Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement



Join us on the Taste for Truth Podcast as we go to God for help with weight loss. We'll have victory interviews, coaching interviews, author interviews, tips, and even opportunities to renew your mind while you're listening to the podcast. My goal is to encourage you and equip you to break free from the control of food with Gods help.


  • Victory: 116 Pound Weight Loss with Helen Baratta and First Place 4 Health

    15/11/2017 Duración: 24min

    New Taste for Truth Online Bible Study begins December 5, 2017. See Online Bible Study page on barbraveling.com, for details. In today's podcast episode, Helen shares how she lost 116 pounds and kept it off for 7 years and still going with God's help.  Helen is an author, speaker, First Place 4 Health Health group leader, triathlete and nationally certified fitness instructor. She serves as Director of Development for First Place 4 Health. How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Resources We Talked About On the Podcast: Helen's book: Restored: Embracing Weight Loss God's Way First Place 4 Health Christian Weight Loss Program I Deserve a Donut weight loss app Disclaimer: The information on this podcast and website is for educational and encouragement purposes only. Barb is not a medical professional or a counselor. So, please be sure to talk with your doctor, dietician, or

  • Ask Barb #3 - Questions on Christian Weight Loss

    01/11/2017 Duración: 21min

    Join us on today's podcast as we talk about the following questions from listeners: How do I overcome the fear of gaining my weight back? What if you start to struggle again after you thought you were over this - for example, years down the road you gain some of your weight back? What do you think of intermittent fasting? How does a wife and mother succeed when so much of life revolves around food - i.e. shopping, preparing, cleaning up after meals, etc. What questions would you use for grief? How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Resources we Talked About on This Podcast: Holiday Renewing of the Mind Challenge Class - This is a FB group so you'll need to make a request to join the group after you click on the link. Directions for how to write a podcast review (I gave you the wrong link on the podcast.) Other Resources: Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Stu

  • How to Lose Weight and Honor God with Your Body with Sara Borgstede

    18/10/2017 Duración: 19min

    Do you struggle to lose weight and keep it off? In this episode of the Taste for Truth Weight Loss Podcast, Sara Borgstede shares how she lost 100 pounds with God's help. We'll also talk about five steps you can take to lose weight and honor God with your body. Sara and Becky (from the 4/12/17 podcast episode, "Weight Loss Tips") are just now launching an exciting new online program called "Faithful Finish Lines" Click here to check out their new program! Sara Borgstede is a speaker, writer, and triathlete. She and her husband, Mike, who is a pastor, have 5 children through birth and special needs adoption and were foster parents to 35 others. Sara takes a lot of power naps. Resources Mentioned in the Podcast: 7 Week Faithful Finish Lines Online Class Faithful Finish Lines Pinterest Page Sara's blog How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Other Resources: Taste for Tru

  • Ask Barb Session Two

    04/10/2017 Duración: 22min

    We'll discuss the following questions from listeners in this episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast: How to tame the sweets monster and change our thinking in the area of those foods we have a hard time saying no to How to change our desires and get to those root lies that fuel our desires (see below for something I forgot to add to the podcast on this) What to do when you have group accountability and everyone else is breaking your boundaries, but you're following them. How to choose boundaries when part of me wants them and part of me doesn't want them. How to go from dieting to lifelong boundaries when they look and feel like the same thing. Things I forgot to say on the podcast: Whenever I do a podcast like this, I often think of things I should have said afterward, but it's too hard to go back in and retape it to include those things--so when that happens (and it will only happen on podcasts that I do myself rather than interviews), I'll include that info on the blog post! I realized afterward that I m

  • Overcoming Black and White Thinking in Your Weight Loss Journey with Brandice Lardner

    27/09/2017 Duración: 24min

    Are you an all or nothing eater? Either completely on the plan or--the minute you break it--completely off the plan? Many of us struggle with black and white thinking with both our exercise and weight loss plans. This trips us up and discourages us, keeping us from reaching our health goals. In this episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast, Brandice Lardner will show us how to overcome black and white thinking in our weight loss journey. Brandice is a nutrition coach and blogger at Grace Filled Plate. She teaches women how to ditch diets and restriction and find peace with food through God's grace. Grace that then overflows into a healthy lifestyle.   To learn more about stepping away from black-and-white thinking and creating a sustainable, healthy lifestyle, check out The Ultimate 12-Week Healthy Habit Goal Setting Planner.  How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Resources

  • One Lie That Keeps Us From Losing Weight

    23/08/2017 Duración: 16min

    In today's podcast, we'll discuss a lie we often believe that affects all sorts of things in our lives, including weight loss. If we can take off this lie and put on the truth, our desires will change and it will be easier to lose weight and keep it off. We'll also discuss 4 questions we can ask that will help us renew our minds about following our boundaries, exercising, eating healthy foods, and other activities that will help us live the way we want to live: Do you like this activity? What are the benefits of doing this activity? What are the consequences of not doing this activity? Do you think God wants you to do this activity, and if so, why does He want you to do it? How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Other Resources: Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study Freedom from Emotional Eating: An 8 Week (40 Day) Bible Study I Deserve a Donut (And Other

  • Coaching: Entitlement, Renewing, and the Slow Process of Change with Mindy

    16/08/2017 Duración: 33min

    Today I'm excited to have Mindy on the podcast! Here are a few of the topics we'll be talking about: Not wanting to submit to boundaries What boundaries to choose Afternoon Mindy and Morning Mindy Our relationship with food  Spiritual Battle Discouragement and the slow process of change Why it's not easy How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Resources We Talked About On the Podcast: Renewing of the Mind Project Facebook Group Christian Weight Loss Pinterest Board Other Resources: Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study Freedom from Emotional Eating: An 8 Week (40 Day) Bible Study I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat) Barb’s blog at barbraveling.com I Deserve a Donut weight loss app If you'd like to write a review for the Taste for Truth Podcast: Please click here for directions and thank you in advance! I appreciate it! Disclaimer: The i

  • How to Say No to the Social Pressure to Overeat

    09/08/2017 Duración: 15min

    Do you ever feel pressured to eat in social occasions? Maybe you're at a social event where everyone is eating and you don't want to be odd man out. Or you're with friends or family who will judge you if you don't eat a lot. Or maybe you're being outright pressured to join the fun and eat to your heart's content. If you want to follow your boundaries in those situations, this podcast will help. We'll be talking about 9 lies that make us cave to the social pressure to overeat and 9 truths that will help us not cave! How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Resources We Talked About On the Podcast: The Lies That Make Us Cave to the Social Pressure to Overeat Other Resources: Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study Freedom from Emotional Eating: An 8 Week (40 Day) Bible Study I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat) Barb’s blog at barbraveling.com I

  • Coaching: Developing a Renewing of the Mind Habit with Nanci

    02/08/2017 Duración: 35min

    Are you intrigued by the renewing of the mind but not sure where to start? Or maybe you know where to start but you're having a hard time making yourself start? In today's episode, I'll be talking with Nanci about starting a renewing of the mind habit. Here are some of the questions we'll be discussing: What to do when you have your renewing time How to stay focused How to know when you've renewed your mind How to get to the truth when you truth journal The difference between doing I Deserve a Donut questions in your head or on paper Questions about truth journaling Scripture meditation How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Resources We Talked About On the Podcast: 3 Most Common Truth Journaling Mistakes Video on Scripture Meditation Renewing of the Mind Project Facebook Group The questions I mentioned in the Renewing of the Mind Project were the "Lack of Importance" q

  • Embracing Weight Loss Boundaries - 10 Lies That Interfere

    26/07/2017 Duración: 13min

    Do you ever struggle to follow your weight loss boundaries? Sometimes the reason we struggle is because we're believing lies about the boundaries. In today's podcast, we'll talk about 10 lies we believe that keep us from embracing our boundaries and 10 truths that will help us want to follow them. I'll also give you a chance to renew your mind at the end of the podcast by listing your own truths for each lie. How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Resources We Talked About On the Podcast: The Lies We Believe About Rules Other Resources: Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study Freedom from Emotional Eating: An 8 Week (40 Day) Bible Study I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat) Barb’s blog at barbraveling.com I Deserve a Donut weight loss app If you'd like to write a review for the Taste for Truth Podcast: Please click here for directions and t

  • Victory: Overcoming Emotional Eating with Meg Fisher

    19/07/2017 Duración: 24min

    Today I'm excited to have Meg Fisher on the podcast. Meg is an online holistic nutritionist and personal trainer who is going to school to become a naturopathic doctor. She works one on one with women to help them overcome emotional eating. She also has her own story of how God broke her free from emotional eating from the inside out. We'll be talking about that story on the podcast. Some of the topics we cover are bulimia, renewing your mind, body image, stress eating, and the negative influence of social media. You can find more about Meg's story at her website and also sign up for a free half hour consultation if you'd like some help with overcoming emotional eating! How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Resources We Talked About On the Podcast: Meg's Website: megfisherwellness.com The Power of Off: The Mindful Way to Stay Sane in a Virtual World Other Resources:

  • 5 Lies That Make Us Feel Hopeless About Losing Weight

    12/07/2017 Duración: 10min

    Do you ever feel like you'll never be able to lose weight and keep it off? We often feel that way after yet another episode of boundary breaking with food. In this podcast episode, we'll talk about 5 different lies we believe that make us feel hopeless and 5 truths that will make us feel more hopeful again. How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Resources We Talked About On This Podcast: I Deserve a Donut blog post that this podcast was based on Pictures of Our Hike Up Trapper Peak: The top of the mountain (Scott is still chewing his sandwich in this picture, I think.) I did a face plant sliding down one of these snowfields!  Taking a break on the way down (one of our friends took this picture)  The lake we hiked past on the way up and the way down The wildflowers  Other Resources: Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study Freedom from Emotional Eating: A

  • 21 - Renew: Vacation and Holiday Eating Questions and Bible Verses

    03/07/2017 Duración: 15min

    Do you ever find yourself eating too much on vacations and holidays and then regretting it later? If so, this podcast will help! We'll be talking about: 4 different approaches you can take to following your food boundaries on holidays and vacations 4 truths that will help you follow your boundaries during holidays and vacations I'll also give you an opportunity to renew your mind as you listen to the podcast with the vacation/holiday eating questions and Bible verses from the I Deserve a Donut app. How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Other Resources: Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study Freedom from Emotional Eating: An 8 Week (40 Day) Bible Study I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat) Barb’s blog at barbraveling.com I Deserve a Donut weight loss app If you'd like to write a review for the Taste for Truth Podcast: Please click here for

  • 20 - Coaching: Grief, Afternoon Eating, and Accountability with Frances

    28/06/2017 Duración: 29min

    Today I'm excited to have Frances on the podcast with us. We'll be talking about how to deal with grief, afternoon eating, and Frances's experience with having an accountability partner. Frances lost 15 pounds during a Thin Within Bible Study and still has 10 pounds to go. She's using three meal a day boundaries and also incorporating what she's learned from Thin Within on 0-5 eating. How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Other Resources: Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study Freedom from Emotional Eating: An 8 Week (40 Day) Bible Study I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat) Barb’s blog at barbraveling.com I Deserve a Donut weight loss app If you'd like to write a review for the Taste for Truth Podcast: Please click here for directions and thank you in advance! I appreciate it! Disclaimer: The information on this podcast and website is for

  • 19 - Coaching: "Good" Food/ "Bad" Food, Weekend Eating, & Renewing with April

    21/06/2017 Duración: 30min

    Today I'm excited to have April Hagen on the podcast with us. We'll be talking about the following topics: What does the renewing of the mind look like? Lies that make us eat too much on weekends Lies that can keep you from logging food on a fitness tracker Are some foods good and some foods bad? Two different ways we can go overboard with thinking of some foods as "bad" April just recently started doing the Taste for Truth study and renewing her mind. She's using a fitness tracker and calories to lose weight.  How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Other Resources: Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study Freedom from Emotional Eating: An 8 Week (40 Day) Bible Study Barb’s blog at barbraveling.com I Deserve a Donut weight loss app If you'd like to write a review for the Taste for Truth Podcast: Please click here for directions and thank you in advance! I a

  • 18 - Renew: Entitlement Eating Questions and Bible Verses

    07/06/2017 Duración: 16min

    Do you ever feel like you should be able to eat what you want when you want? Or do you ever think, "I'm fed up with these boundaries! I shouldn't have to live this way! I'm going to quit this old eating plan!!!"? If so, this podcast will help. First we'll talk about where entitlement comes from and two lies that feed into it. Then I'll give you an opportunity to renew your mind with the Entitlement Eating  questions and Bible verses from I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat).  How to Sign Up for Victory or Coaching Interviews: Also, if you'd be willing to consider coming on the podcast as a guest interview, sign up for an appointment at this link: Sign-up for Interviews. I do the interviews by Skype, which is a free program that's easy to add to your computer. When you click on the sign-up to do an interview, you'll find out what my Skype address is so that you can request me as a contact and be ready for the interview. You'll need WIFI to do the interview. I hope many of you sign up as it wil

  • 17 - Coaching/Victory: Developing an Exercise Habit & Weight Loss Success with Pat Yokley

    31/05/2017 Duración: 31min

    In today's podcast, Pat Yokley shares how she lost 60 pounds through Weight Watchers and calorie counting. We also discuss ideas to help Pat add a couple more days of exercise to her routine each week and the lies we believe that keep us from exercising. How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Before: After:  Resources We Talked About on the Podcast: Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study I Deserve a Donut weight loss Renewing of the Mind Project Disclaimer: The information on this podcast and website is for educational and encouragement purposes only. Barb is not a medical professional or a counselor. So, please be sure to talk with your doctor, dietician, or other certified health professional when seeking advice about your own weight loss or weight maintenance plan.  

  • 16 - Victory: Weight Loss Success with Sarah Francois

    24/05/2017 Duración: 31min

    Today I'm excited to have Sarah Francois on the podcast. Sarah will be talking about how she lost weight with God's help, using three meals and two snacks for boundaries and the Taste for Truth Bible study to renew her mind.  How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Bible Verses We Talked About on the Podcast: 1 Peter 1:14 1 Timothy 4:7 Other Resources: Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study Freedom from Emotional Eating: An 8 Week (40 Day) Bible Study I Deserve a Donut weight loss app Disclaimer: The information on this podcast and website is for educational and encouragement purposes only. Barb is not a medical professional or a counselor. So, please be sure to talk with your doctor, dietician, or other certified health professional when seeking advice about your own weight loss or weight maintenance plan.

  • 15 - Victory: Weight Loss God's Way Challenge with Janet Mullins

    17/05/2017 Duración: 25min

    Janet started having problems with her weight when she was ten years old and continued struggling as she grew older. She tried many programs, but none seemed to work. Finally, she tried Cathy Morenzie's Weight Loss God's Way program and learned the tools she need to break free from the control of food. In this podcast, she'll be discussing what got her to give her weight to God and find victory.  How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Resources We Talked About on the Podcast: Cathy Morenzie's Weight Loss Challenge: click here Other Resources: Taste for Truth: A 30 Day Weight Loss Bible Study Freedom from Emotional Eating: An 8 Week (40 Day) Bible Study I Deserve a Donut weight loss app Disclaimer: The information on this podcast and website is for educational and encouragement purposes only. Barb is not a medical professional or a counselor. So, please be sure to tal

  • 14 - Victory: Weight Loss Success with Micah Brooks

    10/05/2017 Duración: 24min

    When Micah was 23, he was told that he had sleep apnea and would have to be on a breathing machine for the rest of his life. He weighed 242 pounds at the time and thought it would be worth a try to see if losing weight would help. He didn't want to be on a breathing machine for the rest of his life. Over the course of the next year, Micah lost 72 pounds through changing his eating habits and adding exercise into his life. This enabled him to get off the breathing machine, and he's kept the weight off for the last eight years. In this interview we'll talk to Micah and find out more about his journey.    How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen and subscribe on Stitcher: click here To listen and subscribe on Google Play: click here Resources We Talked About on the Podcast: Micah's website: micahbrooks.com Micah's how-to guitar books and other books on Amazon: click here 21 Day Character Challenge: click here Micah's weight loss blog post with before and after p

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