Weight Loss For Busy Physicians



Are you a busy physician who wants to lose weight permanently so you can have the life you want? This podcast is the resource youve been looking for. Ill guide you on the journey to overcome stress eating, exhaustion, and overwhelm - and move into freedom around food. Each week, this podcast brings you specific tools and resources to meet the challenges busy doctors face. Your time is valuable - and so is your wellbeing. Well help you find the time to care for yourself as well as you care for your patients.-Learn new ways of thinking that make good eating decisions automatic and result in permanent, effortless weight loss.-Find out how to gain the time and energy to take care of yourself the way you tell your patients to!-Well show you how to stop overeating and using food to deal with stress and exhaustion.-Youll learn to improve your relationships and to better deal with the difficult people in your life so you dont need food to cope. -This can be the best stage of your life yet - just like you thought it would be when you started your training.-And most importantly, feel better in all aspects of your life without anything or anyone else having to change. Your host, Dr. Katrina Ubell, is a board-certified pediatrician and a certified life and weight loss coach. After completing her pediatric residency at Childrens Hospital of Wisconsin, Dr. Ubell worked in a private pediatric practice for 10 years before retiring from her practice to become a life and weight loss coach for busy physicians. Dr. Ubell lost 45 pounds in 12 months without any surgery, pills, or unhealthy crash diets.You can find out more about Dr. Ubell and her work at www.katrinaubellmd.com.


  • Outrage Addiction

    05/09/2023 Duración: 35min

    Are you guilty of outrage addiction? ​​Recognizing it in others is one thing, but acknowledging it within ourselves is a whole new challenge. There is so much information out there on this topic, but in this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I want to talk about it in your life.  There are so many people talking about the problems with outrage addiction but no one talking about the solutions. That’s why in this episode, we're not just pointing out the problem – we're exploring the remedies and strategies to break free from this mind-consuming cycle.Topics covered in this episode include:The reason we engage in outrageThe costs of outrage in your lifeSteps to take if you are in the grips of outrage addictionYou don’t have to let outrage addiction consume your life.  Tune in now to find out how to navigate through outrage and towards a more empowered state of being.All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co

  • The Shame of Gaining Weight Back

    29/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    Why do we feel shame so heavily around gaining weight back after losing some?There is an explanation for this when we think about the messages we receive about weight throughout our lives, but those external messages don’t actually mean anything about your worth at all. I’m making it my mission to release you of the shame surrounding weight gain. In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m unpacking how to separate your body from your self-worth. I really think it’s time we stopped shaming ourselves for gaining weight back and started working on our self-love, self-compassion, and self-worth at any weight. Topics covered in this episode include:Why gaining weight back makes us feel shame How to get out of your own head Reaching a healthy mindset to lose weight from Separating your self-worth from your body It’s easier to love yourself when you’ve reached your goal and you’re maintaining the weight you want; it’s harder to love yourself when you’re not. That’s the work we need to do, and it starts

  • You Are Allowed to Lose Weight

    22/08/2023 Duración: 22min

    Do you feel like you’re allowed to lose weight?Not too long ago, I started noticing that there’s a lot of messaging surfacing online telling women that it’s not okay to lose weight. Women (especially celebrities) who lose weight come under a huge amount of fire and are shamed by other women for their decisions. Don’t women face enough shame already without us adding this to their plates?Here’s the thing. I think it often starts with good intentions from women who have had negative experiences with weight loss and don’t want anyone else to go through it. The problem is, it goes too far when we try to tell other adult women how to live their lives. Only you know what’s best for you, and guess what? If weight loss is part of what’s best for you, that’s okay! If you’re worried about how other people will react to your weight loss, use this episode to help you navigate those conversations. Topics covered in this episode include:How to support women without contributing to shameful messagesWhy you’re allowed to los

  • Proof Our Process Works with Mia Woodward, MD & Elisa Boden, MD

    15/08/2023 Duración: 40min

    What if you had the data to prove that your coaching program works?Over the last couple of years, we’ve been doing a study behind the scenes to see how well the Weight Loss for Doctors Only program works. My guests in this episode, Mia Woodward and Elisa Boden, did the bulk of the work in this study, and I wanted to invite them to talk about the process and results with you. Mia, Elisa, and I are sharing what the research process was like, what we learned from it, and why you should measure your program results. Mia is a clinician scientist and certified life coach who studies behavior change, and Elisa is a gastroenterologist and certified life coach who coaches physicians and patients. She helps physicians with burnout and patients with inflammatory conditions of the GI tract. Topics covered in this episode include:Why it’s worth it to study your program results How to make your program the best it can beHow well Weight Loss for Doctors Only works according to the data Have you ever thought about conducting

  • Welcoming All Women Physicians

    08/08/2023 Duración: 21min

    Have you ever wished you could join Weight Loss for Doctors Only but you don’t quite meet the criteria? Listen up for an announcement at the end of this episode! I’ve been wanting to have a candid chat with you about the lessons we learn throughout life, how things change, and how the way we think changes too. Does that sound okay?In this episode, I’m talking through why I set my coaching program up the way I did seven years ago, how it’s evolved since then, and what I’m changing about it now. If you love the program, don’t worry! Everything you love about Weight Loss for Doctors Only is here to stay, it’s just getting a small upgrade. Topics covered in this episode include:The beauty of change What I’ve learned about running a business over the years The richness of communities made up of people from all walks of lifeAn announcement about the Weight Loss for Doctors Only programIf you enjoy more casual and chatty episodes and you’re interested in what’s been going on around here behind the scenes, this one&a

  • Weight Loss Success Story: Geri Aitken, DO

    01/08/2023 Duración: 38min

    Are you ready to hear from another Weight Loss for Doctors Only student?It’s all very well for me to tell you about the program, but I think it’s so much more helpful for you to hear from the people who have been through it. I’m so excited to bring you another weight loss success story in this episode. Geri Aitken, DO, is here to share her journey with you. She’s inviting us into the story of her life to learn about her experiences with weight from childhood until now and how coaching changed everything. It’s so inspiring to hear Geri talk about her journey to self-love and how that has spilled into other areas of her life. Topics covered in this episode include:Identifying emotional eatingThe role of coaching in a weight loss journey How to develop more love for yourself Why you should give yourself permission to be selfish If you’re someone who always puts others’ needs before your own and feels selfish for prioritizing yourself, Geri’s story will resonate with you. Tune in!All show notes are available at  

  • Wanting to Want It

    25/07/2023 Duración: 27min

    Do you find yourself wanting to want it again?You know what I’m talking about. You started working on your goal and you were so excited and motivated, but now the results have stalled a little and it’s hard to get that motivation back. Your desire to do the work has fizzled and you just don’t want to anymore. Where do you go from here?First, know that you’re not alone; we’ve all been there. Second, I’ve worked through this and I know how to help you! There are some simple things that you can do to reignite that spark and get yourself excited to work on getting results again, and I’m sharing them in this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians. I’m going to help you motivate yourself to want it so that you can get back on track for the final stretch to reach your goal. You’ve got this!Topics covered in this episode include:Working with the energy that is available to youAsking for support from yourself and others How to reconnect to your commitment Tune in to recommit to your goal and remind yourself why yo

  • Lighting a Fire Under Yourself

    18/07/2023 Duración: 26min

    Are you struggling to find the motivation to start working toward your goals?Trust me, I hear you. Taking the first step is often the hardest part, so what can we do to make it easier? This episode is here to help. I’m sharing some tips and advice to help you light a fire under yourself (metaphorically of course) and take that daunting first step. Picture the future you who has achieved the results that you want; she’s waiting for you to get started! Topics covered in this episode include:How to take action when you’re unmotivatedWhy we fall back on willful helplessness How to generate the activation energy you need to get the ball rollingOnce you get moving and you can see yourself progressing toward your goals, it gets easier! An object in motion stays in motion, right? You’ve just got to start building momentum. Will you let me help? Tune in to get started. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Learn more about Weight Loss for Doctors Only: katrinaubellmd.

  • Owning Your Results

    11/07/2023 Duración: 31min

    What does it mean to own your results? Let’s unpack it in this episode of the Weight Loss for Busy Physicians podcast!We tend to have a lot of misconceptions about what it looks like to own our results, and it ends with us beating up, judging, and berating ourselves. That’s not what we’re about here on this podcast, so I want to talk about some alternatives. In this episode, I’m teaching you how to own your results in a way that empowers you to learn about yourself and create better results in the future. It’s my goal to arm you with the tools of positive self-talk, curiosity, and experimentation (and a few more along the way).Topics covered in this episode include:My definition of owning your results Taking responsibility for your success Why judging and blaming yourself is not part of owning your resultsHow to reject thoughts that are not welcome in your brainYou might be good at owning your results in one area of your life but need a little help applying it to another, or maybe you struggle with it across

  • Weight Loss Success Story: Sandi Seigel MD, FRCP(C)

    04/07/2023 Duración: 38min

    Is it really harder to lose weight after a certain age?Let’s hear from someone who’s done it. Sandi Seigel MD, FRCP(C) is joining me in this episode to share her weight loss success story with you. I love sharing these stories and can’t wait for you to hear all about Sandi’s journey. We’re talking a lot about what to do if you’re a foodie but want to get your eating under control, dealing with work responsibilities and the stress of being short-staffed, and choosing to improve your quality of life after the age of 60. I think you’re going to get a lot of inspiration not only from Sandi’s experiences but also from her outlook on life. Topics covered in this episode include:Breaking the cycle of losing and gaining weight Investing in yourself later in lifeHow to enjoy food without being controlled by it Reframing how you think about work when things are out of your controlIf you’ve ever felt like it’s too late for you to make a change or there’s no point in trying at your age, this episode might just change you

  • How to Deal With Administration and Stay Sane

    27/06/2023 Duración: 37min

    I know you might not love me for saying this, but let’s talk about administration. Stick with me! It’s going to be worth it. There are a lot of negative attitudes towards administrators in the U.S. healthcare system, and those attitudes are causing problems for everyone. I have some compelling reasons to convince you to change the way you think about administration that you’ll hear in this episode, but mostly I want to make your job and workplace more enjoyable. Will you let me try?I’m sharing some of the issues that come up most frequently for doctors dealing with administration and what you can do to improve each situation.Topics covered in this episode include:The problem with using social media to process emotionsHow to feel more fulfilled at workWhy we shouldn’t villainize administrators and what happens when we doHow to get out of the victim mentality and take back your powerIf you’re willing to have an open mind about your feelings towards hospital administration, tune in. All show notes are available

  • How to Feel in Control Around Food

    20/06/2023 Duración: 23min

    Do you feel out of control around food?This is something that a lot of people struggle with, so I want you to know that I hear you. You’re not alone. So many people struggle with feeling out of control when it comes to weight and food or fear losing control once they have it. In this episode, I’m sharing what I’ve learned about control that totally changed how I think and feel about it. Tune in for a discussion about listening to your wants and needs, managing your thoughts and feelings, and finding more peace and freedom around food. Topics covered in this episode include:Things that you do and don’t have control over Focusing your energy on things within your control Learning to manage your thoughts and feelings Why control might not really be what you’re looking for If you’re tired of feeling like you can’t control yourself around food, this episode will help you reframe how you think about control and finally shake that out-of-control feeling. Let’s get started! All show notes are available at  https://ka

  • Meeting Yourself Where You're At

    13/06/2023 Duración: 35min

    How do you meet yourself where you’re at?This is something that I’m going through in my life right now and I want to talk about it. We tend to be pretty judgmental of ourselves when we’re not where we think we should be. The truth is, you deserve compassion from yourself no matter where you’re at. It’s  a lot easier to make a plan to move forward if you can meet yourself where you’re at with kindness first. In this episode of the Weight Loss for Busy Physicians podcast, I’m sharing four questions for you to ask yourself and reflect on to help you assess where you’re at right now. Topics covered in this episode include:How to listen to your body What it really means to meet yourself where you’re atThe importance of understanding your “why”The steps that will help you identify and get comfortable with where you’re at If you’re tired of beating yourself up, I’m here for you. Let me support you in this episode. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Enroll in Weig

  • Weight Loss Success Story: Kendra Sweet, MD, MS

    06/06/2023 Duración: 35min

    If you’ve ever heard someone else’s weight-loss story and thought you could never have time for that, never make it work on your schedule, or never succeed for one reason or another, listen up. In this episode, I’m introducing you to one of my Weight Loss for Doctors Only clients, Kendra Sweet, MD, MS. She has an incredible story and I think you’ll see a lot of yourself in her. She’s here to share her weight loss story and the added benefits that it has had on her health, work, and personal life. She’s done so much work on her relationship with food, her emotions, her relationships, and more in the Weight Loss for Doctors Only program, and I can’t wait for you to hear all about it. Topics covered in this episode include:How learning to manage your mind, body, and emotions can affect other areas of your lifeThe kind of guidance you get in the Weight Loss for Doctors Only program Learning to maintain a weight rather than staying in the cycle of gaining and losingIf you could use a little inspiration or you just

  • Reframing Your Relationship With Failure

    30/05/2023 Duración: 22min

    “Failure is the information you need to get where you’re going.” -Rick RubinI heard this quote as I was listening to Rick Rubin’s audiobook and it got me thinking about how we approach our relationships with failure. This is something that comes up over and over again because we all tend to be pretty hard on ourselves for failing. What if we embraced failure as something that we need on our path to success?In this episode, I’m talking about how to reframe your relationship with failure. Sometimes you will try new things and they will fail. Does that mean you should never try something new ever again? Of course not! That’s how you figure out what works for you and what doesn’t. Sometimes you have to fail to move forward, and that’s a good thing!Topics covered in this episode include:Why we need failure Changing the way you talk to yourself The key to long-term success and lasting resultsJoin me in this episode as we get comfortable with failure. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podca

  • Nature’s Remedy for When You’re in a Funk

    23/05/2023 Duración: 28min

    How much time do you spend out in nature?When I started spending more time in nature, I noticed a huge improvement in how I felt and now it’s something that I prioritize all year round. For me, it usually looks like taking my dog for a walk around the neighborhood or at the park, but for you it might look like eating your lunch on the patio, spending time by the lake or the ocean, taking a quick walk on your lunch break, or something else entirely! Often we forget to reverse-engineer what we’re doing when we feel great so that we can remember how to recreate it when we don’t feel so good. Spending time in nature is one of those things for me, and I hope it will be for you too. In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m sharing the benefits of spending time in nature and some ideas to help get you outside even if it’s tricky with your schedule. Topics covered in this episode include:The benefits of spending more time in nature How to find time to get outside Ways to spend more time in nature witho

  • Leveraging Your Future Self with Coach Laura Conley

    16/05/2023 Duración: 48min

    If you could ask your future self one thing, what would it be?Have you ever thought to ask her for help in times of need? What would she do?In this episode, our guest, Laura Conley, is sharing her experiences with body image and weight loss and how future self practices helped her lose weight for the last time. If you’ve never heard the term “future self” before or you’re not sure how to use it or what it has to do with weight loss, don’t worry. Laura is explaining it all in this episode. Laura weight loss coach, founder of The Yummy Mummy Method, and host of the Yummy Mummy podcast. Topics covered in this episode include:The cultural messaging that we receive about our bodies Why you should try thinking about your future self The role of your future self in losing weight for the last time If you’re ready to get in touch with your future self, tune in.All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Visit Laura’s Website: https://lauraconley.com/ Follow @lauraconleycoac

  • Reproductive Shame & How to Overcome It

    09/05/2023 Duración: 43min

    We’re talking about something a little different in this episode, and that’s shame around reproductive struggles. This looks different for everyone. For some it might be going through IVF, for others, it could be experiencing a miscarriage, or maybe making the decision not to have children. Whatever it is that you’re struggling with, you’re not alone. I think we need to talk about these things more because a lot of women do feel alone in these experiences, and that can contribute to feelings of shame. In this episode, I’m sharing five things that you can try to overcome feelings of shame. Let’s talk about these things together so that we can all feel a little less shame and a little more self-acceptance. Topics covered in this episode include:My experiences with reproductive shame The stigma around infertility and mental healthWays to overcome feelings of shame If you or a loved one are going through a difficult time with your reproductive health, I hope this episode offers some comfort. All show notes are av

  • Downshifting to Increase Life Satisfaction with Natalie Bacon, JD, CFP, Certified Life Coach

    02/05/2023 Duración: 32min

    Are you someone who feels like you always need to be doing the most?It’s great that you’re ambitious, but if that ambition is interfering with your well-being, maybe it’s time to adjust your priorities and see where you can make some more time for yourself. Natalie Bacon is here to share how she stays true to her ambition in a way that honors her time and personal life, ending the cycle of sprinting and crashing that she used to live in. Natalie is a former Type-A lawyer and financial planner turned grounded, present-living wife, mom, and Advanced Certified Life Coach.Topics covered in this episode include:Why it can be so hard to slow down How we know that balance is possible How to avoid falling back into unhealthy patterns of overachieving and overworking Why you should practice saying “no” to things What could downshifting look like for you? Tune in to find out. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Visit Natalie’s Website: Nataliebacon.comLeave a Review

  • Letting Go of What You Thought Was Real

    25/04/2023 Duración: 21min

    Can I share a quote with you that I came across recently?“One of the hardest things to do in life is letting go of what you thought was real.”I read this and I knew I wanted to talk about it with you on the podcast because it’s something that shows up more in life than you might realize. I think there are two ways of looking at this. There’s a more obvious interpretation and there’s a more obscure one, and I’m here to unpack both of them.This is an episode about stepping out of your comfort zone, believing in yourself, and going after what you want. Who’s with me?Topics covered in this episode include:What it means to let go of what you thought was real How holding onto what you think is real can hold you back Why letting go of familiar thoughts can be scaryTune in to let go of what you thought was real and embrace a new reality. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Episode 101: Battling Impostor Syndrome: https://katrinaubellmd.com/battling-imposter-syndrom

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