Journey To Organization With Rebekah Saltzman



Welcome to Journey to Organization with Rebekah Saltzman, where we talk about getting organized, zero waste and it's relationship to Judaism.


  • 106: Pack for camp (and school)

    04/06/2019 Duración: 37min

    Find out if the list you actually need to pack everything on your kids camp list, what to pack in, how to label stuff, what to send to camp, and what to send to school!   Melissa Goldwag from (by Murray the Sockman) is chatting with us today about that and all your camp questions! To reach Melissa her website or call 516-986-8605

  • 105: Papers

    29/05/2019 Duración: 24min

    Ever wonder how to sort and file your papers?  How long should I keep it?  When should I toss it?  Today I talk about that and more -specifically - get a fireproof waterproof safe to store all those difficult to replace documents. 

  • 104: Where shouId I put my things?

    22/05/2019 Duración: 19min

    A listener called me and asked me - where should I store my arts and crafts supplies? In the kitchen where my kids do arts and crafts - or somewhere else?  It is a good questions - and there are many components to it - so hear what I have to say on the topic by tuning in!

  • 103: Sentimental Items

    15/05/2019 Duración: 19min

    Ever wonder what to do with sentimental items?  I always suggest you deal with them at the end of the decluttering process.  Today I talk about why they are such triggers and what you can do to deal with them. 

  • 102: 10 Days alone with my kids

    08/05/2019 Duración: 23min

    I just spent the last 10 days with my kids, and no other adults. It was a really challenging experience for me. What I learned was this - having less stuff made it easier. Pre planning and getting help in advance would have been better.  My kids can do more stuff! It taught me that my husband does a lot more than I really realized, and I want to make a commitment to make sure my marriage, which I think is starting out great, gets better so I can connect with him even better.  If you want to make your marriage better also - check out Faigy Polalcks course by clicking here. 

  • 101: Faigy Pollack

    01/05/2019 Duración: 58min

    Is your bedroom a mess?  Does it lead to a struggle between you and your spouse? Do you feel like you are doing all you can to make your marriage work but it just isn't working? Today - Faigy Pollack is joining us to talk about how to make your marriage great.  Faigy is the creator of “Unblock Your Way to Oneness”, a comprehensive course on the Torah’s perspective of marital intimacy and practical application of that knowledge. Faigy is a certified EFT practitioner and acclaimed kallah teacher. Through her work in EFT Faigy has helped hundreds of women overcome hardships in their marriages with her unique approach to marital intimacy. As a kallah teacher she has prepared many young women for a happy and fulfilling life with their husbands to be. She has also offered - for the month of May - a great discount on her course for JTO listeners.   Click here to get the special deal.

  • 100: Evan Saltzman

    17/04/2019 Duración: 33min

    For our very special 100th episode check out my conversation with my best friend, the love of my life, my husband, Evan Saltzman. We talk about how we are trying to go ZW, what he thinks of it, baking, and living with less!

  • 099: Getting ready for Pesach

    10/04/2019 Duración: 16min

    When you are getting ready for Pesach you should be focusing on getting it done, NOT getting it done perfectly.   Write things down - you don't need to remember it all in your head - write it down once - and download the Holiday workbook from to help you keep it all in once place and organized! What should you write down you ask? Shopping lists Prices of items on your shopping list Meal plans Recipes Guests lists What your rabbi says about getting ready for Pesach Anything you want to remember from year to year!

  • 098: Lily Aronin

    27/03/2019 Duración: 33min

    Check out the interview of Lily Aronin interviewing me!  We talk about getting ready for Pesach and some of our best tips and tricks.  Lily gives some great advice about eating on Pesach and how to stay healthy with all that matzah!   Check out for the Pesach workbook.

  • 097: Purim Revisted

    20/03/2019 Duración: 22min

    Happy Purim to everyone! 

  • 096: Organization is worth the effort

    13/03/2019 Duración: 19min

    I see so many people struggling with the stuff in their lives.  They know they need to get organized, but it doesn't seem like a priority since they are getting by.  They manage to get up, get dressed, get the kids out the door, no one goes hungry, they just make it through another day.  It doesn't have to be like that.  If you take the time now to declutter, make it a priority, and get it done, the payoff down the road is huge. You will have more time and more energy and at the end of the day you won't glad you just made it through, you will be thrilled at how much easier life has become.  If you have a topic you would like Rebekah to discuss or a question you can email her at: and follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at www.balaganb

  • 095: Keep your eyes on your own paper

    05/03/2019 Duración: 26min

    This week on the podcast I talk about the importance of not focusing on what other people are doing, but rather keeping your eye on your own paper, in your own book.  Meaning, don't focus on what others are doing rather - only what you are doing.  When you compare yourself to others it makes you forget about all the good things you can do and since you don't know what they are actually going through the comparison may not even be valid! During these next few very busy weeks - please focus on what you can do- focus on getting what you need to get done, done. Don't focus on what other people are doing.  It won't help you get to your goals and organizationally, it may even derail you.

  • 094: Question catch up

    27/02/2019 Duración: 32min

    This episode is dedicated to answering listener questions! Most of them were about me and my family - I hope you enjoy! If you have questions email: and follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at  

  • 093: Waste and Organization

    21/02/2019 Duración: 29min

    I was working with a client in the beautiful and holy city of Jerusalem this week and I saw the trash being removed from the old city. I was shocked to see how hard the workers had to work to remove it and how much waste there was.  Waste as in trash, but also as in seemingly good things that were still usable but being discarded. It reminded me of some articles by Lord Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon that I had read in Ha'Mizrachi Magazine a few weeks ago in their Tu B'shevat edition.  I had been wanting to share what I had read with you but wasn't sure how to tie it all in - well I figured it out  and I hope it was clear.  Waste is directly related to organization.   Or consuming is directly related to organization.  When we consume more, we waste more or produce more waste.  We have a moral obligation to take care of the environment and our mitzvot exemplify this.  When we consume more we not only hurt ourselves (digging yourself out of the mounta

  • 092: Routines

    15/02/2019 Duración: 26min

    Routines are important but they don't have to rule your day- when you have less - you get to focus more on the people in your life and be flexible rather than focusing on your stuff and keeping it tidy. For me - I don't have a lot of routines - I just try to take life day by day - that doesn't work for everyone, but at this stage in my life it does for me.  What works best for you?  Drop me a line and let me know - and don't forget to join the Painless Pesach 45 day challenge If you have a topic you would like Rebekah to discuss or a question you can email her at: and follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at  

  • 091: Holding On

    07/02/2019 Duración: 23min

    Figuring out why you are holding on to things can be difficult but it is a worthwhile exercise because it helps us to move forward in the decluttering process.  Holding on to things because of fear of scarcity - worry that you won't have access to what you need and holding on to things that you store in other places, or even in your own space because they hold sentimental value isn't always the best thing to do.  Unpack your feelings - process the relationship between the items and how it makes you feel and then allow yourself to move on. If you have a topic you would like Rebekah to discuss or a question you can email her at: and follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at  

  • 090: Finding Balance

    29/01/2019 Duración: 23min

    This week on the JTO podcast I answer a listener question - how do you figure out the balance between delcuttering things you already have and the cost of going out and buying it again if you need it.  It is a good questions and one that a lot of people need help answering in order to move forward in their decluttering efforts.  I am interested to know what you think about the balance - and how you measure it - drop me a line and let me know.  If you have a topic you would like Rebekah to discuss or a question you can email her at: and follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at  

  • 089: Sabrina Perl - Get Healthy

    23/01/2019 Duración: 42min

    Today I am chatting with Sabrina Perl - a certified nutritional consultant and certified personal trainer. We had a great chat about menu planning, how much exercise we really need, how to deal with picky eaters, and so much more.  If you want to connect with Sabrina you can by heading to her website You can buy her books Quick & Healthy Recipes for a Delicious Holiday and Weight Loss Made Simple or book a session! If you have a topic you would like Rebekah to discuss or a question you can email her at: and follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at  

  • 088: 5 tips to help you declutter with your family

    15/01/2019 Duración: 25min

    This week on the podcast I give you 5 tips to help you declutter when you don't live alone!  Ready?    1. It isn’t you it is me… a lot of the time you are the problem - be honest - look at yourself and see if you are really holding yourself back - don't automatically blame someone else. 2. Clean up your own space first... This is a no brainier- how can you expect your family to get organized if you yourself aren't??? 3. Get to the root of the problem -If you get stuck and feel like you can’t go on - now is a good time for some honesty - ask yourself - why are you holding on to it? 4. Respect the other people in your house - and their stuff-  Respect that people let go of things at their own pace, and respect their stuff, don’t chuck other people’s stuff.  5. Set goals and assess needs together as a family - some questions you can ask to create goals:  What will our house look and feel like when we are done? What do we draw the line at? What  do we agree we must keep?&nbs

  • 087: Alana Slot Stern - Thrive with ADHD

    09/01/2019 Duración: 50min

    If you have been diagnosed with ADHD or if you have ADHD or suspect you have ADHD then you are going to want to hear this episode.  This week Alana Slot Stern, ( ADHD coach for women, joins the podcast to talk about what ADHD looks like in women and girls, how you can deal with it, and how you can deal if other family members have it.  You can download a FREE info graphic to help you cope here.  If you have a topic you would like Rebekah to discuss or a question you can email her at: and follow Rebekah on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @balaganbegone Check out Rebekah on Pintrest as Rebekah Saltzman and join the FREE Facebook group - Organizing in Israel - Balagan Be Gone (you don't have to live in Israel to join!) Subscribe to the mailing list at  

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