Orchard Hill Church



Helping next generations encounter and follow Jesus to bless a broken world.


  • Jump In: Invest in Others - Jeff Mickey

    27/09/2015 Duración: 29min

    Jesus’ early followers were eager to be on mission with him. But before they really got going, Jesus left them. Having spent 3 years with Jesus, they knew they wanted to keep his movement going. But how? And how could they possibly lead others on this journey? There was still so much they didn’t know or understand. Jesus had the answer – the Church. He sent the Spirit and the church was established to lead, equip, encourage, and empower Jesus’ followers to continue advancing God’s mission. The book of Acts tells the story of the beginning of the church. This historical account reveals 4 primary pathways used by the disciples to grow and help others grow in their knowledge and experience of God’s abundant life and love and share that same life and love with others. As members of the church - we are Christ’s hands and feet. This series identifies and explores how we can “Jump In” with the Holy Spirit today, at Orchard, into these same 4 streams and be immersed in God’s river of life and love that is his miss

  • Set Free: A New Way - Kurt Vander Wiel

    20/09/2015 Duración: 32min

    Because of Christ, we are now free… Free from the burden of needing to “keep the law.” Free from fear of God’s judgment, wrath or condemnation. Free from the consequences and the slavery of sin. Free to let our faith express itself in love.

  • Set Free For What? - Dave Bartlett

    14/09/2015 Duración: 27min

    Freedom … … from sin, guilt, fear, death. … from an eternity without God. … that brings deep peace to our souls. This is what Jesus came to bring to the world. This is what Jesus came to bring you. This is the essence of the Good News. And yet, we get confused... ...We get confused about what this freedom looks like and we get confused about whether this freedom is too dangerous or too wild for us. And very often, we end up adding rules, laws and regulations to the Gospel to make it tame, realistic, and more believable. But Jesus is very clear when he says, “If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed! (John 8:36) Join us for our fall teaching series called “Set Free” as we explore the amazing freedom that Christ came to bring. We will explore the many ways we try to limit that freedom and actually risk denying God’s free offer of grace, without even knowing we are doing it. We will also learn the amazing purpose behind the life-changing freedom of the Gospel. This series will explore biblical

  • Set Free From What? - Alice Shirey

    08/09/2015 Duración: 28min

    Freedom … … from sin, guilt, fear, death. … from an eternity without God. … that brings deep peace to our souls. This is what Jesus came to bring to the world. This is what Jesus came to bring you. This is the essence of the Good News. And yet, we get confused... ...We get confused about what this freedom looks like and we get confused about whether this freedom is too dangerous or too wild for us. And very often, we end up adding rules, laws and regulations to the Gospel to make it tame, realistic, and more believable. But Jesus is very clear when he says, “If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed! (John 8:36) Join us for our fall teaching series called “Set Free” as we explore the amazing freedom that Christ came to bring. We will explore the many ways we try to limit that freedom and actually risk denying God’s free offer of grace, without even knowing we are doing it. We will also learn the amazing purpose behind the life-changing freedom of the Gospel. This series will explore biblical

  • The Gathering 2015 - When Storms Come

    30/08/2015 Duración: 01h17min

    Once a year in the fall, we join all of our campus locations and worship together at the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center on the UNI campus. Join us for a special teaching from Dave Bartlett, “When Storms Come.”

  • Bible Blockbusters: Ruth—An Old Fashioned Love Story - Doug Tensen

    16/08/2015 Duración: 29min

    The story of Naomi & Ruth is a wonderful story of love. It talks about how the love and kindness of one person becomes contagious and changes the lives of many. It actually changes the lives of everyone, because it leads to birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world. This story is an example of how, when love is shared an atmosphere is created in which miracles can occur and God can create good and wonderful things. It’s also a story about God’s love and how he is always present and at work in the lives of his people, whether we recognize it or not. When your heart is filled with love for others, and when that love is expressed, wonderful and miraculous things can happen. Lives can be changed, including our own. There is no better way that God can work in our world today than through the love that we express for those people around us. And don’t forget about God’s love. I believe that God is always there, in every situation, expressing his care and love for his people, for you. He did so hundreds of years ago

  • Bible Blockbusters: God vs. Dagon - Karla Chestnut

    09/08/2015 Duración: 28min

    The nation of Israel attempts to use The Ark of the Covenant as a secret weapon in their battle against their most terrifying enemy, the Philistines. God teaches the nation of Israel that he will not be used as a magic trick, or lucky charm.

  • Bible Blockbusters: The Whole Life Challenge of Paul - Kurt Vander Wiel

    04/08/2015 Duración: 27min

    Life offers us a choice – we can play leading roles in our own little, meaningless movies about our own lives which will impact only a few people – or we can play supporting roles in God’s epic adventure where Jesus is the lead and impacts lives for eternity. This summer, we will explore epic Bible stories that will provide an engaging and entertaining worship experience for the whole family and generate excitement for God’s Word. The recounting of these stories will invites us into His epic story, and reminds us that we all have unique roles to play, our character matters to God, but God is the ultimate Hero.

  • Bible Blockbusters: Rahab: Faith Pleases God - Juli Camarin

    30/06/2015 Duración: 28min

    Life offers us a choice – we can play leading roles in our own little, meaningless movies about our own lives which will impact only a few people – or we can play supporting roles in God’s epic adventure where Jesus is the lead and impacts lives for eternity. This summer, we will explore epic Bible stories that will provide an engaging and entertaining worship experience for the whole family and generate excitement for God’s Word. The recounting of these stories will invites us into His epic story, and reminds us that we all have unique roles to play, our character matters to God, but God is the ultimate Hero.

  • Bible Blockbusters: Peter: The Power Of Grace - Alice Shirey

    30/06/2015 Duración: 32min

    Life offers us a choice – we can play leading roles in our own little, meaningless movies about our own lives which will impact only a few people – or we can play supporting roles in God’s epic adventure where Jesus is the lead and impacts lives for eternity. This summer, we will explore epic Bible stories that will provide an engaging and entertaining worship experience for the whole family and generate excitement for God’s Word. The recounting of these stories will invites us into His epic story, and reminds us that we all have unique roles to play, our character matters to God, but God is the ultimate Hero.

  • Bible Blockbusters: The Real "300" - The Story of Gideon - Brad Hillebrand

    25/06/2015 Duración: 26min

    Life offers us a choice – we can play leading roles in our own little, meaningless movies about our own lives which will impact only a few people – or we can play supporting roles in God’s epic adventure where Jesus is the lead and impacts lives for eternity. This summer, we will explore epic Bible stories that will provide an engaging and entertaining worship experience for the whole family and generate excitement for God’s Word. The recounting of these stories will invites us into His epic story, and reminds us that we all have unique roles to play, our character matters to God, but God is the ultimate Hero.

  • Bible Blockbusters: Joshua and Buried Treasure - Ed Baker

    25/06/2015 Duración: 27min

    Life offers us a choice – we can play leading roles in our own little, meaningless movies about our own lives which will impact only a few people – or we can play supporting roles in God’s epic adventure where Jesus is the lead and impacts lives for eternity. This summer, we will explore epic Bible stories that will provide an engaging and entertaining worship experience for the whole family and generate excitement for God’s Word. The recounting of these stories will invites us into His epic story, and reminds us that we all have unique roles to play, our character matters to God, but God is the ultimate Hero.

  • Bible Blockbusters: Peter: Dirty Feet - Alice Shirey

    25/06/2015 Duración: 23min

    Life offers us a choice – we can play leading roles in our own little, meaningless movies about our own lives which will impact only a few people – or we can play supporting roles in God’s epic adventure where Jesus is the lead and impacts lives for eternity. This summer, we will explore epic Bible stories that will provide an engaging and entertaining worship experience for the whole family and generate excitement for God’s Word. The recounting of these stories will invites us into His epic story, and reminds us that we all have unique roles to play, our character matters to God, but God is the ultimate Hero.

  • Bible Blockbusters: Joshua & the Army of Silence - Ed Baker

    14/06/2015 Duración: 15min

    Life offers us a choice – we can play leading roles in our own little, meaningless movies about our own lives which will impact only a few people – or we can play supporting roles in God’s epic adventure where Jesus is the lead and impacts lives for eternity. This summer, we will explore epic Bible stories that will provide an engaging and entertaining worship experience for the whole family and generate excitement for God’s Word. The recounting of these stories will invites us into His epic story, and reminds us that we all have unique roles to play, our character matters to God, but God is the ultimate Hero.

  • Bible Blockbusters: Peter: Sink or Swim - Alice Shirey

    14/06/2015 Duración: 27min

    Life offers us a choice – we can play leading roles in our own little, meaningless movies about our own lives which will impact only a few people – or we can play supporting roles in God’s epic adventure where Jesus is the lead and impacts lives for eternity. This summer, we will explore epic Bible stories that will provide an engaging and entertaining worship experience for the whole family and generate excitement for God’s Word. The recounting of these stories will invites us into His epic story, and reminds us that we all have unique roles to play, our character matters to God, but God is the ultimate Hero.

  • Bible Blockbusters: Joshua and His 3 Unbeatable Weapons - Ed Baker

    07/06/2015 Duración: 24min

    Bible Blockbusters: Joshua and His 3 Unbeatable Weapons - Ed Baker by Orchard Hill Church

  • Bible Blockbusters: Nehemiah: Unstoppable Hope - Brian Steenhoek

    07/06/2015 Duración: 31min

    In prayerful dependence on God, Nehemiah established a vision and a practical plan for rebuilding the dilapidated wall around Jerusalem. His irrepressible trust in God and brave leadership accomplished in 52 days what hadn’t been done in 92 years, rebuilding the walls around Jerusalem. Through his example, we see in Nehemiah that God equips ordinary people with extraordinary gifts to meet out-of-the-ordinary challenges.

  • Bible Blockbusters: Enoch - Kelly Lantz

    07/06/2015 Duración: 34min

    Enoch walked with God and then was was no more. How and why did he walk with God? Why don't we walk with God? Why should we walk with God? What does that actually look like in our daily lives? Bottom line when God created us, He created us to be in a relationship that was a walking talking relationship with Him. We read that and we think “oh that's nice” but if we pause long enough to consider the character of God and exactly what He is inviting us into it is a crazy invitation and even crazier thing to say no to! Yet do we actually walk and talk with God? This is how we enter into God's story and how we become a part of inviting others to walk and talk with Him too!

  • Stories From the Seats - Doug Egesdal

    24/05/2015 Duración: 26min

    We believe that by learning how God works in the lives of others, we more clearly see the way God works in our own. Jean Bennett is a self-proclaimed over-achiever. Her story includes a painful divorce that led to a deep understanding of God's redemption and grace.

  • Stories From the Seats - Bradley Rees

    17/05/2015 Duración: 25min

    We believe that by learning how God works in the lives of others, we more clearly see the way God works in our own. Jean Bennett is a self-proclaimed over-achiever. Her story includes a painful divorce that led to a deep understanding of God's redemption and grace.

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