Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast



Welcome to the Nik and Ant - PTMA Podcast. All things fitness, business, personal training, etc.


  • Recognising red flags in clients & Q&A No.130

    08/01/2024 Duración: 32min

    Time; 5:24 What questions would you ask yourself to determine whether you've done enough to help a client who leaves without achieving the results they came to you for? Time; 10:29 Suggestions whjen you are planning content ahead of time, i have been ussong checkin and reviews, consults noyes etc, but find it hard trying to plann ahead, know it a skill at the end of the day but that what you suggest for make the plannign process easier? Time; 14:27 How do I get over the feeling that I am not dong enough? Time; 18:21 When looking to dial in your target market / avatar it it normal to have outliers in the service they don’t fit the description? Time; 19:54 How do I ramp up marketing without being spammy? Time; 25:10 How can I get better at pre-empting/anticipating red flags in my clients / when they might become disengaged? I try to have regular touchpoints by reaching out to disengaged clients with a text, but sometimes it doesn't help much. If they've not been using their mon

  • What's the solution when everything is a priority & Q&A No.129

    19/12/2023 Duración: 27min

    Time; 00:40 What's the solution when everything is a priority and you don't have enough time to fit everything into your week?! Time; 2:26 How would you navigate sales/marketing during Christmas week off? usually I'd have no issue taking the full week off and letting people book for after but I'm conscious that with the amount of people I'd like in my Jan intake this may not be possible to fit in that first week of Jan, commit to having 1 day available in the week off for calls or have an alternative option? Time; 5:07 What do you think the other will most want for Christmas? Time; 6:42 I’m exploring hybrid model PT / online. Pricing and frequency of sessions would be good to get some advice on. Time; 9:36 How to get connected on Facebook community groups Time; 11:07 how to keep things ticking over, over the Christmas break without worrying about doing too much/not enough Time; 13:40 What are you the most proud of from this year? Time; 17:12 How would you effecti

  • Helping clients create self awareness & Q&A No.128

    12/12/2023 Duración: 22min

    Time - 1:50 What is the best Christmas song and film? Time - 5:00 How do i make myself stand out in December and not get lost in the noise of 'fuck it it's Christmas" and 'December challenges' Time - 9:38 Do you have any new years resolutions yet ? or anything you want to achieve in 2024? Time - 13:23 How to find the right balance between keeping our copy short enough to account for a short attention span, and long enough to deliver value and explain the benefits of working with us? Time - 16:09 If you had to prioritise 3-5 sections of the business dashboard which ones do you suggest? Time - 19:52 What are your top tips for helping clients develop self awareness?

  • How to overcome objections of ‘I need to speak to my partner first’ & Q&A No.127

    05/12/2023 Duración: 15min

    Time : 00:49 How to overcome objections of ‘I need to speak to my partner first’ Time : 5:34 Why is the book Atomic Habits an overrated book? Time : 09:30 preparing for peak, should you avoid doing TOO much marketing? eg. doing too many things at once & confusing people? Or is it good to have a range of free stuff/lead magnets/workshops etc. I understand that its good to drive attention and build awareness during those months but how much is TOO much? how would you find a good split? Thanks! Time : 12:40 How to keep groups/leads/community interacting and staying in touch over the Christmas period

  • When is the right time to ask for the business when lead generating on the gym floor & Q&A No.126

    27/11/2023 Duración: 46min

    Time; 1:20 I'm starting to wonder whether I'm too loose with tracking my client's nutrition. I really struggle with ways to actually measure and manage their intake if we're taking a more habits-based approach and not counting calories Time; 5:50 How to not get overwhelmed with work when you struggle to get times and schedules Time; 9:30 Tell us (at least) one thing you learned from the other speakers at the conference this weekend! Time; 12:50 How do you keep ticking the boxes and getting the important stuff done when life happens? Time; 23:00 How many touch points would you have with a prospect on the gym floor before you suggest a taster? Time; 26:55 Can you tell early on, who's got what it takes to be successful and who doesn't? Are there sometimes suprises?  Time; 33:00 Best way to use reels to generate conversations Time; 35:52 Thoughts on podcast vs email for long content Time; 37:50 Have you ever 'sacked' a client and if so how did you go abou

  • How to be a client centred coach & Q&A No.125

    21/11/2023 Duración: 38min

    Let days for tickets to the conference this week > 20% off last few remaining tickets. Email us for discount code. Questions; Time; 3:15 I'm really trying to be a client-centred coach and ask as many (admittedly leading) questions as possible to help guide clients to solving their own problems. Even though I feel like this is the best way to coach people, sometimes it feels like I'm not really helping people solve their problems in that moment For example, I had a call with a client this week who struggles mentally to find the energy to get out of bed. We went in on her values as well as the barriers and challenges she's facing I asked loads of questions to try and understand her better, but after the call I felt like I hadn't really helped her all the much, because we didn't really come up with anything actionable to try and change those habits Any thoughts? Time; 7:24 What's a quality present in PTs you work with that you see is lacking in the rest of the industry? Time;

  • Can you be too focused on selling? & Q&A No.124

    14/11/2023 Duración: 35min

    20% off Coaches Conference tickets using code PTMA23 here Time; 3:20 Would you count sales for a paid group into the conversions on the dashboard or leave that for repeat clients only? Time; 8:08 Now it's double digits in November, I feel this is semi acceptable to ask...What's your favourite Christmas movie? Time; 9:28 How would you recommended tackling lack of concentration when facing the important yet tedious tasks? Regardless of how much I tell myself they’re important and need to be done, I find myself staring at the screen thinking “where the fuck do I start with this clusterfuck?!” Thank you very much Time; 13:!2 How are you's feeling about the upcoming conference? Time; 15:47 How to use the feedback from a client survey to make your service better? Time; 18:00 I can't see myself not ever reinvesting into my own development. I guess I'm just curious, do you both still invest in your own development such as having a mentor or taking courses? Time; 19:06 Did

  • Methods to help maintain a positive mindset & Q&A No.123

    30/10/2023 Duración: 22min

    Enter the Coaches conference FREE give away HERE! Time; 00:23 Can you schedule messages in some way with WhatsApp business? Time; 01:47 When is it safe to decide that a marketing strategy doesn’t work? How long should we persevere when trying out something new and not seeing results? Time; 06:23 Do you guys work to a % of turnover for a marketing budget? Time; 07:35 Do you guys have any methods to help maintain a positive mindset (eg. meditation or something)? Time; 13:00 Any advice on finding a balance between capitalizing on a new starter's high levels of motivation, without overwhelming them? Time; 14:30 Halloween outfit of choice and why? Time; 18:44 If you could only eat one protein source, one carb and one fat for the rest of your life what are choosing?

  • How to deliver a shit hot lead magnet! & Q&A No.122

    23/10/2023 Duración: 28min

    Time; 00:27 How to know how much is enough when creating a lead magnet? I want it to be shit hot, but also want it to actually get finished! Time; 05:23 How do you overcome the feeling of feeling like your business isn't doing well when, you are struggling to get leads/people into your business Time; 08:49 I sometimes struggle to get into conversations but of self-doubt: I tell myself the story that I have nothing to bring to this person, they probably know everything I could be telling them and they are just going to wonder why I'm bothering them. As a result, either I cut the conversation short or I struggle to act naturally. How would you go about overcoming these stories? Time; 12:28 For long term clients, how do you keep their programming interesteing. I want them to be able to have new experineces and feel different sometimes. Time; 15:59 During your gym floor PT days, what was your favourite class to teach? If any lol Time; 19:01 How to deal with a mental plateau in your bu

  • Should you be marketing more than 1 service at a time? & Live Q&A No.121

    16/10/2023 Duración: 28min

    Coaches conference 2023 > Time; 01:20 What are the similar traits you notice amongst the best/most successful PTs you work with? Time; 04:32 Who is harder to work with; a PT with their marketing or a gen pop client with their nutrition? Time; 07:10 I offer 1-2-1 and SGPT. Do you feel it is ok to promote both services or would we be better to go full throttle on one over the other? this a 'depends' scenario! Like, what has more availability just now etc. Time; 09:19 I'm thinking about making my Home Practice Library (on-demand videos that I make for my clients) available for non coaching clients. I have about 100 classes on there at the moment and growing it constantly. Do you think it's a good idea? Are there things to consider? And how would you go about pricing it? Time; 11:35 Is a website going to be necessary? Time; 14:35 I can't quite get my head around creating a hybrid offer to work alongside my

  • Provide an amazing service that no one else is probably doing or offering to their online clients & Q&A No.120

    10/10/2023 Duración: 25min

    Time; 01:50 In terms of task/time management, what is the best resource you've come across? Or does good old pen and paper still reign supreme? Time; 06:47 What aspects of coaching do you think you have the most room for development in? Time; 09:20 I want to create a lead magnet to post on socials & in and around the gym, but I'm not really sure where to start? Where would you guys go from here? Time; 11:25 I think I heard Nik describe himself as an introvert before? What did he find most useful to overcome that? Time; 14:27 just wonder I am good at nutrition was thinking to do some healthy baking and do my lead gen ( sharing my recipes ) Time; 15:26 3 things that you believe make a crap PT/ Coach and that we should avoid like the plague Time; 16:32 I'm always thinking - " what can I do to provide an amazing service that no one else is probably doing or offering to their online clients?"  Time; 17:32 What to you think is generally missing from 1:1 Online

  • How to improve goal setting with clients, so expectations and habits align.

    05/10/2023 Duración: 22min

    With last week being monthly review week for the PTMA coaches - and they're 1-2-1 back and fourth this week, which means no weekly check in questions. We thought we would dig in to a question that was asked by one of the coaches. Supporting clients first of all set detailed goals, and then supporting them believe in the goals they have set is a hard task .. one that needs real focus and time. As thought that process ... we manage expectations, future pace the goals into milestones ... and create real meaning behind the "thing" they came to us for.

  • Quite a few clients have left at once, what should I do? & Live Check in Q&A No.119

    25/09/2023 Duración: 31min

    Time; Lifetime supply of monster or C4s?? Time; 00:22 How do you guys go about nurturing leads that you have got through lead magnets? Time; 01:41 Any advice on how to cope with a mass exodus of clients? I've lost 8 sessions per week in the last month or so, which has obviously caused a bit of panic! Time; 08:06 What would you say was the most challenging point of each of your careers? Time; 10:58 I know it's possibly a good problem to have, but one of my clients sent me a large amount of money on PayPal, as a way to thank me for our work so far and to wish me a good holiday. I decided to say thank you and accept it, but I feel a bit uncomfortable and I'm worried it might affect our future work. Am I overthinking it? (the bonus money is equivalent to 3 months of coaching) Time; 17:42 When do you stop messaging someone when they go cold? After how many attempts/ messages? Time; 21:07 How specific to be with online coaching/ ideal client. Time; 23:23 If you were a face

  • Doing what you want to do vs what you need to do and knowing what the best direction is to go in? & Live Check in Q&A No.118

    18/09/2023 Duración: 25min

    Time; 00:38 Footy teams supported? Time; 03:10 Have you ever had your receipts inspected by the taxman? (I don't mean that big fucker from Teeside) Time; 04:00 How to keep going when things feel like they aren't moving forward or developing how you want them to. Basically how to not give up. Time; 07:58 What are the main things to keep in mind before going on holiday to make sure things go smoothly when you come back? Time; 09:32 Advice on a current client who has a lot of time away planned in mid Oct & Nov - they are on invoice which worked from current set up but now I have been starting to support & set up programmes while away from me as competence has started to grow. Should I add this to invoice when I do this extra work or plan to discuss beforehand? Time; 11:45 If you weren’t working in the fitness industry, what do you think you would be doing? Time; 14:10 What is your thoughts on telling leads the price of your service straight away? or having your prices on

  • Whats better? Sustainable approach or strict quick methods for fat loss? & Live Check in Q&A No.117

    11/09/2023 Duración: 30min

    Time; 00:24 Party or chill holiday? Time; 03:27 My approach to fat loss is quite easy going. I take a 'Health & Fitness' first approach. As we know, many around us in this space take a deep calorie deficit, strict regime first approach. And disguise it as 'coaching'. How would you speak about this to client(s) who see these images and maybe feel they aren't doing enough? I don't want to sound like I'm bitching about other approaches etc. Time; 09:12 How did you both transition from being a PT into mentoring PTs? Time; 12:57 I'm sure most people know the answer to this but this is something I'm not sure about) How do group sessions work within a gym context in terms of using machines/ free weights etc. I have trained pairs and do supersets so they both always have an exercise. Normally one on a machine and the other with protable free weights which works. But I don't undertstand how this can work with up to 4 people. Time; 16:13 When I have some free

  • How to deal with old client coming back in on the new higher price point & Live Check in Q&A No.116

    31/08/2023 Duración: 25min

    Time; 00:33 So far my email marketing is just tips and advise as i just started it recently how often should i include CTA and what might it look like? Time; 02:08 How to support a client who is struggling to identify the obstacles that get in the way of their goals? Their answer is always "I don't know, sometimes I'm motivated, sometimes I'm not" and when I send questions back, I don't get much of an answer. Time; 04:17 any advice on communication with old clients who want to rejoin but the price of my online coaching service is more than doubled now ? I've had the convo already with few old clients and its gone down well and they understand why but they have not signed up at the higher price which means I guess they don't value the service enough. Time; 08:18 Thinking beyond 1-2-1/SGPT being at capacity, if and only if, I wanted to add another income stream, do you think it would or could be viable to run a series of purchasable education/content aimed at my ma

  • How to increase the price point for long standing clients & Live check in Q&A No.115

    30/08/2023 Duración: 19min

    Time; 00:25 Any advice on keeping on top of things while not feeling 100%? Time; 2:22 About your Q&A podcast, do you read the questions beforehand? I do a Q&A podcast with my clients too, and I write down the answers (in bullet points) before starting the recording but the whole process ends up taking a long time. I wonder if there's a more efficient way to go about it. Time; 4:34 If you were planning to open up your own facility, what research would you delve into first and how soon would you get started? Time; 8:33 What is the best way to communicate to someone that their goals might not be realistic (for example losing a large amount of weight in a short timeframe)without sounding negative or making them feel bad I try and keep my service safe and built around sustainability so I struggle in these situations Time; 13:33 Are there any tools you'd recommend when it comes to keeping on top of where clients are in their journey? I feel like I manage this all in my head, but

  • Improving client adherence to check ins & Live Q&A No.114

    14/08/2023 Duración: 29min

    Time; 00:32 Could you expand on some other potential solutions to beginners/those with low gym confidence needing accountability via online coaching instead of F2F sessions booked in? Thought the idea of a call prior to their session to run through it was interesting and something I've not heard before so would be great to hear some more ideas Time; 07:07 Either of you ever done a Hyrox? Time; 08:13 when working with groups - how can I get people to talk about their goals? Time; 10:15 Tip tips and methods for encouraging clients to not just tick off checking-in but actively engage with it. We talk about the value of it and the importance on the journey and how the more you put in the more you get out etc., I will probe further from the feedback but with some is like pulling teeth and I feel like a total nag Time; 14:10 If a client had an exceptionnally good week (all the stars aligned for them in a way that won't happen often), and they are getting their hopes up that every week will

  • Should you hire coach to do your face to face coaching? & LIVE Check in Q&A No.113

    08/08/2023 Duración: 25min

    Time; 00:48 Am I just keeping an eye out for someone who might look like they are a bit lost? Or are there specific things that can be done to make this time productive?  Would a coaching model where I provide the online aspects of the coaching but I get someone else to lead in person sessions be a viable option? Just thinking if my F2F interest stays this high then I could potentially pay one of the PTs to lead sessions that I program and have the client still within my group etc. Not at the point where I need to hire another coach or anything but wondering if this is better than having somebody waiting for space to open up with me When chatting to leads on social media a common objection I get is "I'm really after face2face PT not Online Coaching " . Even when I explain all the pros and benefits of online coaching in comparison to normal PTing, I still struggle with handling this objection. Any tips ? Thanks How do you deal with a client who becomes a friend? (For the context,

  • When is the right time to move on to full rent paying pt? & Live Q&A No.112

    01/08/2023 Duración: 25min

    Time; 00:43 I have a couple of clients who repeatedly fail to stay accountable to themselvesI always try to ask open questions to understand the challenges, get them thinking about how it plays into the bigger picture and encourage them to lead things in terms of coming up with solutionsAny advice on how I can help them build that level of accountability to themselves? Time; 4:40 How have you guys found sending more emails per week in terms of click through, opening rates etc? Time; 7:00 When/why did you guys decide you wanted to stop coaching and move to mentoring? Time; 8:50 What are the first things to outsource to gain back some time? Time; 10:53 Do you think we should avoid ‘money off’ offers? Time; 12:36 My lead magnet is going to be a 10 day challenge in August, would you create this for the niche only (Dads who want to get back into sport)? any tips for things to consider when setting one up? Time; 15:20 I'm at the capacity I want to be at for f2f, but when I get an enquir

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