The Entrepreneurs Library With Wade Danielson



The Entrepreneurs Library is a podcast for the Entrepreneur, Small Business Owner, or Wantrepreneur who is inspired by the works of successful entrepreneurs such as Malcolm Gladwell, Pat Flynn, John Lee Dumas, Tim Ferriss, and Gary Vaynerchuk. The purpose of The EL podcast is to bring the authors of the latest business development books and their readers together ultimately helping these business lovers, like you, build their personal library. Each episode takes you deep into the latest business books and brings you closer to their best selling authors who share their inspiration, failures, successes, quotes, favorite books, and much more. Welcome to The Entrepreneurs Library, where It Is All About The Book.


  • Traction: A Startup Guide to Getting Customers by Justin Mares | Episode 035

    28/08/2014 Duración: 19min

    In this episode Justin Mares shares his book Traction which is a guide for entrepreneurs and business owners who need help getting customers. The purpose of this book is to place business founders ahead of the competition no matter what kind of business they are running. If you are starting a business and do not have a ton of budget, this book is for you.About Justin Mares:“I co-founded two companies, one was acquired and the other a bust. Most recently I was director of revenues at a company called Exceptional Cloud Services who got acquired by Rackspace about a year and a half ago now. I recently left Rackspace and now I’m launching Traction Book which is a startup guide to getting customers and that will be coming out August 26, 2014.My co-author Gabriel Weinberg and I both noticed that today the challenge is not so much in building a product but that companies are struggling to get traction. The inspiration in writing the book was to provide startups with the framework and tools to focus on and get tracti

  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill | Episode 034

    27/08/2014 Duración: 43min

    In this episode Don Green, director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, shares his exclusive insights into Think and Grow Rich, the original landmark bestseller for all business people. This book is a must have and is perfect for entrepreneurs, business executives, and owners who are searching for the secrets on how to become rich. Green unveils the inspiration behind Napoleon Hill's motives and gives you a complete deep dive into the main concepts for real business success.About Don Green:“I come from banking and finance background of 38 years and I was a bank president for 28.  While I was president of the bank I contacted Napoleon Hill Foundation when they invited me to come up and have dinner with them. It was then that I was invited to be a board member of the foundation. Around the year of 2000 the previous executive director asked me to take over and it’s worked out just wonderful ever since.” – Don GreenAbout Napoleon Hill:Napoleon was in law school at Georgetown University when he had the big idea of wr

  • The New Rich by David Moore | Episode 033

    26/08/2014 Duración: 25min

    In this episode David Moore take a deep dive into his book The New Rich which features real interviews with entrepreneurs such as Mike Michalowicz, John Lee Dumas, Corbett Barr, and Dane Maxwell. This book is perfect for the entrepreneur who is looking for some great tips, advice, and mechanics that come with finding your passion and turning into profitable income.About David Moore:“I am an online business coach, lifestyle entrepreneur and run a blog online called The New Rich where we interview other successful entrepreneurs.I have years of experience of being in jobs that you just don’t really enjoy and aren’t fulfilling. I’ve always had a burning desire to go off and start my own business but it took me awhile to overcome the barriers, mindset and challenges that it entails. I finally made the leap of self-employment and realized that there must be other people out there that are trapped in jobs that they don’t enjoy.” – David MooreFor a detailed summary of The New Rich according to David Moore CLICK HERER

  • The Risk-Driven Business Model by Serguei Netessine | Episode 032

    25/08/2014 Duración: 16min

    In this episode Serguei Netessine shares his book The Risk-Driven Business Model with four questions that will define your company. This book is perfect for the entrepreneur or small business owner who is seeking advice and innovation on creating a new business model. The goal Netessine sets with The Risk-Driven Business Model is create a road-map for rather than simply describing business models that already exist.About Serguei Netessine:“I was born in Russia where I did most of my studies and moved to the United States to earn my PHD in Business. My first job was at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania where I worked for about ten years. Now I work with companies and startups on multiple continents.While reading multiple books I noticed they focused on the wrong side of innovation so I decided to write a book unlike any others.” – Serguei NetessineFor a detailed summary of The Risk-Driven Business Model according to Serguei Netessine CLICK HERERelates Books:The Innovator's Method: Bringing t

  • Work Smarter by Nick Loper | Episode 031

    22/08/2014 Duración: 13min

    In this episode Nick Loper shares his book Work Smarter which provides entrepreneurs with over 350 online resources to increase productivity. This book is perfect for the entrepreneur in need of the best project management tools to help achieve goals faster and truly work smarter. The best part about the book is that these recommended tools come from over 500 successful people that use them today.About Nick Loper:“I am the chief side hustler at where I get to experiment with a bunch of different part-time business opportunities trying to make money outside of your traditional 9-5 job and I help other people do the same. I have been running that for a little over a year, it’s been an absolute blast and so if you’re interested in trying to develop some job-free income streams of your own, come on over and join me.The inspiration for me is the joy of discovery, that new tool that’s going to help you save even just five minutes a day.” – Nick LoperFor a detailed summary of Work Smarter accord

  • Edgy Conversations by Dan Waldschmidt | Episode 030

    21/08/2014 Duración: 34min

    In this episode Dan Waldschmidt discusses his book, EDGY Conversations which is a book that shows you how ordinary people achieve outrageous success. This book is perfect for entrepreneurs who find success to be skeptic and need a strong sense of will power to boost their abilities to succeed. Waldschmidt truly sets the tone for why people try to be successful but don't.About Dan Waldschmidt:“I have been an entrepreneur from the time I was 12 when I started my first lawn mowing business. Some of the first lessons I learned mowing lawns, a couple hundred a week sometimes, not only paid my way through college but really formed the opinions that helped me make millions and millions of dollars by the time I was 25.The reason I wrote the book was because I couldn’t find something like it out there already. I read so many books growing up and I never felt like I was getting the real deal. I always felt like it was too generic. I wanted to know how ordinary people achieve outrageous success. So that is what drove us

  • The Millionaire Master Plan by Roger James Hamiltom | Episode 029

    20/08/2014 Duración: 22min

    In this episode Roger J Hamilton shares his book The Millionaire Master Plan in order to help entrepreneurs evaluate their personalized path to financial success. This book is perfect for the business person searching for key insights and real tips on how to advance to the next level in becoming rich. Hamilton lays out his plan in nine color-coded and easy-to-read steps that range from near poverty to high-end wealth.About Roger Hamilton:“I am an entrepreneur based in Bali Indonesia where I have an entrepreneur resort that we run. I also have a number of profiling tools that was set up for entrepreneurs including Wealth Dynamics which has become the #1 in the world.One of the biggest things that I have learned in entrepreneurship is there has been no clear map that suites everyone and I wanted to make sure that was exposed.” – Roger HamiltonFor a detailed summary of The Millionaire Master Plan according to Roger Hamilton CLICK HERERelated Books:The Financially Savvy Entrepreneur by Emily Chase SmithShow Me Th

  • Go For No! by Andrea Waltz | Episode 028

    19/08/2014 Duración: 17min

    In this episode Andrea Waltz gives you a sneak peek into Go For No. In her book, Waltz teaches you that by just focusing on yes you leave a lot of opportunity on the table because we assume different things about what people are going to say, buy or order. This book is perfect for entrepreneurs who learn new sales tactics through real-life or fictional and entertaining stories.About Andrea Waltz:“I am the co-owner of Courage Crafters, Inc. and co-author of the bestselling book Go for No!. Richard and I author the book together and also are husband and wife. We live in Orlando with our crazy cat named Courage and we have been entrepreneurs for a little over 15 years. We love every bit of it, have learned a lot along the way and are excited for our future endeavors.It was centered around a story that actually happened to Richard, kind of the signature Go for No story. And when we would do an eighth hour training or workshop, it was the singular topic that people loved, they love the idea, the philosophy, the co

  • A More Beautiful Question by Warren Berger | Episode 027

    18/08/2014 Duración: 26min

    In this episode Warren Berger shares his book A More Beautiful Question which features the principle of asking the right questions. This book is perfect for the entrepreneur interested in the fundamentals of innovation and business through the relationship between asking great questions and coming up with great business ideas.About Warren Berger:“I am a longtime journalist and author, I used to write for New York Times and Wired Magazine. I currently write for Fast Company and Harvard Business Review. Along the way I’ve written several books and the last couple of books has had to do with innovation and design thinking. The most recent book I moved from design thinking into questioning and A More Beautiful Question is focused on that aspect of innovation.The inspiration was that I was studying a lot of entrepreneurs, innovators and business leaders and one of the things I noticed was questioning. I found that a lot of great innovators and business thinkers start with great questions; they are asking the quest

  • Life By the Cup by Zhena Muzyka | Episode 026

    15/08/2014 Duración: 22min

    In this episode, Zhena Muzyka shares Life By The Cup, a book she wrote to help other entrepreneurs, as well as other people, find their dream, claim it and go after it. Each chapter is short enough to read in the time it takes you to have your morning cup of tea or coffee and teaches you how to hone, clarify and discern your calling and how to really believe in it.About Zhena Muzyka:“I am a social entrepreneur, I believe that business can heel and change the world. I built a business starting out with $6, no resource training and a baby who needed an operation. I took my gypsy heritage and background in herbal medicine and created gypsy tea parties which grew into a brand seen as Gypsy Tea. Over the course of 13 years I built the business focused primarily on covering healthcare for my son and becoming an advocate for the tea workers who needed healthcare in the tea fields. The products have been in over 20,000 stores and now I am focused on distilling everything I’ve learned and putting it in to content for

  • The Entrepreneur Mind by Kevin Johnson | Episode 025

    14/08/2014 Duración: 23min

    In this episode Kevin D Johnson shares his book The Entrepreneur Mind. This book is perfect for the entrepreneur who needs tips on business strategy, finance, marketing, and sales. The Entrepreneur Mind is written in the format compared to a blog and can be read in an easy, non-technical way by using creative stories that entertain and teach at the same time.About Kevin Johnson:“I am the CEO of Johnson Media Inc. a marketing and communication firm that has been around for about 14 years now. We serve primarily organizations and fortune 500 companies in the financial services space. We are based in Atlanta and a rather small team with big clients.In March of 2012 I started a business blog that discussed various ways that successful entrepreneurs think and the blog became pretty popular to readers all around the world. Before long I was really encouraged by some of my readers to write this book because it quickly, because of the response before, became a bestseller. I wanted to provide a comprehensive body of w

  • All In Startup by Diana Kander | Episode 024

    13/08/2014 Duración: 11min

    In this episode Diana Kander discusses her book All In Startup which is a perfect fit for entrepreneurs seeking a fantastic business story focused on the lessons learned from running a startup. All In Startup follows a fictional storyline of a business consultant who is on the verge of shutting down his company and gambles his debt at a casino.About Diana Kander:“I teach entrepreneurship at the University of Missouri and I serve as a Senior Fellow at the Kauffman Foundation, the world’s largest foundation dedicated to entrepreneurship and education.I worked with a lot of entrepreneurs through my position at the Kauffman foundation and I found them all getting stuck at very similar points and felt like I was reliving the movie Groundhog Day. I would have the same conversations over and over again so it was born out of a frustration of me trying to save myself some time. I wanted to create a pamphlet or video to have people watch before we started meeting so that they could avoid all the common pitfalls that mo

  • It's Not The How Or The What But The Who By Claudio Fernández-Aráoz | Episode 023

    12/08/2014 Duración: 23min

    In his book, Its Not the How or the What but the Who, Fernandez-Araoz makes the reader aware that we are not yet equipped with the knowledge to make positive people decisions in professional environments. Simply put, it is the who that matters in the team you build around you.About Claudio Fernandez-Araoz:“I am a global expert on hiring promotion decisions as well as leadership assessment and development. I’m a frequent speaker at business gatherings in the Americas, Europe and Asia. I’ve been working for almost three decades as an executive search consultant for the firm Egon Zehnder and a regular guest lecturer at Harvard Business School.For almost three decades I’ve been working as an executive search consultant and seven years ago I published another book called Great People Decisions. Great People Decisions was basically about hiring and as a result of the success of that book I’ve circled the world up to ten times a year and became convinced that all over the world the key for organization and success i

  • Final Act of Ownership by Jerry Baltus | Episode 022

    11/08/2014 Duración: 18min

    In this episode Jerry Baltus provides his expert opinion on exit planning when it comes to selling your business. The difference with Final Act of Ownership is that Baltus focuses on small businesses and talks directly to business owners only. This book is less technical and is written to make it easier for a lay person to follow. Most business owners who read the book may not realize all the ends and outs of what it takes to sell the business and people only get one shot at this for the most part.About Jerry Baltus:“I am located in Plymouth, Wisconsin. I have been a business coach for nearly eight years and have built my business around helping business owners be more successful in their business in a variety of ways. I am an avid reader and bicyclist too.I really didn’t start out to write a book, I just wanted to write a white paper to support some of the work that I do in regards to exit planning with business owners. It grew as I realized that familiarity with all the aspects of selling a business just wa

  • Walk Away Wealthy by Mark Tepper | Episode 021

    08/08/2014 Duración: 23min

    In this episode Mark Tepper with Strategic Wealth Partners shares his book Walk Away Wealthy. This book is the perfect fit for entrepreneurs or business owners looking for an exit strategy for their business plan. This is a book that is specific to building wealth for entrepreneurs and will focus on both the liquid and the illiquid investments. As an entrepreneur this is really the only book you need to read on wealth management.About Mark Tepper:“I own a wealth management firm called Strategic Wealth Partners based out of Cleveland Ohio. Our focus is on working with entrepreneurs and taking care of their wealth management needs. I am married and have three kids who are seven, almost five and almost three.The majority of my clients are entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs tend to have very unique wealth management situations. Entrepreneurs need to focus on building and growing both their liquid investments but also their illiquid wealth, growing that is just as important, if not more. What we found is on average a

  • Getting Things Done By David Allen | Episode 020

    07/08/2014 Duración: 18min

    In this episode, best-selling author, David Allen provides a deep dive into his book Getting Things Done. In his book Allen gives you a step-by-step guide to create a model and methodology to approaching and addressing the world we live in today. Through his 5 stages you will learn how to set an idea or project under control ensuring that your productivity is not costing you dearly. This book is a must have for all entrepreneurs who are in need of some guidance for crafting a well-organized work ethic.About David Allen:“I wrote a book called Getting Things Done after 20-25 years of doing the work that the book is about in my own consulting practice and in the corporate training/coaching world. I have a small company still doing coaching and training around the world and that’s my professional of who I am and what I am doing.It took me 25 years to figure out what I figured out. I found things that really worked and I also wanted to create a model that worked for everybody so that it didn’t matter either what l

  • Dream Year by Ben Arment | Episode 019

    06/08/2014 Duración: 18min

    In this episode Ben Arment shares his insights on turning your dreams into reality with his book Dream Year. Over the course of 11 chapters, Arment gives you a practical guide for defining your dream, creating a business model, and a financial plan so entrepreneurs like you can market, grow, and sustain your new idea as a business. This is not a book about pursuing a hobby, this book is about helping you turn your passion into something that can be monetized.About Ben Arment:“I am the founder of an organization called Dream Year and we coach people in pursuing their passions and helping them turn them in to businesses.Years ago I was blogging and actively logging my experiences, starting businesses and launching projects and I began getting a lot of e-mails from people asking how I did it. I found myself answering all of their questions in the exact same way and realized after a year of this that there was a need for someone to lay out what it looks like to bring a business to life. I began coaching people fo

  • Three Feet From Gold by Greg S. Reid | Episode 018

    05/08/2014 Duración: 17min

    In this episode Greg Reid shares with us the inspiring story of how he was given the rare opportunity to carry on the legacy of Think and Grow Rich by Andrew Carnegie. In Reid’s book, Three Feet From Gold, he elaborates on the first chapter from Think and Grow Rich providing you with a deep dive into what modern day thought leaders do when coping with struggle and ultimately coming out on top. Three Feet From Gold is the perfect fit for a thought leader, business owner, or entrepreneur who love focusing on the end game of success, but struggle to realize and overcome the challenges that lead to victory.About Greg Reid:“I’m an author, speaker and filmmaker in San Diego, California. I have been married for about five years and have a two year old kid which is the pride and joy of my life.In 1908 Napoleon Hill was given a letter of recommendation from the richest guy in the world, Andrew Carnegie, to go meet his friends to create the first ever formula for success, which is known as Think and Grow Rich. One hund

  • The Road to Reinvention by Josh Linkner | Episode 017

    04/08/2014 Duración: 12min

    In this episode, New York Times bestselling author, Josh Linker shares how critical reinvention is for the health and stability of small businesses. In his book, The Road to Reinvention, Linkner takes you on a practical journey that breaks down an organization in six parts and gives you a systematic way to reinvent each of them. The Road to Reinvention is the perfect fit for entrepreneurs or small business owners who have businesses that are struggling to keep up and are on the verge of failure. Not only does Linkner discuss the reinvention of business, he also provides some keen guidance in reinventing yourself and your career in times of struggle.About Josh Linkner:“I am a four-time entrepreneur who has started, build and sold four technology companies over the last 20 years. I currently run Detroit Venture Partners, a venture capital firm investing in early stage and tech companies. I am the author of two New York Times bestselling books, Disciplined Dreaming – A Proven System to drive Breakthrough Creativ

  • How to Succeed in 12 Months by Serena Star Leonard | Episode 016

    01/08/2014 Duración: 16min

    In this episode Serena Star Leonard shares with us her inspiration for writing a book that helps people make their dreams come true. Her book, How to Succeed in 12 Months, gives you a very practical, step-by-step guide to doing things that may seem impossible such as finding more time and money for projects and support. Serena’s book is the perfect fit for wantrepreneurs and entrepreneurs alike that need help with motivation and inspiration for bringing ideas and dreams to life step by step.About Serena Star Leonard:“I am a business coach by trade, blogger and writer. I’ve been traveling for 28 months with my husband working on the road filming documentaries about people who make a difference in their communities all over the world.I work closely with people on making their big dreams come true and I wanted to write a book that would help people succeed in that. In the last few years I’ve been living a life where I go for every one of my big goals rather than putting them out in the future. I believe these ar

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