Weight Loss For Busy Physicians



Are you a busy physician who wants to lose weight permanently so you can have the life you want? This podcast is the resource youve been looking for. Ill guide you on the journey to overcome stress eating, exhaustion, and overwhelm - and move into freedom around food. Each week, this podcast brings you specific tools and resources to meet the challenges busy doctors face. Your time is valuable - and so is your wellbeing. Well help you find the time to care for yourself as well as you care for your patients.-Learn new ways of thinking that make good eating decisions automatic and result in permanent, effortless weight loss.-Find out how to gain the time and energy to take care of yourself the way you tell your patients to!-Well show you how to stop overeating and using food to deal with stress and exhaustion.-Youll learn to improve your relationships and to better deal with the difficult people in your life so you dont need food to cope. -This can be the best stage of your life yet - just like you thought it would be when you started your training.-And most importantly, feel better in all aspects of your life without anything or anyone else having to change. Your host, Dr. Katrina Ubell, is a board-certified pediatrician and a certified life and weight loss coach. After completing her pediatric residency at Childrens Hospital of Wisconsin, Dr. Ubell worked in a private pediatric practice for 10 years before retiring from her practice to become a life and weight loss coach for busy physicians. Dr. Ubell lost 45 pounds in 12 months without any surgery, pills, or unhealthy crash diets.You can find out more about Dr. Ubell and her work at www.katrinaubellmd.com.


  • Getting Started With Self-Compassion

    30/01/2024 Duración: 30min

    Do you struggle to treat yourself with compassion?Self-compassion is a hidden gem in the world of well-being and mental health. A lot of people know about it but not so many people know how to practice it. Sometimes we even start to beat ourselves up for not practicing it, which is totally counterproductive! So how do we change?My goal for this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians is to not only teach you how to start being more compassionate towards yourself, but also to give you a taste of what’s to come as you start to develop the ability to offer yourself compassion. When you hear the many benefits of self-compassion, I think you’ll be more encouraged to give it a go. Topics covered in this episode include:What self-compassion is and what it’s not The effects of treating yourself with more compassionWhy self-compassion is not selfish Tune in to learn how to introduce the practice of self-compassion into your life. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mention

  • Believing Success is Possible

    23/01/2024 Duración: 26min

    Why do you need to believe that success is possible before you can achieve somethingMaybe you feel like there’s an obvious answer to this question or maybe not. Either way, I invite you to explore it with me in this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians. We’re delving into why you need to believe that success is possible, how to start believing it, and how to continue believing it along your journey to success. Topics covered in this episode include:How to know if success is possible Challenging your thoughts and feelings that are holding you back The value of listening to your intuition How your thoughts shape your experienceIf you’re struggling with the idea that weight loss or peace and freedom around food are possible for you, this episode is going to help. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Register for a Free Training Call: katrinaubellmd.com/changesLeave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ6vCome learn how to make weight loss changes last

  • Honor Your Taste Buds to Lose Weight

    16/01/2024 Duración: 23min

    What would happen if you stopped forcing yourself to eat food you don’t like?This made a huge difference for me when I was losing weight for the last time and changing my relationship with food. In order to have peace and freedom around food, I had to like the food I was eating. Makes sense, right?There are a lot of reasons you might eat food that doesn’t taste good to you. Maybe as a kid, you had to eat everything on your plate. Maybe everyone’s telling you you need to eat the latest trendy superfood. Maybe you feel like you have to eat the low-fat or low-sugar versions of things even though you don’t like them as much. We’re unpacking it all in this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, and I’m teaching you how eating only food that tastes good to you will help you lose weight and improve your relationship with food forever. Topics covered in this episode include:The impact of growing up in the “clean plate club”Ways that you may be forcing yourself to eat foods you don’t really likeWhy eating food yo

  • Why You Should Let Someone Dress You - Judith Gaton Returns

    09/01/2024 Duración: 36min

    How do your clothes make you feel? If they don’t make you feel happy, confident, and like yourself, what can we do to change that?It’s become normalized to get help in a lot of areas of our lives which I think is a great thing, but there are still many areas where it hasn’t. There’s one area in particular that I want to take a look at that you might not have considered before, and that’s your wardrobe. If you look at other people’s style and wish you could dress like them but you don’t know how or you just want some clothes that you enjoy wearing and that feel good on your body, Judith Gaton can help you. She makes style feel less confusing and overwhelming so that you can finally feel like your best self in your clothes, and she is back for another episode of the Weight Loss for Busy Physicians podcast. Judith is a personal stylist, certified life coach,  and lawyer. She is your professor of glam and elegance, also known as a style coach.Topics covered in this episode include:How to get help styling yourself

  • How I Overcame My Fear of Public Speaking

    02/01/2024 Duración: 27min

    Do you dread having to speak in front of groups of people? Do you get so nervous your heart starts racing and you can’t focus on what you’re supposed to say?Yeah, same. At least I used to! It took a long time, but I’ve finally overcome my fear of public speaking! I’m so excited to be able to say that and to share with you how I did it because I know I’m not the only one who struggles with this. The thing that helped me was surprising and yet also seemed so obvious at the same time. I’m sharing it with you in this episode with the hope that it can help you too. Topics covered in this episode include:How to start getting more comfortable talking to groups of people Why public speaking classes and courses never felt like they helped me The best way to prepare to give a talk How to practice public speaking Tune in and let’s talk about how to overcome your fear of public speaking. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Check Out Deirdre Van Nest's Program Craz

  • Self-Investment and Leadership with Erin Aquin & Steve Haase, Part 2

    26/12/2023 Duración: 35min

    Welcome back for Part 2 of our conversation with Erin Aquin and Steve Haase. In this episode, we’re talking about leadership. No one ever really teaches you how to be a good leader, you’re just expected to know how to do it like it’s a skill you’re born with. If you’ve ever found yourself in a leadership role, you know that’s not true. Sure, anyone can be a leader, but that doesn’t mean they’re a good one. That leads us to the question, what does make a good leader? Erin and Steve have answers for you. They’re bringing their experience to the table to walk you through some of the most important leadership skills and how to learn them.Erin Aquin and Steve Haase are the co-founders of Superabound, a coaching company that helps business owners and leaders create a life and business that aligns with their unique vision. They are both Master Certified Life Coaches and co-authors of the upcoming book, tentatively titled Superabound: How to Live the Life the Universe is Dreaming for You. Topics covered in this episo

  • Self-Investment and Leadership with Erin Aquin & Steve Haase, Part 1

    19/12/2023 Duración: 36min

    Do you struggle to make self-care a priority in your busy schedule? What if there was a better way to think about self-care that made it easier to integrate into your life?I sat down with Erin Aquin & Steve Haase to hear what they had to say about taking care of yourself from a leadership perspective and making self-care doable and accessible, even for the busiest doctors. One of the reasons we’re talking about this on the Weight Loss for Busy Physicians podcast is that taking proper care of yourself can help you solve some of the problems you’re relying on food to help you with right now. When you have appropriate tools to handle challenging areas of your life, food gets to just be food. Erin Aquin and Steve Haase are the co-founders of Superabound, a coaching company that helps business owners and leaders create a life and business that aligns with their unique vision. They are both Master Certified Life Coaches and co-authors of the upcoming book, tentatively titled Superabound: How to Live the Life th

  • Sunday Scaries and Work Dread

    12/12/2023 Duración: 28min

    If you’re a doctor you can have Sunday Scaries, Monday Scaries, Tuesday Scaries… it goes on and on. Does that sound like your situation? I know it was mine for a while. Let’s break down what’s happening when you get the Sunday Scaries, or work dread, and see if there’s a way you can prevent it. I learned about the concept of Sunday Scaries when I was trying to figure out why I often stayed up way too late, even though I knew it wasn’t good for me. The harsh reality was that I didn’t want to go to sleep because then I’d have to wake up and do the thing I didn’t want to do: work. The good news is, I don’t feel that way anymore! In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m sharing some simple but important steps you can take to get rid of that work dread and actually enjoy your whole week.Topics covered in this episode include:What percentage of the population experiences Sunday Scaries How to break the Sunday Scaries cycleFinding the cause of your Sunday Scaries Let me help you shake the Sunday Scari

  • Feeling Good Every Day with Coach Cledra Gross

    05/12/2023 Duración: 29min

    Do you struggle with the Sunday Scaries, always dreading Monday and the week ahead? You deserve to be happy all seven days of the week, not just Saturday and Sunday, and in this episode, we’re talking about how to make that your reality. One of our Weight Loss for Doctors Only coaches, Cledra Gross, is here to share how she learned to feel good every day and how you can too. Get ready to do some self-reflection and ask yourself some simple but poignant questions about how your life feels, what brings you fulfillment, and where you are searching for acceptance. Cledra is a high-performance and leadership coach with over 20 years of combined experience in chemical engineering and pharmaceutical sales. Her passion is helping high-achieving women love both work and life.Topics covered in this episode include:Understanding how you subconsciously seek acceptance Why you should stop to ask yourself how life feels What happens when you realize that you get to choose your life How to get more enjoyment out of what you

  • When You're In an Adjustment Period

    28/11/2023 Duración: 34min

    If you’ve been feeling a little off lately, could it be that you’re going through an adjustment period?Going through an adjustment period can throw you off in a lot of areas like weight loss, home life, mood, motivation, and so many others. I’ve been going through this myself lately, so I wanted to talk about what my experience has been like and share the process that has helped me through it. Whatever you’re having to adjust to, I’m pretty confident that some of the things that helped me will help you too. Let’s talk about how to approach an adjustment period and the three steps to take when you’re in one. Topics covered in this episode include:What an adjustment period isHow to come up with innovative solutions for your situationAsking for help and support when you need itExperimenting to find what works for youIf you’re in an adjustment period right now and you’re having a hard time with it, know that you’re not alone. Join me in this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians and we’ll figure it out toget

  • End the Charting Agony

    21/11/2023 Duración: 36min

    Is charting an agonizing experience for you?Some people might think I’m being dramatic but if you know, you know. Charting can cause a huge amount of stress that feels like it’s never going to end, and that leads many of us to turn to food as a coping mechanism. Here on the Weight Loss for Busy Physicians podcast, we’re all about addressing the root causes of your problems so that you’re not relying on food for emotional support. If charting is a constant thorn in your side like it is for so many doctors, this episode has the information you need to tackle the charting agony and make it a more manageable (and dare I say enjoyable?) task. Topics covered in this episode include:What to do if you’re drowning in your charts Taking control of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs How to improve your relationship with charting Ways to streamline and simplify your processIf you’re ready to end the charting agony, hit play on this episode. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources

  • Peace and Freedom Around Politics

    07/11/2023 Duración: 24min

    I talk a lot about peace and freedom around food, but what about peace and freedom around politics? This episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians is coming out about a year ahead of the next presidential election in the US. Election season causes stress for a lot of people and so does the build-up to it, so I wanted to give you an episode that you can come back to whenever you need. We’re talking about what causes election stress and I’m sharing strategies you can use to support yourself through election season. Topics covered in this episode include:How many Americans experience stress around an election according to the stats Ways to support yourself through election season How to change the subject if you don’t want to talk about politics Stress-relieving activities to help create peace and freedom around politicsThere are things that you can do to create peace and freedom around politics and in this episode, you’ll find out what they are. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podca

  • How To Handle Intense Food Days

    31/10/2023 Duración: 21min

    Happy Halloween!Whether you love Halloween or not, it can be a pretty intense food day, and there are a lot of other food-centered holidays coming up too, so I want to help you prepare to handle intense food days, whatever they may be for you. There are a lot of days that feel intensely food-centered for different people and they’re not always holidays, so this episode will be here to help you out all year round. With the help of this episode, you’re going to create a plan (and a plan B… and a plan C…) for your future self to follow when those intense food days come around. Everything’s easier with a plan and some extra self-love. Topics covered in this episode include:The value of having a plan around how to handle food-centered holidays How to avoid shaming yourself if you don’t follow your plan Setting your expectations for intense food days If you’re tuning in on Halloween, I hope you have a great day whether your plan involves eating candy or not! All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.c

  • The Pros and Cons of Wearable Devices

    24/10/2023 Duración: 32min

    Have you thought about getting a wearable device like an Apple Watch, FitBit, or Oura Ring to help you on your weight-loss or health journey?I’ve taken a long time to gather my thoughts on this and now I’m ready to share them with you, so if you’re curious what I think about wearable technology, stick around. I’m sharing the pros and cons of wearable devices, when they’re helpful and when they’re not, and four questions to ask yourself before trying one. There are so many options out there for wearable technology that it can get overwhelming, especially when everyone seems to have a strong opinion about one device or another. This episode will help you avoid spending a ton of money on a piece of tech that ends up forgotten in the back of a drawer and instead get something that’s right for you. Topics covered in this episode include:Questions to ask yourself if you’re thinking about trying a wearable deviceThe biggest pros and cons of wearable devices Surprising things you can learn about your health from a we

  • What to Do When You're Not Eating

    17/10/2023 Duración: 32min

    What can you fill your time with instead of eating?If you’ve been working on not overeating or emotionally eating and you’ve made some progress, you might notice that you’re not sure how to fill the void that food once filled. This is a great opportunity to reconnect with yourself and the needs you have that you were trying to meet with food. This episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians will help you discover what things truly fill you up. Maybe you love sports, reading, drawing, painting, or sewing to name just a few possibilities. A word of caution: when you’re no longer overeating, you want to avoid substituting one activity that creates problems for you with another activity that creates problems for you. Those could look like shopping, scrolling on social media, relying on other substances, or overworking. I want to steer you away from things that will leave you feeling empty and towards things that will fill you with true satisfaction and joy. Topics covered in this episode include:Fulfilling ways to

  • How to Raise Your Morale - World Mental Health Day

    10/10/2023 Duración: 34min

    There are a lot of resources out there for leaders on how to raise the morale of their employees, but how do you go about raising your own morale?Morale is pretty low right now across the board, but it’s particularly tough in the medical field. I want to have an open conversation about what causes low morale and share some simple and practical ways for you to raise your morale. This episode is airing on World Mental Health Day, so take this as an opportunity to check in with your mental health and overall well-being and maybe use some of the tips in this episode to show yourself a little extra love and care. Topics covered in this episode include:How to raise your morale Causes of low morale How to feel more connected to your team members Ways to offer yourself the praise and recognition you needShare this with someone in your life who is struggling with morale and work on it together! You’re not in this alone. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Get the Si

  • Improving In-Law Relationships with Dr. Amruti Choudhry MBBS BSc

    03/10/2023 Duración: 35min

    Let’s talk about in-laws. Why do so many of us have strained relationships with our in-laws? Dr. Amruti Choudhry has some answers for you.Maybe you don’t have difficult in-laws but you have other challenging relationships in your life that you’d like to work on—this episode applies to you too. In this episode, Dr. Amruti is here to share how healing her relationship with herself led to healing her relationship with her mother-in-law, and it all started with weight-loss coaching. She will teach you how to shift your focus to things within your control so that you can be happier in all your relationships.Dr. Amruti teaches women how to feel better in their relationships with their mother-in-laws, by rewiring their brains and stabilising their nervous systems. She teaches them how to become aware of their current thinking and tweak it slightly to feel better, to take better action and create results they had only dreamed of.Topics covered in this episode include:Improving your relationship with yourself Showing

  • Becoming Type A-

    26/09/2023 Duración: 30min

    I often hear from clients that they are Type A and they have all kinds of questions about how they should handle situations based on their Type A personality. Are you someone who identifies strongly as Type A? If so, I have a bit of a challenge for you. What would happen if you let go of that label, just a little bit?In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m exploring where the Type A personality came from, why you might identify so strongly as Type A (or Type B), and why these labels can sometimes start causing problems. If you enjoy being a Type A, don’t worry; I’m not here to tell you that you need to change your whole personality. If it’s working for you, that’s great! I just want to get you thinking about how that label might be forcing you into a box that you don’t always fit into and how to tap into other parts of your personality that could be getting left behind. Topics covered in this episode include:The origins of the Type A personality Why we feel the need to label ourselvesThe pros

  • Healthy Reflection vs. Rumination

    19/09/2023 Duración: 31min

    What’s the difference between reflection and rumination? Healthy self-reflection can turn into rumination if you’re not careful, and while self-reflection can be a really productive and helpful tool, rumination tends to be the opposite. In this episode, we’re taking a deeper dive into the differences between reflection and rumination and the characteristics of each. You’ll learn how to identify rumination quickly and move past it into a healthier mental space. We’ll talk about why rumination is not helpful and self-reflection is and how to cut back on time spent ruminating to make more time for healthy reflection. Topics covered in this episode include:The difference between healthy reflection and rumination How to identify rumination Two ways to encourage healthy self-reflectionFour steps to move past rumination If you often find yourself ruminating on something you said or did a long time ago, or on feedback that you beat yourself up over, you will benefit from the tools in this episode. All show notes are

  • Capability vs. Capacity

    12/09/2023 Duración: 26min

    Just because you’re capable of doing something, doesn’t mean you have the capacity to do it. So why do we feel like we have to say yes to things even when we know we’re at max capacity?As women in the healthcare industry (or really any industry) we tend to fear being perceived as incapable. You may not even realize it, but subconsciously you might be holding onto the idea that if you say no to something, your colleagues are going to think you can’t do it. Ultimately, that’s just not a good enough reason to do things, so in this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m sharing some questions that you can ask yourself to identify whether or not you want to do something and have the capacity for it. We’re also talking about how to say no when you know that what you’re being asked to do isn’t right for you. Topics covered in this episode include:Things that we tend to take on even when we don’t have the capacity for themHow overextending yourself relates to your eating habits Questions to ask yourself when

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