Diamond Factory



Home of the Monday Nights calls with Jen Springer and Monty Moran. Listen in as they host Young Living Essential Oils related business discussions with guests from Young Living corporate, 3rd party vendors to help you both enjoy the products in creative ways and grow your business at the time, and of course the numerous Young Living Independent Distributor RockStars!This call is sponsored by Young Living Independent Distributor 430739, Peacock Enterprises LTD to support the business builders growing this awesome network marketing MLM company!


  • 2019-03-5 Secrets to Successful Expos & Vendor Events with YL Diamond Yvonne Litza

    08/03/2019 Duración: 01h03min

    Spent money on vendor events and didn’t even get one prospect’s contact info? Presenting your wares and spending a weekend behind a table to have nothing to show for it but a weary set of feet can be discouraging. Vendor and expos events used to be different, it was easy to leave with dozens of names to follow up with and a bunch of enrollments. Over time it has become harder and harder to enroll people, but if you know how things have changed your events will be successful! This Monday Yvonne Litza, YL Diamond is going to give you the 411 on the current state of expos. Yvonne has done some of the largest events in the country and is current on what is working – how fantastic she is going to share these tips with you! What you’ll learn: 1. Both layout 101: what attracts people and makes them feel welcome VS. what you may unknowingly be doing to repel people. 2. To have product on hand or not? This is the #1 question distributors have when doing events. 3. Secrets to getting people TO STOP at the booth vs.

  • 2019 - 02 - 26 Business Not Growing Fast Enough- Maybe It's Self - Sabotage- With Jesse Brisendine

    26/02/2019 Duración: 58min

    OurSimpleTraining.com Business Not Growing Fast Enough? Maybe It's "Self-Sabotage" with Jesse Brisendine Do you wonder if your business isn’t growing as fast as you like because your prospects are all full of excuse or if it could be YOU? Sometimes you get rolling and make monthly sponsoring goals and every thing you touch seems to turn to gold. Other months you cannot get anyone to call you back or show up to presentation. Yep, prospects can be full of excuses. Not everyone is perfect for Young Living at the time you talk to them. But sometimes it’s US. Why would we unknowingly sabotage our success when our business starts to move and shake? Humans are peculiar creatures! This Monday we’re going to talk about SELF SABOTAGE with “Zero Limits” coach Jesse Brisendine. Jesse has worked with thousands of people identify and break through blocks that hold them back from personal and professional success. What you’ll learn: The #1 reason people self-sabotage their success and the best way t

  • Using Incentives & Promotions To Help Get People Enrolled & On ER W- YL Platinum Marco Gentile

    20/02/2019 Duración: 01h16min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR Using Incentives & Promotions To Help Get People Enrolled & On ER w/ YL Platinum Marco Gentile Thought about using promos to help your volume grow but you’re overwhelmed and not sure what to do? There are A LOT of people offering ideas for promos but they haven’t been proven to get long lasting results. WORSE, they are a big waste of money. Retired VP of Research & Development and now Young Living Platinum is a genius at creating incentives and promotions to get members started and also enrolled into Essential Rewards. Marco and his wife Connie are building in the Philippines which is a tough and very competitive market. They have had to be very creative to expand in that market, which they are going to share with you on the call! Oh, we’re also going to talk about Highland Valor! What is it, how it came about, and why would you want to use it. What you’ll learn: What the most effective ways are to get people on Essential Rewards right from the moment of enr

  • 2019 - 02 - 12 Inviting People To 3rd Party Events Tom And Jen

    12/02/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT CALL/ WEBINAR How 3rd Party & Corporate Events Help You Explode Your Team's Growth & Getting them to Show Up! Feeling discouraged because nobody you invite shows up to Rally’s, Convention, or 3rd party events? For some reason they always have a time conflict or “cannot afford it”. You know if they would only show up and hear the speakers it would help the success of their business. You want everyone to love this business and company as much as you and your heart breaks when the seats next to you aren't filled by your team members. Leveraging events other than ones you put n yourself is a fantastic way to create momentum in your team. New members see hundreds or thousands of other distributors and listen to speakers that give them A-HA moments on questions they’ve been asking themselves for years. This Monday, coach Tom Challan will give you the tips and tricks of inviting and getting people to show up even when they have 100 excuses why they can’t. Tom and hi

  • 2019 - 1-28 MONDAY NIGHT CALL Q And A Get Your Questions Answered Time

    30/01/2019 Duración: 58min

    2019-1-28 MONDAY NIGHT CALL Q & A: Get Your Questions Answered Time! Due to many requests we will be hosting regular Q & A sessions every month. This was the #1 topic requested by distributors. The last Monday of the month we'll hold a question and answer session. You may send your question in by replying to this email OR join us on the Diamond Factory System Facebook Group here and ask directly to me when we're live. If you'd like to join us live, be sure to join the Diamond Factory System group prior to the call. We will be doing a LIVE video at the time of the call: http://Facebook.com/Groups/DiamondFactorySystem Types of Questions People Ask: How did the Premium starter kit change? What do I do with flip kits if I have them? What is the difference between a level and a leg in the Young Living compensation plan. How do I explain to prospects what Seed to Seal means so they know how important it is. What's the difference between PanAway, Deep Relief, Cool Azul, and Relieve It? Slique Shake and

  • 19 - 1-21 Benjamin Perkus 60 Second Aroma Reset [Audio]

    22/01/2019 Duración: 01h17min

    Dr. Benjamin Perkus, founder of The Aroma Freedom Technique, will be teaching us how to do a "60 Second Aroma Reset" technique that we can use to stay balanced in our day, or to quickly show others the power of our Young Living Oils. He will explain why we get stuck emotionally and how this stops us from fulfilling our potential, and how The Aroma Freedom set of techniques work quickly yet gently to restore balance. Since the book was introduced in 2016, thousands of people have learned to use the process for themselves, family and friends, and now there are over 750 certified practitioners in 47 states at 19 countries. Bring your oils and a notebook, this will be experiential and fun.Monday Night Webinar: 60 Seconds from Frazzled to Centered with Aroma Reset Ever feel overwhelmed, angry, or scattered and wished you could do a quick “reset” and get back to center? There are so many techniques out there that claim to be the miracle to fixing emotional baggage, how to you know what will work for you?Come thi

  • 2019 -01 -15 Mindset for Attracting New YL Members Into Your Team w/ Jen Springer & Tom Challan

    16/01/2019 Duración: 01h08min

    All gung ho with New Year’s goals to rock your YL business in 2019? After Melissa Poepping’s call last week we got A TON of positive feedback & ideas. You wanted MORE support with attraction mindset that leads to prospects seeking YOU vs. you talking to 100’s of people and sponsoring nobody. How do you get the mental junk out of your trunk when you haven’t been able to rank up as you desire? You can dump the junk, it’s the only way you’re going to turn the success bus around for your business my friend. You see, there is a ‘feeling’ that happens inside your body when your YL business get into momentum. It’s like a buzzy high; everybody you talk to wants to join and people are showing up to your events. New members are seeking YOU out, you’re not doing the chasing. You’re magnetic and you may not even know exactly why. But, there is THAT TIME before the momentum high that feel more like finding hair in your soup or realizing your last bank deposit went to the wrong account and you’ve written 5 checks agains

  • 2019 - 01 - 08 Royal Crown Diamond Melissa Poepping

    08/01/2019 Duración: 01h17min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT CALL Creating Your Most ICONIC Year in 2019, Royal Crown Diamond Melissa Poepping! Every New Year’s eve, we set BIG goals for breaking through glass ceilings and reaching new ranks and yet…. still fall short of these admirable aspirations? Silver to Platinum, Gold to Diamond, Platinum to Royal Crown Diamond, only be frustrated 12 months later because another year went by in “STUCK IN RANK SYNDROME”. Sound familiar? Not achieving these goals year after year leads to the worst thing possible … giving up. It starts with “ugh, I’ll never reach Diamond this year, it’s just not coming together” and leads to “this business doesn’t work for me.” Next up? Letting those dreams slip away and forgetting why you were so convicted to start this incredible business in the first place. I can’t see you take these same steps over and over so friends, I have reached out to someone you may have heard of a few times before and asked her to share some Diamond encrusted

  • 2018 - 12 - 18 Bobbi Decker (YL Gold) And Susan Richardson (YL Diamond) NOW WHAT Scripts

    28/12/2018 Duración: 59min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT CALL The Secret To Enrolling New Members & Getting Them on Essential Rewards From The Start! OH, and they'll be giving a bundle away for someone who shows up LIVE to the call!! Frustrated because you cannot get new members onto Essential Rewards during enrollment only to “HOPE” that some day they will want take advantage of the program? “HOPING” doesn’t build long lasting volume and a stable business throughout the seasons of the years warding of the extreme lows in Summer. This Monday’s Call Bobbi Decker (YL Gold) and Susan Richardson (YL Diamond) will give you the full scoop on how they came together to solve this problem with their books “Now What?” and the “Now What: Scripts”. They used the strategies in these books to propel their team to Diamond with solid growth. What you’ll learn: 1. How does the 2nd Edition differ than the 1st? (Is it worth getting the new one) 2. The exact steps you need to do in order to increase OGV via ER sustainability. 3. Using the

  • 2018 - 12 - 10 How Mom's Can Build YL Part - Time, Maris Russell YL Platinum

    15/12/2018 Duración: 59min

    OurSimpleTraining.com How Mom's Can Build YL Part-Time, Maris Russell YL Platinum. How does a mom of 7 grow her YL business, be a wife, home school, keep family time, and find the time to travel with the family band? Many moms lose control over their time and use their kids as an excuse NOT do to their business. T hey’ll say things like, “I’ll wait until they are older”. Maris Russell, YL Platinum and mom of 7 kids will be on this Monday’s call! Her family is a priority and Young Living gives her the freedom to bring in an income on her own terms. She has built her business over time and on her OWN schedule. What you’ll learn: 1. How to fit building your business in-between time and family obligations so time doesn’t fly without anything happening. 2. When going through a phase of high demand of one’s time, how to stay in touch with the team so they lines of communication don’t fizzle out. 3. Tips on meeting people when traveling, coming off genuine and not sales pitchy. 4. What building Young Living “

  • 2018 - 12 - 3 Couples Working Together For Success With Nancy & Steve Sheridan

    08/12/2018 Duración: 01h02min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT CALL Couples Working Together For Success with Nancy & Steve Sheridan Wonder how couples build YL together? Especially now with the ability for spouses to enroll, how can husbands and wives work together vs. against each other? In Young Living is seems that when couples can figure out their own groove and work as a team – AWESOME things happen with their team growth! Power couple Nancy and Steve Sheridan will be on this Monday to share how they were able to grow steady to hit Platinum in November. They have opposite personalities, which works for them MOST OF THE TIME. The Sheridans have been Young Living members since 2006, brought in to achieve wellness in their family then ultimately lead of helping others do the same by starting their business. You may also know Steve by his fantastic financial book “Journey to Health & Wealth”. Find them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/JourneyToHealthAndWealth/ What you’ll learn: With the ability for spou

  • 2018 - 11 - 26 Balance Yoga Retreat With Pam Hunter, YL Diamond

    27/11/2018 Duración: 01h11min

    To receive emails regarding upcoming guests and topics opt-in here: OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR Balance Yoga Retreat with Pamela Hunter, YL Diamond Wondering what YL’s Balance Yoga Retreat is about? You may have seen it on the Young Living calendar and thought “is that worth going to?”. Well, we were VERY fortunate to experience this event this Fall in Minneapolis – it was alike the events in the “old days” - lots of learning, awesome instructors, hands on, and intimate environment. This Monday Balance & Yoga Retreat Instructor and YL Diamond Pamela Hunter will give you the FULL reason’s WHY this event was created and IF it is a good fit for you. Seeking personal healing and peace, Pamela has been a yoga practitioner for over 20 years. She is also a facilitator of the Urban Zen Foundation’s UZIT Program (Urban Zen Integrative Therapy Program) in the Chicagoland area. You can find Pamela at https://www.funlovinoils.com/. What you’ll learn: How the Balance Yoga Retreat can he

  • 2018 - 11 - 19 Asking For The Sale And The Right Steps To Get New Members Started

    26/11/2018 Duración: 01h04min

    Get the email that notifies you of upcoming calls/ webinars and links to listen/ watch live at OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR Asking for the Enrollment and the Right Steps to Get New Members Started Kinda panic when you sponsor someone who says “I want to do Young Living as a business” because you’re not sure what to do to help them get started? There are so many ways we can share Young Living, what is the best for your new person depends on a few factors. Problem is, too much info and your new member is overwhelmed and do nothing. Too little, they are fending for themselves and often never get started. This instills guilt and frustration for you and your team. This Monday Tom Challan and I are going to talk about getting people to say “YES” to enrolling and then the next steps you need to do to help them get started. What you’ll learn: How to get your new member started to set them up for success, not failure Knowing if someone not “doing anything” is you or them Asking for the enrol

  • 2018 - 11 - 12 Your Road To Diamond W- Eric Walton & Kristin Warnaca

    26/11/2018 Duración: 59min

    MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR Your Road to Diamond w/ Eric Walton & Kristin Warnaca This Monday we have on YL Diamond and leadership expert Eric Walton. Eric spent decades in high level leadership roles and as an executive in the high-tech industry prior to founding Building Up Leaders. Building Up Leaders offers many mentorship programs, including Downline Leadership for the network marketing industry. On this webinar you’ll also enjoy YL Gold and Downline Leadership coach, Kristin Warnaca on the call. What you’ll learn: 1. Getting out of business burnout BURN OUT and back to LOVING your business. 2. Duplication vs. replication. WHAAAAAT, never heard of replication? 3. The leadership changes as you go through the ranks (super important). 4. There is only ONE road to Diamond, find out what it is. 5. Using the book Downline Leadership as a team book club study, is it a good idea or how should you do it?

  • 2018 - 10 - 22 Monday Night Webinar Barney Kuntze And The 2018 YL Success Summit! [Audio]

    24/10/2018 Duración: 01h06min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR Barney Kuntze On The 2018 YL Success Summit! The 2018 Success Summit is about SUCCESS in every area of your life. Physical health, emotional health, relationships, and business success. Have you seen some of this year's topics? Up Close & Personal With Your Lympahtic System Raindrop Technique - Plant Soul in Magic Bottles How to Build a YL Business at Home Aroma Flow Yoga How to Handle People Who Continually Ask For Samples How to Get People Started With Young Living WITHOUT Being Rejected The Summit is put on for YOUR learning and to empower your life - whether you're building a business or not. You can learn how your body works and ways to achieve wellness to strategies and actions to get to a Diamond Income level. This Monday, Barney Kuntze is on the webinar. He founded the YL Success Summit as a resource for Young Living members that would accessible all over the world. You can watch NOW for NO CHARGE until the 28th! WATCH THE SUMMIT HERE

  • 2018 - 10 - 15 RCD Scott Schuler And The Man Up Project Monday Night Webinar [Audio]

    24/10/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR YL RCD Scott Schuler on the Man Up Project In his new book, Scott tells us being a man is about being true to yourself first. It means finding strength in living authentically and then extending that strength to others. A real man is an asset to those around him. In fact, he is completely irresistible. Why don’t men band together like they used to? Throughout history, a man could make a difference but a band of men changed the course of history at the deepest level. But in our current state of society, men are emasculated. Just watch any episode of a sitcom and the men are portrayed as stupid ninnies. Scott Schuler, Young Living Royal Crown Diamond, observed there was something awry with the men in our culture and decided to do something about it. He pioneered the Man Up Project and wrote his book ““MAN UP, There's Something Irresistible About A Bad Boy Who's A Good Man.” On this Monday's webinar Scott is going to talk about leadership, Ride for a Reason, a

  • 2018 - 8-13 Using Essential Oils For ULTIMATE Manifestation Mantras [Audio]

    23/10/2018 Duración: 01h16s

    MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR: Using Essential Oils for ULTIMATE Manifestation Mantras Site Have you every used Abundance oil to bring your more abundance? Or maybe used Hope to bring more hope? It helped you reach your intended goals BUT, could you do MORE to make your dreams a reality? Putting oils together to make OILY MANTRAS will turbo charge your vision boards, business goals, and emotional freedom. Here's an example of what Monty Moran is going to show you this coming Monday. EX: "LIVING WITH PASSION is the INSPIRATION needed to reach my HIGHEST POTENTIAL, have FUN, and have JOY in this PRESENT TIME." Here's what you'll learn: The most important component to making a Mantra that most people leave out. Putting together OILY MANTRAS for emotional centeredness and mental focus. Some of the MOST important and common oils to add in a mantra that lead to your transformation. How to NOT affect free will or force things to happen in your life that aren't for the highest good. What do do when the oil you need is

  • 2018 - 9-24 Platinum Stacy Tiegs On Finding Freedom Through Young LivingMonday Night Webinar

    02/10/2018 Duración: 57min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR 2018-9-24 Platinum Stacy Tiegs on Finding Freedom Through Young Living Know people who would be PERFECT for the Young Living business BUT they are super busy and already successful? It’s easy to judge someone by thinking, “She wouldn’t be interested, she has so much going on and has her own rockin’ career”. It’s easy to judge a book by its cover, but you just never know what is going on behind the scenes of someone’s life. YL Platinum Stacy Tiegs will be on this Monday's call. Prior to starting her Young Living business, she appeared to have a perfect life on the exterior but desperately needed a way to get her time, finances, and family back. She was working 70-80 hours a week in storefront business and her credit cards were maxed out beyond maxed out. She needed a life preserver; Young Living came along at the perfect time because she was at her wits end living life hanging by a thread. This Monday you’ll learn: How to approach the person who appears

  • 2018 - 10 - 1 Practical Uses Of The Personality Colors For Your Team With Sarah Adamo

    02/10/2018 Duración: 59min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT Call 2018-10-1 Practical Uses of the Personality Colors for Your Team with Sarah Adamo Personality colors. Are you a red, blue, yellow, or green? The driver, the party on 2 legs, the helper, and the researcher. If you don’t know, take the test HERE: https://jacobadamo.com/personality-colors-quiz/ Knowing your personality color type is helpful in understanding what drives you and your natural tendencies. You can play on your strengths and be consciously aware of your weaknesses. You can also use the colors to deepen relationships with your team and not get frustrated because you’ll understand how someone is wired. Why? Because the root of conflict is almost ALWAYS due to misunderstanding between people. But knowing your color is fine and dandy, but HOW do you practically apply the knowledge in your life? Identifying you and your team’s colors is step one, but taking the colors to the next level and applying them can be a little confusing. This Monday we are fo

  • 2018 - 9-17​​​​ Finding Time For Self - Care When You Have NO TIME With Lindsey Elmore

    01/10/2018 Duración: 57min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR 2018-9-17​​​​ Finding Time for Self-Care When You Have NO TIME With Lindsey Elmore This Monday Lindsey Elmore, Pharm D, BCPC in the house! As a woman, the demands of your daily schedule can feel like you are being pulled in a thousand directions. Your business / career, family, friends, lovers, and keeping a home can leave you feeling frayed unless you take time for yourself to get recharged. You think, “But I go from 7 am until 11 pm non-stop, EVERY DAY. I cannot possibly take time for me, everything wouldn’t get done.” Massage, yoga, or a long soothing Stress Away bath are luxuries you hope you can enjoy SOME DAY. How can you find time for YOU when there is NO TIME? Lindsey Elmore will give you the low down on the NECESSITY to take time to recharge and reset for your sanity, body, and emotional well-being. Plus, how to hack your day so you can fit YOURSELF in! What you’ll learn on this webinar: What happens to a woman’s body under stress th

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