Astrologically Speaking With Sheri



Interested in astrology and how it really works? Want to know the truth about astrology & your souls karmic evolution?Karmic Evolution seeks to inform us allthrough astrological insighthow we may better our relationships, ascertain our true values, & find the courage to be who we truly came here to be...after all, isnt that what life is really all about?


  • EP31: MICHAEL LUTIN joins us this week for a fun, lively discussion of what the heck is going on in the world

    19/10/2017 Duración: 54min

    MICHAEL LUTIN joins us this week for a fun, lively discussion of what the heck is going on in the world and how we can best navigate more consciously through astrological insight what comes at us in both our personal lives & through the collective! Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from one of the best & most insightful professional astrologers of our time! We’ll also talk about the Libra New Moon and how we can better understand that—though Venus-ruled Libra is THE sign of partnership—our emphasis now is first and foremost on planting seeds that lead to a more loving accepting relationship with ourselves first and others second. This lunation teams up with Jupiter & Mercury in Scorpio to oppose the revelatory and rebellious energy of change-maker & shock-inducer Uranus (still retrograde in Aries!) Tune in live or catch the replay or archive after the fact! #Libra, #New Moon, #Moon, #lunation, #Venus, #Jupiter, #Mercury, #Scorpio, #partnership, #Uranus, #Aries, #relationship

  • EP30: SHERI HORN HASAN this week as she discusses Jupiter in Scorpio for the next 13 months

    12/10/2017 Duración: 53min

    SHERI HORN HASAN this week as she discusses Jupiter in Scorpio for the next 13 months, starting October 10, 2017 and moving through the sign of our shadow side until November 8, 2018. How might the planet of expansion of consciousness function positively in Scorpio, the Pluto-ruled sign of sex, death, occult, transformation, regeneration, joint resources, other peoples’ money, loyalty, intensity, and deep bonded trust? And how can we all best navigate from Jupiter in Libra this past year to Jupiter in Scorpio? Tune in to find out what this transit might mean for you over the coming year as it transits your chart! If it touches any of your other planets, angles, or other sensitive chart points (especially those in Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, or Aquarius) what might be the highest and best use of this energy in terms of soul growth? #Jupiter, #Scorpio, #Pluto, #shadow, #sex, #death, #occult, #regeneration, #trust, #transformation, #money, #Taurus, #Leo, #Aquarius, #Libra

  • EP29: CLAUDIA CAUDHILL, professional astrologer, life coach, and author

    05/10/2017 Duración: 55min

    CLAUDIA CAUDHILL, professional astrologer, life coach, and author, as we discuss next week’s Jupiter ingress into the sign of Scorpio on October 10 for the next year! What are the implications of this annual sign shift? How will this morph the direction of our energies? Jupiter in Libra has had a strong effect on the polarization of relationships this past year—will Jupiter in Scorpio do the same? Will secrets be revealed, hidden issues unearthed? In short, will we see a higher level expansion of consciousness around memories of people and issues long buried in our subconscious? And how can we handle these issues when they arise? Much food for thought and discussion! Also, we’ll look at today’s Aries Full Moon, the recent Las Vegas tragedy, and Venus & Mars impending squares to Saturn. Join us for a full hour of astrological insight! #Jupiter, #Scorpio, #Aries, #Full Moon, #Moon, #astrologer, #consciousness, #relationships, #polarization, #Las Vegas, #Venus, #Mars, #tragedy

  • EP28: ALEX MILLER, astrologer & author, as we delve into personally named asteroids

    28/09/2017 Duración: 52min

    ALEX MILLER, astrologer & author, as we delve into personally named asteroids (PNO’s) which often have a funny way of turning up in an individual’s astrological chart! What are they? Minor asteroids discovered by astronomers and often named by these scientists…but what is metaphysics without the understanding that the universe is anything but random? Thus, these PNO’s show up in some uncanny places in many individual’s natal horoscopes, including celebrities, politicians, and yes, even for you and me! Like subtle—and some not so subtle—nuances, they supply a specific and often profound meaning to both natal chart interpretation, as well as amazing detail to astrological forecasting. Don’t miss this fascinatingly interesting topic—you’ll be amazed at what you can learn about famous people—including our current U.S. president—when these PNO’s are added into their charts! #astrologer, #asteroids, #PNO’s, #astronomers, #metaphysics, #universe, #horoscopes, #chart, #forecasting, #natal, #interpretation

  • EP27: SUE MORRIS, astrologer, nutritionist

    21/09/2017 Duración: 57min

    SUE MORRIS, astrologer, nutritionist, herbalist, salve-maker, organic gardener, & botanical perfumer to talk about astrology, herbs, aromatherapy, & healing! Morris weaves together her knowledge of gardening--based on traditional astrologically-guided methods of planting by the moon and planetary hours—to explain how herbal medicine & essences are not only easy to make but beneficial for all. Tune in to become enlightened about the connection between planets, signs, and essential oils (the essences of aromatic plants), and how to use astrology and aromatherapy for physical, psychological, and spiritual healing. Join us as Morris explains how to best nourish & heal ourselves utilizing planetary influences that reconnect to us to the Earth’s--and our own--natural cycles. #astrology, #organic, #gardening, #herbs, #healing, #moon, #natural, #medicine, #essences, #oils, #plants, #salves

  • EP26: MARIE O’NEILL, professional astrologer, certified life coach, & public speaker

    15/09/2017 Duración: 55min

    MARIE O’NEILL, professional astrologer, certified life coach, & public speaker, who utilizes astrology to coach people through adversity, major life decisions, and both expected & unexpected events, etc. She’s a Master Level astrologer through Steven Forrest’s Apprenticeship Program, and a student of esoteric astrology with Alan Oken. We’ll talk about how you can continue to raise your level of consciousness through astrological insight, and Marie’s experience helping others to resolve various issues and stresses that affect so many of us off and on throughout our lives. And, we’ll catch up with Astro News You Can Use, including transiting Saturn’s current sextile & trine to the South & North Nodes, respectively, Mercury’s meet up with Mars on Sept. 16, Venus’s move into virtuous Virgo on the 19th, & the upcoming Virgo New Moon on September 19/20! #astrologer, #consciousness, #insight, #Saturn, #Mercury, #Mars, #Venus, #Virgo, #New Moon, #life coach, #sextile, #trine

  • EP25: ALEX TRENOWETH, professional astrologer, author, & educator

    31/08/2017 Duración: 56min

    Join this week’s guest ALEX TRENOWETH, professional astrologer, author, & educator, who’ll discuss astrology, student’s learning styles, & education! With back-to-school week looming here in the U.S., you won’t want to miss this if you’re a parent, teacher, astrologer, astrology enthusiast, or just plain interested in HOW we learn best based on astrological insight! Alex will cover how to bring astrology into mainstream education and offer a "real world" application of our starry wisdom! She’s written several books on the subject & we’ll be sure to pick her brain about what works best for kids (& adults!) with different learning styles! Plus, Mercury retrograde back to Leo & meets Mars there at the eclipse degree! What to expect leading up to next week’s Pisces Full Moon? Join us & find out! #back-to-school, #school, #learning, #astrology, #student, #education, #teacher, #wisdom, #Mercury, #retrograde, #eclipse, #Leo, #Mars

  • EP24: Sheri Horn Hasan delves into the psychological & evolutionary meaning of the end of Saturn’s retrograde period & beginning of his sta

    24/08/2017 Duración: 58min

    Join host Sheri Horn Hasan as she delves into the psychological & evolutionary meaning of the end of Saturn’s retrograde period & beginning of his station direct on August 25! Find out what Saturn’s got to do with consciousness, creativity, & other astrological insights into the Lord of Karma’s meaning & purpose in our charts and our lives! Can you “overcome” natal Saturn? Can his lessons help you better express your creativity, intuition, & help you find your “authentic voice?” You bet! How is Saturn related to your own “hero’s journey” & ability to tell &/or write your personal story? Find out more about the bright side of Saturn—especially if you’re an author, creative, intuitive, or psychically-inclined--when you tune in! #Saturn, #retrograde, #psychological, #evolutionary, #station direct, #consciousness, #creativity, #karma, #intuition, #author, #hero’s journey, #write, #story, #authentic voice

  • EP23: MITCHELL LEWIS, financial & medical astrologer, & author

    17/08/2017 Duración: 59min

    MITCHELL LEWIS, financial & medical astrologer, & author, this week to discuss the upcoming Leo New Moon Total Solar Eclipse on August 21 & its potential impact on the U.S. & its stock market! Well-known as an astrological trader and market analyst since he worked on the floor of the New York Mercantile Exchange in the 1990’s, Lewis’s international clientele includes leading financiers, renowned entertainment industry figures, health professionals, and people from all walks of life. Join us to learn more about his predictions for the U.S. (& global) economy, and the individuals overseeing those financial policies now! #Leo, #New Moon, #solar, #eclipse, #stock market, #financial, #medical, #trader, #analyst, #economy, #predictions, #entertainment

  • EP22: MICHAEL LUTIN, astrologer, author, composer, & communicative psychoanalytic psychotherapist this week

    10/08/2017 Duración: 57min

    MICHAEL LUTIN, astrologer, author, composer, & communicative psychoanalytic psychotherapist this week when he brings his special brand of astrological wisdom and humor to discussing upcoming astro-energies! Mercury’s stationing retrograde August 12, Pluto’s still in Capricorn, Uranus is now retrograde, and then there’s the upcoming August 21 Leo New Moon Total Solar Eclipse, as if that isn’t enough food for astrological thought! If you don’t know Michael, there’s only one thing to say: you should! Be sure to tune in or download later, as you won’t want to miss Michael’s insightful prophetic astrological description of what’s going on now and what’s likely to be happening—energetically, at least—in the future…#astrologer, #author, #Mercury, #retrograde, #Pluto, #Uranus, #Capricorn, #Leo, #solar eclipse, #future, #New Moon

  • EP21: Patricia Walsh, evolutionary astrologer, author, & past life regression practitioner!

    03/08/2017 Duración: 57min

    Patricia will talk about identifying past life karma in the natal chart, Roger Woolger’s Deep Memory Process (DMP) regression techniques--which she both practices & teaches--& evolutionary astrology in general. Also on tap is all the news you can use about Uranus stationing retrograde August 3, & the upcoming August 7 & 21 lunar and solar eclipses, respectively! Lots to talk about, so be sure not to miss this undoubtedly interesting discussion about how to identify in your own horoscope issues or energetic patterns leftover from a past life that may be holding you back now! (Also, please note that you can listen to the recording of this show through the same link posted above!) #evolutionary, #past life, #regression, #karma, #natal, #chart, #horoscope, #Uranus, #station, #retrograde, #eclipses, #memory, #solar, #lunar

  • EP20: Nadia Smirnova-Mireau, astrologer & former nuclear physicist

    28/07/2017 Duración: 01h35s

    Join me & this week’s guest Nadia Smirnova-Mireau, astrologer & former nuclear physicist, who specializes in explaining how astrology works in scientific terms! We’ll discuss what’s the difference between astrology & science? IS astrology a science or not? How are the two REALLY related? And how can science be explained on a metaphysical, astrological, & psychic basis? Also on tap: this week’s astro news you can use, including a look back at last week’s Leo New Moon energy, Mercury’s entrance in Virgo July 25 (the sign through which it will retrograde next starting August 12), Venus into Cancer July 31, & the Uranus station retrograde on August 3! #astrology, #science, #metaphysical, #psychic, #nuclear, #Leo, #New Moon, #Mercury, #Virgo, #Venus, #Cancer, #Uranus, #retrograde

  • EP19: Astrologer, author, & holistic nurse Marina Ormes!

    20/07/2017 Duración: 58min

    We’ll talk about the upcoming July 23 Leo New Moon & how you can dip into your creative well, find your muse, & unblock your creativity! This kind of nurturing seed-planting helps you focus on being in the moment and provides a terrific antidote to both past and current trauma…we’ll also speak about Marina’s book Cycles of Healing: Personal Transformation in Relationship to a Living Cosmos, & how to use astrological cycles to help you co-create your own future, especially vis-à-vis the upcoming eclipses (Saros Series cycle!) #evolutionary, #astrology, #Leo, #New Moon, #muse, #creativity, #cycles, #healing, #transformation, #cosmos, #eclipses, #Saros

  • EP18: Professional medical astrologer Lynn Koiner, on Karmic Evolution's Astrologically Speaking

    14/07/2017 Duración: 57min

    Join me today when I interview professional medical astrologer Lynn Koiner, president of the NCGR Annapolis chapter, & medical astrology teacher at the International Academy of Astrology! We’ll discuss issues related to your natal chart and how to identify potential medical issues in your natal horoscope that might be triggered by transits and/or progressions. We’ll talk about Saturn & Mars (the two traditional “malefics”) & how they factor into health & medical issues, as well as the outer planets Uranus, Neptune, & Pluto & their relationship to medical issues. In addition, Lynn has done much research recently on radicalized youth in this era of ISIS terrorism, & we’ll pick her brain about her conclusions from her study of individuals’ charts related to terrorist movements. #medical, #astrology, #Saturn, #Mars, #Uranus, #Neptune, #Pluto, #health, #chart, #horoscope, #terrorist, #research

  • EP17: PSYCHIC LINDA SHIELDS on Karmic Evolution's Astrologically Speaking

    06/07/2017 Duración: 56min

    PSYCHIC LINDA SHIELDS (Call 844-390-8255!) on Karmic Evolution's Astrologically Speaking Thursday @ 11 am PT & 2 pm ET! Venus is in Gemini: Let's talk! Tune in to get your questions answered & hear about the upcoming Capricorn Full Moon on July 8/9! Intense, intense, intense as the Capricorn Moon meets up with Pluto to oppose the Cancer Sun--it's no longer July 4th, but are the fireworks really over? And what's growing up got to do with it? Tune in and find out...#Full Moon, #Capricorn, #psychic, #readings, #Venus, #Pluto, #Cancer, #Gemini, #intense, #fireworks, #July 4th, #astrology

  • EP16: Alex Trenowith, professional astrologer, teacher, & author of the book “Growing Pains!”

    29/06/2017 Duración: 56min

    Join me & Alex Trenowith, professional astrologer, teacher, & author of the book “Growing Pains!” We’ll discuss Alex’s groundbreaking statistical research, born out of her classroom teaching experience & methodical observations, into how teachers, parents, and others can use astrological knowledge to help children better learn & to make teachers, students and parents a whole lot happier! Sheri will also discuss the upcoming Mars square to Pluto on July 2, Chiron’s station retrograde, & Mercury’s square to Uranus leading up to the U.S. July 4th holiday, & the following Sun trine Neptune/Sun square Jupiter on July 5 -6…be sure to tune in, as it’s going to be a bumpy week! #astrologer, #teacher, #author, #classroom, #parents, #Mars, #Pluto, #Mercury, #Uranus, #Chiron, #retrograde, #square, #July 4, #Sun

  • EP15: Join Sheri Horn Hasan & professional astrologer Joseph Polise

    22/06/2017 Duración: 54min

    Join Sheri Horn Hasan & professional astrologer Joseph Polise for this week’s astro-discussion of the Sun’s ingress into Cancer & the June 23 Cancer New Moon! What’s up for us all at this Cancer New Moon? Try the development of greater self-compassion! Aiding us is the trine Venus is making to Pluto, helping us to empower ourselves, as long as we don’t get carried away when Mars squares Jupiter shortly after…join the discussion about this and hear more about Joseph’s upcoming presentation on secondary progressions & forecasting at the local NCGR Philly chapter this Saturday, June 24, & his lecture on Chiron, the wounded healer, on Sunday, June 25! #Cancer, #New Moon, #astrologer, #self-compassion, #Venus, #Pluto, #Mars, #Jupiter, #Libra, #Neptune, #Pisces, #family, #security, #children, #sensitivity, #intuition,

  • EP14: Join Sheri Horn Hasan & her guests, relationship astrologers Margaret Gray & Armand Diaz

    15/06/2017 Duración: 55min

    Join Sheri Horn Hasan & her guests, relationship astrologers Margaret Gray & Armand Diaz, to help sort out what’s up with relationships as Neptune stations direct on June 16! Where have we been fantasizing about unconditional love & how can we be sure are our relationships based on reality? Are things likely to get more confusing in our partnerships or less? Where & how can we find more clarity and proactively co-create our futures over the next 6 months, especially vis-à-vis our partnerships? How can we channel any potential delusion, illusion, or confusion into creativity as we seek out new partners? Tune in and find out how Neptune will reign as it gets ready to station direct! #Neptune, #station, #direct, #relationships, #partnerships, #creativity, #unconditional, #love, #clarity, #co-create, #channel, #illusion, #confusion, #delusion

  • EP13: Astrologer Eric Meyers of Soul Vision Consulting

    08/06/2017 Duración: 01h11min

    Join Karmic Evolution’s Sheri Horn Hasan & Guest Astrologer Eric Meyers of Soul Vision Consulting as they discuss the upcoming Sagittarius Full Moon & Jupiter’s station direct! The upcoming astro-weather also includes shifts into new signs this month for planets Mercury, Venus, & Mars—find out more about these energies & how they may affect you by tuning in or listening to the archived recording. The time is ripe at this Full Moon to co-create a future that involves unification or polarization—YOU decide which one! #astrologer, #soul, #Sagittarius, #full moon, #Jupiter, #astro-weather, #signs, #Mercury, #Mars, #Venus, #station, #evolution

  • EP12: Author, Psychic, & Spiritual Healer Heather Keay

    01/06/2017 Duración: 55min

    Join Sheri Horn Hasan & Amazon #1 Bestseller Author, Psychic, & Spiritual Healer Heather Keay as they discuss psychic capabilities and how to identify these in your natal chart! What does being “psychic” mean? How can you recognize whether or not you carry some--or perhaps many--of these abilities? And if you do, are these positive or negative? How can you make the best & highest use of them? We’ll talk about these & other issues related to healing, including the upcoming Mars square to Chiron, the wounded healer, on June 2, and its entrance into sensitive Cancer on June 4, along with the exciting June 3 Venus conjunction to the planet of unexpected surprises, Uranus, on June 2! #psychic, #healer, #spiritual, #Amazon #1, #natal chart, #Mars, #Chiron, #Cancer, #Venus, #Uranus, #karmic, #evolution, #astrology

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