. And my revenue wasn't growing. One day I was on a call with a long time client. She was my most tenured client at the time. We had been together for quite some time. It was time to renew our agreement, and she dropped the bomb on me. On that call, she let me know she wa

  • Repurposing Your Content with Mike Abramowitz – PTC 457

    09/09/2023 Duración: 30min

    You work hard every week to create your podcast. Don't let that work go to waste. By repurposing your content, you can do the work once and benefit again and again. Many podcasters struggle to grow their audience. When they publish an episode, the share it with their email list and their social media following. Those people already know you and rarely share your content. To grow your audience, you need to get in front of people who aren't aware of you. Getting your listeners to share your content is a very powerful way to do that. WORK-OF-MOUTH Studies show that the number one way people discover new podcasts is through word-of-mouth. They hear somebody mention the podcast and decide to try it out. When I first heard about Pat Flynn and Smart Passive Income, I didn't listen. Then I heard the show mentioned by Dave Jackson at School of Podcasting. It was mentioned on Internet Business Mastery. Then I heard Pat mentioned on Dan Miller's podcast 48 Days to the Work You Love. That's when I decided to give Smart P

  • Fundamentals To Be Unique – PTC 456

    03/09/2023 Duración: 35min

    7 WAYS TO HELP YOU BE UNIQUE Podcasting is growing by leaps and bounds everyday. There are so many podcasts in your niche. That makes it even more critical for your podcast to be unique. If you want to stand out in the sea of sameness, there are a few things you can do that are easy to implement to make you special. WHY BE UNIQUE In the era of artificial intelligence, you can't afford to be information alone. AI can easily reproduce your information. AI cannot copy you, your story and your personality. A fews day ago we took a roadtrip to see Duran Duran in concert. It was the opportunity for my wife to cross off one of her bucket list bands. They put on an amazing show. Nile Rodgers and Chic opened the show. Bastille was the middle act. Then, Duran Duran brought down the house. It was fantastic. Duran Duran started as a band in the Birmingham, England in 1978 with Nick Rhodes, John Taylor and Stephen Duffy. They struggled for a few years as Stephen left the band. Seven others came in and out of the band unti

  • 4 Life Changing Lessons – PTC 455

    26/08/2023 Duración: 31min

    LESSONS THAT SKYROCKETED MY BUSINESS The lessons that come to us on our journey can change our lives if we are open to embracing them. We simply need to see the silver lining. This week I received an email from a client. She said, "This week I was really wondering if this is worth my time. My life is so out of balance!!" My heart fell to my stomach. It hurt so much, because I have been there. Growing your podcast can be lonely. Building a business and being an entrepreneur can often make you feel like you're alone on an island. Over the years I have realized that it is truly darkest before the light. Just when you think you're on the wrong path, the sun comes over the horizon. There are four lessons I've learned over the years that can help you when you're ready to throw in the towel. If you want to talk about your journey and craft your podcast strategy, apply for a free podcast strategy call with me at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply. THE LESSONS OF CORNERS First, embrace change. You never know what opport

  • Keys To Hosting A Successful Podcast – PTC 454

    19/08/2023 Duración: 29min

    HOW TO CREATE A SUCCESSFUL PODCAST THAT DOESN'T PODFADE Creating a successful podcast isn't difficult. You simply need to know where to look and the proper steps to take. There is a stat that bounces around the podcasting industry that says most podcasts fade away after 7 episodes. It's called podfading. I thought the number was exaggerated until I was on a coaching call one day. WHAT I DISCOVERED Mary Elaine and I were discussing ways to land interviews on other shows to grow her audience. One of the steps in the process is to ensure the podcast is still actively publishing new episodes. The last thing you want to do is ask for an interview on a show that hasn't published a new episode in two years. Mary Elaine helps people who are caregivers typically for their elderly parents. She has a great show called Caregiver Cast. To give her an example of the right shows to find, I opened Apple Podcasts and searched Caregiver. The top few had solid downloads and appeared to be successful podcasts. I did the search a

  • How To Produce Better Interviews – PTC 453

    13/08/2023 Duración: 30min

    Conducting interviews is an art. And, you can learn to produce better interviews with just a few steps. Today, I'll give you four ways to create better interviews. I also have examples for you to help you make progress. Then, I'm going to give you a great deal on my course How To Crush Your Next Podcast Interview Like A Radio Pro Without Decades Of Training And Hours Of Preparation. Just for being a listener, you'll get over half off the course. STORIES The first way to create great interviews is to not make it an interview. In my course, pop star Jason Derulo says he hates interviews. He would rather have a conversation. The key to engaging interviews is the art of the story. Get your guest to tell authentic stories. Shane Sams is the host of the Flipped Lifestyle podcast. He helps real families create a membership site and make their living online. In this episode, he shares a great story about his son Isaac. Shane was being real and authentic. It takes courage to be that raw. That's why few people do it an

  • Robert Evans: Why You Need An App – PTC 452

    06/08/2023 Duración: 35min

    CREATE AN APP FOR YOUR PODCAST, CONTENT AND MORE Something new is coming. I'm getting ready to launch the Podcast Talent Coach app. It will bring all of my content and tools together in one convenient place. It takes many platforms and services to build a funnel that will lead your podcast listeners to become clients. When you have a smartphone app, you can bring many of those platforms together in one place. CONTENT PURPOSE Your podcast content can drive people to your lead magnet and get them on your email list. When you create your content with a purpose, it will create a demand for your lead magnet. The content demonstrates the need for the resource. Show them how to use it and the transformation it makes possible. Platforms like ClickFunnels and LeadPages help you do this. LEAD MAGNET Your lead magnet encourages listeners to come to your webinar or discovery call through your email list allows by nurturing the relationship. MailChimp and ActiveCampaign are a couple platforms that will help you manage you

  • Coaching Call: How Do You Market Your Podcast? – PTC 451

    29/07/2023 Duración: 49min

    HOW DO YOU MARKET YOUR PODCAST FOR EFFECTIVE RESULTS When you're creating a business around your podcast, even if it is a side hustle, it feels like there is an endless amount of stuff to do. When you don't have structured time to do something, it expands to the allotted amount of time. That is where your flexible hours create an issue. There needs to be time when you work "on" your business. Michael Gerber's "The E-Myth Revisited" lays this out perfectly. First, determine the activities that actually drive downloads. This could include online activity in social media, marketing to your list or other activities that get you noticed. Then, determine the actions that drive your business. Who are your ideal clients? What type of clients make up the top 20% that drive 80% of your business? It is the Pareto Principle. Figure out how to reach those people. Now that you know the activities that attract listeners, and you know the activities that grow your business, find a day you can dedicate to those activities. De

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