Risen Church Nc

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 364:14:09
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JustCare Ministries offers encouraging, convicting, and inspiring messages from God's Word with the goal of leading you in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, so you can live a life for the Glory of your Creator!


  • In Christ: Ambassadors - 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

    02/06/2023 Duración: 47min

    To be a follower of Jesus is to be an evangelist for Him. Every disciple is called to make disciples. We've all heard these points before, over and over again, but do we really understand how every Christian is called to spread the Good News? Should every salvation lead to evangelism? In this message, we hear Paul implore every believer to join him on mission, and we unpack why we should all seriously consider the role we play. From a look at the Gospels to discussing the different personalities we possess and the challenges they present - this is a must-listen for every Christian.

  • Inheritance: Fully Alive - John 6:26-58

    29/05/2023 Duración: 44min

    Jesus performed many miracles during His earthly ministry, exercising Heaven's power over nature, disease, and all kinds of misfortunes. Most assumed these were previews of a coming, earthly reality, however Jesus meant them as signs of something even greater... In John 6, Jesus shows us how all of these signs were tastes of the full, abundant, and spiritual life He came to give us. He called the crowds that day to follow Him with an all-consuming faith, relying on and finding in Him eternal life. In this message, we talk about the top item on God's Will for us and what is our Spiritual Inheritance as His children. No longer do we have to be incomplete or held back by sin - with a dynamic faith and God's dynamite Spirit, we can indeed come fully alive in Christ.

  • Pentecost: One Church - Acts 1 & 2

    29/05/2023 Duración: 48min

    Capping off the trilogy of Christian Holy Days - Pentecost should be just as celebrated as Christmas and Easter. Whereas Christmas means "God With Us" and Easter proclaims "God For Us", Pentecost brings us the promise of "God Within Us". In this message, we learn about the origin story of the Church and the work that the Holy Spirit has been doing through it and within its members ever since. Just as there is one Jesus and one cross, Pentecost gave us the birth of the one and only Church. Listen and learn how the movement that began 2000 years ago continues to this day. The Church was born to be a vehicle that carried the Gospel to the world, with a focus on reliability, efficiency, and maneuverability. The mission is too great and the power within us is too sacred for us to not seek to be as closely in line with the original movement as we can be.

  • In Christ: Clothed In Life - 2 Corinthians 5:1-10

    25/05/2023 Duración: 44min

    No matter how much of this world we obtain or what we may accomplish in this life, deep down we all fear exposure. Our flesh is terrified of coming up short one day, where and when it really counts. However, our sinful nature tries its best to sway us with remedies that are proven to be insufficient. After pleading with us to embrace our weaknesses and vulnerabilities, as mere jars of clay, the Apostle Paul continues to invite us to take full advantage of our Life in Christ. In Chapter 5, he contrasts this flesh and our glorified state to come, along with this world and the Heavens above. As he so poignantly puts it, this life is like a temporary tent in light of the permanent home God is preparing for us in Eternity. In this message, we consider the two paths we can take in this life, whether it be seeking temporary gain or eternal glory. We relish in the promise of our Eternal Home and Glorified, Resurrected Body. We also learn how if these promises are our guide, then we can indeed learn to walk by fai

  • Inheritance: Running Over - Ephesians 1

    22/05/2023 Duración: 49min

    To have access to something great and not take advantage of it or even to underutilize it is such a shame. We would all agree that if there's a path for us to obtain something that can be ours and should be ours, we are only shorting ourselves to not pursue it. Yet, this is exactly the case for many Christians who fail to receive the fullness of spiritual blessings which God has deeded to us. In this series, we dive into Ephesians 1 which entices every reader with a word on God's riches towards us, how He desires to lavish upon us from His abundant grace, and give us a glorious inheritance in Christ. In this introduction, we distinguish between what this inheritance is and what it is not. So often the idea of blessings and riches from God gets diluted and reduced down to earthly, material things. Is Paul's message to us really about temporary goods? Is God really trying to draw us in with treasures that will fade and waste away? We learn that He indeed has much better, spiritual blessings to give us tha

  • In Christ: Jars of Clay - 2 Corinthians 4:7-18

    18/05/2023 Duración: 42min

    Our greatest temptation or at least our most often one is to think more highly of ourselves than we ought. Since the serpent first came after humanity in Eden, we've all struggled with the allure of becoming like god, being independent and invincible. We scoff at the notion that we might rely on or trust in something more than we do God, but our actions suggest we are rather quick to shift our weight away from Him. In 2 Corinthians 4, Paul invites us to understand this great temptation we face and come to terms with our nature's obsession with power and self-sufficiency and its want to embellish and evade weakness. We are and always will be jars of clay, after all. In this message, we learn how our vulnerability and fragile nature is an opportunity for us to keep our faith in Christ and an opening in our hearts so that we might increase our trust. Paul's message invites us to not resist serving the Lord out of a fear for discomfort or loss, but rather that we take the leap of faith. This passage makes it

  • In Christ: Guard Your Heart - 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

    16/05/2023 Duración: 41min

    So many lose heart in serving the Lord and doing ministry. It's so easy to burn out or grow weary and walk away from doing what we've all been called to do. When we maximize the antagonizing words and efforts of the Enemy and minimize the encouraging, empowering words and provisions of Christ, this is the common, expected result. In this message, we hear the Apostle Paul plead with the Corinthians about this unfortunate place so many believers end up at. He begins by reminding them of the undeserving mercy they had received that compels them to always be in a resilient, enduring position. He implores us not to turn inwards, making the case for all that is on the line in this time of Kingdom preparation. Then he shows us how to retain our passion and purpose, without becoming distracted by the opposition to our work. If our eyes are on Jesus, and His peace guards our heart, then we can persevere and we will not lose heart.

  • Promise of Life - 2 Timothy 1:1-14

    16/05/2023 Duración: 50min

    Paul's final contribution to the Bible was a letter to his young protege, Timothy. He chose to use this send-off as a way of reminding Timothy what had driven his ministry for years, with hopes of grounding Timothy's in the same convictions. His opening words are so very poignant in that he reminds Timothy of the gift that he had been given, from both his maternal and spiritual families. This double-portion of God's blessing, having had anointing hands on his life since he was a child, gave Timothy a much greater runway than most. Paul urges Timothy to seize this opportunity and allow God's Promise of Life to take its full effect on him. In this message, we reflect on God's Promise of Life and how we should honor those who passed along this gift to us. We also realize that to truly honor them, we will channel their same passion and fan the flame to those around us. Lastly, we unpack the different angles of God's promise, seeking to understand what a life full of power, love, and grace can look like in us

  • Origin Stories: Meant For More - Genesis 37

    09/05/2023 Duración: 51min

    There is in all of us the ability to endure, persevere, and press through the most challenging of times. However, like with most things concerning our fallen world, what was meant to be doesn't always come about. What was meant to produce hope within us, often leads to the opposite - pessimism and negativity. Genesis 37-50 features a story that shows what happens when we don't abandon our faith when our plans and dreams seem to be altered. The resilience and determination on display in the heart of Jospeh reveals that the same kind of hope can be awakened in all of us as well. In this message, we study what distinguished Joseph in his generation and learn how we might possess (and maintain) his level of hope and connection to God.

  • In Christ: The Living Word - 2 Corinthians 3

    04/05/2023 Duración: 46min

    In 2 Corinthians 3, we finally begin to understand the sort of opposition the Apostle Paul had been facing in his ministry. In a full defense of his doctrine and beliefs, Paul launches into a powerful message about how the Gospel of Jesus Christ was not a mere off-shoot of Judaism, but was something brand new. While the influence and scriptures of ancient Israel would always be a priceless foundation for our faith, Paul wanted us to know that Christianity can stand on its own nail-scarred feet. In this message, we hear Paul explain how the Old Testament and Sinai Covenant always pointed to something better and much more glorious. We also look at several passages in both the Old and New Testaments that flesh this idea even more. What we discover is the true, transformative nature of our Christian faith and receive an invitation to step out of religion, into a dynamic relationship with Jesus. With His Living Word guiding us, and His Holy Spirit within us, we can truly come face to face and hand in hand with

  • Origin Stories: The Scarlet Thread - Genesis 3

    02/05/2023 Duración: 48min

    The Scarlet Thread of Redemption is an undercurrent throughout all of history. From the very beginning, we see God's intent to save the human race that rebels against Him. In this message, we discuss how God certainly knew the decisions that the first people would make, and yet He poured everything into creating the perfect world for them anyways. It becomes clear that God was unfazed by the Fall, because it provided the perfect platform to showcase His love above everything else. From Eden to Calvary and unto the ends of the Earth, God's love runs deep and wide. Tracing the thread back to the very beginning emphasizes our one source of redemption. It also compels us to open our own hearts to God's love. God has always been convinced that if the riches of His love meets us in the poverty of our sin, then we will return to Him and remain with Him. The question over us every day is, "Have we let God love us?"

  • In Christ: Arms Wide Open - 2 Corinthians 2

    02/05/2023 Duración: 50min

    In 2 Corinthians 2 we hear Paul reflect back on the troubles with sin that the Corinthians had struggled with, yet rejoice at the hope of the Gospel. While many in Corinth had not yet experienced the power of repentance and restoration, Paul encourages the church to pass along the grace and forgiveness that he had shared with them. In this message, we talk about how Paul's commitment to the people of Corinth points to the faithfulness of God towards all of us. We also discuss the importance of reaffirming our love for those in need of salvation, because God's everlasting love has been our own steadfast hope.

  • In Christ: Standing Firm - 2 Corinthians 1:12-24

    24/04/2023 Duración: 45min

    In this message, we hear Paul testify of his own ministries integrity and sincerity, while emphasizing how our own works must be validated and authenticated by these same virtues. As he tells the Corinthians about many of the unexpected twists and turns he'd faced in his efforts to serve them, he stresses that he refused to allow these things to disrupt his commitment to the Lord. Listen as we seek to learn from his passion and faithfulness, and are challenged to stand firm in our faith. In Christ, we are promised all the resources and strength we could ever need. Serving His Kingdom will always be fulfilling in and of itself, and will always be worth it no matter what may frustrate us along the way.

  • Origin Stories: Purpose Driven - Genesis 2

    24/04/2023 Duración: 48min

    In the early days of America, Benjamin Franklin was asked outside the Constitutional Convention what sort of government he and the other founding fathers were seeking to establish. Famously, he responded, "A republic, if you can keep it." That is, the American ideal would require a great amount of responsibility and care in order to maintain and preserve it past its inception. When God first created Adam, he placed him in a garden and gave him a simple task to work and keep it. It was as if He was saying to Adam, "I have given you a Paradise, if you can keep it." Well, we all know how that worked out... In this message, we continue this series by looking back at God's creation mandate over Adam and Eve, and how they were called to live a life of purpose in a world created just for them. We learn how responsibility and productivity have always been core to God's desire for all of us and the secret to realizing God's Kingdom in our midst. We discover our "why" or "what for" by learning from the famous crea

  • Origin Stories: Overflow - Genesis 1

    24/04/2023 Duración: 51min

    It's been said that in order to truly appreciate and fully understand something you need to know where it comes from. There is so much that can be discovered and revealed through learning the origin story. When God was rescuing the children of Israel out of Egypt and preparing them for the Promised Land, He wanted them to know their history. They were generations removed from their forefathers, and had never heard about the stories of how God made the world and set the stage for the children of Abraham. For that reason, the book of Genesis is a vital resource that shows all of us the origin story of creation. More than telling us what happened however, it reveals to us why God made the world and set us at its center. In this message, we learn why God wanted Israel to know this story and we hear it for ourselves in a fresh way. Listen and hear how God's love overflowed into our universe and how creation is His gift unto us all. As we learn why God made us, we understand our own hearts should overflow with

  • In Christ: Unshaken Hope - 2 Corinthians 1:1-11

    13/04/2023 Duración: 49min

    Why do we fall? So that we might learn that it's God alone who raises us up and gives us true, lasting strength. So that we might not put our faith in unstable, unproven foundations, but place our hope in Christ alone. In Paul's introduction to 2 Corinthians, he reminds us of God's sovereignty over and faithfulness to His own, before launching into a larger conversation about sharing in Christ's sufferings. On the surface these two topics seem far apart, but they actually compliment one another. In this message, we learn about the privilege that comes with sharing in Christ's sufferings, and how this brings us more in tune with the comfort and hope that we only find in Him. Listen as we consider how to reframe our circumstances with God's unwavering promises.

  • Unstoppable - Matthew 16:13-20

    11/04/2023 Duración: 49min

    2000 years ago, a relatively unknown Jewish carpenter cast a vision about the movement He was building and the unstoppable power that would fuel it for all time to come. At the time, before a modest audience of a rabble group of misfits and outcasts, this seemed like a pipe dream. Even those who esteemed this man to be someone special - perhaps even Israel's long-awaited Messiah - wondered if His movement could reach such heights. He didn't stop there in His vision casting though. He went as far to say that His movement would transcend time and life on earth, as in what He was building would bridge the gap between this life and what comes next. In a world where people were clinging to this earth out of fear of what came next, this seemed even more unlikely. 2000 years later, the Church of Jesus Christ is a global community, centered around a fearlessness of death and confidence in God's plan no matter how uncertain things appear. So many forces have tried to stop it, yet all of them proved to be powerless

  • Good Friday: Welcome the Healer - Isaiah 53

    08/04/2023 Duración: 26min

    On Good Friday, God established that He will forever be FOR US, by doing something FOR US. He provided a solution for all the ungodly, unrighteous sinners, when Jesus took our place on a cross. He bore the curse of this fallen world FOR US, so that we might be cured from its power and bondage. There is a healing that we can exclusively receive by trusting in Jesus' work on the cross. No matter our wounds or scars, regardless how great our shame and sin may be - we can be made whole again through Him.

  • A New Passover - Exodus 12

    07/04/2023 Duración: 40min

    As every household in Jerusalem gathered to celebrate the Passover, so did Jesus and His disciples. However, nobody was prepared for Jesus' spin on this foundational holiday. His words that night still ring loud and powerful all of these years later, literally defining the work He would do the following day. Jesus broke the bread and raised the cup and declared that from now on this night would remind the world of Him. In this message, we look back on the history of Passover and the nation of Israel. We discover the story of redemption which began so long ago, but was always building towards a Messiah. Listen and learn how Jesus is our Passover Lamb, and how God decided in advance that He would pass over our sin and provide Jesus as our atoning sacrifice.

  • Palm Sunday 2023: Crossroads - John 12

    04/04/2023 Duración: 48min

    What would you do if a pathway appeared for you to be a king? No, not necessarily in the royal sense, but in terms of autonomy and control. What if you could maximize power and privilege, and minimize all weakness and limitations. What if the world around you suddenly leaned in your direction and bent towards your will? All that resists, frustrates, and works against your will - suddenly all began working in your favor and according to your rules. You would take this path in a heartbeat, wouldn't you? We all would. We may not admit it, but there are people that we wish would just listen to us. If we were king or queen... if we had the power and all the luxuries in the world, life would be so much better. 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ obviously had come from God and deserved all the glory anyone could give Him. All the stars aligned the week of Passover 33 AD, as thousands declared Him their king. However, to everyone's shock and awe, Jesus said, "No thanks" to this opportunity to seize power and become the

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