Tribe Byron Bay



Tribe Byron Bay is a community of passionate lovers of Jesus.We have intentionally built a community based on all that Christ taught His disciples to do.Our passion is to live in His presence and walk in His love.


  • Episode 130: Tim Ferris - Kingdom Series - The Roots of Rebellion - 6 November 2022

    12/11/2022 Duración: 01h07min

    This week we were blessed to have Tim Ferris come and share a word at our Tribe Sunday service! Tim is the Pastor at i61 church in Sydney; a church that Tribe has partnered with for over 10 years.In this life giving message, Tim unpacks God's heart for maturing the Bride of Christ through addressing rebellion. Sharing his prophetic sense that this season is one where the Father is putting His finger on our immaturity to help us grow up. This is the Father inviting us up to a new place of greater authority, anointing and power that innately attracts His presence.Tim wonderfully illustrates the importance of living under God's kingly reign, by emphasising how the Israelites' understanding led them into idolatry. Tim states that the Kingdom of God is not a democracy, but one where He reigns with rank, order and authority, and this order is setup so we are blessed, empowered and protected.Tim talks on the Godly structures of authority that God has made in family and leadership, and how it is important to seek God

  • Episode 129: HEART REVOLUTION LEADERS AND PASTORS DAY - November 22, 2022. Byron Bay

    01/11/2022 Duración: 16min

    As believers, how can we sustain pouring our lives out over the long haul? The only answer of course, is through an intimate and connected relationship with the Lord where He fills us up with fresh revelation and encounters as sons and daughters on a daily level! Without this ongoing empowerment we can slip into performance culture and even burnout - especially as leaders and pastors who somehow miss their own needs in the rush and business of life!  Our sonship identity is everything, and causes us to be secure, not grappling for significance from what we do, but from who we are.  In our livestream today, we are discussing how as leaders we need to be equipped to lead in an emotionally healthy way. Our vision must be to to create healthy culture and healthy teams, where our connection to the Father is vital and our connection to our hearts is equally important too! Heart Revolution is all about bringing the Father back into the picture by creating culture that puts these values first. He can help us develop

  • Episode 128: Phil Mason - Kingdom Series - A Vision for Kingdom Expansion - 23 October 2022

    01/11/2022 Duración: 52min

    The theme of kingdom expansion runs through the entire Bible. God’s kingdom is an ever-expanding kingdom that is destined to fill the earth. In this message Phil traces the theology of kingdom expansion throughout the Old and New Testaments. The kingdom advances through the preaching of the gospel. At the heart of the expansion of the kingdom realm is adoption unto sonship. Jesus said, “I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you!” (John 14:18) We can reframe evangelism into a vision of adoption, transforming spiritual orphans into a great company of beloved sons and daughters. The kingdom looks like an ever-expanding family of sons and daughters. If it doesn’t look like family, then it doesn’t look like the kingdom. The prayer of Jesus in John 17 reveals the centrality of kingdom family in the fulfilment of Jesus’ master plan. The strength of our witness is the depth of our love. Jesus said, “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are My disciples.” (John 13:35 NLT) The church is

  • Episode 127: Phil Mason - Kingdom Series - Receiving the Kingdom Part 3 - 16 October 2022

    21/10/2022 Duración: 44min

    In this third instalment in this series Phil explores the role God’s power plays in the transformation of our will. Outside of Christ we may have positive intentions and aspirations but because of in dwelling sin we are fundamentally disempowered to act according to our best intentions to love and to walk in holiness and righteousness. However, in Christ we now have an empowered will to do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Every command is a promise of God’s provision of strength do God’s will. Human will power will not get us there but God’s power woven into the fabric of our being empowers us to please Him in every way. Revelation is central to the transformation of our minds, love is central to the transformation of our emotions and God’s power is central to the transformation of our will. 

  • Episode 126: Maria Mason - Kingdom Series - Dressed for the Battle with Robes of Righteousness - 9 October 2022

    13/10/2022 Duración: 56min

    In Matthew 22, the Parable of the Wedding Feast, Jesus teaches us that to attend and join in the wedding celebrations both now and, in the future, you must be clothed with the robes of righteousness. These robes, described as fine white linen in some locations of the scriptures and at other times as the breastplate of righteousness, are vital to our new identity in Christ being formed. Positionally, we are already “in Christ”, but we must step into revelation of right standing with God to lay hold of all the benefits Jesus died for. We must choose to go through the door of salvation and pick up our new clothes that protect us. You cannot participate with confidence without these garments, and you will no doubt get hammered by condemnation or even orphan thinking can creep back in without this vital covering. In Revelation 19 it says: “Hallelujah: for the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns. Let us rejoice and be exceeding glad and let us give the glory to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife

  • Episode 125: Phil Mason - Kingdom Series - Receiving the Kingdom Part 2 - 9 October 2022

    08/10/2022 Duración: 41min

    We are exploring the theme of receiving the kingdom and in Part Two, Phil examines the mechanics of emotional transformation. In Part One he discussed the mechanics of the transformation of our mind but in this new episode he turns his attention to emotional healing and our deliverance from toxic emotions. Do we just confess our way into a life of love, peace and joy or is there a missing piece in the process? Phil suggests that ‘self control,’ one of the fruits of the Spirit in our lives, is front and centre in the journey of emotional transformation. Take the time to absorb this message as it holds a key to your emotional well-being and your journey into true and lasting freedom. We hope you enjoy it and find it beneficial.

  • Episode 125: Phil Mason - Kingdom Series - The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory - 25 September 2022

    08/10/2022 Duración: 50min

    In this message in our ongoing series on the Kingdom of God, Phil explores the words of Jesus at the close of the prayer He taught His disciples to pray. “For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” (Matthew 6:13) What is the relationship between the coming of the kingdom and the glory realm? Jesus is the King of glory and there is no kingdom without a king. We were made to be radiated by the glory realm of heaven and to be transformed through encountering Christ’s glory. A great spiritual battle rages around the unveiling of the glory of Christ. Satan has only one weapon against the revelation of the glory of God in the face of Christ. He seeks to blind our eyes through unbelief in order to hold us in captivity to darkness. This battle is played out daily in every church. The spirit of religion seeks to keep a veil over our eyes lest we encounter this King of Glory. Christ’s call to discipleship is a call to encounter the King of Glory and to be transformed by His glory. His call to

  • Episode 124: Rosie Moulton - Kingdom Series - Amazing Faith - 18 September 2022

    23/09/2022 Duración: 38min

    Faith is a key ingredient to the kingdom of heaven breaking out in and through our lives. In fact the writer of Hebrews tells us that it’s impossible to please God without it. We can therefore conclude from this statement that our faith brings pleasure to God. Jesus often acknowledged and honoured the faith of the people who came to him to receive healing and deliverance, but there is only one time were we are told he was “amazed” at the faith that was displayed. As we look into this story we will discover that amazing faith is birthed out of a heart and culture of honour. This message is an invitation to bring a gift of amazing faith to the Lord today.

  • Episode 123: Chris Miller - Kingdom Series - Beauty for ashes, honour for contempt - 11 September 2022

    16/09/2022 Duración: 51min

    Long before the bombshell news of divorce hits a family, or the announcement of an organisation’s leadership team collapsing, or even the shocking vision of smoke and debris where two towers in a city used to stand – long before these things – contempt is at work in the hearts of people.Simply defined, contempt is being dismissive towards another and ultimately devaluing them. This attitude of the heart distorts perspectives and taints speech. A work of contempt will lead to multiple waves of reciprocating behaviours, whose crippling effect can be seen upon our families, our communities and even our nations.It’s the very heart attitude behind cancel culture.Contempt runs rife through social media, politics and sadly, the global church today.The good news is God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us identify when contempt creeps into our hearts and speech. Additionally, Jesus is our example of the greatest remedy to contempt, which is: honour. Jesus exampled how to honour our heavenly Father and all of His c

  • Episode 122: Maria Mason - Kingdom Series - All These Things - 4 September 2022

    04/09/2022 Duración: 34min

    Our Kingdom series continues this week with Maria Mason bringing a fresh look at Matthew 6, where Jesus taught us: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” This is the call to surrender our ability to trust in our capacity and go after God’s supernatural provision. The Lord promises us that He will provide when we build the foundation of trust and placing Him first! What a promise! God’s plan is to get our attention for a fresh foundation in our walks with Him. A life of surrender where we are completely confidant and trusting that He will come through when we place the Kingdom as the first priority.When we build this foundation of committing our ways to Him and pursuing Him radically despite the cost, we are setting ourselves up for “all these things” being added. There is nothing He won’t do for you, according to His perfect will. There is nothing that He can’t supply. His provision is limitless, and He says to trust His nature like the birds do!

  • Episode 121: Maria Mason - Kingdom Series - Matured from Sons to the Heirs of God - 28 August 2022

    29/08/2022 Duración: 55min

    Maria Mason takes us on a journey that starts in Acts 12 with Peter being freed from the prison of confinement to liberty as a son who comes alive in the power of God. His journey was from the orphan (who has the wrong reactions to everything), to a son, and then on to an heir! This is an outstanding prophetic picture of our walk with the Father.  Peter was later instated by Jesus as the founding leader of the church, and went on to write such profound epistles that are of course emotional discipleship material! How did he grow? He submitted to the processes of God and moved from resistance to courage, from fleshly responses to Spirit inspired ones. He was a stunning example to us of the inner transformation that God does and wants to do, for all the children of God. In Luke 15 we see the son who comes home to the Father to receive of the Father’s provision. To do so, he had to let go of his pride, fear, and independence. The alternative is we can become like the elder brother who is “smouldering with resentm

  • Episode 120: Phil Mason - Kingdom series - Receiving the Kingdom Part 1 - 21 August 2022

    26/08/2022 Duración: 39min

    Under the heading of The Kingdom of God, Phil Mason introduces a new series titled ‘Receiving the Kingdom.’ In this introductory message Phil outlines what it means to personally receive the kingdom. It is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom and Jesus said we must become like little children to receive the kingdom. How do we posture our hearts to receive God’s kingdom into our hearts? And what is on the menu? Phil revisits the theme of revelation, power and love as it applies to the transformation of our mind, will and emotions. Join us in exploring the theme of personal kingdom transformation.

  • Episode 119: Ken Fish - Kingdom Series - Prophecy as a tool of awakening - 13 August 2022

    26/08/2022 Duración: 47min

    Our next talk in the Kingdom Series, comes from the Saturday morning of our great weekend with Ken Fish!Ken is a powerful American revivalist with over 40 years of ministry under his belt, of traveling the globe preaching, teaching and doing the work of the Kingdom!This weekend marked his 100th trip to Australia and we were SO thrilled to celebrate this milestone with him, and privileged to receive his equipping to our community! In this message Ken refocus' us to the power and importance of the prophetic, in catalysing revival. Stating that each move of God was preceded with an extortionary prophetic word or sign! These were steeped in anointing and backed by not only scripture, but multiple signs and markers .Referring to many of the messianic prophecies, then the angelic encounters Joseph experienced, Ken uses the lead up to Jesus' birth to unpack this process. Ken also uses a prophetic word he received during the worship time, 'prophecy is designed to extrude us'! He goes on to show how this extrusion pro

  • Episode 118: Rosie Moulton - Kingdom Series - Honour & it's reward - 7 August 2022

    23/08/2022 Duración: 39min

    In this next instalment of our Kingdom Series, Rosie looks at the kingdom principle of honour. Rosie unpacks the connection between honour and authority in the kingdom and the importance of understanding and walking in honour both towards each other in the church and towards those in positions of authority in our wider world. In chapter 10 of the gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells his disciples that there is a reward attached to the kingdom principle of honour. Jesus sends them out to minister with authority in his name and tells them that, anyone who receives them also receives him, and anyone who receives him receives the one (Father) who sent Him. In the next sentence Jesus then goes on to tell them, “anyone who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward; and anyone who receives a righteous person in the name of a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward”. Then finally, whoever receives any of his disciple and gives, “these little ones even a cup of cold water

  • Episode 118: Phil Mason - Kingdom series - The Kingdom of God Part 3 - 31 July 2022

    23/08/2022 Duración: 53min

    In part 3 of this series, Phil Mason introduces what he calls the Seven Pillars of Kingdom Ministry. Based upon Luke 4:18, the seven unique expressions of Jesus’ kingdom ministry outline the scope of all that God has on the menu for each of us as we posture our hearts to receive everything He came to earth to release. The Seven Pillars also outline the kingdom ministry to which Jesus calls us as we join Him in advancing the kingdom. Let this message spark in you a kingdom revolution as you become activated in kingdom ministry. 

  • Episode 117: Phil Mason - Kingdom series - The Kingdom of God Part 2 - 24 July 2022

    31/07/2022 Duración: 35min

    In Part Two of Phil’s series on the Kingdom of God he explores the nature of the coming of the kingdom. God’s kingdom is revealed in three dimensions. As we explore the ministry of Jesus, we discover that He ministered in sign, word and deed. The sign dimension unveils the power of God. The word dimension unveils the revelation of God, and the deed dimension unveils the love of God. Kingdom ministry is 3 dimensional. It is the outpouring of revelation, power and love, sometimes singularly as when Jesus was teaching or when He was healing the sick but sometimes, He would minister three streams simultaneously. Once we establish that the kingdom is poured out in 3-D we can position ourselves to receive each of these three streams. This is how we receive the kingdom as little children. Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” (Matthew 19:14 NLT)

  • Episode 116: Phil Mason - Kingdom series - The Kingdom Message - 10 July 2022

    14/07/2022 Duración: 40min

    We are beginning a new series on the Kingdom of God. Phil is passionate about kingdom theology and in this message he gives an introduction to Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom. The kingdom message was always front and centre for Jesus. He proclaimed the presence of the kingdom and He demonstrated the power of the kingdom.  God wants the kingdom to be front and centre in the life of every believer. That is why Jesus commanded us to “seek first the kingdom of God.” Join us on this journey as we explore the kingdom theme and the way the kingdom message is intended to define the church.

  • Episode 115: Chris Miller - Vision: God’s prophetic ministry to the imaginations of our heart - 3 July 2022

    08/07/2022 Duración: 48min

    Does God minister to the imaginations of our hearts? Yes! In this podcast, Christopher takes us through some of the many biblical accounts of God ministering to our hearts and the visions we hold there. God’s prophetic ministry to our imagination is a ministry to our hearts. It’s a combination of firstly exposing what’s in the heart, limiting our vision, and encouraging us to let go of those imaginations. Secondly, energising us towards receiving God’s ways and God’s vision in the imaginations of our hearts. For us to engage in this ministry our hearts need to soften before God. This is done through persevering in our faith, abiding in God’s loving presence and beholding God’s Word. Allowing His Word to paint pictures in our hearts of what it looks like to live in full agreement with what His Word promises.  God is wanting to build up our awareness of imagination and how it connects to our hope, faith and the realisation of God’s promises. It’s time for the church to not shrink back but instead boldly and cre

  • Episode 114: Rosie Moulton - Vision: Vision and the battle over perspective Part 2 - 19 June 2022

    28/06/2022 Duración: 48min

    Our Perspective matters as it affects everything in our lives. In part one we talked about the battle that rages over our perspective. In this second instalment Rosie unpacks the power of having the perspective of the Father and what our perspective as adopted children of God is called to look like.   The Father is calling for us to live from the Truth of who we are as his children, to throw off and turn from all other perspectives.

  • Episode 113: Maria Mason - Vision: A Vision for Godly Friendships Part 2 - 19 June 2022

    25/06/2022 Duración: 37min

    In Part 2 of this message, we touch again on the uniqueness of Godly relationships. The key feature of Christ centred friendships is the cross. We must have the cross in our relationships if we are to live in the Spirit with one another. The cross is described as a sword in Matthew 10:33 dividing the soul and the spirit deep within our hearts. Our tendency is to be “soulish” to get our needs met by being one with everyone and not having to stand up in our convictions or values. The way of the Spirit is to teach us to stand up in our connections by being powerful to our own values. Sin will ultimately destroy us or our friendships if we don’t keep the door shut and live in the Spirit together – learning the way of deepening love.One of the most outstanding ways God has provided for us to go deeper in our friendships is to pray together. There is a unique “glue” that bonds us when we pray. Meals and lots of sharing is also obviously a way to deepen our connections, but the greatest way to deepen Christian conne

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