Risen Church Nc

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 364:14:09
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JustCare Ministries offers encouraging, convicting, and inspiring messages from God's Word with the goal of leading you in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so you can live a life for the Glory of your Creator!


  • Experiencing God: You Shall Know - Ezekiel 16:59-63

    15/08/2022 Duración: 54min

    The nation of Israel was in disbelief about their situation in exile, but God raised up the prophet Ezekiel to shine a different light on their circumstances. In this message, we hear how God is always working in our lives so that we might know Him in a personal, intimate way. Ezekiel invites us to see our lives, specifically our defining moments as entry points into the Kingdom of God - as opportunities to know God fully. As with Israel, sometimes God has to pry us loose of this world so that we might get closer to Heaven. Thus, when it seems our world's are turned upside down, they are actually being turned right-side up. *Apologies again for poor audio quality*

  • Ready, Set, Go: The Discomfort Zone - Matthew 16:24-27

    11/08/2022 Duración: 53min

    The demands and ways of true, Biblical Christianity fly in the face of the desires and ways of culture. There is a temptation to dilute what the Bible teaches and the movement that Jesus started, but we risk jettisoning the salvation we so desperately need. In this message, God invites us into the discomfort zone so that we might find true, abundant, eternal life. What we first resist for fear of cost and loss, soon takes on a new light when we realize what is actually on the line.

  • His Body: Called Together - 1 Corinthians 1:1-13

    11/08/2022 Duración: 52min

    This message is an introduction to our 1 Corinthians study, with some important context about the circumstances that led to the Corinth church plant and the pressure it would have been under from its secular culture. Listen as we discover how Paul's word to Corinth is just as relevant to the Church in today's world as it was so many years ago. In many ways, the spirit of selfishness that sought to tempt and divide the Church at Corinth is even more prevalent and potent in our current age. Thankfully, Paul's appeal about the true gift of the local church and how it helps us realize our faith to its fullest extent shows us the way to navigate this pressure. In this intro, we discuss key topics like discipleship and fellowship, unity and the true nature of Christ's Body. *Apologies for poor audio recording. Master file was lost, and this is the backup file*

  • Experiencing God: Glorious Ruin - Ezekiel 1:3

    08/08/2022 Duración: 48min

    Everything that Ezekiel had ever anticipated and prepared for unraveled right before his eyes, when he and many others were taken captive by Babylon. All he had ever known was serving God in and around the temple and his chance to be part of the priesthood ripped away. He along with the entire nation, couldn't even imagine how to serve God in these circumstances. Much to Ezekiel's surprise, God appears to him in captivity and shows him a purpose that would far exceed the "normal" life he could have had. God tells Ezekiel that he would still be a priest set apart for His Kingdom and be a prophet called to stand out for Him. God invites him into an experience like none other. In this series, we will learn how Ezekiel experienced God in unexpected, yet marvelous ways. In this introduction, hear how Ezekiel begins to see the Glory of God amidst the ruin of his circumstances.

  • Ready, Set, Go: The Power of God - 1 Corinthians 1:18

    03/08/2022 Duración: 33min

    In this conclusion to our series, "Ready, Set, Go", we discuss the history of the Church and consider why we continue in traditions from thousands of years ago. We hear from God's Word about the power of God that is at work when we cling to His Kingdom's promises and deflect this world's alternative, inferior invitations. We trace it all back to Jesus, how He displayed the wonders of Heaven, yet demonstrated a radical approach to life here on earth. He stared death and the devil in the eye, and didn't blink. What appeared a foolish decision on His part, was actually the apex of the power of God. As we commit to following God and doing things His way, we revel in the foolishness of the cross and glory in God's greater path. We know that we will experience His power through it all and in eternity to come.

  • Crossroads: Faithful To The End - Romans 16

    28/07/2022 Duración: 50min

    The book of Romans is a masterful presentation and summation of the Gospel. It takes us from condemnation to salvation, and details every possible layer regarding humanity's stance with God. Specifically, Romans teaches us what salvation does for us and tells us what we should do with our salvation. In our study, we've heard Paul teach on justification and sanctification, showing us how our lives change in Christ. He makes it very clear how we should be transformed as believers and how this directs our path in service to our King and His Kingdom. It's only fitting that Paul concludes Romans by recognizing some of the key people, who in their own service to Christ, made such an impact on him. In Romans 16, Paul gives special attention to more than two dozen relatively unknown saints who he credits as instrumental in his ministry. In this message, we take time to appreciate those who gave their lives for the work of Jesus Christ, His Church and His Kingdom. We seek to understand how they became immortaliz

  • Crossroads: Maximum Glory - Romans 15:8-33

    25/07/2022 Duración: 48min

    As Paul reflects on his overall message to the Roman Church and looks back across his ministry in general, he invites us to consider how we are participating and delighting in the plan of God. The Church age is the culmination of thousands of years of preparation by God and His chosen, to bring the whole world under Him. Paul took great joy in being part of the realization of this plan, and longed to live a life that glorified God and further enlarged His fame over the world. He invites us to follow in this same path, and find the true joy available in a life wholly devoted to the glory of God.

  • Ready, Set, Go: The Invitation - Matthew 4:17-19

    18/07/2022 Duración: 52min

    Jesus came from Heaven to Earth on a mission. He wasted no time and cut no corners in proclaiming the high stakes nature of His invitation. To miss out on what He was offering, would be eternally costly. He also made it clear that choosing to pursue Him and finding a relationship with God would be the most rewarding experience obtainable. God has spared nothing to redeem us, so it's not extreme to suggest that we should spare nothing to take hold of all that He has for us. Jesus proclaimed that "Everything was ready". The question that looms over us is, "Are we ready?" Are we following Him and enjoying the life available to us? If not, what are we waiting on?

  • Crossroads: Just As - Romans 15:1-7

    17/07/2022 Duración: 51min

    To put a wrap on what it means to truly be transformed by the power of Christ, Paul gives us one last word about doing for others just as Jesus has done for us. Having received so much from God, those remade in His image will give so much to and for one another. There is no better way to describe or characterize Christianity in practice. In this message, we hear how Paul's words are rooted in Jesus' own words from His most famous sermon, and in line with the entire Biblical standard.

  • DAVID: One Hope - 2 Samuel 15

    13/07/2022 Duración: 52min

    David experienced life's highest of highs and lowest of lows, yet through it all He never lost faith in God. Perhaps the height of His confidence in God came at his lowest personal and professional moment. After suffering the breakdown of his family and facing an insurrection led by his own son, David was ready to leave it all behind. Empty handed, exiled from his own kingdom, David's faith was rock solid. On the brink of losing everything he had dreamed of and prayed for, David retained a peace that was beyond understanding. David had an unshakeable hope. In this message, we take one final look at David's life and chronicle how his later years saw many heartbreaks and disappointments. Through it all, David exemplified how we all should face these seasons of our lives, and showed us how we might remain hopeful.

  • Crossroads: Gut Check - Romans 14

    05/07/2022 Duración: 49min

    Romans 14 continues with the theme of sanctification, in that it calls us to examine and evaluate our motives and ambitions. Paul wants us to consider the decisions that we make and the stances that we take, in light of how they contribute to the greater Kingdom of God and how they build up the body of Christ. This chapter is a true intersect of individual liberty and communal responsibility, as Paul helps us navigate what glorifies God and what is good for us all.

  • The Greatest Nation - Deuteronomy 4

    03/07/2022 Duración: 55min

    What makes a nation great? The Bible actually contains a whole book that exclusively covers this topic. Long ago, God made it clear how a nation could become great and remain great. Originally meant for Ancient Israel, this prescription could be applied to any nation wanting to reach its full potential. In this message, we discover that America's founders signed-off the Declaration of Independence with a statement of intent, suggesting how exactly they would use the freedom they were seeking. Their desire was in line with God's outline in Deuteronomy. If a nation wants to be great it must be totally dependent on God and have a population that lives in dedication towards one another. Listen and learn how we might continue to remember what God has done for us and be good stewards of the freedom God has given. Learn how a life of faithfulness to God and kindness towards others is the secret to any nation's greatness.

  • Roe Revoked: A Biblical Response - Genesis 18

    29/06/2022 Duración: 56min

    In this sobering conversation about the recent news concerning abortion, we discuss: - Does God judge an entire nation for the sins of some of its people? Does He sometimes prolong judgement in order to save sinners?(Genesis 18) - Why did God spare Israel for a similar - or perhaps worse - outbreak of sin than was seen in Sodom? (Judges 19) - The Bible makes clear that all life is precious, valuable, and sacred to Him. No measure of complication voids this truth. (Psalm 139) - God requires that His people declare how valuable all life is by ministering to the weakest and most vulnerable in society. The Bible has tons to say about God's heart for mothers and children, especially. (Deuteronomy 10) - A nation that doesn't seek justice for and keep an outstretched arm towards its most needy people stands guilty before God. No amount of worship compensates for serving those among us who are marginalized. (Isaiah 1)

  • Crossroads: Cooperation of Church and State - Romans 13

    25/06/2022 Duración: 53min

    Romans 12 makes the case that our duty as Christians is to follow the path of Christ, focusing on serving and loving one another. We are taught that the sanctification and transformation process will cause us all to raise others above ourselves, looking out for their best above our own. This flies in the face of our nature of self-preservation and self-promotion. It will cause us to decide if God's Kingdom or our own kingdoms are more important. This line of thought leads us into Romans 13, where Paul brings into view the kingdoms of this world and the role they play in our Christian lives of love and service. His commands are extremely contrary to our own wills and will seem completely unreasonable to most. However, if we've committed to a life of building up God's Kingdom and bringing as many under His love, then it will not be challenging at all. Together these two chapters offer us a way of escape from the pull of this world, wherein "winning" and "being in power" is most important. It puts in perspec

  • DAVID: One Destiny - 1 Samuel 16

    22/06/2022 Duración: 52min

    David's rise from shepherd boy to prince of Israel happened suddenly and took the nation by storm. He was beloved like none other in his generation. What once was a secret between the prophet Samuel and his family soon became a forgone conclusion: David was destined to be Israel's next king. Like any rising star, David became enraptured by his assumed destiny. From his musical skills, war trophies, and favor under Saul, it would have been hard for even the most modest person to dismiss the hype. David seemed too blessed and important to fail. However, just as quickly as he rose to fame, he saw it all unravel and taken away. King Saul turned on him and soon after, the whole nation. Within days, David went from prince to pauper, from hero to fugitive. The next chapter of his life would be spent on the run, making a series of selfish decisions as he attempted to cling to his destiny. Yet, it was during this dark episode wherein David realized that God had a greater plan for him. In the aftermath of tragedy,

  • Crossroads: Living Sacrifices - Romans 12:9-21

    22/06/2022 Duración: 48min

    Romans 12 calls all Christians to a transformed and sanctified life. In this message we breakdown the transformation process and begin to understand what our lives will look like as we grow in Christ. It should come as no surprise that this chapter deals heavily with themes of loving and serving others, resulting in our lives looking more and more like Jesus.

  • David: One Desire - Psalm 27

    13/06/2022 Duración: 50min

    David is remembered and celebrated as a man after God's own heart. He received this compliment from God Himself, when early on in his life, he made seeking and following God his ultimate desire. In this message, we talk about the desires and motivators that all of us are driven by, and how so often we are left disappointed by where they take us. We hear about God's desire for us and how this should convince all of us to pursue Him with our whole heart. Hear from David about how fulfilled and blessed our lives can be when we desire the God who desires us. His entire life story is one that proclaims the goodness and favor of God, but it all began when he was just a kid with a harp, worshipping His Good Shepherd.

  • Crossroads: Practically Speaking - Romans 12:1-8

    13/06/2022 Duración: 49min

    Romans 12 is the beginning of the final section of the book, which is all about Sanctification. We've learned about why salvation changes us and how it leaves us different, but now we will begin learning about what we should do as saved people. Paul launches quickly into practical teaching, showing us how following Jesus will impact our daily lives and influence us at our core. We see how the local church is supposed to facilitate this process in every Christian. Together, we can encourage each other and discover how we might put to use God's gift of grace.

  • Crossroads: Grace Upon Grace - Romans 11

    13/06/2022 Duración: 49min

    After two thorough studies on the nature of salvation, the Apostle Paul gives a final word about the heart of the matter. In this message, we talk about how salvation is completely a product of God's grace. We get saved by grace. We are saved by grace. We will always be saved by grace. We don’t earn grace. We can’t fail grace. We never outpace grace. Otherwise, grace wouldn’t be grace.

  • Pentecost: Heaven's Flame

    06/06/2022 Duración: 53min

    There's no denying that there is a fire spreading across our world. This fire consumes everything in its path. Wildfires often are ignited in dry and parched lands, and spiritually speaking, our land is devoid of God's presence and power. All throughout history, such distance from God has led to extreme violence and perverseness. There are countless examples of societies being overcome by these kinds of fires, from 2000 BC to today. The Bible calls on God's people to neither ignore those caught in these flames or become judgmental. We are called to take on these burdens, and be compelled by them to do our best. The prophets in the Old Testament led the people of Israel to respond in two ways when their worlds were aflame: REPENT and LAMENT. In this message, we learn how taking on a posture of repentance and lamentation can bring healing on our land, one person at a time. We learn how to identify what we can do better and why we should intercede for those stuck in sin or suffering from others' sin. We hea

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