How It Stacks



We're the bi-weekly comedy podcast that destroys your childhood.We go back and see if all the things we hold dear stack up to our memory.


  • #51 Dungeons and Dragons (Corrected Link)

    09/11/2015 Duración: 01h19min

    Grab your D20 and get ready for a hysterical adventure only the HIS crew could deliver…Dungeons and Dragons gets the How it Stacks treatment as the terrible 3 take on this most storied of games. Let's be honest, you've looked at their logo and thought… I wonder when they’ll do it. No? Okay well um, it's still a funny/entertaining episode! JD shares his thoughts on why people don't play it and explains its role to him now. The professor lets us know he will beat that ass if you get in his RPG way. Bulldog breaks down what the game compares too and why he didn't play it as a kid. The guys get a little philosophical on this one but it's only for a bit. They also debut Paw Paws Medicine Cabinet (the professors band) during the break. In a game where…“Is kobold sex considered yiffing””Using a gelatinous cube as lube”“I hope you get violated by

  • #50!!! The Naked Gun Trilogy

    07/10/2015 Duración: 01h13min

    Can you believe it? How it Stacks has done 50 episodes... The best part is, you're still listening. Well maybe, we at HIS understand you may just have this set to auto download but you know what? We're grateful anyway! For the 50th of episodes the gents are stacking... The Naked Gun trilogy! It's a glorious walk down pun town as the terrible three stack the gag driven comedy trilogy that many have not only loved but have idolized, spoofed, and damn near worshiped. The guys all have fond memories as children of this classic but they also have some pretty cool differences about what they remember too! JD kind of blames his weird humor on this topic (as been his trend with a few of the last comedies we've covered). Professor brings the epic facts and knowledge as he earns his stripes for sure. Bulldog makes a lot of good points as he keeps the guys focused, although he does help JD stray from time to time. If you like episodes 1-49,we confident that 50 won't be the one that makes you stop listening! It's o

  • #49 Super Mario Bros 3 (NES)

    22/09/2015 Duración: 01h19min

    It's a me, Mar-- *smack* We get it, it’s Mario. Yes, the final part of the Mario trilogy is here. Well, until we stack some later games. Mario 3 gets what it deserve as the Terrible Trio tackle one of the foundational pieces of the Mario franchise. This might be one of the few topics where guys actually remember the topic the same way when they were kids. On the second half of the show the guys dive deeper into the Mario conspiracy theory and honestly, it makes sense. JD gets prideful of Bulldog as he finally steps up. Professor bring the knowledge hard on this one as he brings up the mythical “anchors” of Mario 3. Also, Hammer brothers suit??!! A HIS episode wouldn't be complete without some type of controversy and this one starts it off right, as the guys sing the wrong theme and are oblivious to the fact all the while Bulldog tries to stop it… (you’ll hear it) Oh, and the Stackage… Yeeeeaaaaah… :) Direct Audio Link: HIS - Ep 49 “Super Mario Bros 3” Specific advertisers: We would like to thank our spo

  • #48 Super Mario Bros 2 (NES)

    08/09/2015 Duración: 01h31min

    It's a me, Mario… 2! The second title in the prolific series; Mario Bros 2 gets the HIS treatment on this newest of episodes. The guys don’t waste anytime as they live play the game while they record the show. Be prepared for bad language early on this one! The guys go over how America can’t handle the original game and had to get a rebranded version of another game which became what we know as Mario 2 but in actuality is not what originally was supposed to be Mario 2 originally. Confused? Don’t worry they’ll clear that up for you. In a great turn of events Bulldog has a conspiracy theory that might just be one the best Mario theories and the worst part is, they skim over it!! The professor and JD bring some facts on this one but nobody is ready for the Birdo transgender conversation… (Seriously it's a thing). Breakout your NES and play along as the Terrible Trio take on the what some might say is the hidden gem of the Mario series while others say it's a digital turd storm.

  • How It Stacks #47: Super Mario Bros (NES)

    25/08/2015 Duración: 01h09min

    Grab some shrooms and Fireflowers! We’re talking Super Mario Bros, not a hippie festival (though that too could be fun). Arguably one of the biggest game topics the guys have stacked. This is one everybody* remembers or has at least heard of in passing. Its music has started entire genres. Its game-play has been copied for years. The terrific three go all-in on this one. They start off, like any other classic, sharing their memories of Mario. On the second half things start to get dicey as the Video game movie debate begins. The talk about the Mario Bros movie, Resident evil, and many others. The Professor and The Bulldog let JD in on a secret they've been keeping for 3 years! This is an epic episode; seriously... Direct Audio Link: HIS - Ep 47 “Super Mario Bros (NES)” We would like to thank our sponsors: ThinkGeek: Head on over to for all your geeky accessory needs! And TeeFury: Home of the twofury tee shirt competition! Two shirts enter, only one leaves victorious! Head over

  • How It Stacks #46: Jim Varney (Ernest P Worrell)

    11/08/2015 Duración: 01h11min

    I’m just going to get right to it… Ernest, the magical Jim Varney character that has impacted so many lives, is our topic on this newest of episodes. The guys go into full nostalgia mode when this one kicks off. It’s the first topic in a while where all of the terrific three remember it. The Professor fights back tears of joy as he remembers the legend that is Jim Varney and demands his birthday be a holiday. JD admits that a lot of his comedic inspiration came from Ernest. Bulldog remembers it well and almost earns a face punch from The Professor. Go grab some MIAK, sit back, and enjoy this one: it's a doozy! Direct Audio Link: HIS - Ep 46 “Jim Varney (Ernest P Worrell)” We would like to thank our sponsors: ThinkGeek: Head on over to for all your geeky accessory needs! And TeeFury: Home of the twofury tee shirt competition! Two shirts enter, only one leaves victorious! Head over to to pick

  • How It Stacks #45: Transformers Movie (1986) and Soundtrack

    20/07/2015 Duración: 01h23min

    bah weep grana weep ninny bon! JD has cashed in his Trivia Wars prize and hand picked this topic out of the millions of other topics that The Professor and Bulldog would rather be doing. The HIS trio not only celebrated JD’s trivia wars win on this one, they celebrated a birthday, AND brought on a guest host. The jokes start early on this one as Bulldog and Willis share that they BOTH don't have very many memories of this "epic" topic while JD can just about recite it from memory. This also marks the 1st episode the guys cover music which starts the big debate on “you’ve got the the touch”... Is it really a fight song? Take solace in the fact that in this movie there is no Michael Bay and for a movie targeted at kids… a lot of Autobots and Decepticons WERE harmed in the making. Will the Professor and Bulldog regret their decision to let the winner of trivia wars get to choose the topic or will they all rejoice in bask in the possible glory that might be Transformers: The Movie. Find out on an all new How It

  • How It Stacks #44: Bill Nye (The Science Guy)

    02/07/2015 Duración: 01h15s

    Science rules! While, yes, it does this isn't just a random fact; it's a snippet from… Bill Nye: The Science Guy!! The Terrible 3 break out their lab coats on this one and embark on a journey to discover if the relief pitcher for classrooms around the world (except those in Alabama: apparently Bulldog and Professor had a terrible childhood) stack. He’s been a massive influence to millions around the world and continues his scientific journey to this day. However, Bulldog and the Professor saw him differently when they were kids. JD only liked him as a kid cause it got him out of school work. The guys go all over the place in this episode; from E3 conversations to Allison Mack back to typical HIS stuff. Trivia wars gets all sciency on this one, so there’s some learning while listening. Yes, that's probably a first for them! One of JD's mystic OH references in the show: Direct Audio Link: HIS - Ep 44 "Bill Nye"

  • How It Stacks #43: Hook and Jumanji

    19/06/2015 Duración: 01h12min

    The Hook brings you How it Stacks. This time it’s all about pirates and giant mosquitoes because JD, Professor Willis, and Bulldog are bringing out the epic 90's epics Hook and Jumanji. Can a single show handle that much epic? Apparently it can. Will the swashbuckling three emerge on the other side unscathed? Not a chance. A tear will be shed for the late great Robin Williams. JD will confess his love for Tinkerbell. Willis was into Kirsten Dunst before she was kissing Spider-man upside down in the rain. Budlong covets Dustin Hoffman’s sweet mustache. What about that time JD got drunk with Rufio while Willis crowd surfed with a monkey? End of the line, sonny Jim! Ru-fi-ooooooooooooooo!

  • How It Stacks #42: Star Wars - A New Hope

    22/05/2015 Duración: 01h17min

    What else is there to say; I mean really?! The terrific three go after their biggest topic of so far. It's freaking Star Wars - A New Hope!!! A true pop culture icon and this episode gets insane, right from the start. The guys start getting fired up quickly in this one, you could even say it gets heated. They debate everything from who the saga is about, to how the force works. This episode is intense as JD and The Professor go head to head on what it's all about while bulldog throws his weight around on it. It is nuts. DON'T MISS THIS ONE.

  • How It Stacks #41: The Addams Family (and Values)

    07/05/2015 Duración: 01h08min

    Bam!!! The Guys are back to what they do best! Pensacon coverage has officially wrapped and what better way to get back to the show grind than with some gothic greatness: The Addams Family and Addams Family Values. The terrific three go goth and stack what is considered a beloved franchise. JD is back with a vengeance after missing Pensacon day 3 and is pretty much living from red bull to red bull, that will be entertaining. The Professor gushes over one of his favorite families while laying the knowledge smack down he is known for. B-B-Bulldog earns more than his nerd card when he confesses his love for Daredevil and how binge watching a new Netflix series is OK. With a special guest on this episode who has an insane crush on Morticia and confesses she was the reason for his goth girls obsession in high school. This a fun/crazy episode you don't want to miss.

  • How It Stacks #40: Pensacon 2015 Day 3 (It's a wrap)

    18/04/2015 Duración: 58min

    Professor Willis and the Bulldog reminisce about Day 3 of Pensacon 2015. It's time to sit back, relax and see why these two really need JD to keep things moving along!

  • How It Stacks #39: Pensacon 2015 - Day 2

    01/04/2015 Duración: 01h30min

    Pensacon DAY 2 !!! Let the pleasuring of your ears continue as the Terrific Three re-live their Pensacon Day 2 experiences. Bulldog steals the funnies as he shares the hole story (all six inches) and how JD’s knowledge of local clothing stores can be useful. JD talks about Aether ( and shares some of his concerns for the next couple years of Pensacon. And the lone wolf, Professor Willis, tells us what is was like on the other end of the Pensacon world. Enjoy some the guys favorite moments from Day 2 as they share their thoughts in a classic How It Stacks fashion.

  • How It Stacks #38: Pensacon 2015 - Day 1 and Ed Spencer Interview

    12/03/2015 Duración: 01h19min

    Thus begins the Terrific Three's coverage of Pensacon with their thoughts on day 1. JD starts us off with his antics from day 1 and shares his experience with meeting one his favorite actors. He also has a nice public service announcement on why you should read clearly when covering an event like this. The Professor earned his planning badge as he has his schedule of day one planned to the "T". All while forgetting to eat and letting us know how he really feels about girls who can eat fire. Bulldog didn't learn his lesson from year and visited a local (freaking epic burger joint) restaurant and setting him back a little bit. He also brought his family this year and shares those antics. At the end of the day 1, all is forgotten as JD and Bulldog watch as the Oxygen Channel films an episode of The Prancing Elites, all this and more at... PENSACON 2015.

  • How It Stacks #37: Tron (1982) and Terminator (1984)

    25/02/2015 Duración: 01h17min

    In honor of Pensacon, The Terrific Three are stacking what are arguably two of the corner stones for 80's pop culture and one film that sparked an entire franchise! Tron and Terminator. Both films have left there mark on history and both have had sequels and shows... But do the films that started those things Stack? JD gets to Nerdgasm on this episode as he talks about Terminator (he only does the Arnold voice once) and how Michael Biehn got him into acting. The Professor slaps JD back to reality with why Terminator can't work do to the "Connor Paradox". Bulldog and Willis do their best to keep JD in line for that one. Tron thoughts are shared as The Professor shares what he remembers about watching Tron in the early years. Bulldog lets the guys know that even with is extensive computer knowledge Tron is sill a little out there... To summarize... The Professor and Bulldog verbally duke it out with JD on this one as they "discuss" what could and couldn't happen. Don't miss this one!

  • How It Stacks #36: Golden Eye (N64)

    23/01/2015 Duración: 01h09min

    They're back!!! The How It Stacks trio kicks off Season 3 with a massive (epicly massive) topic... Nintendo 64's Goldeneye!!! Its crazy time for the crew as the Terrific Three embark on a journey that began in August 1997. Goldeneye has been one of the games they've been more than excited to do since HIS first started. JD shares why he prefers single player over multiplayer. They discuss why the game was bigger than its predecessor, Doom. Bulldog shares his memories on multi-player; while The Professor gets a good point across about the modern state of gaming. This game has broken friendships, and forever coined the term "Screen Watching"... Can the Trio survive the research as they face off to see who is superior?? Find out on this brand new and most excellent episode of How It Stacks!!!

  • How It Stacks #35: Super Smash Bros (N64)

    12/12/2014 Duración: 01h10min

    A new challenger approaches!! Yep, Super Smash Bros (N64) has stepped into the ring with the HIS trio and it is a slobber knocker (That's a throw back to our WWE fans)!!! It's a crazy episode where the guys literally trash talk the hell out of each other. Bulldog even gets some jabs in. JD confesses that he could never beat his little brother and crowns himself king of the HIS crew. The Professor steps up his game with pages of info on this one and puts JD in his place once or twice. They talk about "house" rules when playing games and why forbidden characters should always be adhered too. JD uses Captain Falcon, Bulldog uses Link, and The Professor shows how universal his skills are as he tries multiple characters. There is a lot of back in forth on this one and the guys end up having to settle there beef in the ring and well... You'll hear what happens.

  • How It Stacks 34: Snacks v2.0


    This is easily on of the trio's best episodes to date! Seriously, JD almost throws up, Professor Willis drops what might be one of he best one liners of all time and Bulldog is there the whole time capturing video and snapping pics of the epic episode. The guys raid the candy store on this one... Sweet tarts, Shocktarts or Shockers, Big League Chew, and the big one SURGE! Its truly a crazy episode that almost puts them all into a diabetic coma! PS: The guys also launch a contest to give away cans of Surge :)

  • How It Stacks #33: Ren and Stimpy

    30/09/2014 Duración: 01h03min

    The How It Stacks crew is back with another Nickelodeon blast from the past: Ren & Stimpy! Grab something to drink, a snack, and sit down for an hour of fun as your favorite trio relive the adventures of not only Ren and Stimpy but also Powdered Toastman, Muddy the Mudskipper, and all the other ‘side-kicks’! Don’t whiz on the fence, because it’s log: Happy Happy, Joy Joy!

  • How It Stacks #32: Rugrats (repost)

    14/09/2014 Duración: 01h06min

    This is one of the cornerstones for people who grew up around the birth of Nicktoons. Arguably one of their biggest shows up until recent years... We're talking about Rugrats! Take a trip with the HIS trio as they stack this epic topic and discover the darker side of Rugrats. We found a Rugrats theory that is terribly disturbing; yet some how has enough evidence to support it, its actually considered probable. Willis shares his thoughts on why Angelica is the best character. JD gets a little sappy while sharing his thoughts on why the show had a huge draw. Bulldog in a brand new segment, called "Where are they now?" tells us the origins of the famous Walter White.

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