Weight Loss For Busy Physicians



Are you a busy physician who wants to lose weight permanently so you can have the life you want? This podcast is the resource youve been looking for. Ill guide you on the journey to overcome stress eating, exhaustion, and overwhelm - and move into freedom around food. Each week, this podcast brings you specific tools and resources to meet the challenges busy doctors face. Your time is valuable - and so is your wellbeing. Well help you find the time to care for yourself as well as you care for your patients.-Learn new ways of thinking that make good eating decisions automatic and result in permanent, effortless weight loss.-Find out how to gain the time and energy to take care of yourself the way you tell your patients to!-Well show you how to stop overeating and using food to deal with stress and exhaustion.-Youll learn to improve your relationships and to better deal with the difficult people in your life so you dont need food to cope. -This can be the best stage of your life yet - just like you thought it would be when you started your training.-And most importantly, feel better in all aspects of your life without anything or anyone else having to change. Your host, Dr. Katrina Ubell, is a board-certified pediatrician and a certified life and weight loss coach. After completing her pediatric residency at Childrens Hospital of Wisconsin, Dr. Ubell worked in a private pediatric practice for 10 years before retiring from her practice to become a life and weight loss coach for busy physicians. Dr. Ubell lost 45 pounds in 12 months without any surgery, pills, or unhealthy crash diets.You can find out more about Dr. Ubell and her work at www.katrinaubellmd.com.


  • Preventing Future Weight Regain – Weight Regain Series Part 3

    18/06/2024 Duración: 27min

    What can I do now to prevent weight regain in the future?First of all, congratulations! If you’re asking yourself about prevention, it shows how much you care about your future self and long-term results. Over the last two episodes of the Weight Loss for Busy Physicians podcast, we’ve talked about what to do when you regain weight and how to move forward. Now we’re moving on to prevention. I’m teaching you the thought and behavior patterns you can rely on to maintain a healthy and sustainable relationship with food and stop weight regain before it begins. The cycle doesn’t have to continue, but only you have the power to break it. Topics covered in this episode include:Ways you’re subconsciously setting yourself up for weight regain What you need to change to end the weight regain cycleHow to avoid common causes of weight regain If you’re wondering if this ever gets easier, tune in and I’ll tell you what I think. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Leave a

  • Moving Forward After Weight Regain – Weight Regain Series Part 2

    11/06/2024 Duración: 26min

    You’ve regained weight, you’ve processed your emotions, and now it’s time to do something about it. What’s next?In Part 1 of this Weight Loss for Busy Physicians series, we talked about how to manage your thoughts and feelings about weight regain. In this episode, we’re focusing on how to move forward after weight regain. I’m sharing practical and actionable steps that you can personalize to your journey to create a plan and get back on track. Topics covered in this episode include:Healthy habits to reintegrate into your routine to start feeling better How to lose weight again without reinventing the wheel One game-changing way to make the weight-loss process easier and fasterThere’s no shame in weight regain and you’re not alone! Myself and the rest of the Weight Loss for Busy Physicians community are here for you. Let’s do this together! All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ6vGet the Overeating First Aid Kit n

  • So You've Gained Weight Back... – Weight Regain Series Part 1

    04/06/2024 Duración: 27min

    Have you ever felt like you’re on the rollercoaster of weight loss and weight gain?When you lose weight and then regain it, it can be really disheartening. You’re not alone. In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m going to help you through it. I want us to dig into the emotions that come up when you gain weight back and how to handle and process those emotions in a healthy way. Topics covered in this episode include:Common emotions that come up when weight is regainedThe big problem with trying lose-weight-quick schemes after weight regain A healthy way to process and move on from your weight regain In the next episode, we’ll talk about how to move forward after weight regain, so don’t miss it! All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ6vGo to katrinaubellmd.com/info now to learn more about and enroll in our July cohort of the Weight Loss for Doctors Only coaching program!

  • Overfunctioning and How to Stop

    28/05/2024 Duración: 42min

    Are you the one who is always in control of your family members’ calendars? Do you often try to make other people feel comfortable at your own expense? Do you take on other people’s tasks because you know you can do it faster?If you answered yes to all three of these questions, you might be an overfunctioner. So what is overfunctioning, why do you do it, and how do you stop? In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m taking you through each of these questions and more to help you better understand your own behavior patterns and how they could be harming your health, relationships, and mental well-being. There’s also a much more exhaustive list of examples in the episode that you can use to assess your level of overfunctioning. Topics covered in this episode include:How overfunctioning is going undetected in your life Ways you might be projecting your anxieties or insecurities onto other people Helpful tips for establishing sustainable, healthy, and appropriate behaviorsIf you want to learn what t

  • Try Just One More Time

    21/05/2024 Duración: 22min

    What could happen if you were willing to try just one more time?A great man once said, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Do you know who it was? You’ll have to tune into this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians to find out. I’m sharing nine inspirational quotes to encourage you to keep going and to try just one more time. Topics covered in this episode include:Nine inspirational quotes for your weight loss journey The only way to find out what truly works for you One mindset shift that makes weight loss easier If you could use a pick me up and some words of encouragement, I’ve got you covered. It’s time to try just one more time. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Check Out the Quotes from This Episode: https://www.thomasedison.org/edison-quotes#:~:text=Famous%20Quotes%20by%20Thomas%20Edison,that%20won't%20work.%E2%80%9D Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ

  • How to Stop Speed Eating

    14/05/2024 Duración: 32min

    I am a recovered speed eater… and you can be too! In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m revealing the hidden causes behind your speed eating and how it could be harming your health. I’m sharing things like how to know if you’re a speed eater, how long it should take you to eat a meal, and tips to slow down your eating so you can improve your relationship with food. Topics covered in this episode include:How you could be self-sabotaging without realizing it The unexpected benefits of eating slowly Alarming medical issues associated with speed eating I want you to enjoy your food, feel more satisfied by food, and get the absolute most out of your meals so that you don’t feel the need to overeat. If you want that too, tune in. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ6vTo learn how to lose the last 10-15 lbs in a safe and positive way, register to join Katrina for her upcoming free presentation! Regis

  • Overcoming Weaponized Independence

    07/05/2024 Duración: 26min

    Are you weaponizing your independence?In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, we’re exploring what weaponized independence is, how it prevents you from getting the help you need, and how to break the cycle that it traps you in. Topics covered in this episode include:What help resistance is How to overcome weaponized independenceWhy it’s not sustainable to exist without help If you have a hard time asking for help when you need it, this probably applies to you. Tune in to learn more. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ6vTo learn how to lose the last 10-15 lbs in a safe and positive way, register to join Katrina for her upcoming free presentation! Register now at katrinaubellmd.com/losethelast.

  • How to Stop Eating at Night

    30/04/2024 Duración: 27min

    If you had told me 10 years ago that it was possible for me to stop eating at night, I would’ve called BS. It was a habit that I didn’t think I could ever shake, but guess what? I was wrong! In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m sharing the tips and tricks I used to break the habit of eating at night when I wasn’t really hungry so that I could have peace and freedom around food at all hours of the day and night. Topics covered in this episode include:Why you eat at night How to create new habitsBetter understanding yourself and your emotions As you learn how to stop eating at night, you’ll also learn more about your emotions, your unconscious habits, and what’s causing you to eat when you’re not hungry. If that sounds like a path you want to go down, tune in! All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ6vGet the Podcast Roadmap today at katrinaubellmd.com/start!

  • Update: Weight Loss Medications and Coaching

    23/04/2024 Duración: 23min

    Weight loss medications have been taking the media by storm; let’s talk about it!I have a little more experience and insight into weight loss medications since the last time we talked about them on the podcast, so I think it’s about time for an update. In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, we’re breaking down the stigma around taking or not taking weight loss medications, what to do if you can’t take weight loss medications even though you want to, and alternative ways to get the same results as weight loss medications. Topics covered in this episode include:Quieting the brain chatter around food Skills and tools that can support or replace weight loss medicationHow coaching and weight loss medication can benefit from each otherWhether you’re on medication right now, have been in the past, or never have been and never will be, this episode has something for you. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwG

  • Creating a Smoother Re-Entry After Vacation

    16/04/2024 Duración: 29min

    Have you ever felt more stressed after vacation than you did before?In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m sharing tips and tricks to combat this common experience so that you can enjoy your next vacation in peace knowing that everything will be under control when you get home. We’re also talking about how to get back into a normal routine with food so that you don’t feel like vacation has derailed your progress toward a healthy relationship with food and your body. Topics covered in this episode include:Managing your expectations for your vacation and your return to work Realistic ways to prepare for your return from vacationHow to stop living from vacation to vacation and start enjoying everyday lifeLet’s talk about how to create a smoother re-entry after vacation so that you can feel better after your break, not worse.All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ6vJoin me for "How to Shift From Willpower to 'Want-Power'

  • When Match Day Doesn't Go Your Way

    09/04/2024 Duración: 39min

    So, Match Day didn’t go your way. What now?In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m sharing three do’s and don’ts to help you get through the grief of not getting the Match Day results you wanted. If you didn’t match or you matched with a place low on your list, I’m here to validate and normalize how you’re feeling, help you process your emotions, and walk you through your possible next steps.Topics covered in this episode include:Processing the emotions that you might feel if you didn’t match What options you have if you didn’t match How to avoid relying on emotional eating If Match Day didn’t go your way, this is for you. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ6vTo get the Six Steps to Jumpstart Your Weight Loss for free, go to katrinaubellmd.com/six right now!

  • Making it Through Litigation in One Piece with Dr. Gita Pensa

    02/04/2024 Duración: 55min

    Litigation is a taboo subject in the medical field, but what if we could change that?A lot of doctors live in fear of one day being sued but not a lot of us talk about it. By bringing it up on the Weight Loss for Busy Physicians podcast, I hope that we can open up the discussion and make it less of a scary subject. Dr. Gita Pensa is joining us to discuss how we can support doctors (including ourselves) through litigation so they make it out in one piece rather than broken apart by trauma. She’s sharing why things have to change and how that change starts with us. Gita S. Pensa, M.D. is a speaker, educator, coach, and creator of “Doctors and Litigation: The L Word.” She helps good doctors manage the stressors of adverse events, litigation, and burnout.Topics covered in this episode include:What to do if you’re named in a malpractice caseWho to talk to about what you’re going through How to help yourself and other doctors feel less isolatedOvercoming fear of litigation Whether you or someone you know is going t

  • Overeating in Social Situations

    26/03/2024 Duración: 33min

    How can you stop overeating in social situations?If it sounds impossible to you, listen up. There are all kinds of reasons that you might overeat in social situations and I know we can’t cover all of them in one podcast episode, but I’m going to cover the basics and give you some tools to get started with so you can address your thoughts and beliefs about social eating and make some positive changes. This episode will walk you through some different scenarios and how to handle them and leave you with three questions to ask yourself about your relationship with social eating. Topics covered in this episode include:Addressing your thoughts about social eating Why it’s okay not to eat if you don’t want to How to take the pressure off of social eating Creating a plan for your future self in social situations If you want to stop overeating in social situations, tune in. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ6vTo get t

  • Improve Your Well-Being Through Intentional Focus

    19/03/2024 Duración: 30min

    Are you in the mood for a little heart-to-heart? I think most of us are craving more connection in our lives, so I’d love to take this episode as an opportunity to get real and raw with you and meet you wherever you’re at. In this cozy and chatty episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, we’re talking all about ways to improve your well-being. I’m specifically referencing Shira Gill's list of 12 things within your control to focus on to improve your well-being. If, like me, you find yourself getting overwhelmed by the news and at times feeling hopeless about the state of the world, this episode will help you shift your focus onto things within your control so that you can take action to improve your life and the lives of those around you. Topics covered in this episode include:Ways to take care of yourself Focusing on things within your control The importance of mindset Use this episode as your starting point to improve your well-being. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcas

  • Lose Weight Without Wielding Portion Control

    12/03/2024 Duración: 22min

    What if I told you you could ditch the concept of portion control, never think about it again, and still lose weight?I’m here to challenge some widely held beliefs about portion control because, to be honest, I don’t like it and I don’t think it’s helpful. Many of us feel like we have to use portion control to lose weight even though we don’t enjoy it and it doesn’t feel good. I don’t know about you, but that’s not how I want to live my life. Tune into this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians to hear more about why I’m choosing to reject portion control and what alternatives I’d suggest. Topics covered in this episode include:Why portion control is not the only way to stop overeating How portion control causes you to eat more How to lose weight without portion control Gone are the days of using food and portion control as weapons against ourselves! You deserve more and I’m here to help you find it. All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!Resources Mentioned:Leave a Review o

  • Prioritizing How You Feel Vs. How You Look

    05/03/2024 Duración: 28min

    Do you spend more time thinking about how you feel or how you look?Like so many of us, you’ve probably been conditioned to put more importance on how you look. There’s not necessarily anything wrong with that, but if it’s at the cost of how you feel, it might be time for something to change. In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, we’re exploring the difference between how you feel and how you look and how to shift your priorities from one to the other. I’m here to help you create the relationship with food and your body that you want. Not the relationship you think you should want, but the one you really, truly want. Taking care of your body and listening to how you feel is a big part of that. Let’s get started. Topics covered in this episode include:Why we often prioritize how we look over how we feelHow to improve how you feel in your body What happens when you prioritize how you feelWhat if this one mindset shift could open up the path to peace and freedom around food and the relationship with

  • Leveraging Simplicity to Create Weight Loss Results

    27/02/2024 Duración: 28min

    When was the last time you thought about simplifying your life? One of the biggest problems that people run into when they’re trying to lose weight or improve their relationship with food is finding time. It can feel impossible to fit one more thing into your already busy schedule. If that’s true for you, I want to help you figure out how to simplify your schedule to create the results you want.If you don’t have time for the things that are most important to you, then your life has probably gotten a little overcomplicated and it’s time for some simplification. The simpler the better, right? In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m helping you leverage simplicity to create weight loss results. Topics covered in this episode include:Why things become more complex over time The value of simplifying your life How to figure out what works best for you If your schedule is packed and you feel like you never have enough time to focus on food and weight loss, this is for you. All show notes are availabl

  • Improving Medical Marriages with Coach Sara Payne

    20/02/2024 Duración: 34min

    Do you ever feel like no one really understands what it’s like to be in a medical marriage? Whether you’re a doctor or you’re married to one, a lot of the challenges you face are unique to your situation. Sara Payne is a master-certified relationships coach who specializes in helping women create rock-solid relationships with the most important people in their lives.  I invited her to join us on the Weight Loss for Busy Physicians podcast to talk about this because if anyone gets it, she does.As the wife to a doctor as well as a coach for doctor’s partners, she’s bringing both her personal and professional experience to the table. She knows what it’s like and she also knows that there’s a better way. She’s here to help you understand what your non-medical partner might be thinking, feeling, and experiencing in your relationship as well as how to ask for what you need, get on the same team, and stop playing the blame game. Topics covered in this episode include:The unique challenges that come from being in a r

  • On Being Sensitive

    13/02/2024 Duración: 36min

    Do you think you’re a sensitive person?We’re conditioned to think that it’s bad to be sensitive. If you’ve ever been told you’re being “too sensitive,” you’ll know what I mean, but is sensitivity really a bad trait to have? I don’t think so and I’m going to explain why. In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, we’re exploring how to know if you’re a sensitive person and what that means. I’m sharing a list of 21 signs that you’re a highly sensitive person, so if it’s something you’ve been wondering about, you can use this episode to find answers. We’re also talking about why there are so many sensitive people working in the medical field and how being a sensitive person can contribute to overeating. Topics covered in this episode include:Signs that you’re a sensitive person What it means to be a sensitive person Why sensitive people make great doctorsWays to handle your sensitivity Tune in to find out whether you’re a sensitive person and how to use that information to improve your life. All show no

  • Using Delegation to Improve Your Life

    06/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    What could you be delegating to make your life easier?I want you to really consider this question as you listen to this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians. I think when we have so much going on in our busy lives, we forget that we could ask for help with some of it. Yes, it will cost you to hire help, but how much is your time and well-being worth to you? When you look into it, a lot of the time you’ll find that hiring help pays for itself pretty quickly and becomes invaluable. So, how do you know if hiring someone is the right move for you? What role should you hire someone in? Where do you get started? I’m answering all these questions and more in this episode. Topics covered in this episode include:How to know what to delegate Things you can delegate that you might not have consideredDeciding whether to hire a virtual assistant or someone in personTune in to hear my ideas, tips and tricks, and lessons learned when it comes to delegation.All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/po

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