Risen King Alliance Church



The mission of Risen King Alliance Church is to reach Rockland County and its surrounding areas for Jesus by being good neighbors, looking outward, sacrificing comfort, building spiritual friendships, and working together with other churches.


  • Signs of the Spirit Part 8 "Patience"

    22/02/2015 Duración: 54min

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  • Signs of the Spirit Part 7

    15/02/2015 Duración: 01h08min

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  • Signs of the Spirit Part 6

    08/02/2015 Duración: 48min

    In the third and last part of his message on self-control as a Sign of the Spirit, Pastor Mike Plunket uses the passage in 1 Corinthians 10:7-13 to teach us about temptation. Satan, as the experienced psychologist that he is, has learned what are your hooks, and is using them to device his attacks against your life. Of what use is a strong steel chain, when one of its links is made of paper? The paper link is the area of your life where you lack self-control, and is the one that matters the most, because is the focus of your enemy. We have to understand the schemes of the enemy. In this message Pastor Mike teaches about four forms of temptation that to a great extent cover all the temptations that we face, and shows how, in Christ, who conquered them all, we can have sustainable victory.Support the show (http://www.risenking.life/give)

  • Signs of the Spirit Part 5

    01/02/2015 Duración: 57min

    Pastor Mike Plunket camps in 1 Corinthians 9:23 to teach us a powerful symbolism: what’s the difference between a McDonalds paper cup, and an old-style, steel milkshake cup? The former starts leaking rapidly, while the latter can contain. When the love of Jesus transforms your heart, self-control permeates your personality and all aspects of your life, and you become like the metal cup, being able to contain the blessings of God, for your life and the lives of those around you. We learn in this message how life can be thought of as a race that we have to run; in it, we are not given control over the talents that equip us, nor the venue where the race is run, but we all are given the option to see who is at the end of the race rooting for us: Jesus, who already ran the race and won it. His crown is you. He took the crown you deserved, a crown of thorns, and exchanged it for the crown of life. You are free to focus on the Lord, and run the race.Support the show (http://www.risenking.life/give)

  • Signs of the Spirit Part 4

    25/01/2015 Duración: 01h06min

    Speaking of self-control, the third Sign of the Spirit, Pastor Mike Plunket takes us to 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 where Paul compares the walk of faith with a race. If we finish it, the prize will be an imperishable, eternal crown. But to get there, like good athletes, we need a focused involvement of our whole being, including mind and emotions. We lack self-control because there are disordered passions in our lives, and these starve us, enslave us, and divide us, therefore we run aimlessly. But when our trust apparatus is restored, our priorities reorder, and we come back to our first love, our Lord. Anything you love you will love better if you love God first. Your dreams and passions can be trusted to God; He can get you where you can't get yourself.Support the show (http://www.risenking.life/give)

  • Signs of the Spirit Part 3

    18/01/2015 Duración: 01h33s

    In the second part of his message on Joy as a Sign of the Spirit, Pastor Mike Plunket presents us two world views on joy that are counterfeits of the real, biblical Joy. The first one is well exemplified by the happier.com website, that tells you to attain a minimum list of conditions, like shelter and food, good relationships, a job and hobbies, and joy will follow. Basically, to find joy, be in control. The reality is, you can cover all the basics, and still be depressed. Also, the Fox book of martyrs contains dozens of examples of men and women who had none of the basics and much less, but knew Joy. Another world view is the Epicurean, in which the recipe for joy is detachment, from the world and your own inner being and desires. The catastrophic result of this philosophy of life is desensitization and dehumanization. But then there is Paul’s definition of Joy, put forth in Romans 5:1-11. Joy that is not tied to circumstances, but connected and relevant to them; it rejoices not for our sufferings, but in t

  • Signs of the Spirit Part 2

    11/01/2015 Duración: 57min

    In this second message of the series "Signs of the Spirit", Pastor Mike Plunket teaches on joy. Studying the passage in Romans 5:1-11 we learn that our faith in Christ has availed for us peace with God, His acceptance, and our adoption as His legitimate and loved sons and daughters. If this is true, we should fear nothing. In fact, joy is the result of a life free of all fears. The passage shows us how there are for the Christian at least three real and profound reasons for joy: first, we have the hope, the certainty, of sharing in the glory of God (Rom 5:2); second, tribulations produce in us endurance, maturity, and ultimately "the habit of joy", independent of circumstances (v 3-4); and third, we enjoy a life of reconciliation with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (v 11). Support the show (http://www.risenking.life/give)

  • Signs of the Spirit Part 1

    04/01/2015 Duración: 01h02min

    The Lord has revealed to Pastor Mike Plunket the foundation of what God has in store for our church community for 2015: the signs of the Spirit. Today we unpacked the first one of those, peace. That place from where we don’t need to control everything that goes on around us. Digging into Philippians 4:4-13 we learn from Paul, who found peace, that the character of the God we serve is peace. If you have Him, you have it. And this peace is not connected to circumstances, but doesn’t deny them or is indifferent to them. By contrast, we can also appreciate what peace is not: anxiety, emotional turmoil, debilitating worry. The passage shows that Paul wasn’t born with peace, but found peace as he learned to think about the realities of his life in the light of scriptural truth. And he thanked even before he received answers, for he trusted that the peace Giver knows better and higher ways. Finally, peace settles when we learn what and how to love. We ought to set our hearts on the immutable, for when we love mutabl

  • When Jesus Is "Our Obsession"

    28/12/2014 Duración: 48min

    In this third and final message in his series "When Jesus Is_____" Dr. Mike Plunket offers a poignant look into how we make Jesus our obsession.Support the show (http://www.risenking.life/give)

  • When Jesus Is "The Focus of Our Worship"

    21/12/2014 Duración: 57min

    Present yourself naked before Jesus, and worship; you will be changed. Pastor Mike Plunket establishes the truth of our identity as stated in 1 Peter 2:9: we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, God’s own purchased, special people. That’s our identity, and the calling of our life flows from that truth, not from our behavior. God is who defines our identity, based on who He says we are: we are chosen. It’s our undeserved gift, and the One who gave it is faithful and trustworthy. This message presents the God who will cross your way and contradict you, until you decide to align to His ultimate, non negotiable finality: the purpose of your life is to worship Jesus, and through Him, worship the Father. For Jesus is the radiance of His Glory (Hebrews 1:3). Fix your eyes on Jesus; connect with Him in all honesty. He is the vine, you are the branches, all that is His will flow through and to you. Your life will flourish, and you will become like Him.Support the show (http://www.risenking.life/

  • When Jesus Is "The Worship Leader"

    14/12/2014 Duración: 01h02min

    Description 1: Get your worship in alignment The first, most important assignment for your life is: worship your Heavenly Father. That is, minister to the manifest Presence of God. We can sustain our daily lives in His Presence. In fact, spiritual dryness and an ineffective prayer life can always be associated to a lack of worship in our daily activities. Pastor Mike Plunket reminds us in his message of our identity: we are priests of the God Most High, who doesn’t pursue our behavior or good morals, but our hearts. This message elaborates on Hebrews 2, where scripture teaches us three of the things that the risen Christ is doing in our midst as we worship: He’s gathering His family, He’s singing and leading our worship, and He’s preaching to our lives the words that provide for all our needs.Support the show (http://www.risenking.life/give)

  • 12.7.14 The Throne Part 10

    07/12/2014 Duración: 27min

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  • 11.30.14 The Throne Part 9

    30/11/2014 Duración: 46min

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  • 11.23.14 The Throne Part 8

    23/11/2014 Duración: 45min

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  • 11.16.14 The Thorne Part 7

    16/11/2014 Duración: 59min

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  • 11.9.14 The Throne Part 6

    09/11/2014 Duración: 59min

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  • 11.2.14 The Throne Part 5

    02/11/2014 Duración: 01h07min

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  • 10.26.14 The Throne Part 4

    26/10/2014 Duración: 01h08min

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  • 10.19.14 The Throne Part 3

    19/10/2014 Duración: 01h21min

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  • 10-12-14 The Throne Part 2

    12/10/2014 Duración: 01h03min

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