Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement



Join us on the Taste for Truth Podcast as we go to God for help with weight loss. We'll have victory interviews, coaching interviews, author interviews, tips, and even opportunities to renew your mind while you're listening to the podcast. My goal is to encourage you and equip you to break free from the control of food with Gods help.


  • Lies That Keep Us from Exercising

    23/09/2020 Duración: 31min

    Do you have a hard time making yourself exercise? Or do you ever find yourself becoming obsessed with exercise? In today’s podcast, Jessica Hottle shares three lies that keep us from exercising and the truth that will help us want to exercise. Jessica also talks about the problem of putting too much importance on exercise and appearance, and how God can help us change no matter what side of the spectrum we lean toward. Jessica Hottle is a successful online entrepreneur, speaker, author, podcaster, and faith-based fitness coach who helps women find freedom from their past and healing in their bodies. While she believes that we’re called to steward our bodies well, what matters most is what’s in our hearts and our standing in Christ. Things We Talked About on the Podcast: Lies that keep you from exercising Why it’s important to be consistent with exercise and how to discover what consistency looks like for you What to do on the days you miss your workout How to avoid becoming excessive with exercise How all-or

  • Raising Healthy Kids, Tired Eating, Depression Eating, and More

    15/07/2020 Duración: 24min

    In this episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast, I go back to the old "Ask Barb" format of some of the podcasts a few years ago. This is an episode I found in the archives that I hadn't ever posted. Here are a few of the things we talked about on the podcast.  Questions We Talked About: How to choose weight loss boundaries Which weight loss Bible study to do first: Taste for Truth or Freedom from Emotional Eating Beating yourselves up and feeling guilty about eating too much Feeling depressed about trying to eat with boundaries How to renew your mind for pain, tiredness, and non-situational depression Helping teens and older kids with eating boundaries Resources We Talked About: FB Live Video: How to Choose Weight Loss Boundaries Without Going Crazy RALLY Bible Study—a Bible study that will help you with trials Freedom from Emotional Eating Bible Study Taste for Truth Bible Study Self-condemnation questions I Deserve a Donut App Tired eating questions Online Christian Counseling – This is an online counse

  • How to Renew Consistently with Jamila

    02/06/2020 Duración: 29min

    Do you ever have a hard time making yourself renew your mind? Maybe you've found that truth journaling or doing the I Deserve a Donut questions works, but you just can't make yourself do it. Or you're willing to do it, but can't remember to do it. In today's episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast, I'll be coaching Jamila about how to renew consistently. We'll talk about what renewing looks like and how to do it in less than five minutes. Other Things We Talked About: How perfectionism gets in the way of renewing Can you truth journal in less than five minutes? Why it's important to start small with Bible study and renewing A new way to look at failure Practical things you can do to help you remember to renew How to find the time to renew How to renew consistently Lies We Talked About: I'm hungry (so I should eat). I'm tired (so I should eat). I already broke it so I might as well eat. I'll start tomorrow.

  • Letting Go of Weight Loss Obsession with Anne

    05/05/2020 Duración: 35min

    Do you ever feel like you have to be skinny? Do you obsess over what boundaries to choose? Do often find yourself with too many boundaries? If so, this podcast will help. Anne and I will be talking about how to let go of weight loss obsession. Things We Talked About: How to let go of the idol of skinny The dangers of seeing ourselves as “skinny” The dangers of seeing ourselves as “fat” Why we need to stop seeing ourselves as one-dimensional A helpful way to see ourselves How obsession with weight loss (the skinny idol) keeps us from losing weight Why it’s necessary to let go of weight loss obsession if you want to stop bingeing How junior high and high school is different than the rest of life (and why we need to start believing that!) The value of truth journaling through the past Lies We Talked About: I need to be skinny to be acceptable. If I’m not skinny, I’ll lose my friends. (One thing I forgot to mention on the podcast is this: If our friends will only like us if we’re skinny, how valuable is their

  • Renewing and Weight Loss While Parenting Young Kids with Amy

    17/03/2020 Duración: 36min

    Do you struggle to find time to renew your mind amidst the everyday chaos of parenting? Do you emotional eat due to stress? Do you find yourself saying, “It’s just one bite?” If so, today’s episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast will help. I’ll be visiting with Amy about some of the following topics: Things We Talked About: Dealing with everyday chaos Emotional eating due to stress Spending enough time with God Renewing the mind when you’re too frazzled Things to accept about parenting Truth journaling as a parent Children having a good relationship with God Letting go of perfection Lies We Talked About: I don’t want the food to go waste. It’s just one bite. It’s not going to hurt me. I can’t lock myself in my room to renew. It’s unfair to my children. Resources We Talked About: Freedom from Emotional Eating Taste for Truth Renewing of the Mind Project How to Listen to the Podcast: Click here to subscribe or listen on Apple podcasts Click here to subscribe or listen on Google Play Click here to sub

  • Out-to-Eat, Exercise, and Reward Eating with Meg

    18/02/2020 Duración: 29min

    Do you have a hard time following your weight loss boundaries when you go out to eat? Does exercise make you so hungry you feel like breaking boundaries? Do you wonder if you should add calories when exercising or going out to eat? If so, today’s coaching episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast will help. Here are just a few of the topics we’ll be discussing on the podcast: Things We Talked About: Should you add calories for exercise and going out to eat? Craving for snacks after exercising Internal rewards Ways to eat out while trying to lose weight Immediately putting half in the box when eating out The three-bite rule Renewing your mind after breaking your boundaries Importance of priming yourself in the morning Lies We Talked About: I deserve a snack because I exercised. I’m going out to eat; I deserve to eat all of it. I’ll just choose a healthy option at dinner…. I’ll just eat healthy tomorrow. How to Listen to the Podcast Click hereto subscribe or listen on Apple podcasts Click here to subscribe o

  • Losing Weight and Getting Healthy with Sarah

    20/01/2020 Duración: 35min

    Sarah struggled with her weight ever since she was young, dieting as early as 13-14 years old. After the birth of her son, she decided to address her eating issues. She found Freedom from Emotional Eating and started losing weight. Here are a few of the things we’ll be discussing on today’s episode of the podcast. Things We Talked About: Finding motivation after multiple failed weight loss attempts Importance of having well-defined boundaries Changing portion sizes Overcoming sugar and simple carbs addiction Reminding yourself of the truth every day Having a reward system as motivation People-pleasing Addressing underlying causes of unhealthy eating “Treating” anxiety with food Lies We Talked About: If my husband’s having this much, I should be able to have this much. It’s impossible to say no to your addiction. Life would be so boring if I gave up sweets. Resources We Talked About: Freedom from Emotional Eating Taste for Truth

  • Truth Journaling for Weight Loss with Joy

    31/12/2019 Duración: 32min

    On today’s episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast, I visit with Joy, who is just getting started with the Freedom from Emotional Eating Bible Study and also with truth journaling for weight loss. Joy listened to the podcast for a year before she decided to jump in and start a Bible study and renewing. Here are a few of the things we’ll be discussing on today’s episode of the podcast. Things We Talked About: How to truth journal throughout the day. Stress eating Eating to make you feel better Why it’s better to truth journal more often The hurdles to truth journaling Effective motivations for truth journaling Secret eating Lies We Talked About: I deserve this big portion because I haven’t eaten all day. I’m so stressed this will help me calm down. It’s been a hard day. This will make me feel better. I already dished it up so I might as well eat it all. Resources We Talked About: Freedom from Emotional Eating Renewing of the Mind Project Trim Healthy Mama Craig Groeschel sermon series on addiction (See the

  • Following Weight Loss Boundaries During the Holidays

    27/11/2019 Duración: 29min

    It's that time of year again. When we throw caution to the wind and break our weight loss boundaries left and right eating Christmas cookies and other goodies! On today's episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast, I do a coaching call with Judy and Amy about how to follow weight loss boundaries during the holidays.  Amy and Judy have been working through the Taste for Truth Bible study, and they have both been losing weight. Amy has lost 10 pounds so far and Judy has lost 22 pounds! I hope today's podcast will help you as we head into this holiday season. Here are a few of the lies we'll be covering that make us eat too much: Lies That Make Us Eat Too Much Over the Holidays I don't like being left out (during holiday parties so I need to eat like everyone else). If everyone is snitching cookies, I want to have my fair share. I need to eat this when no one is looking. It's the holidays. I'm going to indulge a little bit. It only happens once a year (so I need to live it up!). I don't want to hurt anyone's feeli

  • My Own Weight Loss Story - Barb Raveling

    01/11/2019 Duración: 23min

    This is a podcast episode I've been wanting to do for a long time. I guess it's appropriate that I finally made the commitment to do it after publishing my new Freedom from Procrastination Bible Study! In the podcast, I'll share my own weight loss journey and how God set me free from the control of food. Overeating and weight gain was an issue in my life from the time I was in high school until I was writing my first book, Freedom from Emotional Eating, in 2006. I published that book in 2008 and at the time I worried I would gain my weight back and be embarrassed that I had written a book on how to gain freedom from Emotional Eating! I didn't realized that I ate for procrastination and whenever I set out to write, I felt like procrastinating! It was disconcerting to be writing on weight loss and feeling like breaking boundaries while writing.  Thankfully, God has kept me on the straight and narrow and I have continued to live free from the control of food. I've found that it's a much more peaceful way to live

  • Post-Vacation Eating: How to Get Back on Track after Vacation

    27/09/2019 Duración: 16min

    Do you find that it's hard to get back on track after vacation with your weight loss boundaries? Even if you followed your boundaries while you're gone, it's often hard to follow them when you get home. Not only are we tired and in catch-up land with all the work that piled up, but we also often find ourselves feeling sad when we get back. We miss vacation--or if things went badly on vacation, we're sad about what happened.  Thankfully, God can help us recover from the post-vacation blues and help us to follow our boundaries. On this podcast, we'll talk about 7 things we can do to get back on track after vacation.    7 Ways to Get Back On Track After Vacation Give yourself grace. Process the vacation, if necessary.  Get a biblical perspective. Make a plan to slowly get caught up. Re-establish your eating and exercise boundaries ASAP. Make a "fun" plan. Spend extra time renewing the first few days back. How to Listen to the Podcast   Click here to listen on Apple podcasts Click here to listen on Google Pla

  • When You Hate Rules but Want to Lose Weight

    21/05/2019 Duración: 29min

    Do you ever rebel against losing weight because you just can’t stand following the rules? Do you feel like other people want you to lose weight, and that kind of bugs you? Do you hate authority, especially when it comes to diets and weight loss boundaries? If so, this podcast will help! We’ll talk about what to do when you want to lose weight but hate following rules.    In this coaching interview, I visit with Trish about how to change your mindset towards rules and authority so you don’t really mind having weight loss boundaries and may even learn to love them.    Here are a few of the topics we’ll discuss:    Why it’s important to associate consequences with breaking weight loss boundaries  Authority: Is it good or bad? What makes it good or bad?  Why parents and significant others often want us to lose weight  How to not let it bother us when people want us to lose weight  How to change our attitude towards weight loss boundaries or rules  How focusing on renewing our minds rath

  • When You’re Discouraged About Weight Loss

    24/04/2019 Duración: 14min

    Do you ever feel like you keep doing the same things over and over, and the needle on the scale never moves? On today’s episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast, I’ll be answering a listener’s question about what to do when you’re discouraged with weight loss.  Resources Mentioned on the Podcast  I Deserve a Donut (and Other Lies That Make You Eat)  Online weight loss Bible studies  How to Listen to the Podcast:  Apple Podcasts: click here  Stitcher: click here  Google Play: click here 

  • Overcoming Evening Eating with Kimberly Taylor

    27/03/2019 Duración: 30min

    You know what it's like. You finish dinner, clean up the dishes, and sit down to relax. That's when the cookies start calling your name. Or the ice cream. Or the chips. It's hard to say no to their insistent voices because you're tired of saying no all day. In today's podcast, Kimberly Taylor will give us some help with saying no and overcoming night eating. Kim blogs at takebackyourtemple.com and she recently did a session on overcoming night eating with her blog members. She asked everyone why they ate at night and came up with three groups of people: 1. Soothers. The soothers eat to ease their emotions. They may be stressed, lonely, or emotionally distraught in some other way and eating makes them feel better. 2. Sleepy Eaters. Sleepy eaters eat because they're tired and feel like they need a little pick-me-up to make it through the night. 3. Social Eaters. Social eaters eat because their spouses or kids or friends are eating and they want to join in the fun. Kimberly tells us that what we really need to d

  • How To Break Free from Entitlement Eating - Zoom Chat

    26/02/2019 Duración: 33min

    One of the beliefs that keeps us from losing weight is the belief that we should be able to eat “what we want when we want.” The truth is, we can eat “what we want when we want.” We just don’t lose weight when we do that! In today’s podcast, we’ll talk about how to break free from entitlement eating so we can lose weight and keep it off. This is a replay of a recent Zoom chat.

  • Social Eating, Failure Eating, and Overeating with Becky

    30/01/2019 Duración: 27min

    Do you ever find yourself eating too much at dinner? Do you ever feel uncomfortable at social gatherings and console yourself with food? Do you feel like you’re wasting time at some event and eat to while the time away? In today’s Taste for Truth podcast episode, I’ll be coaching Becky McGeorge about these subjects.     Here is a sampling of the topics we’ll be discussing:  eating too much at meals  failure eating  overeating at social gatherings  eating because you feel uncomfortable at social gatherings  how the I Deserve a Donut failure eating questions can help you avoid a binge  how to renew your mind before social events  how to think differently about social events you don’t want to be at  how God can use social events for your good if you’re a person who would rather be working on your to-do list rather than going to the social event  We also discuss the following lies:  This social gathering will take a long time. I need something (food) to occupy me.  I’m a little uncom

  • Daily Intentional Actions Lead to 110 Pound Weight Loss Victory

    30/11/2018 Duración: 26min

    In today’s Taste for Truth podcast interview, Jo shares how God helped her lose more than 100 pounds and maintain her weight loss for more than a year.    We’ll discuss some of the things Jo did to lose the weight and also to maintain her weight loss. Here’s a sampling of the topics we’ll be discussing: intentional living as it’s related to eating motivations for weight loss what Jo did when she was tired and tempted to overeat the Bible verses Jo used to gain victory tips for avoiding overeating in the evening why it’s so hard to lose the last 20 pounds if you have more than 100 pounds to lose why it’s important to review your reasons for losing weight reward eating what to do when you’re tempted to overeat the importance of knowing why you’re overeating the value in taking baby steps for weight loss and exercise Resources we Talked About on This Podcast: Weight Loss God’s Way MyFitnessPal app How to Listen to the Podcast: To listen and subscribe on iTunes: click here To listen

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