Podcast Talent Coach



The Podcast Talent Coach


  • Podcast Growth Resources – PTC 373

    06/02/2022 Duración: 27min

    On this episode, I have five podcast growth resources for you. These vary from hosting services to selling your services. Best of all, you can save money by using my affiliate link. A great way to grow is by connecting with other experts who are already have your ideal listener in their audience. If that expert has the attention of the client you are trying to attract, creating a partnership is a powerful way to grow. Surrounding yourself with other people on a journey similar to yours is a great way to learn and be find accountability. Once you have your ideal client in your audience, you need to create a sales process with the right tools. I want to help you with all of these steps today. Just a heads up … each of these links is an affiliate link. If you make a purchase through any of these links, I will earn a small commission. Rest assured that I only recommend tools that I use and trust. I wouldn't recommend these tools if I didn't believe in them. EAGLES The first is 48 Days Eagles with Dan Miller. It i

  • Find Time For Your Podcast – PTC 372

    29/01/2022 Duración: 52min

    When you are an entrepreneur, you have many responsibilities and demands of your time. How do you find time each week to create a podcast? Planning and scheduling is critical to keep all of your plates in the air. To find time to produce an episode each week, you need to be organized and follow your calendar. There are three tips you can use to make your week more efficient. PERFECTION First, stop trying to be perfect. Get the best show produced in the given amount of time you have allotted to the podcast. If you only have 3 hours a week to produce your show, make it fit into three hours. Stop trying to edit out every "um" and stumble. Perfection is the enemy of done. Shipped is better than perfect. Get it recorded and get it out to the world. FIND TIME OR MONEY There is a saying that goes, "You can spend time or you can spend money." If you have more time than money, by all means figure out how to do it yourself. Go learn how to do it and save the money. However, if you can spend the time making more money t

  • Building Your Podcast Strategy – PTC 371

    22/01/2022 Duración: 53min

    How do you decide if a podcast is right for your business? That is what we answer today for Nikki Brown. You need to define the strategy first to determine if a podcast makes sense for your business. Find Nikki at CoachNikkiB.com. Begin with the end in mind. Then, determine how you get your clients to that point. There is a process a person experiences in their journey to become your client or customer. She discovers you, gets to know who you are and what you're all about, understands what you offer, realizes that solution is for her and decides to buy. To create a client, you need to build rapport, qualify her to ensure your solution is the right solution, education her on your solution and sign her up. It is a simple, focused sales strategy. In that strategy, where does your podcast fit? Your content allows you to share your stories and build rapport. The podcast also allows you to demonstrate your solution. YOUR STRATEGY As you build your strategy to attract clients, start with the end in mind. Where do yo

  • Helping James Attract Clients With His Podcast – PTC 370

    15/01/2022 Duración: 41min

    When podcasters come to me for help, there are two primary struggles. The most common challenges are growing the audience and monetizing the show. Today, we help James and Tina lay the foundation to attract clients to their coaching practice using their podcast. BOOTCAMP Before we jump into it, I want to invite you to a powerful event I am holding where I will help you build your podcast monetization strategy. We actually get stuff done in this day-long bootcamp. So many times, we go to webinars hoping to learn something only to find out it is full of fluff. We might walk away with one or two ideas after an hour. But we are really only there for the sales pitch. You now have a chance to join me for a 7-hour Podcast Profits Bootcamp where I will take you through the entire process and build your podcast monetization strategy. During this event, you will discover 6 ways to monetize your show. We will then select the one strategy that is perfect for you. This isn't one size fits all. It is specific to your podca

  • Helping Karen Robinson With Her Podcast Process – PTC 369

    09/01/2022 Duración: 44min

    Budgeting your money helps you determine where to spend it. The same is true with your time. If you find that your podcast process is eating a lot of your week, budget your time and allocate it efficiently. There are three things you can do to improve your podcast process. I want to help you with that today. Then, we will talk with Karen Robinson of the Heal Thrive Dream podcast and help her refine her process to grow her impact and business. Before we start, there are two events coming up that can help you with your podcast. If you have not launched your podcast yet, join us for "How To Launch Your Podcast In 30 Days". It is a free training that happens on Monday, January 17th. Get the details HERE. If you have a podcast and would like to grow your engagement and convert your listeners into buyers, join us for the Podcast Profits Bootcamp. It is a full-day event where we work together to build your strategy. You can get those full details HERE. BATCHING Batching your content is one way to spend your time eff

  • Why It Took Me 8 Years To Launch – PTC 368

    01/01/2022 Duración: 26min

    When we are outside looking in, things always look harder than they really are. In 2005, I discovered podcasting and it seemed far beyond anything I could ever do. The tech looked far too difficult for me to ever launch a podcast. Now, you may already have a podcast. You may have mastered the tech necessary to publish every week. If you listen closely, this episode can help you just as much as the new podcaster. We often encounter new challenges in our lives and think those feats are far beyond our capabilities. Think about the things you wish you could accomplish in the upcoming year. Maybe it is building a businessess around your podcast. You might have some really big names on your interview wish list. Maybe you've been wanting to build a sales funnel, but have no idea where to even start. All great journeys begin with the first step. Unfortunately with my podcast, it took me 8 years before I took that first step. I want to see you find success much quicker. RADIO It was March 2005. I was sitting in my liv

  • Connecting Content To Clients – PTC 367

    25/12/2021 Duración: 35min

    If you are trying to monetize your podcast, you need to figure out how to connect your content to your clients and customers. There needs to be a path that naturally leads to the relationship. Your podcast is a perfect way to build that relationship. The content and stories you share allow your listeners to get to know you, like you and trust you. STRATEGY The other day, I was on a call with one of my clients. We were discussing his latest episode that I reviewed. On the episode, he did a great job interviewing his guest. It was all the things we talk about here on the show. Great stories, big laughs, a solid story arc and vivid details. The interview rocked. As I listened to the conversation, something hit me. This interview was doing nothing to attract clients to his coaching business. There was no strategic purpose to the interview. There was no connection between his content and client creation. We needed to get intentional about the content we were sharing on the show. The content needs to fit into a big

  • Creatively Using Sound – PTC 366

    18/12/2021 Duración: 22min

    Imagination. It is the wonderful result of recorded audio. On your podcast, it comes from creatively using sound. When you listen to the radio, podcasts, audiobooks or other recorded audio, the imagination is in full motion. Your imagination belongs to you and you alone. You have full control. Your imagination is unlike any other. Your imagination is used for your sole benefit. The characters and scenes created in your "Theater of the Mind" are exactly how you want them to look. The images are created in your mind in a way that gives you the greatest pleasure. It is all to benefit you. The wonderful details in a story can stir the imagination in magical ways. VIDEO Video typically doesn't stimulate the imagination the way audio does. When you see a car in a video, you know exactly what it looks like. If you and I both see a car in a video, we would both describe it in very similar ways. There is not much left to interpretation. If I describe a cherry red 1968 Ford Mustang to you, I couldn't possibly describe

  • Driving Listeners Away – PTC 365

    12/12/2021 Duración: 31min

    You work so hard to attract listeners to your podcast. Growing the audience is a constant challenge for most podcasters. You do all you can to bring more people to the party. The most common questions I get are around growing an audience. But that is only half of the equation. You also must keep your listeners coming back. Unfortunately, there are probably things you may be doing to reverse all of your work and drive listeners away. If you are not aware of these pitfalls, they could undermine your audience attraction efforts. Your audience could be shrinking in spite of your hard work recruiting listeners. There is good news. Once you learn to recognize these pitfalls, you can begin to eliminate each of them from your show. You can make adjustments when you know where to look. There are seven common mistakes podcasters make that drive listeners away. Let's walk through each of them. See if you recognize these within your show. I also give you ways to replace them with good stuff on your show. TALKING AT YOU T

  • Affiliate Deals the Right Way – PTC 364

    04/12/2021 Duración: 33min

    Affiliate relationships are a powerful way to monetize your podcast. As you incorporate these deals into your show, you need to do it properly to win big and stay out of trouble. As a full disclosure, let me start by saying I am not offering financial or legal advice. This is information I've collected over the years and simply sharing with you. WHAT TO ENDORSE Only be an affiliate for products you love. You should really only endorse products you've actually used. It is illegal to say you've used a product if you have not. You can still promote it. But while promoting the product or service, you cannot imply that you have use it if you have not. If I am endorsing Wendy's french fries, I cannot tell you they are delicious if I haven't actually eaten them. I can tell you they come with a money back guarantee, are sprinkled with sea salt and are on sale. Those are facts that have nothing to do with consumption. The best way to stay out of trouble here is to be selective with your affiliate partners. Choose part

  • Your Episode Goal - PTC 363

    27/11/2021 Duración: 26min

    You must know where you're going before you can actually get there. That statement is true with a road trip and it is also true with your podcast. When you set out to record a show, you must have an episode goal in mind. Once you've determined what you hope to accomplish, you can then decide how you will make it happen. BOOTCAMP Before we jump into it, I want to invite you to a powerful event I am holding where I will help you grow your audience to monetize your podcast. We actually get stuff done in this day-long bootcamp. So many times, we go to webinars hoping to learn something only to find out it is full of fluff. We might walk away with one or two ideas after an hour. But it is usually superficial stuff. You now have a chance to join me for a 7-hour Podcast Profits Bootcamp where I will walk you through the entire process to grow your audience so you can monetize your podcast. During this event, we will build your audience growth strategy that is perfect for you. This isn't one size fits all. It is spec

  • DIY Podcast Review – Episode 362

    20/11/2021 Duración: 27min

    Do you fear sounding like a beginner? Do you have a desire to have stronger content? Review your show. On this episode, I want to help you learn to review and critique your own podcast in order to make your content stronger. WHY WE REVIEW Reviewing your content on a regular basis is critical to your improvement. Learning how to critique yourself will help you sound more prepared, more organized and more like a true, professional broadcaster. When I was beginning my broadcasting career, I feared people would see me as someone simply trying to play the part of a professional. I didn't have any idea what I was doing, let alone how to get better. I wanted to have more credibility. How could I get there? Over the past 30 years, I learned to review and critique my own show. I worked with a variety of coaches, consultants, articles, conferences and mentors. They all taught me a little something. MY START My broadcasting career began while I was in college studying for my architecture degree. What started as somethin

  • Putting Your Why In Your Podcast Content – PTC 361

    14/11/2021 Duración: 29min

    In this episode, you get the first session from my most recent Podcast Profits Bootcamp. Here, we help you discover why we podcast. Then, we help you incorporate that "why" into your podcast content. I had a client tell me, "If we are able to generate leads, that is awesome. If we are helping change people's lives, and they are reaching out to us, that would be a success. Becoming a resource is the goal." SUCCESS What does success look like to you? Have you determined your passion? Your podcast allows you to leave your mark on the world. You can spread your message and make an impact if that is your desire. Before you can reach that goal, you need to define that goal. Making money with your podcast isn't enough. You need to develop a deeper desire. A deep, meaningful goal will motivate you to get in the studio every week and record an episode. If you haven't defined that meaningful purpose, finding the motivation to sustain a consistent podcast will be difficult. During this episode, we will help you find you

  • Your Podcast Strategy – PTC 360

    06/11/2021 Duración: 41min

    How is your podcast strategy? Do you even have one? Lots of podcasters struggle with finding constructive, intentional ways to get the word out about their show. The marketing stuff can get tricky. Many podcasters I talk with would be happy to have enough downloads to get 2 or 4 coaching clients paying a fee. How do you bring a few listeners through the funnel? Let's look at your whole strategy today on this episode. BOOTCAMP Before we jump into it, I want to invite you to a powerful event I am holding where I will help you build your podcast monetization strategy. We actually get stuff done in this day-long bootcamp. So many times, we go to webinars hoping to learn something only to find out it is full of fluff. We might walk away with one or two ideas after an hour. But we are really only there for the sales pitch. You now have a chance to join me for a 6-hour Podcast Profits Bootcamp where I will walk you through the entire process to build your podcast monetization strategy. It's actually 7 hours, but you

  • Answers To Your Podcast Questions – PTC 359

    30/10/2021 Duración: 26min

    I did a Facebook Live "Ask Me Anything" the other day on the Podcast Talent Coach Facebook Page. On it, you got answers to your podcast questions. We talked about everything from selling and monetizing your show to using text messaging as a way to interact with your listeners. I thought I would share those answers with you today. BOOTCAMP Before we jump into it, I want to invite you to a powerful event I am holding where I will help you build your podcast monetization strategy. We actually get stuff done in this day-long bootcamp. So many times, we go to webinars hoping to learn something only to find out it is full of fluff. We might walk away with one or two ideas after an hour. But we are really only there for the sales pitch. You now have a chance to join me for a 6-hour Podcast Profits Bootcamp where I will walk you through the entire process to build your podcast monetization strategy. It's actually 7 hours, but you get an hour for lunch. During this event, we will build a few ways to monetize your show

  • How To Build Know, Like & Trust – PTC 358

    16/10/2021 Duración: 32min

    To grow your audience and monetize your podcast, you need to build relationships. People do business with those they know, like and trust. That is the definition of relationship. Today, I want to show you how stories help you build those relationships. BOOTCAMP Before we jump into it, I want to invite you to a powerful event that will help you build your podcast monetization strategy. So many times, we go to webinars hoping to learn something only to find out it is a big sales pitch. We might walk away with one or two ideas after an hour. But we are really only there for the sale. You have a chance to join me for a 6-hour Podcast Profits Bootcamp where I will put you through the entire process to build your podcast monetization strategy. During this event, we will build a few ways to monetize your show that are perfect for you. This isn't one size fits all. It is specific to your show. You will get a workbook that will help you stay on track as we develop your strategy. During the bootcamp, we walk through th

  • Podcast Notes vs Script – PTC 357

    09/10/2021 Duración: 28min

    This week I received a great email from a listener regarding your show prep. How do you balance your time when it comes to podcast notes versus scripting your show? There are benefits to both. Today, I want to show you how to prepare with respect to where you are on your podcast journey. LET'S CHAT Before we get into it, I would love to invite you to have a free podcast strategy call with me. If you are struggling to grow your audience or monetize your show and you would like help building a strategy, take advantage of a free podcast strategy session with me. You can apply for a spot at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply. Many people think these calls are just sales calls in disguise like many of the webinars you attend. The guru promises to teach you a ton. All you walk away with is a sales pitch. This call is not that. Here is how it works. You and I get on a Zoom call. We start by getting clear on your goals. Where do you want to be a year from now to happy with the results? Then, we determine where you are

  • 7 Steps To Podcast Monetization – PTC 356

    02/10/2021 Duración: 22min

    You know I am a big fan of "don't make it harder than it needs to be". This is true when it comes to podcast monetization. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Stop adding in all of the unnecessary steps and tools. PODCAST RELATIONSHIPS Imagine being able to have a conversation with your ideal customers on a weekly basis. On top of that, those ideal clients request that conversation every week. How great would that be? A podcast makes that conversation possible. A podcast provides you a huge opportunity to demonstrate your authority to your prospects and invite them to become clients. If you structure the show properly, your podcast can be an amazing marketing tool to drive your business and grow your revenue. You build trust every week. When I have conversations with podcasters, they often tell me they want to make money with their show. I then listen to an episode. There are usually one of two big issues when it comes to monetization. First, the podcaster has nothing to sell. Second,

  • The Power of Being Vulnerable – PTC 355

    25/09/2021 Duración: 33min

    It is scary to put yourself out there and be vulnerable. But, it is also powerful. When you are working to build engagement with your audience, you need to be a bit vulnerable. That's what makes you lovable. BOOTCAMP Before we jump into it, I want to give you a little update on the project I'm working on. Last week I mentioned that I am putting together a workshop where I will take your hand and walk you through every step of the way to your goals. You've given me a ton of great feedback, and I really appreciate it. So much feedback that I'm still going through all of it to determine exactly what you need and what the workshop will do for you. It will take me another week or two to get it all put together. I can't thank you enough for all of the responses to the survey. This workshop will be something where we actually get work done. I don't want to create just another empty webinar like you find everywhere else. I want to create a full day event that will help you get the work done. That's why it's a worksho

  • Why You Podcast – PTC 354

    18/09/2021 Duración: 20min

    Understanding why you create your podcast is critical to your success. Without a powerful why, it becomes very difficult to do the work necessary to reach your goals. There are two big reasons you need a powerful why. Today, I want to help you find that. Before we begin, I would love to know what you are struggling with. Can you take 3 minutes and tell me about your podcast journey? You will find it at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/feedback. I am working to make sure this podcast gives you the content you need to reach your goals. There are challenges you are facing and hurdles you are trying to overcome. This podcast is designed to help you with that. But, I need to know where those struggles are. A workshop is also in the works where I will take your hand and walk you through every step of the way to your goals. I just need to know about your dreams. If you could answer 9 quick questions to ensure you are getting the content you need, head to www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/feedback. It will help shape the content

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