Diamond Factory



Home of the Monday Nights calls with Jen Springer and Monty Moran. Listen in as they host Young Living Essential Oils related business discussions with guests from Young Living corporate, 3rd party vendors to help you both enjoy the products in creative ways and grow your business at the time, and of course the numerous Young Living Independent Distributor RockStars!This call is sponsored by Young Living Independent Distributor 430739, Peacock Enterprises LTD to support the business builders growing this awesome network marketing MLM company!


  • 2019 - 9-10 Barney Kuntze Digital Leadership

    18/09/2019 Duración: 01h03min

    OurSimpleTraining.com presents: the MONDAY NIGHT CALL: Using Technology to Make Your Business Run Smoother & Easier- Barney Kuntze Experts debate: build your business online or build your business offline? Maybe you can use the best of both worlds??!! The fact is, internet and technology innovation is going to keep heading forward. Whether you want to do simply use the internet to support your team members with product & business knowledge or you want to go full force internet prospecting – the good news is there is a place for you no matter what! On this Monday Night Call episode, Barney Kuntze, founder of the Young Living Success Summit and the Animal Wellness Summit will be sharing with you ways he has found to simplify running your business using a few technology short cuts. Barney has been fully immersed in running successful summits for 5 years. There is an incredible amount of wisdom you can glean from his trials, tribulations, and victories. What you’ll learn: What the future o

  • 2019 - 8-26 Tom Challan 1 Builder A Day Using FB Groups AUDIO

    03/09/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    Get 1 new customer to a builder every day with FB groups. Wondering why you cannot get your Facebook prospects enrolled into Young Living? You’ve been talking to them in your group(s) and following up in Messenger but NOBODY is JOINING! Whyyy?!?!! Imagine what it would be like if you could enroll customers and get them sharing using Facebook groups. Would that help your volume grow this Fall? Most distributors would like to combine local and online methods to grow their business because it gives them more flexibility and reach, but the question is HOW. On this Monday Night Call episode, Tom Challan & Jen Springer are going to be sharing new strategies that are working on Facebook right now using groups. This is a MUST ATTEND event! Tom is a master recruiter, in the last company he and his wife Kim built, their team reached 40,000 in less than 2 years. He’s combining time testing ‘old school’ strategies with social media. What you’ll learn: If you can build your groups and momentum organically or i

  • 2019 - 8-20 Jordan Schrandt RCD Why Events Launch Your Business AUDIO

    21/08/2019 Duración: 35min

    RCD Jordan Schrandt on Why Events Launch Your Business to the Next Rank Events are where magic happens in your team. Events create feelings of belonging, excitement, and momentum. Coming together with like minded people instills change within a person that cannot be made via phone calls or Facebook posts. What constitutes as an event? In home presentations hotel presentations corporate sponsored events distributor sponsored events retreats masterminds Convention and Facebook group events IF done well. Have you ever noticed the most loyal distributors in your team are the ones who have gone to events with you? This Monday we are having on Royal Crown Diamond Jordan Schrandt. She is going to give you her 411 on how she built her team using events. Some of her events were a few people, others had thousands. Learn her secrets to launching a thriving business using events. Jordan is the founder of Diamond Bound Event, the largest independent distributor event outside of Convention. What

  • 2019-8-11 August 10 Rally Update

    16/08/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    The August 10th Rally was incredible! Can you believe we have SOOOOO many new products considering we just had Convention?  Young Living is awesome! The Live Your Passion Rallys are meant to keep you up to date with Foundation news, product releases, and business tips – they are SO important to plug into whether live or online. Rally’s are also a great way for you to create community and culture within your team whether you host your own or attend one as a group. This Monday we’re going to cover the Rally Slides, you’ll be able to pick up tips and information to share with your teams.  Even if you attended a Rally on the 10th, come again! What you’ll learn: The FOUR fabulous NEW Vitality Oils that are going to rock the recipes coming out of your kitchen A new oil for your little ones that is perfect companion for the new Feather the Owl diffuser Two limited edition oils in honor of Young Living’s 25-year Anniversary (One is gone already) Super snack that will be perfect for an on the go snack or afternoon

  • 2019-07-29 The CBD 411 Info You Need to Know!

    16/08/2019 Duración: 01h19min

    What the CBD?!??!?!  The CBD movement is taking the United States by storm but 95% of the population has no idea what to use it for, how to use it, or if it’s even LEGAL. CBD from hemp is helping many people maintain wellness when they’ve struggled in the past. Something so simple as a few drops of CBD under the tongue or a balm rubbed on a join can be life changing. Friends, there are no magic silver bullets – but there are VERY powerful and SIMPLE botanicals like CBD that come pretty close to it. Especially when the CBD has Young Living Oils accompanied with it. This Monday Jen is going to discuss the “need to knows” about CBD derived from hemp so you know if it’s for you and where to begin. What you’ll learn: CBD vs. Marijuana: do you need to worry about getting high or test positive for drugs if you use CBD? How certain essential oils affect the action of CBD through the Smart Spectrum blending. The reasons people turn to CBD to help achieve wellness through good sleep, freedom of movement, PMS comfor

  • 2019-07-22 Convention Update

    16/08/2019 Duración: 01h08min

    HOLY WOW, Young Living knocked the Convention products out of park! It’s amazing how the most anticipated week in Young Living goes by in a blink and now they are on to planning 2020.  There is one thing that Corporate takes very seriously, it’s making Convention the best experience possible for you with product releases, entertainment, and camaraderie. This year also included Young Living holding the new title in the Guinness Book of World Records for the most kisses (10,000+) on a banner - all made with naturally beautiful Savvy Minerals lipstick!  Tomorrow night learn as much as you can in an hour about the new products, announcements, and when 2020 Convention will be.  Just a few things that we’ll talk about:  1. How to order Nature’s Ultra CBD products so you get full PV counted towards your monthly order (plus important details you need to know).  2. IlluminEyes – new vegetarian product formulated for eye support that keeps you seeing clear all day long and prevent damage from _______ (learn Monday!)

  • 2019-7-8 Jen Springer Fields Your Questions And Answers Them Live

    09/07/2019 Duración: 55min

    OurSimpleTraining.com presents THE MONDAY NIGHT CALL Question & Answer Time, PLUS the Young Living FAQ's! Due to many requests we will be hosting regular Q & A sessions every month. This was the #1 topic requested by distributors. The last Monday of the month we'll hold a question and answer session. You may send your question in by replying to this email OR join us on the Diamond Factory System Facebook Group here and ask directly to me when we're live. If you'd like to join us live, be sure to join the Diamond Factory System group prior to the call. We will be doing a LIVE video at the time of the call: http://Facebook.com/Groups/DiamondFactorySystem Types of Questions People Ask: 1. How did the Premium starter kit change? What do I do with flip kits if I have them? 2. What is the difference between a level and a leg in the Young Living compensation plan. 3. How do I explain to prospects what Seed to Seal means so they know how important it is. 4. What's the difference between PanAway,

  • 2019 - 7-1 YL Diamond Megan Jerrelle On Getting New Members To SHARE YL From The Get Go

    03/07/2019 Duración: 57min

    OurSimpleTraining.com presents THE MONDAY NIGHT CALL YL Diamond Megan Jerrelle on Getting New Members to SHARE YL From the Get Go Do you pop up a rank during the Holiday season but just can’t seem to hold it the rest of the year? Or maybe you’ve held a rank on and off though out the year and are at a loss how to get your volume up enough to STICK IT for good. Dancing with a rank is exciting and also stressful. You do more classes, make more follow ups, and give away prizes and volume doesn’t budge, what do you do? During this episode of the Monday Night Call, YL Diamond Monday Megan Jerrelle will share with you how she started her business in 2014 as a new mom with little ones to tend to at home. She also started her business from ground zero without any online social following that would have given her a rocket boost into leadership ranks fast. She’s going to share her secrets of organic growing! What you’ll learn Monday: Getting new members on Essential Rewards and starting to share Young Li

  • 2019 - 06 - 25 YL Platinum Donna Wysong On Building Relationships, The Rest Will Follow

    25/06/2019 Duración: 59min

    OurSimpleTraining.com Presents THE MONDAY NIGHT CALL YL Platinum Donna Wysong on Building Relationships, the Rest Will Follow Not knowing anyone where you live causing your business to be stagnant and not growing as fast as you’d like? You’ve talked everyone you know about Young Living and now unsure what to do to find more people to share with. Feeling like you’re alone on an island without ideas to find other people can be discouraging. Totally get it, now it’s time to think and act out of the box! During this Monday Night Call, YL Platinum Donna Wysong will share with you how moving frequently to new towns where she didn’t know a soul gave her a great advantage to grow her YL business. Donna’s quest for finding a “better way” started back in college as she worked in a pharmacy as a tech and witnessed the cycle of sick care. She didn’t like what she saw and realized people all over are hurting, this lead her to more natural way. Donna found a “better way” to help people be healthy financiall

  • 2019 - 06 - 17 YL Platinum Christan Morales On Achieving Your Big LIFE Vision Through Relationships

    18/06/2019 Duración: 01h30s

    OurSimpleTraining.com presents the MONDAY NIGHT CALL YL Platinum Christan Morales on Achieving Your Big LIFE Vision Through Relationships At a loss of ideas for people who aren’t ordering every month to encourage them to do so? Or how about ideas to support builders and regular product users through the seasons of the year? There is a fine line between badgering and not supporting enough and some days knowing when to do what is downright confusing! On this episode of the Monday Night Call we have on Platinum leader Christan Morales to share with you how she supports her team while she travels around the country with her family living out of on RV. The dream of freedom to travel around the country full time was realized 2 years ago because of the Young Living business. What is exciting there are ways to find balance through building relationships as you meet people in everyday life keeping in touch through technology and we will talk about it on Monday. Christan also just got back from the YL Lead

  • 2019 - 6-10 YL Diamond Courtney Vogel On Having The Energy To Go The Distance In Young Living

    13/06/2019 Duración: 01h51s

    OurSimpleTraining.com presents the MONDAY NIGHT CALL with Host Jen Springer 2019-6-10 YL Diamond Courtney Vogel on Having The Energy to Go The Distance in Young Living Ever feel burned out because you were trying to be everything to your kids, spouse, and YL team? Even if you’re aware of pacing yourself and drawing boundaries you can still wind up feeling fried hitting a wall. Shoot, that can happen just living everyday life without being a YL business builder! Many builders come out of the gate running and hit Executive and Silver, then start to think, “How could I get beyond Silver when my life is so busy now. I couldn’t possibly take on any more daily to-do’s!” On this Monday Night Call episode, we have Diamond Leader Courtney Vogel who is going to share how building a Young Living business can help you navigate back to your core identity through self-discovery as a mom, wife, and entrepreneur. Her journey of stepping into her power is a story you’ll want to hear! What you’ll discove

  • 2019 - 05 - 28 Organically Growing An Empowered Team With YL Platinum Mollie Moses

    28/05/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    OurSimpleTraining.com presents the MONDAY NIGHT CALL Organically Growing an Empowered Team with YL Platinum Mollie Moses Can’t imagine growing beyond where you are now because of the time and energy demand you put in every week? When you start to feel like your business owns you, it’s time to do some self check-ins with how you are managing your time and team so you don’t burn out. Hitting a wall and burning out is the #1 reason people quit their business. Good news friend, you can turn that around in a jiffy! This Monday YL Platinum Mollie Moses joins the call to share with you how she organically grows her team while being a mom of 3 boys, a wife, and woman of faith. She has a passion for teaching those she loves about healthy living and nutrition which began with her personal journey when her son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Mollie has a thriving team of empowerment and collaboration which allows her members to enjoy abundance and freedom while achieving their goals. What you’ll l

  • 2019 - 5-13 Successfully Working YL w Your Spouse & Maintaining A Healthy Marriage- Kim Challan

    14/05/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR Successfully Working Young Living With Your Spouse & Maintaining a Healthy Marriage with Kim Challan Is working side by side with your spouse a Young Living goal of yours? Paying off debt, freedom to travel, and “bringing a spouse home” are the top 3 reasons distributors share when asked why they want to create a significant income with Young Living. Problem is, spending day in and day out with your significant other can STRESS you out to the max!!! Power struggles, conflicting ideas, or who’s going to do housework can make a girl feel a little MORE than frazzled. The struggles are real! Loving relationships can suffer when the lines become blurred between spouse and business partner. This Monday Kim Challan will share with you the good, the bad, and the ugly working with your spouse in network marketing. She and her husband Tom have worked side by side for well over 20 years providing for their family solely through this industry. They have been able to raise

  • 2019 - 05 - 07 Alternative Internet Ideas For Team Communication And Culture w Barney Kuntze

    09/05/2019 Duración: 01h12min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT CALL Using the Internet for Team Communication & Culture When Nobody Seems To Be Seeing Your Stuff w/ Barney Kuntze Having a hard time supporting your team effectively online? The internet is awesome, especially when using it to keep your team informed & trained far and wide. Problem is, your active team members aren’t seeing your posts or emails. Now what? This Monday Barney Kuntze is going to share, what a lot of leaders are thinking about right now- which is how do I build my team community online with FB group interactions dying? Barney is the leader of the YL Success Summit, which this year it is Oct.7th - 16th. The Summit is now 10 days instead of 14, as it was getting just way too long! SPRING SALE starting May.7th, so pre-register if you haven’t already as we will be emailing out the SPRING SPECIAL. HINT: It has something to do with BOGO & saving over $200 GO HERE NOW The Future Of Your Team Online: The BIG elephant in the room with FaceBook Groups f

  • LIVE Roll Playing 'The Right Words To Say' To People You Want To Enroll In Young Living

    03/05/2019 Duración: 01h24min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR LIVE Roll Playing "The Right Words to Say" to People You Want to Enroll in Young Living w/ Tom Challan Curious what conversations should sound like with people you’d like to enroll in Young Living? Like ACTUAL conversations, roll played out? It’s one thing to talk about what you should say but it’s another to hear the words going back and forth. A few weeks ago, Tom and Jen talked about opening conversations and words you could say. We did a few mock conversations, but this Monday Tom is going to role play with distributors … maybe even you, if you want! If you get tongue tied asking someone to enroll or have regrets of words you said that caused a “no, I need to think about it”, then get on this call and raise your hand for help working out a sticking point Tom Challan has lead teams of 40,000+ which the foundation was on having clarity and confidence when having conversations with people about products and business. What you’ll learn: How to iden

  • 2019 - 04 - 23 - The Spirit Of The Young Living Farms Beyond Seed To Seal With Jason Sapp- YL Gold

    23/04/2019 Duración: 43min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT CALL The Spirit of the Young Living Farms Beyond Seed to Seal with Jason Sapp- YL Gold **Note: First 15 minutes of recording was lost** Click, click, click and in 5-7 days your oils show up! Are there trees that yield oil bottles that the warehouse picks off of to send to you? LOL, of course not. The oils come from the plants and trees from the Young Living or Partner farms. What you have at Young Living via the Seed to Seal promise is very special. You can go to the farmer’s market and meet the farmer who’s yield is on the table. But imagine that same thing with a company that is well over a billion dollars in annual sales! That is quite a feat and a forerunner in the health & wellness industry. This is not a marketing trend, this is the way YL has been for 25 years. This YL Gold Monday Jason Sapp is going to share with you his farm experience. Jason is a veteran, author of “The Miracle of Essential Oils”, and creator of Trauma to Freedom Symposium. Whe

  • 2019 - 10 - 8 MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR Live Your Passion Rally Update [audio]

    11/04/2019 Duración: 48min

    Live Your Passion Rally Update 2019-10-8 MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR [audio version] OurSimpleTraining.com April 6th Rally Update! *NEW PRODUCTS* Rally wrap up this Monday! Young Living Passion Rally's were hosted all across the country last Saturday, but we know not everyone could make one. The Rally's are hosted quarterly in unison on a particular day. They are meant to get important training and announcements to Young Living members so everyone fells like they are in the loop. We're going to do a once over on all the information from the Rally, which includes the scoop on ALL of the new products! What you’ll learn tomorrow: 1. The full scoop on the purpose and function of the 7 new products 2. Which new products are limited edition and which are permanent stock items 3. Two YL Gear items that you’ll love and how long you can get 10% off on them 4. Winning with Dream 1000: oils, training, trips, and how SIMPLE it is to get points 5. The next new international market opening this April PS, when you re

  • 4-1-2019 Tools And Resources To Make Running Your Business Simple w- Andy Jenkins

    04/04/2019 Duración: 01h06s

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT WEBINAR Tools & Resources to Make Running Your Business Simple w/ Andy Jenkins Overwhelmed by tools and ways to keep your business organized? There is so much tech out there these days, it can be overwhelming. What do you do? This Monday's guest Andy Jenkins writes books, teaches at live events and online, and runs several social media channels designed to empower people to walk in physical, emotional, and spiritual health. He equips people to move from where they are to where they’re designed to be, so they can live their full potential in area of life. The YL organization he’s built since jumping into essential oils 5 years ago hit Diamond last Fall. Now, he’s working on a new educational resource with natural health juggernaut Dr. Jim Bob Haggerton and Royal Crown Diamond Ernie Yarbrough. What you’ll learn about OilyApp & OilyApp+: 1. Are these apps easy to use and compliant? 2. What results people have gotten from Star to RCD ranks 3. Is this an m

  • 2019 - 03 - 25 Secret Sauce Of The Mindset W YL Diamond Bethany Shipley

    30/03/2019 Duración: 01h01s

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT CALL Secret Sauce of the Mindset w/ YL Diamond Bethany Shipley Is Young Living truly for anyone or just people who are outgoing and good at sales? You may have heard people you’ve sponsored talking themselves out of the business before they even get started. They say phrases like, “I’m not like you” “I’m not good at sales” or “You got in early” ...and you don’t know how to respond to help them get started with confidence. This Monday we have on Bethany Shipley who reached Diamond within 4 years of starting the business. Her passion is to help people with their inner mindset of abundance so they can create thriving Young Living Businesses. She whole heartedly believes exponential growth comes from personal development of the leader and their team. What you’ll learn: Why this one mindset formula can a shift a struggling business into one of explosive growth. Outsourcing? The things you should be doing yourself and what to outsource and WHEN. Getting new

  • 2019 - 3-11 Positive Thinking + ???? = Abundance with Money Mindset Expert Daryl Hill

    12/03/2019 Duración: 01h03min

    OurSimpleTraining.com MONDAY NIGHT CALL Positive Thinking + _________ = Abundance w/ Money Mindset Expert Daryl Hill Having a hard time staying in the ‘positive zone’ with your business? You’ve been told to stay positive and think abundantly to manifest an upranking business, but the trick is how to do that when faced with daily challenges. No shows, people quitting, and order snafus can tank a good mindset in 3 seconds flat. This Monday former Marine and money mindset expert Daryl Hill will help you understand why positive thoughts alone don't get you to your Young Living goals. There will be a point in your business you’ll hit a wall that no matter what you do, your team won’t grow. This plateau can happen at any rank, whether you are a new member or been around 20 years. Daryl is going to explain why the plateau happens and even take you through a meditation on the call! Meet Daryl HERE https://darylhill.com/home/my-journey/#bio What you’ll learn: How seemingly insignificant even

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