Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement



Join us on the Taste for Truth Podcast as we go to God for help with weight loss. We'll have victory interviews, coaching interviews, author interviews, tips, and even opportunities to renew your mind while you're listening to the podcast. My goal is to encourage you and equip you to break free from the control of food with Gods help.


  • 5 Lies Christian Women Believe That Sabotage Weight Loss with Sara Borgstede

    07/09/2022 Duración: 40min

    Do you ever feel guilty for focusing on weight loss and your health? Or, do you need to lose some weight but believe that you simply don't have the time? If so, you may be believing lies that are sabotaging your efforts to improve your health. Sara Borgstede from theholymess.com and I discuss these and other lies on today's episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast (links down below). Things We Discussed on the Podcast how we are better able to care for others when we care for ourselves the specific challenges we face in today's culture with regard to losing weight how Sara lost over 100 pounds and has kept it off for two decades managing our environment to help with weight loss what gluttony really is if God cares what we weigh Resources Mentioned on the Podcast Faithful Finish Lines - Sara's weight loss and coaching program Free 5-Day Challenge from the Faithful Finish Lines Program theholymess.com - Sara's website Overeating is a Sin (Here's How to Overcome It) - blog post Sara mentioned Taste for Truth B

  • How to Stop Eating So Much on Vacation with Stacie

    20/04/2022 Duración: 28min

    Do you struggle with vacation eating? Are you quick to throw all of your boundaries out as soon as you head out of town? Upon returning home, are you filled with remorse and find it difficult to return to healthful eating? In this coaching interview with Stacie, we'll discuss how to control vacation eating. (Find the links to listen down below.) Things We Discussed on This Episode The challenges we face and lies we believe when we binge on vacation How much more difficult it is to return back to "normal" life after being on a trip How out-of-control eating on vacation often can last for weeks or months after we are back home The emotional and physical draining we experience when we break our food boundaries We need to decide what kind of life we really want We need to rid ourselves of the cultural perspective on self-control How we need to learn new ways to "have fun" on vacation that don't revolve around food Resources Mentioned on This Episode Stress Eating and How to Truth Journal with Stacie Taste for

  • How to Maintain Your Weight with Michelle

    16/03/2022 Duración: 38min

    Do you find it challenging to maintain your weight after weight loss? Are you experiencing difficulty knowing what new boundaries to set for maintenance? Are you struggling with different lies than you did while losing weight?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, today's episode (links down below) with Michelle will be tremendously helpful! Lies We Discussed on the Podcast I don't need boundaries anymore! I'll start again tomorrow. I shouldn't have to track anymore now that I've reached my goal. I can relax my boundaries now.  Other Things We Discussed on the Podcast Different boundaries for losing and for maintaining Alternate ways to renew your mind if your regular method is getting boring Why it's good to have multiple tools for mind renewal How the maintenance phase is like a "new trial" How to know if using the scale is helpful or harmful Resources Mentioned on the Podcast Taste for Truth  Freedom from Emotional Eating   I Deserve a Donut App The Renewing of the Mind Project "How to Truth

  • How to Stop Sugar Cravings with 7 Habits with Katrina Sequenzia

    16/02/2022 Duración: 28min

    Breaking free from sugar cravings and managing your weight is about more than diet and exercise. Sugar is highly addictive and requires multiple steps to break free from its bondage. In this podcast episode, I am interviewing Katrina Sequenzia; Katrina is a Certified Health Coach and Registered Nurse on a mission to help Christians fulfill their God-given purpose by sharing the tools and resources to live a healthy lifestyle.    Katrina shares Seven Habits To Stop Sugar Cravings in today's interview, based on the signature framework from her life-changing programs. By the end of this episode, you will understand why some foods are more addictive than others, the impact that food and stress have on our bodies, and how you can begin the process of healing from your food and sugar addiction.    Episode Highlights:   [00:01:17] Understanding why we become addicted to sugar and other foods? Katrina breaks down the spiritual, physical, and emotional aspects of cravings.   [00:03:48] The body’s chemical reaction

  • Are You Tired of the Struggle to be Healthy? - 5 Tips

    19/01/2022 Duración: 23min

    It's January 19th, and many of us have already given up on our commitment to "Be Healthy This Year!!!!" It's not that we don't want to be healthy. We do! We're just demoralized by the constant failures that go along with working on a be-healthy habit. So what do we do to get out of that slump? Pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and make a commitment to try again tomorrow? I don't think so; I used to do that all the time and it didn't work. I didn't have enough self-control to make myself do the things that would lead me toward health or not do the things that kept me unhealthy. If we really want to be healthy--and we're not one of those people who love exercising and eating healthy--we need to renew our minds. The Bible tells us we're transformed by the renewing of the mind. This works for anything we do in life, including becoming healthy. The more we get God's perspective on life and food, the more we'll want to do things that will lead us toward health. If you'd like to become healthy this year, here is w

  • Helpful Tips to Stop Overeating

    15/12/2021 Duración: 28min

    It's that time of year again when parties and treats abound! Many of us who already struggle with overeating find it even more difficult to resist temptation during the holidays. What's a person to do?! Well, there are actually some ways to healthfully navigate this tempting time of year. Let's look at some helpful tips to stop overeating during the holidays. Change Your Mindset First, we need to adjust the way we think about food. We do this by renewing our minds and confronting any lies we believe that make us overeat. When we overindulge (or with any bad habit, really), there's usually something going on in our minds that is creating that intense desire to overeat. We may think, I've waited all year for this [insert special food]. We begin to anticipate all of the goodies that we don't regularly eat during the rest of the year. When we start to fixate on our favorite holiday foods - without trying to stem the tide of these thoughts - the desire for them just grows bigger. Many of us also probably have a st

  • Overcoming a Negative Body Image and a Difficult Childhood with Kate

    10/11/2021 Duración: 31min

    There is no more powerful influence in a child's life than that of her parents. But what if those parents are negative, critical, and broken people? How can we overcome the detrimental messages and negative body image that this can cause us to have, even into adulthood? That's our subject on today's episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast. Things We Discussed on the Podcast How the beliefs and messages we receive as children follow us into adulthood The lasting effects of parents who have their own health and negative body image problems How we have to change our mindset before our behaviors or habits will change Pushing back against society's wrong notion that only skinny people are beautiful The truth that there is "beauty at every weight" Trusting that God can work all things together for good Lies We Discussed on the Podcast It's inevitable that I'll break my boundaries. Why even try? You're just going to break your boundaries anyway. Resources Mentioned on the Podcast I Deserve a Donut App Going Gray

  • Transition Eating: What It is and How to Stop with Linda

    13/10/2021 Duración: 33min

    Do you ever find yourself struggling with your eating boundaries when your normal routine is interrupted? Do you find it difficult to get back to "real life" after coming back from a vacation or a holiday? If so, you'll want to listen to today's episode of the Taste for Truth podcast. I get to talk with Linda, who is a school teacher, about the challenges she faces with her eating during those transitional times in her life. Types of Transitions We Talk About on the Podcast - when plans change suddenly - from summer break to school or school to summer - from vacation to real life or from real life to vacation - from weight loss to maintenance. We didn't talk about transitions from one task to another on this podcast, but I find that's another common time for us to break boundaries. For this type of transition, the first step is to be aware of it. It's often caused by procrastination. We don't want to switch to the next activity so we procrastinate. And we often eat to procrastinate! This type of transition ea

  • Stress Eating and How to Truth Journal with Stacie

    15/09/2021 Duración: 38min

    Do you find yourself turning to food when life is stressful? Do you find it hard to recommit to healthy eating after breaking your boundaries over and over again? Did you know that truth journaling is a powerful tool to help with both of these things? On today's episode of the Taste for Truth podcast, I talk with Stacie, a registered nurse, who has been finding it increasingly difficult to handle all of the recent stress in her life without turning to food. Stacie is new to the idea of the renewing of the mind and truth journaling, so we get to go pretty in-depth on the practical steps of truth journaling. Lies We Discussed on this Episode 1. Food calms me down after a hard discussion. 2. Food is a good comforter. 3. I have no control of my food right now. 4. Life is so stressful now I can't follow my diet. 5. I might as well break my boundaries now and start again tomorrow. 6. This is going to make me feel better. 7. This is just what I need.   Resources Mentioned on This Episode I Deserve a Donut App Ho

  • Getting Back on Track after Breaking Your Boundaries with Brooke

    18/08/2021 Duración: 29min

    Do you ever have a hard time getting back on track after you break your boundaries? In today's episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast, I visit with Brooke about how to get back to your boundaries as quickly as possible.   Topics We Discussed on This Episode How perfectionism messes us up How food can still be an issue even when you are at a healthy weight What people who never struggle with weight loss do after they eat too much Perfectionism lies and how to overcome them with truth How we feel when we break our boundaries Why it's hard to stay on track once we break our boundaries Lies that make us break our boundaries for days instead of getting back on track How to adjust your boundaries for different events or seasons in your life Strategies for getting right back on track when we break our boundaries Shifting our mindset after a setback Emotional eating I need more interviews! If you're interested in doing a coaching or victory interview, please click here. I will be accepting interviews for a limited

  • How to Stop Obsessing About Weight Loss and Exercise with Heather Creekmore

    05/05/2021 Duración: 36min

    Do you constantly think about losing weight? Do you struggle with a healthy body image? On this episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast, Heather Creekmore gives insight into her own struggle with body image and how she learned to stop obsessing about weight loss! Heather Creekmore writes and speaks hope to thousands of women each week inspiring them to stop comparing and start living. Her first book, Compared to Who?, encourages women to uncover the spiritual root of body image issues and find freedom. Her new release, The Burden of Better, offers women a journey into the depths of God's grace to find a way off the treadmill of constant comparison. Heather has been featured on Fox News, Huff Post, Morning Dose, Church Leaders, For Every Mom, along with dozens of other shows and podcasts, but she's best recognized from her appearance as a contestant on the Netflix hit show, Nailed It. Heather and her fighter-pilot-turned-pastor husband, Eric, have four children and live in Austin, Texas. Connect with Heather at

  • Consistency with Boundaries, Chronic Pain, and Letting Go of the Skinny Idol with Lexi

    07/04/2021 Duración: 37min

    Do you struggle with consistency in following your boundaries? Are you halfway through your weight loss journey and looking for help with the second half? Do you ever feel like you need to be skinny to be loved? Have you experienced chronic pain? These are just a few of the topics we discuss on today's episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast. This is both a coaching interview and a victory interview. Lexi is a young mom with four kids between the ages of 2 and 12. She lost 30 pounds with three meals a day boundaries. Then she switched over to Weight Watchers which helped to jumpstart her weight loss again. Before losing weight, Lexi struggled with chronic back pain. She is almost pain-free now. Here are a few of the topics we discuss on the podcast: What Lexi did to lose 30 pounds with three meals a day boundaries How Lexi renewed her mind Why she answered the I Deserve a Donut questions in writing Lexi's advice for others starting out - Be easy on yourself! Plus more tips How to work on losing weight without

  • How to Lose Weight on 3 Meals a Day

    10/03/2021 Duración: 19min

    Do you feel overwhelmed when trying to choose weight loss boundaries? Or do you fear that if you choose something as simple as "3 meals a day" for your boundaries, that you won't lose weight? On this episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast, I go over how to use 3 Meals a Day as an effective boundary for losing weight. How it Works For this set of boundaries to be effective for weight loss, you would need to: Eat only 3 meals per day, plus one or two snacks (if needed), Not have second helpings, unless planned, Try to eat as little as possible at each meal. How to Renew As with any set of boundaries, it is important to renew your mind when you break your boundaries. For the 3 Meals Per Day, boundaries, you would need to renew: Every time you have an extra meal or snack, Every time you have an unplanned second helping If you're still not losing after a couple of weeks, consider adding a 3rd time to renew your mind: every time you find yourself eating as much as possible rather than as little as possible. (Do

  • Losing 82 Pounds on Weight Watchers with Jana

    10/02/2021 Duración: 30min

    Are you someone who doesn’t know how to deal with negative emotions in a positive way? Do you find alcohol numbing and emotional eating attractive when you’re under stress? If you’re finding it difficult to handle stress and worry, join this episode and be inspired as Jana shares her journey to losing 82 pounds on Weight Watchers. Jana has been amazing with keeping it up with her weight loss program for six years. Admitted to having had an alcohol and binge drinking problem to numb emotional pain, she surrendered her life to God, and through the Holy Spirit’s conviction, her alcohol addiction had rapidly left. However, having that removed, all of a sudden, her habit of drinking away the pain has morphed into binge eating. As her weight skyrocketed, she got introduced to a weight-loss program called Weight Watchers which began her weight-loss journey. Things We Talked About: How Jana had the opportunity to put an end to her binge drinking and alcoholism by accepting the Holy Spirit into her life What Jana did

  • How to Stop Overeating in the Afternoon - 7 Tips

    13/01/2021 Duración: 17min

    When I ask women what time of day they most often break their boundaries, I usually get one of two answers: either mid-afternoon or evening. Since I've already done a couple of podcast episodes on how to end evening eating, today I'd like to talk about how to stop overeating in the afternoon. Let's begin by looking at why this is a tempting time of day. Who struggles with afternoon eating? While anyone can struggle with overeating in the afternoon, here are the most common groups of people: Stay-at-home moms Homeschool moms Retired people People who work from home: entrepreneurs, writers, etc. Homemakers I think the reason these groups struggle the most is because we're actually at home in the afternoon! Chances are good that people who work outside the home would love to start eating at 3:00 in the afternoon but their jobs prevent them from eating at that time. Although if you often pop down to the vending machine at work or in your college dorm around 3:00 in the afternoon, you know the struggle to stop o

  • 10 Lies that Make Us Give Up on New Year’s Resolutions

    31/12/2020 Duración: 21min

    5 steps to accomplish your New Year's resolutions and goals and 10 lies that make you give up on them

  • Losing 80 Pounds with Gods Help with Angie

    16/12/2020 Duración: 36min

    Struggling with weight loss for the longest time? Overwhelmed with a lot of programs out there? Confused because you felt like nothing really works for you? You’re not alone. Listen up as Angela Pryor talks about her struggles in her weight loss journey and how she came about losing 80 pounds with God’s help, just accepting him into her life and acknowledging his agenda. Angie is a reader of I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat): A Christian Weight Loss Resource book. She renewed her mind with the questions she found in the book and by meditation. She has been on the weight loss journey since she was 12 and found herself struggling with every weight loss program that she tried until she finally found Bright Lines Eating and accepted it as God’s gift. She shares how meditation with scriptures helped her follow her boundaries. Things We Talked About: Is Angie still following the Bright Lines Eating guidelines? Angie talks about her struggles with insecurities and overeating in her weight loss jo

  • A Thin Within Weight Loss Story with Dory

    18/11/2020 Duración: 28min

    Today on the Taste for Truth Podcast, I’m excited to visit with Dory about her Thin Within weight loss story. Dory lost twenty pounds using Thin Within’s hunger/satisfaction boundaries. She shares the struggles and victories along the way in this interview.  She also shares examples of some of the truth cards she made to help her renew her mind. (Keep scrolling to see those.) Here are a few of the things we discuss on the podcast: Things We Talked About: Why Dory felt like she couldn’t trust herself around food What Dory realized the day she moved out of her family home for 25 years How did Dory do on her hunger-fullness boundaries? Dory’s hunger and fullness signals Handling emotional eating Dory’s ways to renewing her mind Did Dory feel like quitting? How Dory saw God’s love through this experience Dory’s advice for someone who’s weight has been going up and down Quotable Quotes: “What I really try to do is taste my food and use my senses and take in–more than just ingesting but actually take in– that thi

  • Losing the Last 10 Pounds with Anne

    21/10/2020 Duración: 36min

    Have you ever lost weight and then gained the last 5 or 10 pounds back? Or lost a bunch of weight and then stalled at the last 5 or 10 pounds? Join me in this victory and coaching interview with Anne as she talks about her weight loss victory and losing the last 10 pounds. Things we Talked About: Is setting food boundaries effective? How Anne finds time to do Bible studies and renew her mind How has the pandemic affected Anne’s eating habits? What would be a good reason to lose that last 10 pounds? What are the benefits of having self-control as opposed to just ignoring boundaries for a part of the day? How to follow your boundaries Anne’s biggest takeaway on what can help her get back on track to losing the last 10 pounds Quotable Quotes: Once I start controlling the food, I have more time and space to connect with God because I’m not overcome with guilt and I’m not trying to live in secrecy. - Anne Once I start making those little changes, other bigger changes that I want in life start to happen. - Anne R

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