American Checklist



America is a country based on mindsets, and it's about where you're going, not where you came from. In this podcast series, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young avoid the limitations of identity politics and explain how you can become a better American through eight mindsets.


  • Geographical Americans vs. Philosophical Americans

    30/05/2024 Duración: 47min

    Plenty of people living in the United States claim to be unhappy. Meanwhile, plenty of people living in other countries yearn for the unique freedoms the United States offers. In this episode, the second in a two-part series, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young share three mindsets that anyone—even non-Americans—could adopt to feel better about their lives. In This Episode: Unhappy Americans are dominating the narrative. The left feel negatively about America’s present and past. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is entirely geared to individuals. Happiness has to be worked at and earned. The United States is exceptional in how it encourages and rewards innovations of useful knowledge, skills, and techniques. America is the only country geared to encourage individual success and achievement. The United States is not a convincing argument. It’s a compelling offer. There's a segment of the population that occupies the ranks of higher education and it’s all about argument. Entrepreneurism is the most highly rew

  • The Triple Play of Individualism, Ingenuity, and Exceptionalism

    24/04/2024 Duración: 53min

    Dan Sullivan and Mark Young discuss the U.S. Constitution and its connection to happiness. They share perspectives on the importance of individualism, ingenuity, and exceptionalism in American culture. They delve into the unique nature of the Constitution, highlighting the emphasis on individual rights and the power of the people.  In This Episode: The U.S. is exceptional due to its focus on individualism, ingenuity, and exceptionalism. Many government employees consider themselves to be part of a ruling class. The last three years have been the fastest growing industrial years in history. The Constitution was designed to limit government authority over individuals and prioritize individual rights. The Electoral College ensures representation from all parts of the country. The Democrats have fully embraced Marxist ideologies which don’t appeal to the overwhelming majority of Americans. Dozens of statements that were dismissed as conspiracy theories over the past few years have turned out to be true.

  • The Forgotten Meaning Of The Constitution

    07/03/2024 Duración: 37min

    The United States is approaching a federal election, and many voters are being subjected to psychological manipulation. Dan Sullivan and Mark Young explain how concepts like capitalism are being misrepresented and misinterpreted. In This Episode: The way the U.S. was formed and the way it formalized its growth into a document makes it exceptional. The United States is not a democracy. It’s a constitutionally limited republic. The word “democracy” isn’t used once in the Declaration of Independence or in the U.S. Constitution. Democracy is a method for representation. It's a way of voting. Starting 70 years ago, we've had an encroachment on the part of European thinking, which totally clashes with the individualism guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The craziest people on both ends have the loudest voices.

  • The Role Of Higher Education In The Entrepreneurial World

    15/01/2024 Duración: 36min

    Dan Sullivan and Mark Young discuss the rise of progressivism and the impact it had on American politics. Dan shares his personal experience growing up in a blue-collar Democratic family. The episode explores the Democrats’ singular focus on highly “educated” professionals, and what this means for the future of work. In This Episode: The GI Bill probably was and probably still is the biggest social legislation that ever happened in the United States. After the baby boom, going to university became the expected norm for everybody. Progressivism was really introduced by Woodrow Wilson. You can earn about $150,000 a year as a truck driver, or you can graduate with a four-year degree and earn $40,000 working in an office. Government workers are about input, not outcome. Entrepreneurs don't care about input. They only care about outcome. They care about results. Intellectuals see entrepreneurs as their enemy.

  • President Trump’s Mastery Of Captivating An Audience

    07/12/2023 Duración: 29min

    While the Democrats keep repeating the same rehearsed talking points, President Trump is telling the truth. He has every audience he’s in front of right where he wants them, and that’s always been his way. In this second episode of a two-part series, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young share the ways in which President Trump is different from anyone we’ve ever seen before, and how he has the skills to put an audience in a trance. In This Episode: President Trump has the skill to wander away from what’s written on a teleprompter. Entrepreneurs look for problems because they find problems to be opportunities. When the Democrats share a talking point, it’s highly coordinated on every social media platform. President Trump understands neurolinguistics programming and how to use language, cadence, and timing. You hold an incredible advantage when you understand the entertainment model of modern American society. Links:  Envy: A Theory of Social Behaviour by Helmut Schoeck

  • The Truth Doesn’t Matter In The Trance of Mainstream Media

    29/11/2023 Duración: 30min

    Mark Young and Dan Sullivan discuss media biases, and the search for truth. They shed light on why it’s critical to develop your own philosophy in the face of external noise. Discover why President Trump’s political philosophy was always to challenge the mainstream, and to unravel the trances that dominate US perceptions. In This Episode: People have every right to say what they want, and you have every right to not hire them if they’re not a good fit for your organization. What moves some entrepreneurs from left wing to right wing is their first payroll. Think of your conscious mind as a spam filter preventing information from passing into the subconscious mind. If you don’t hold your own philosophy, the world will never stop trying to craft one for you. All humans are going from hypnotic trance to hypnotic trance. Television news has always been entertainment because it has to compete with everything else on television. Media knows that putting you in a trance is more important than the information they giv

  • Entrepreneurial Mindsets In The White House • Part Two

    22/09/2023 Duración: 39min

    Even if he intends to run, President Biden is not in a good position to get re-elected. Meanwhile, President Trump should have never been counted out. Americans are ready for a change. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young discuss why a big change is due, and what we can expect to shift over the coming years. In This Episode: Forty years of college graduates have been found wanting in the eyes of the average American people. The Republicans winning the house has turned out to be much more momentous than anyone thought. Investigations into the Biden family will go back to when he was senator of Delaware. Lifetime bureaucrats have never created anything. At some point, there will be consensus in the Democratic Party to get Biden out of there. The percentage of the American economy that’s involved in foreign trade is 12% of the GDP. The Democrats fall into the Great Society model, which states that there are only a few gifted people in the world who have the intelligence to make decisions. All the economi

  • Entrepreneurial Mindsets In The White House • Part One

    17/08/2023 Duración: 37min

    Plenty of people are confused as to why President Trump acts the way he does. That might be because Trump was the first entrepreneur in the White House. Dan Sullivan and Mark Young share how Trump’s mindsets line up with those of the most successful entrepreneurs, how he differs from Democrats and career politicians, and why bureaucrats misunderstand the approach he takes. In This Episode: Entrepreneurs see problems as opportunities. In 20 years, all new combat airplanes will be drones. There’s a wisdom and skill that come from doing presidential campaigns. Trump knows that U.S. domestic policy is a form of entertainment. Democrats have only one type of fuel in their tank, and that’s power. Trump isn’t an ideologue; he’s a problem solver. The left doesn’t understand that the more they attack Trump, the more they feed him. You have to take extra steps as your chronological age moves forward. No matter what you’ve done up until now, your future has to be bigger than your past. The closest historical precedent t

  • Capitalism—And Everything Else - Ep. 44

    05/07/2023 Duración: 01h05min

    What is capitalism? Everyone thinks they know the answer, but a lot of people are completely wrong. There’s also the danger of unhappiness that comes with misunderstanding it. Dan Sullivan and Mark Young explain what capitalism really means, the history of its development, why a few people consider it a dirty word, and how one’s understanding of it is the dividing line between happy and unhappy Americans. In This Episode: The American Constitution is an operating system for creating a continually growing capitalist country. Over 50 percent of people under 35 think socialism is a better option than capitalism. Jealousy means you are afraid to lose something you have, while envy means that you want someone else to lose something they have. Envy became institutionalized in the form of socialism. Capitalism was named by its enemies. Ideologies including communism, socialism, and fascism are emotional reactions to the methodology that is capitalism. Capitalism is the only organizing structure that starts with ind

  • The Finest Operating System On The Planet

    05/01/2023 Duración: 49min

    A lot of things have changed since Donald Trump’s first presidency, and a lot will be different about his second presidency, should he win. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young share predictions for the upcoming election, factoring in all of the changes that have taken place in the U.S. and in the world. In This Episode: The Republican takeover at the state level began during the Obama administration. Since the beginning, New York and California have been the two biggest American states, population-wise. This is the first time in history that California is giving up seats, and it’s because of the outpouring of population from California to mainly red states. The U.S. does not tend to choose presidents who come from the country’s biggest states. Donald Trump is the only person who learned politics by getting elected President of the United States. Trump now understands that an empty chair is better than a chair occupied by the wrong person. The rules that applied up until 2016 were all Cold War polici

  • American Change Means World Change Ep. 42

    03/11/2022 Duración: 36min

    For the last 75 years, the United States has helped the rest of the world prosper by providing security and stability. This has come to an end, even though many people argue the U.S. should continue acting as protector and financier. Dan Sullivan and Mark Young give examples of world change happening right now and discuss the very different positions that the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are in when it comes to the future.     In This Episode:   The Republican Party is far more optimistic about the future than the Democrats are.   This isn’t the same Republican Party that Americans grew up with.   There’s a big shift going on in the world, which means there has to be a big shift going on in the country.   The Democratic Party has no “basics” because they’ve distanced themselves from the American Constitution.   The U.S. created the entire global economy so that as many countries as possible could make their way up the ladder in terms of quality of life and living standards.   Russia and China hav

  • To Find The Truth, Just Follow The Money

    06/10/2022 Duración: 28min

    The Democratic Party has been the dominant party in American politics for most of the past few decades, but they may soon be facing a long period of losing. Dan Sullivan and Mark Young discuss some of the issues currently facing the Democrats and share predictions about the party’s future. In This Episode: The socialist wing of the Democratic Party is now its controlling faction. The U.S. is the most protected country on the planet. The Democrats are allied with the old European culture that the American Revolution got the country away from. Society has gotten much more complex, so it needs more agencies, but not to the degree that we have agencies today. The U.S. federal government is the largest single employer on the planet, but they produce nothing, which is a drag on society and the economy. Corporate America has been receiving bribes from China. The U.S. isn’t even in the same category as any other country because it's essentially a continental empire. When the federal government makes a decision, it's

  • Only One Party Might Never Recover Episode #40

    02/09/2022 Duración: 26min

    Only One Party Might Never Recover   As we inch closer to the U.S. midterms, it’s clear that the Democratic Party is in a horrible situation based on their unpopular policies and decisions. Dan Sullivan and Mark Young discuss some of the issues facing the Democrats right now and how they seem to be ignoring them rather than listening to voters. Highlights: Increase solar panels:   President Biden isn’t using the Defense Act to generate more oil or to cut oil prices; he’s using it to increase solar panels.                             Not grasping:  The left says people need to buy electric cars, but they’re not grasping that the cheapest electric car costs $40,000 to $60,000.                                        Totally disconnected:  The bureaucracies are totally disconnected from the people on the ground, working in every state.                                                               Can’t message correctly:   You can’t message correctly to a people you’ve never personally interacted with.         

  • The Seismic Shift Happening In American Politics

    05/07/2022 Duración: 26min

    In This Episode: The U.S. Constitution says that states are in charge of voting. This brings up a lot of complications and a lot of controversies. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young discuss many factors that affect politics and voting in the United States and some of the issues that will be important in the up coming election.   Highlights: Closest to what: Philosophical conservatives might support the Republican party because Republican candidates are the closest to what they want. The Libertarian problem: The problem that Libertarians have had is that they can’t stand being withone another. A moderateRepublican: By today’s standards, John F. Kennedywould probably beconsidered a moderateRepublican. A different party: Politicians sometimes have a better chance of winning a race if they run for a different party. Themselves in danger: Universities, corporations, and bureaucracies are putting themselves in danger by the way they’re currently talking about issues. Not the solution: The American people

  • Come Back Stronger, Two Years Later Ep. 38

    03/05/2022 Duración: 57min

    Coming Back Stronger, Two Years Later Although a lot of businesses suffered over the past two years of the global pandemic, many entrepreneurs have not only survived, but actually expanded and grown. Dan Sullivan and Mark Young talk about how and why they thrived during the lockdown and what they believe things will be like now that we’re getting back to meeting in person. In This Episode: Keep it moving: For certain types of audiences, you have to keep things moving in order to keep their attention and focus. Talk about them: A reliable way to keep your clients engaged is to avoid abstractions and talk only about the clients. Feeling very strong: Entrepreneurs who were able to expand and grow over the last two years are feeling very strong right now. Less fragile: Entrepreneurial companies who receive coaching are less fragile than they’d otherwise be. On check writers: The best people on whom to test out a new product or service are the people who write your checks. Marketing and sales change: Your marketin

  • American Happiness: The Book

    11/03/2022 Duración: 59min

    American Happiness: The Book Dan Sullivan and Dr. Mark Young are proud to share their brand new book with you! Ifyou’d like to discover the mindsets of a happy American, purchase your copy of American Happiness right here:   In This Episode: Created and Blueprinted:  The U.S. was created and blueprinted by the Founding Fathers to be an entrepreneurial republic. Not Their Mindset:  When you have people who say they hate America, it’s because the country wasn’t designed for people with their mindset. Many Are Concerned:  Many people on the right are concerned that progressivism, socialism, and even communism have taken hold in America and areabout to swallow the country up. Can Only Grow:  Progressivism can't grow on the basis of the marketplace. It can only grow on the expansion of government. Unfortunate By-Product:  One of the unfortunate by-products of war is that it expandst he agencies of government in a very non-accountable way. Tend to Gravitate:  Americans who believe

  • At Odds With America - Ep. 36

    04/10/2021 Duración: 40min

    Throughout the history of the United States, there have always been empires confronting the country. Currently, that is The Chinese Communist Party, and there are many aspects of the regime’s history and way of doing business that most Americans aren’t aware of. Dan Sullivan and Mark Young discuss China’s history, its current motivations, and how things have changed now that Trump is no longer in office. • America always gets stronger from taking on empires that confront them. • The Chinese Communist Party sees themselves as the rightful heir to run the world. • Quality of life in China has improved, but it’s nowhere near the quality of life in the U.S. • China is often desperate because exports represent their entire economy. • There’s no history of China interacting positively with the rest of the world. • America is the best investment in the world right now. IN THIS EPISODE Oprah’s interview with Donald Trump (1988): The Accidental Superpower by Peter Zeihan:

  • Why the Biggest Corporations Have Many Enemies: Episode #35

    02/09/2021 Duración: 44min

    Why The Biggest Corporations Have Many Enemies Now that Donald Trump has announced a class action lawsuit against Google, Facebook, and Twitter, a lot of facts will come to light about how these enormous companies profit from their users. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young explain how these corporations use their users’ attention to make money and reveal other practices you might not have been aware of. • Personal liability: In filing a class action suit against not only           companies but their CEOs, Donald Trump is trying to attach           personal liability. • Creating control: By creating a class action suit, Donald Trump       has made himself the lead plaintiff, which means he’ll have             control even if there are many other plaintiffs. • Selling your data: While they’re free to use, Facebook and               Twitter make money by selling their users’ data. • Misusing your attention: A cause of bother that you might not       have identified is that other people are misu

  • The Unhealthy Mind when Gratitude Goes Missing Episode #34

    21/07/2021 Duración: 38min

    The Unhealthy Mind When Gratitude Goes Missing Despite Democrats winning the presidency, the whole party is still wildly unhappy and dissatisfied despite having total control. In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Mark Young theorize why this is, and why things have become so politically polarized in the U.S. Even unhappier: Not being able to blame Trump for all the world’s problems anymore has made Democrats even more insufferable and unhinged. Angry combination: The combination of narcissism, envy, and a lack of gratitude makes for an angry person. Sooner or later: If you hang out with angry, unhealthy people, sooner or later you’ll catch the bug yourself. Availability bias: The trend to believe everything Democrats claim is because of the overwhelming bias of the socialist media. Confirmation bias: Social media platforms use algorithms to deliver information that matches your belief system, keeping you from seeing other points of view. Envious wants: Envious people often don’t want what the other person has; t

  • American Checklist #33

    27/04/2021 Duración: 50min

    Despite the abundance and opportunities that come with living in the United States, many Americans are hopelessly unhappy. The reason is not external factors, but rather their mindset. At a certain point, every one must decide to either make the best of what they have, or complain that everyone else has it better. Join Dan Sullivan and Mark Young as they launch the American Happiness series and learn what it takes to break free of negative thought patterns and find true fulfilment in your life.

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